True Healing Discussion (Live 6/25)
pz_n_qz wrote:simonsez wrote:pz_n_qz wrote:With the change actually in effect now, I'm finding the PVP event (Hollowpoint Kiss) more engaging with the different character combos (rather than the usual OBW/**Thor or OBW/Ares combo) to use and compete against. So the change is working on that front
Yeah, I get that (just poorly stated on my end). I don't think it's a coincidence that they rolled this out during a PVP event w/in which you can't use OBW. I'm just stating that without her in the mix it does add some variety to PVP that I like. If the intent is you will drop out of your OBW/Ares/Thor rut into some of your other high **/mid-*** for extended PVP play I really think it's a good change and lead to more mix in the PVP. It's just that when health would run low I'd go to a PVE event to recharge and gain points (mostly! I'd often go in and have my **** handed due to some unfortunate drops or countdowns) before going back to PVE. It consistently allowed for a good, solid 45 - 90 minutes of game time which I think we're going to miss now. But I honestly enjoyed not having the OBW crutch and constant OBW opponent in the PVP, just would prefer some compensatory recharge option. The accelerated character health just isn't enough. The health packs need to refresh at double-time I think to get back some of that balance.
I'll have to see how the Daredevil PVP fares (as well as this new Dark Avengers Heroic PVE which seems to be designed in part to test her out with "True Health")
every team i see in daredevil PvP tournament with my mmr is OBW/ thor or ares or wolverine. so diversity is a failure in my case and now i have to only play for 10 minutes instead of being able to play as long as i wished or ran out of health pack to either to revive my downed obw or her partners.0 -
I have played this game a lot. I can honestly say that this is the only "freemium" game I have spent money on ever. It has been huge fun working my team up to a really good 2 star level, with mStorm, wolvie, Ares, Thor, and OBW.
I also work. I have a job that I work at 10 hours plus a day, which means I have limited time to play, which also means chasing a top 25 finish near impossible. The only way I could ever even come close is hoping that I could get a few matches in with the same team, using my health packs and OBW healing. Now that is wasted with "true healing". I have gotten hammered with worse and worse cascades the last few days. Today in hollow point, Thor got a 14 green cascade. What am I supposed to do? Take it squarely, sans Vaseline.
Tomorrow is red X force Wolverine on my resupply. I am not sure if I will get it, or anything else in this game ever again.0 -
Figured I'd just cross post my revised App Store review:
1 *
Title: F*ck you, you cash wh*res.
"True healing" changed this game from hours of fun every day to 20 minutes of frustration, followed by the familiar beggars hand of pay-to-play. I gladly paid $140 on this for two months of great fun; now I regret it. F*ck you twice, D3P.
Short and sweet.0 -
Been reading deadpool and saw this... Thought it seemed appropriate to go here!0
Xerobull wrote:After sleeping on this a few nights, I have to say that I'm glad for the change. I was bored with the grind and now the playing field is leveled.
Me too. I just bought Final Fantasy VIII on steam summer sale for 3.67 EUR and will play that on the weekend and whatever more it takes then carry on with the rest of the games I abandoned or bought since last Christmas. While you folks kill Lieutenant #12321 with his company of soldiers or Dakens to get more Sentry covers just to ensure you can heal all your team with health packs. Grind on!0 -
Deadpool next character confimed.Incredible_Bulk wrote:Been reading deadpool and saw this... Thought it seemed appropriate to go here!0
Hey, thanks guys. You finally did it. Two hundred and something bucks later, you finally did it. You got me to quit playing your game.
Why would I even use Spider-Man anymore? Why would anyone? Why did I spend money to get covers, and time to level him up? What's the point of Spider-Man now?
Good. I can get back some of my disposable income. Yeah, I registered just to post this.
Up yours,
A former fan0 -
Gave it another go. Sucked even harder. Good scam you ran on us. I wonder if a class action is in order to get the money we waisted on this bait-and-switch?0
Turnabout wrote:Why would I even use Spider-Man anymore? Why would anyone? Why did I spend money to get covers, and time to level him up? What's the point of Spider-Man now?
Maybe to heal your GSBW and team long enough to sweep me with her **** Sniper shot that's happened to me 3 times now??? Spiderman is def not useless on defense. Matching purple to build defense which feeds GSBW's purple ability which feeds her sniper shot.
Healing isn't useless, it's just not all powerful nor as required now.0 -
Been very quiet on the IceIX / Devs posting front...
You'd think that by the time it got to after the 50th page of comments the right thing to do would be to come out and say something. More than, we're sorry about this but it's just how it is. Though, if that's the genuine truth, come out and say that. Particularly to the people who support, pay, play and post messages about your game, rather that just "watching the statistics", which I dare say will show you the outcomes you are mostly seeking, along with a slight drop in players and player time. It's a game, not life or death, just a game.
Community forum management, 101.
I read something about you have the top X game some store - lucky you to get the Marvel name to run a match-3 game; you do realise that is why a lot of people are here, it's not the obsession with match 3 games of which there are numerous other choices.
In the mean time, you are endlessly frustrating a lot of your core customer base and you are going to see a lot of casual people peeved about this for quite a while. In case you weren't sure.
You're far better off slowing down and getting all the basics and characters right first, rather than continual new characters, fidgeting with this skill or that healing, etc. etc.
If you spent time getting every single character useful, you'd see a huge load of issues on this forum disappear. There have been a whole host of threads about this including a couple of my recent ones about a complete refresh.0 -
lol started blind justice played one match and guess what whole team need heals and i already used my health packs. thx "true healing" i really wanted to take a break after one match in a PvP tournament.0
I find it very ironic that they post that one of the reasons they put this change in is to promote roster diversity. Now every time I start to think about what combos should I play my heroes in, I keep remembering after about 30 seconds, oh yeah, that team is only good for 2-3 matches then they will be too low on hp to bring back in. Now I am LESS likely than ever to use anything other than Patch + Daken + Featured or Patch + C.Mag + Featured.
There are soooo many ways you could promote roster diversity that would actually WORK.
1.) Have characters gain exp in PvP battles (no prologue exp grinding). That way people will bring in their low and mid levels to in order to level up and spread the exp out. Iso could still be used as a form of free exp.
2.) Get rid of healing altogether... Heal the team to full after each match, require health packs to revive downed team members from the battle.
3.) Stop forcing people to use the featured hero in tourneys. Keep them boosted so that its a no brainer to use it if you have them high leveled, but it sucks having a level 23 slot in any given tourney.
4.) Boost some of the heroes that EVERYONE considers useless. Stop rolling new characters and fix the ones you already have.
5.) Introduce "Next Tier No Holds Barred" tourney. No restrictions but 2* characters are boosted 35%.
You want ways to make money? I can IMMEDIATELY think of several ways that would increase revenue streams for MINIMAL effort that would NOT piss off your player base
1.) Monthly Subscription - $10 a month, all ISO and HP gains are increased by 50% for 30 days. Bonus 10 pack of heroic cards each month that you subscribe
2.) Re-skins for Heroes - People pay money for the shiny! Put in a pink TuTu for Patch and I guarantee you people would buy it just for the lulz factor
3.) Introduce a Headquarters system - Let people pump HP and Iso into building a headquarters complete with upgrades that provide periodic bonuses. These could include anything from a module that gives you color boosts every 12 hours to a "simulator" that lets you play tough bounties every couple of hours for bonus exp or ISO (restricted rosters, capped levels, the possibilities are endless). Might even make more sense for the Headquarters to be an alliance feature where all members can contribute HP and ISO to help develop it.0 -
yadelah wrote:Turnabout wrote:Why would I even use Spider-Man anymore? Why would anyone? Why did I spend money to get covers, and time to level him up? What's the point of Spider-Man now?
Maybe to heal your GSBW and team long enough to sweep me with her **** Sniper shot that's happened to me 3 times now??? Spiderman is def not useless on defense. Matching purple to build defense which feeds GSBW's purple ability which feeds her sniper shot.
Healing isn't useless, it's just not all powerful nor as required now.
The health pack system at best seems to run on the idea that you will take no more than say 60-75% health per char per battle, giving you maybe one to 3 battles before you would need to pop a heal, as your character would be dead or near dead by then. But with all the tanks, nukes and aoe's plaguing the fully covered 2 and 3* mmr brackets, going into a battle with even 50% health is just not a good option.
the honest truth is the health pack system is one of the most hated things about any f2p game. Period. Everyone i show this game to turns their nose up when i mention it's existence. and This game in particular is is double dipping in that you not only have persistent damage, slow recovering, death, as well as a small pool of health packs that have to cover both (very different) scenarios. Healers were a way of mitigating that annoying unfun aspect of the game. Prologue healing was an abuse of that system. But noone really felt bad about it because the health pack system seems like so sub par.0 -
Really missed this from the original post. Short, powerful, the most truthful two words in the entire original post.
I WILL NOT buy health packs. This radical change does NOT promote variety, it forces it. And the so called variety will be short lived when people get those with perma heal to max and just use them.
And what's next? take out the nerf hammer and banish those viable covers to oblivion.
What it should've happened is to release more 1* and 2* cover with different team heal abilities. This WILL promote variety. But then, who's gonna buy the money begging health packs when there are more covers that can heal? Silly me.0 -
if prologue healing was a problem, who complained about it other than health pack sales? to tell you the truth it was there only for people who wanted to keep playing, i did it cause i wanted to play longer during my pvp pushes; it's not like d3 would ever be kind enough to let us start every battle full health. now i can play 5 matches and i'm done for 2.5 hours and gain only about 100 points in PvP tournaments. usually i could do about 300 points on my first play session and wait to make my big push to my final score buying 24 hr shield usually; now i have to play 100 points at a time and pray between wait that no one attacks me (especially overpowering team 141's working their way up since i'm only a level 85 roster) for the points i just earned, it's "no bueno". now that your increasing levels which make no sense other than to make everyone think they have higher levels. now i'll be level 94, but now i'll be attacked by 166's. yeah i gain 9 levels but now i will get attacked 72 level higher characters. that seems more fair. until MMR is fixed so that i would fight team of my weight class and and not losing points to overpowering team. getting back prologue heal would help just to keep up from the points lost and moving forward. instead of barely braking even with a small step forward.0
Playing the game beats reading the thread in amusement value at least.
Played for a few hours today. Noticed the change. Not really figuring what has changed that "forces" you to buy healthpacks to be competitice. I bought none and took top 5 exactly as before.Seems like a huge lot of "the sky is falling" in comparison to what actually changed gameplaywise to me.0 -
Jester Day wrote:Playing the game beats reading the thread in amusement value at least.
Played for a few hours today. Noticed the change. Not really figuring what has changed that "forces" you to buy healthpacks to be competitice. I bought none and took top 5 exactly as before.Seems like a huge lot of "the sky is falling" in comparison to what actually changed gameplaywise to me.Player, responds to only the most extreme irrational posts. tells everyone how much cooler it is to play game than post in forum --and then posts forum! Has surpassed the OBW stage of gameplay, possibly has a good mmr, never bothered with prologue healing, never bought health packs, and /or is in cackwalk brackets, sees no problem! Come back at 11 to hear them tell everyone how ridiculous they are for not being them.
Good for you man. I'm glad things are working out well for you. Its important to have fun when you can. I hope someday when i grow up i can get top 5 like you. Your tale has inspired me to do better!0 -
Jester Day wrote:Playing the game beats reading the thread in amusement value at least.
Played for a few hours today. Noticed the change. Not really figuring what has changed that "forces" you to buy healthpacks to be competitice. I bought none and took top 5 exactly as before.Seems like a huge lot of "the sky is falling" in comparison to what actually changed gameplaywise to me.
how l33t of you. you prolly have a maxed out punisher to do all the damage. try only using wol/obw/mstorm on everything.0 -
Baltias wrote:ALSO: MONEY
Really missed this from the original post. Short, powerful, the most truthful two words in the entire original post.
I WILL NOT buy health packs. This radical change does NOT promote variety, it forces it. And the so called variety will be short lived when people get those with perma heal to max and just use them.
And what's next? take out the nerf hammer and banish those viable covers to oblivion.
What it should've happened is to release more 1* and 2* cover with different team heal abilities. This WILL promote variety. But then, who's gonna buy the money begging health packs when there are more covers that can heal? Silly me.0
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