New Alliance Event - Sinister 600 *Updated (12/12/18)



  • Smart80
    Smart80 Posts: 748 Critical Contributor
    Im probably too privileges with my alliance (go Squids!) to understand all your grief with this event, but I have to ask a couple of things:

    - Do you realise that deadly and hard are not just for your roster, but kinda compared to how strong your roster could be? If you usually dont compete in hardest (cl9), you most likely shouldnt expect to be able to pick highest difficulty here either. (Someone asked for CLs, I think we have 4, right?)

    - I understand most alliances are lot more casual playing than my team, and we all play every day. But is 2/3 attendance actually that much to ask for? I understand the communication hassle should be addressed for sure, but 14/20 to me, doesnt sound too much to ask for. Although i do get that personal progression could have had a little more wiggle room, so day 1 wouldnt have to be total killer for that already...

    PS. This wasnt directed at anyone in particular, just wondering...
    PS2. Stop hating on the top alliances, we deserve to have a little bit of a challenge too.. (although barely still)
  • ManoPA
    ManoPA Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    I was playing 1x1, using ghost against spider woman (Jessica Drew). Ghost was invisible and Jessica fired her red power, stunning ghost and getting damage. Was it supposed to happen?
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,980 Chairperson of the Boards
    ManoPA said:
    I was playing 1x1, using ghost against spider woman (Jessica Drew). Ghost was invisible and Jessica fired her red power, stunning ghost and getting damage. Was it supposed to happen?
    The stun is random, which means it can target invisible people.  So yes, since there’s only one “random” target.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,980 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just can’t stop looking at the title and calling it “Sinister Goo”.  It even works given that Carnage merges with Osborn.  That is some seriously sinister goo, that symbiote.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    I like this event’s story and design very much. I’d like to see it return as a regular PVE in the future, stripped of all the alliance stuff. It’s got a great balance of opponents and the difficulties actually make sense - Deadly really is deadly, for example.

    But yeah, as an alliance event it’s terrible. My guys gave it our best shot yesterday, splitting 10/10 Deadly/Hard without knowing how many players we’d need for the Nebula covers, but guessing that the PoP formula might work out. Nope. Everyone reported feeling burned out by the end of the day and frustrated because our split made it impossible to get the Nebula covers at all.

    Now our participation level on day 2 is less than 50%. Nobody wants to play the event any more. And as a commander I‘m not even going to threaten kicks or anything; I sympathise with them. The rewards are simply not worth the effort.
  • NotBAMF
    NotBAMF Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker
    Looks like today is red Nebula again. I was hoping day two was a fluke. Who designed this?!
    WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker
    Even if a bit challenging, I love this kind of event. Having 24h to clear all nodes,  without grinding is what I ve been asking for since years  :)
    The rewards are good, also if something more for iso and cp could have been dine and much more appreciated.
    What I despise is the fact that the 4 stars character rewarded is Nebula's red. ....4 days, same colour. ...seriously?
    What have the designers smoked? 
    This is absolutely crazy!!
  • RickOShay
    RickOShay Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    NotBAMF said:
    Looks like today is red Nebula again. I was hoping day two was a fluke. Who designed this?!

    I know they haven't admitted it as an oversight yet, but I'm quite sure when/if they run this event again the rewarded cover colors will be rotated properly. 

    Also, about the difficulty on Deadly, I think they got the challenge level correct here, it was just incorrectly easy in PoP.  Maybe soon the dev's will learn to communicate these things clearly, and in advance. 
  • DenDevil
    DenDevil Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    I am not in a top alliance,  but have some powerful players plus the newbies. This event was hated by all.  The rewards were dismal,  but it made little difference since we could not reach any of them.  Absolutely awful.  Here on day 3 there is hardly anyone even playing since there is little reason bother.  If this does return it needs to be reworked with rewards that can be achieved without virtually the entire alliance in one level.  And then make it worth the effort! 
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    DenDevil said:
    I am not in a top alliance,  but have some powerful players plus the newbies. This event was hated by all.  The rewards were dismal,  but it made little difference since we could not reach any of them.  Absolutely awful.  Here on day 3 there is hardly anyone even playing since there is little reason bother.  If this does return it needs to be reworked with rewards that can be achieved without virtually the entire alliance in one level.  And then make it worth the effort! 
    Why would they stop playing entirely? Surely the lower difficulties aren't out of reach? 
  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 662 Critical Contributor
    This event even at deadly is cake. Used kitty/OML/4*grocket. For essentials used kitty and OML. No wipes, a health pack or two used.

    If you wanted to hit alliance progression daily on deadly, you needed to organize 14 people with rosters that can get the full 9300 points (Has all essentials) and take 6 along for the ride who can add buffer points but not hit progression on their own bc of roster strength or lack of essentials. At least these 6 will get the best alliance rewards possible. 
  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 662 Critical Contributor
    4 Nebula covers = 4 champ levels. Thanks d3
  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 662 Critical Contributor
    If you can’t hit personal progression on your own bc you are missing essentials, then yes you should be a team player and coordinate with your alliance to direct your efforts towards achieving the highest possible alliance rewards. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, man. Sacrifice is a word that no longer holds much meaning in today’s society and it seems that hold true to our litttle game here. Take a hit for the TEAM; they have your back down the road. Advancing as an alliance will progress your roster eventually with higher rewards. Some folks here can’t see the big picture and these post are all about me, me, me and what about
    my personal progression. So much for Christmas spirit...
  • Smart80
    Smart80 Posts: 748 Critical Contributor
    @TPF Alexis @Lystrata
    I surely get your grief with the situation, and honestly wouldnt wanna be in your shoes to coordinate this with your alliances. That said, I cant see them going lower with minimum required participation. Sure, they could opt for throwing all points on 1 pile instead, but they clearly like the “play and find your way” setup on these events for some reason... With everyone on LINE app, its doable to figure it out on first half hour, while everyone else tries not to be a Leeroy Jenkins... ;-) I honestly dont know how you would do without it...

    The 5* being really required to reach top prize could be rough, but him being an old one is void. Plenty of time to get him, and he actually is available now in special store.. Also, having him, should be a plus and give chance to win something extra imo. If you consider top prize as that extra, it kinda make sense. Sure, its rough if you just cant reach it, but a complete roster should have its rewards as well.
    I can surely see people being grieved all the same, if they could get all the rewards we have now without Ock, but when there would be an LT a day beyond the 4* token, that could only be reached with 5ock... thats a never ending thing i think..

    Anyway, about the distribution over the difficulties. I would say a 4* a day for 4 days for whole alliance, or drop down so 1 or 2 can get the LT, isnt a difficult decision. So yes Lystrata, it isnt to much to ask that of a player, to sacrifice his personal progression. On the other hand, with 14 in 1 zone, the other 3 levels ideally should have 1 in them as well. So if you have different level players, that could actually be helpful.. We just all go deadly for day 2-4, cause we prefer not to get a headache from planning or let someone miss out on node rewards..

    Good luck with your coordination..
  • MrDupaTM
    MrDupaTM Posts: 67 Match Maker
    edited December 2018
    You top alliance guys giving advices to lower rank players are absolutely deluded.
    1) drop a level - for what? To get a damn 3* cover as a max reward
    2) plenty of time to get the 5* doc. How? From a hat? I'm nearly a year into the game, I have never gotten a Doc Oc's cover.
    So it's in the store. You seriously want me - and few other players in my alliance - to spend 50€ to get 4 red Domino covers? 
    3) it's only 14/20. No, it's 16-17/20 w/o doc Oc that can manage hard which is not easy when you're not a top alliance.

    Seriously, smarty pants why won't you get your advices and stick them up you know where. 

    This event is shockingly pathetic. It's designed to appease to nobody and actually slow down people's progression with all those "marvelous" prizes. Congratulations D3 team, you did a great job. If your goal was angering your playerbase that is. 
  • Kahmon
    Kahmon Posts: 625 Critical Contributor
    MrDupaTM said:
    2) plenty of time to get the 5* doc. How? From a hat? I'm nearly a year into the game, I have never gotten a Doc Oc's cover.
    So it's in the store. You seriously want me - and few other players in my alliance - to spend 50€ to get 4 red Domino covers?
    This may have been intended as sarcastic, but it may actually be spot on.
    Peer pressure can me a major driving force. If you want to able to both complete personal progression and still help your alliance, but are missing Doc Oc, the easiest solution right now is the H4H store.
    There is not usually a 5* offering during boss events, but there is right now. Why?
    It could be a set up expecting some players to dent their hoards in order to be team players.