Upcoming Change: Character Level Shift
So now 3*s won't have nice round HP anymore? 5800 hp, 8700 hp...
Anyways, hope they do the update soon.0 -
RockMonster wrote:This change is going to make it harder for maxed 2* characters to compete with 3*, while doing nothing to bridge the progression gap between high end players and mid tier players. Today I can use a 2* with a couple of 3* and do ok, but with the level shift that will be a much less attractive option. I'm not going to expand roster slots to accommodate this, instead I'm going to sell 2* characters off that I no longer have a use for. The number of characters I actually use will shrink, and my overall roster will become less diverse and less interesting.
I think you have too much of a negative thinking on this. So how about this. As of right now, you need to get 3* to a soft cap of 95 to begin to be equal or stronger than the 2* counterpart. Thor is the easiest to look at. However, it costs more IP to get that 3* to lvl 95 than it does to get the same 2* to 85. Now with the level shift, a soft capped 3* at currently 90 would become more powerful than a similiar 2* maxed and getting to 90 costs less ISO than getting to lvl 85 in 2*. That is where the benefit comes about.
However, this only address lvls and not covers. I agree that your maxed 2* Thor is probably better than a 2/3/4 3* Thor I'm not sure I haven't seen the numbers. But where you are going to be more **** are characters whose covers make the skill more efficient than just more powerful. Example is Thor's red, the more covers the more damage, but it doesn't change anything other than that, where his yellow not only gets damage increase, but also more tiles converted, that is where limited covers on a character still won't benefit from a lvl increase, but this lvl increase will close that gap to be smaller than what it is right now.
Here are some 3*'s that will benefit from the lvl increase regardless of covers, so long as you can get them to at least lvl 90 at current pre increase lvls. (note) what I mean by efficiency is that the skill does more than pure dmg increases, examples are Captain america's blue and red, which can destroy more tiles, or thor's yellow which lets you convert more green
Human Torch--Covers only increase dmg not efficiency
Black Panther--Other than blue, covers only increase the skill, not overall efficiency
Black Widow GS--Her skills are so ridiculous but purple, that this will help her
Daredevil --He sucks anyways, this helps him suck a little less
Psylocke --- much like BP her blue sucks, but your red and black will benefit
There are a few other's like Thor, Punisher, Hulk, who while still benefit a lot from extra covers, will still be pumped a little. As for the rest, yeah, you wont' see much benefit for them until they are full covered, but you just added a few more playables into your roster, mostly HT, Psy, and BP. Those three alone can really help you transition out of 2*. Assuming you are pretty much running only Ares, Thor, OBW as your primary 2*'s, with C.Storm, 2*Cap, and M.Mags as fill ins, you could run a HT, Ares, OBW deck allowing you more diversity and a stronger roster0 -
Phaserhawk wrote:However, this only address lvls and not covers. I agree that your maxed 2* Thor is probably better than a 2/3/4 3* Thor I'm not sure I haven't seen the numbers. But where you are going to be more **** are characters whose covers make the skill more efficient than just more powerful. Example is Thor's red, the more covers the more damage, but it doesn't change anything other than that, where his yellow not only gets damage increase, but also more tiles converted, that is where limited covers on a character still won't benefit from a lvl increase, but this lvl increase will close that gap to be smaller than what it is right now.
You are correct that it increases the effectiveness versus the current environment. However, after the change, it is NOT closing the gap against the new maximum. Which is what you will be facing in PvP.
So, net effect is not an improvement. On the other hand, you now have a hero who is no more effective in his environment and takes longer to heal. Wooohoo!
To clarify, you appear to be comparing the increased level against the game environment as it is today without taking into account the fact that the levels of everything that hero will face are also increased.
Do you see now why there is no benefit to this change?
It is an illusion of power and effectiveness to lure hoarders to spend their ISOs. IceX stated specifically that this was the objective. Don't try to spin this as a benefit to 2* Players making the transition to 3*, cause improving their (our) quality of life is not the objective here.0 -
Phaserhawk wrote:RockMonster wrote:This change is going to make it harder for maxed 2* characters to compete with 3*, while doing nothing to bridge the progression gap between high end players and mid tier players. Today I can use a 2* with a couple of 3* and do ok, but with the level shift that will be a much less attractive option. I'm not going to expand roster slots to accommodate this, instead I'm going to sell 2* characters off that I no longer have a use for. The number of characters I actually use will shrink, and my overall roster will become less diverse and less interesting.
I think you have too much of a negative thinking on this. So how about this. As of right now, you need to get 3* to a soft cap of 95 to begin to be equal or stronger than the 2* counterpart. Thor is the easiest to look at. However, it costs more IP to get that 3* to lvl 95 than it does to get the same 2* to 85. Now with the level shift, a soft capped 3* at currently 90 would become more powerful than a similiar 2* maxed and getting to 90 costs less ISO than getting to lvl 85 in 2*. That is where the benefit comes about.
However, this only address lvls and not covers. I agree that your maxed 2* Thor is probably better than a 2/3/4 3* Thor I'm not sure I haven't seen the numbers. But where you are going to be more **** are characters whose covers make the skill more efficient than just more powerful. Example is Thor's red, the more covers the more damage, but it doesn't change anything other than that, where his yellow not only gets damage increase, but also more tiles converted, that is where limited covers on a character still won't benefit from a lvl increase, but this lvl increase will close that gap to be smaller than what it is right now.
Here are some 3*'s that will benefit from the lvl increase regardless of covers, so long as you can get them to at least lvl 90 at current pre increase lvls. (note) what I mean by efficiency is that the skill does more than pure dmg increases, examples are Captain america's blue and red, which can destroy more tiles, or thor's yellow which lets you convert more green
Human Torch--Covers only increase dmg not efficiency
Black Panther--Other than blue, covers only increase the skill, not overall efficiency
Black Widow GS--Her skills are so ridiculous but purple, that this will help her
Daredevil --He sucks anyways, this helps him suck a little less
Psylocke --- much like BP her blue sucks, but your red and black will benefit
There are a few other's like Thor, Punisher, Hulk, who while still benefit a lot from extra covers, will still be pumped a little. As for the rest, yeah, you wont' see much benefit for them until they are full covered, but you just added a few more playables into your roster, mostly HT, Psy, and BP. Those three alone can really help you transition out of 2*. Assuming you are pretty much running only Ares, Thor, OBW as your primary 2*'s, with C.Storm, 2*Cap, and M.Mags as fill ins, you could run a HT, Ares, OBW deck allowing you more diversity and a stronger roster
In my personal case, I have three or four 3* characters that will leap frog my 2*, but they'll still be woefully outmatched when I go up against a fully maxed 3* team, and subbing in a 2* will no longer be an option at all. Worse still, pure damage dealers come out ahead, but defence and utility characters and skills stay behind. There's a discrepancy in the amount of damage vs utility as it is, especially within my own roster, and this seems to exacerbate it.
I can see how this benefits some characters and some players, but I think it still leaves a lot of others behind. It's another in a long line of changes that are made to this game with the "this is better, even if it isn't better for YOU" mentality the developers seem to have.0 -
Just noticed that they announced that this is going live today. I just signed in and played a match and don't see any adjustments to my levels yet. Anyone seeing anything change yet?0
Just went live for me0
OSU Buckeyes wrote:Just noticed that they announced that this is going live today. I just signed in and played a match and don't see any adjustments to my levels yet. Anyone seeing anything change yet?
Just got it.0 -
What happened to "wanting to let the devs enjoy their 4th of july weekend"?0
Yup, me too.0
OSU Buckeyes wrote:Just noticed that they announced that this is going live today. I just signed in and played a match and don't see any adjustments to my levels yet. Anyone seeing anything change yet?0
and boom goes the dynamite!!!!!0
My Hulk is 101 lv and went from 7070 to 8700+. That's a huge leap. I know match damage from 166 3* has also increased, but I wonder how often his black will trigger now. Makes me feel good that I didn't level him higher before knowing this detail.0
Dear MPQ,
Thank you for messing up months and months of careful planning and hardwork. I stopped leveling BP so that Patch could still tank yellow. Yea, that does not work any more. I'm hoping this is a bug. I'm not sure how if they were both leveled the same amount that there is such a large disparity between the strength of their yellows.
Stupid for trying to plan anything.0 -
And of course all my careful leveling is screwed -- was keeping yellow guys under Patch, now all are over him.
FU devs, you keep not delivering things we ask including trivial as which goon controls tile while keep messing up the game to hose whoever applied planning and thinking.
Of course option adjust levels to lower was also asked -- without result.0 -
104 is the new level in which 3* is equal match damage to lv 94 2*. That was level 79 beforehand. The cap previously you'd have to level to 97 for equal damage to 85. That gap has officially been closed by a good margin of ISO.0
Sniper Rifle -- 3912
Rage of the Panther -- 3708
Call the Storm -- 4558 / 2259
Star-Spangled Avenger -- 4031
Fireball -- 3390
The new health values
67/12/60/11/10/52 - 3.5 - _9/__/_8/__/__/12 - 7250 - 8500 - [goto=blackpanther3]Black Panther[/goto] (Man Without Fear) 4
11/12/60/67/10/52 - 4.0 - __/12/__/11/15/__ - 5075 - 5950 - [goto=blackwidow3]Black Widow[/goto] (Grey Suit) 4
67/60/52/10/11/12 - 3.0 - 19/11/12/__/__/__ - 7250 - 8500 - [goto=captainamerica3]Captain America[/goto] (Steve Rogers)
08/09/09/52/67/60 - 4.0 - __/__/_5/PA/__/PA - 5800 - 6800 - [goto=daken3]Daken[/goto] (Classic)
10/52/60/67/11/12 - 3.5 - __/_7/_7/11/__/__ - 5800 - 6800 - [goto=daredevil3]Daredevil[/goto] (Modern)
09/09/53/41/10/47 - 3.0 - __/__/_9/__/__/12 - 5440 - [goto=doctordoom3]Doctor Doom[/goto] (Classic)
67/12/52/60/11/10 - 3.0 - PA/__/PA/12/__/__ - 5075 - 5950 - [goto=falcon3]Falcon[/goto] (Mighty Avengers)
12/67/11/10/52/60 - 3.0 - __/_8/__/__/_5/10 - 5075 - 5950 - [goto=humantorch3]Human Torch[/goto] (Classic)
60/67/52/12/11/10 - 3.5 - 14/13/20/__/__/__ - 7250 - 8500 - [goto=ironman3]Iron Man[/goto] (Model 40)
10/09/11/57/44/51 - 3.0 - __/__/__/_5/__/11 - 4148 - [goto=loki3]Loki[/goto] (Dark Reign)
52/60/67/10/11/12 - 3.2 - __/_2/_5/10/__/__ - 5800 - 6800 - [goto=magneto3]Magneto[/goto] (Classic)
10/67/60/10/10/52 - 3.8 - __/_8/10/__/__/_6 - 5800 - 6800 - [goto=psylocke3]Psylocke[/goto] (Classic)
10/51/10/11/51/11 - 3.0 - __/_6/__/__/10/__ - 7111 - 8611 - [goto=ragnarok3]Ragnarok[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
67/12/52/60/11/10 - 3.0 - 12/__/_5/PA/__/__ - 5800 - 6800 - [goto=spiderman3]Spider-Man[/goto] (Classic) 4
52/67/12/10/60/11 - 3.0 - _8/11/__/__/_7/__ - 8700 -10200 - [goto=sentry3]Sentry[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
12/60/67/11/52/10 - 3.0 - __/_9/_9/__/12/__ - 8700 -10200 - [goto=shehulk3]She Hulk[/goto] (Modern)
11/60/10/12/67/52 - 3.5 - __/_9/__/__/10/_9 - 4350 - 5100 - [goto=storm3]Storm[/goto] (Mohawk)
67/12/60/11/10/52 - 4.5 - 14/__/PA/__/__/_9 - 4350 - 5100 - [goto=thehood3]The Hood[/goto] (Classic)
11/60/12/10/67/52 - 3.0 - __/14/__/__/10/PA - 9788 -11475- [goto=thehulk3]The Hulk[/goto] (Indestructible)
10/52/11/12/60/67 - 4.0 - __/_8/__/__/_8/_7 - 5800 - 6800 - [goto=thepunisher3]The Punisher[/goto] (Dark Reign) 4
60/67/11/10/52/12 - 3.5 - 12/_8/__/__/14/__ - 8700 - 10200 - [goto=thor3]Thor[/goto] (Modern)
52/60/12/11/67/10 - 4.0 - PA/14/__/__/_9/__ - 5800 - 6800 - [goto=wolverine3]Wolverine[/goto] (Patch)0 -
Nonce Equitaur 2 wrote:Sniper Rifle -- 3912
Rage of the Panther -- 3708
Call the Storm -- 4558 / 2259
Star-Spangled Avenger -- 4031
Fireball -- 3390
The new health values
Thank you for making and posting these! I had no idea what these changes meant, this really helps.0 -
I thought the ISO needed to max would be the same? Some of my fully covered 2* characters are needing an extra ~10,000 ISO to go the extra 9 levels. What gives? Now I'm even farther behind maxing them out0
deleted post0
Good news is that you now get 50% more ISO in the store... coincidence?
I'm guessing they dialed up the levels but didn't freeze the ISO costs accordingly. I would hope that would be adjusted soon before they have to go back and pro-rate anyone who levels up characters post-level shift.0
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