*** The Punisher (Dark Reign) ***



  • d0nk3y
    d0nk3y Posts: 213
    dkffiv wrote:
    For Molotov Cocktail I like to imagine that Frank is a drunk and is throwing empty beer bottles

    Instructions unclear - firebombed neighbor's Mercedes.
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    dkffiv wrote:
    For Molotov Cocktail I like to imagine that Frank is a drunk and is throwing empty beer bottles

    "100 bo'les o' beer on thah waaalll..."
  • Linkster79 wrote:
    Some indicator as to what percentage the enemies health is at would be nice too. Maths is not my strong suite and I often cast Retribution seemingly too soon.
    neither is spelling icon_razz.gif
  • Jathro
    Jathro Posts: 323 Mover and Shaker
    This reads a lot like Character Discussion....
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    Well since I am the pariah of the fourms I thought I'd try to help Pun out

    Judgement says destroys 3x3 square yet routinely destroys less than that because it goes off the edge. Yet xforce was fixed to not do this. Can we please have punisher's judgement bug fixed so it destroys a 3x3 area?

    He needs some other love but this skill not matching description always bothered me

    I'm looking forward to the dev update thread which says "We just noticed that Punisher's Judgment sometimes only destroys a 2 x 2 area in the corner of the board. This is as we intended and we will be issuing a patch later today so that only a 2 x 2 area is destroyed regardless of the area of the board targeted. Also only one strike tile will be created"
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sorry Phaserhawk, but you're actually suggesting another nerf.

    Judgement, for me, is in no way about tiles destroyed. That damage is insignificant. It is about putting out strikes, and in an average match, I do it more than once. Landing in a corner is a bonus. I don't want the skill to be more likely to take out my own strikes or Molotovs. The way to buff it would be to let the player select the location. If not that, leave it alone.

    I would like the % indicator for Retribution. Maybe put a punisher icon on the life bars of targets that you can instantly down when you have his skill menu open.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    firethorne wrote:
    Sorry Phaserhawk, but you're actually suggesting another nerf.

    Judgement, for me, is in no way about tiles destroyed. That damage is insignificant. It is about putting out strikes, and in an average match, I do it more than once. Landing in a corner is a bonus. I don't want the skill to be more likely to take out my own strikes or Molotovs. The way to buff it would be to let the player select the location. If not that, leave it alone.

    I would like the % indicator for Retribution. Maybe put a punisher icon on the life bars of targets that you can instantly down when you have his skill menu open.

    how about a tweak, he does not destroy any friendly tiles, this way we can use it multiple times and not kill our own stuff.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    firethorne wrote:
    Sorry Phaserhawk, but you're actually suggesting another nerf.

    Judgement, for me, is in no way about tiles destroyed. That damage is insignificant. It is about putting out strikes, and in an average match, I do it more than once. Landing in a corner is a bonus. I don't want the skill to be more likely to take out my own strikes or Molotovs. The way to buff it would be to let the player select the location. If not that, leave it alone.

    I would like the % indicator for Retribution. Maybe put a punisher icon on the life bars of targets that you can instantly down when you have his skill menu open.

    how about a tweak, he does not destroy any friendly tiles, this way we can use it multiple times and not kill our own stuff.

    That would also be good, though then you could have issues where your own Hailstorm could prevent you from using your own skill. So, I'd still vote for user selectable location.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    dkffiv wrote:
    Retribution is easy to measure at 30%.
    I am not sure how to explain, let me try.

    The life bar looks like a cross. Pay attention, whenever the red life bar goes down below the horizontal bars of that cross thats it you are into the 30% if that makes sense.
    Try it a few times, 30% is spot on mark with the cross like life bar.

    40% is when they have a sliver over the cross, you get used to judging it. Also get good at math. Take their max health, divide by 10 (shift the decimal place over by 1) then multiply by 4.

    wow, you guys are making the 40% way too complicated. I just click on the enemy character to bring up his stats page---health, match dmg, etc. I just do a quick 40% of health calculation and see if it's close to current health. If it is, I'll just hold off on retribution for a bit longer. It's not a perfect solution, but my screw up rate is like 1 in 20. So I'll take it. icon_e_smile.gif
  • I wish Judgement would get the Beast treatment and not destroy friendly tiles.
    Man, those moments when he destroys his own Molotov or strike tiles, not to mention a special tile from someone else of the team...probably could make him more viable with more characters?

    After all, Punisher is a guy who destroys a lot of stuff, but he takes great care to not harm innocents on the way and stuff like that, so he actually calculates a bit, not "yeah, i'm just gonna shoot a rocket there, who cares where it actually hits" like his Judgement.

    And an indicator for Retribution would be cool. I actually used a calculator, but having the health bar with some kind of mark (like Deadpool's Red) would work pretty good too.
  • W4LAndre
    W4LAndre Posts: 73 Match Maker
    dkffiv wrote:
    Retribution is easy to measure at 30%.
    I am not sure how to explain, let me try.

    The life bar looks like a cross. Pay attention, whenever the red life bar goes down below the horizontal bars of that cross thats it you are into the 30% if that makes sense.
    Try it a few times, 30% is spot on mark with the cross like life bar.

    40% is when they have a sliver over the cross, you get used to judging it. Also get good at math. Take their max health, divide by 10 (shift the decimal place over by 1) then multiply by 4.

    You can shorten that even further by taking their max health and multiplying it by 0.4 (40%), or 0.3 (30%), or whatever, depending on what your cover level is for Retribution. For those who aren't super mathematically inclined but want to make sure they are right. A quick switch to the calculator on your phone, tablet, pc and you'll never misfire it again.
  • Going off board is the least of his problems. Both green and black need a buff because he is a joke after the health buff. Most of his strike tile damage can be blocked by Cage's passive and even without Cage, 360 extra damage/per match for 8 red AP is way too low. He used to be one of the strongest characters when he was released, and I haven't seen him on a team for ages.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    I doubt they'd let us make Judgement target-able to the accuracy of a single tile, but it would be great to have at least some coarse control - even just a top/bottom or left/right side of the board. Also, the power of those attack tiles from Molotov need some serious love - they're so difficult to get even *one* to stick that even if their initial power was *tripled* it still wouldn't feel overpowered.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Unfortunately, I'm still not betting any of these will come to pass.

    Or, if they do, they probably won't be applied to the original. Maybe a star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png variant released as a Netflix Daredevil season 2 tie in, along with another DD and Electra.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd like mnmags red to not spawn at the edge too. that would be nice.
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    I like all my special tiles. I don't want Frank blowing them up. I love that he hits the edge of the board so often.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    they could add a skull and crossbones over the faces of those enemies that fall below the current retribution's trigger % when you open up Punisher's power index.
  • puppychow wrote:
    dkffiv wrote:
    Retribution is easy to measure at 30%.
    I am not sure how to explain, let me try.

    The life bar looks like a cross. Pay attention, whenever the red life bar goes down below the horizontal bars of that cross thats it you are into the 30% if that makes sense.
    Try it a few times, 30% is spot on mark with the cross like life bar.

    40% is when they have a sliver over the cross, you get used to judging it. Also get good at math. Take their max health, divide by 10 (shift the decimal place over by 1) then multiply by 4.

    wow, you guys are making the 40% way too complicated. I just click on the enemy character to bring up his stats page---health, match dmg, etc. I just do a quick 40% of health calculation and see if it's close to current health. If it is, I'll just hold off on retribution for a bit longer. It's not a perfect solution, but my screw up rate is like 1 in 20. So I'll take it. icon_e_smile.gif
    i dont play games to do math icon_evil.gificon_evil.gificon_evil.gificon_evil.gificon_evil.gificon_evil.gif
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    Well since I am the pariah of the fourms I thought I'd try to help Pun out

    Judgement says destroys 3x3 square yet routinely destroys less than that because it goes off the edge. Yet xforce was fixed to not do this. Can we please have punisher's judgement bug fixed so it destroys a 3x3 area?

    He needs some other love but this skill not matching description always bothered me

    Wait, what?! You're the pariah of the forum?! Did raisinbman finally get himself banned?!
  • El Satanno wrote:
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    Well since I am the pariah of the fourms I thought I'd try to help Pun out

    Judgement says destroys 3x3 square yet routinely destroys less than that because it goes off the edge. Yet xforce was fixed to not do this. Can we please have punisher's judgement bug fixed so it destroys a 3x3 area?

    He needs some other love but this skill not matching description always bothered me

    Wait, what?! You're the pariah of the forum?! Did raisinbman finally get himself banned?!