1.10.2 Feedback



  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    This is something we've been asking for since converting duplicates has been a thing. A lot of people, myself included, have been hoarding their duplicates for a while (since the beginning of January). Now that its a possibility your saying that converting older cards might not happen or its too hard to code. I don't know if you've noticed a lot of us are REALLY ticked off right now. I would suggest you let the programmers know that we would be displeased if a trade-in system were implemented and our hoarded cards wouldn't count.

    Thank you
    Just to clarify, I meant retroactively converting runes (acquired through duplicate conversion) into equivocal cards.
    MisterPete wrote:
    For example, a once time allowance for converting your extra runes into duplicate rares for whatever the new system allows you do to with them
    I did not say that converting hoarded duplicates was not possible.
  • Ironwolf
    Ironwolf Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    Not a common board lurker or poster, but play a fair amount, since about last May.

    I do appreciate the devs making an effort to communicate with the players instead of staying silent.

    I'll spare people my opinions overall because they've been stated. But a few things in case they weren't mentioned specifically in this post:

    1) The entry cost of the daily events at 60, while in theory or in a meeting room may seem a fair exchange, I don't know how many people in Platinum actually buy single packs for the 60 gold crystals with the hope of a rare or mythic they don't have. 95% of the packs rewarded on events do not result in a rare or better. Highest chance - big box for 600.

    2) Most of the Masterpiece cards are not as powerful as you make them out to be. Needing to keep 3 buff/support cards in your deck for the synergy of 'if you also have' - I personally would not monopolize my deck with these for a nominal reward and by themselves they are just meh. Other cards seem to do the same. Especially if cards like Claustrophobia or Suppression Bonds or any other card that binds your first creature essentially negate a third of your deck. Of the Masterpiece cards there are two that make me say 'wow!'. The usual suspects (Decimator, Olivia) will still outmatch them. Or, the potentially game breaking pay-to-win Baral. (please install a fast forward button for matches for these or pve fabricate events).
    I'd be excited for 2 (Black Vise, Platinum Angel), glad for 6 others (the 5 Dual color +8 supports, Wurmcoil Engine), and meh on 11 others. Sure, you could argue it's all about play style, but I'm guessing we're all hoping for these same cards on a Masterpiece draw.

    3) Given 1 and 2, I can't say I'm waiting with bated breath for reaching 400 and getting one of the 'wow' cards. I am sure I will be disappointed.

    If you could possibly convert, say 10,000 or even 50,000 mana crystals as an option to buy into the events for those of us that have nothing left to spend them on, that would be great!
  • voodoo_gremlin
    voodoo_gremlin Posts: 61 Match Maker
    Brigby wrote:
    This is something we've been asking for since converting duplicates has been a thing. A lot of people, myself included, have been hoarding their duplicates for a while (since the beginning of January). Now that its a possibility your saying that converting older cards might not happen or its too hard to code. I don't know if you've noticed a lot of us are REALLY ticked off right now. I would suggest you let the programmers know that we would be displeased if a trade-in system were implemented and our hoarded cards wouldn't count.

    Thank you
    Just to clarify, I meant retroactively converting runes (acquired through duplicate conversion) into equivocal cards.
    MisterPete wrote:
    For example, a once time allowance for converting your extra runes into duplicate rares for whatever the new system allows you do to with them
    I did not say that converting hoarded duplicates was not possible.

    I misunderstood the statement. Thank you for your clarification.
  • GrizzoMtGPQ
    GrizzoMtGPQ Posts: 776 Critical Contributor
    The masterpiece cards are not super powerful. They are mostly junk. Brigby, you either do not play this game or you're struggling to see the difference between cards. You think Ornithopter is game changing and deserving of masterpiece status? That's laughable.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    The masterpiece cards are not super powerful. They are mostly junk. Brigby, you either do not play this game or you're struggling to see the difference between cards. You think Ornithopter is game changing and deserving of masterpiece status? That's laughable.
    There is a fine line between a weak and an overpowered card, however I have come across threads where a lot of players feel that the majority of the cards are well-balanced.

    My perception of Ornithopter is that the value in it is not so much its stat strengths (4 mana 4/4 isn't game-changing, I agree), but more so as a collector's item since it was the first 0 mana creature in MTG, dating back to Antiquities. (Paper MTG's Masterpiece Ornithopter is already quite the popular card for collectors)
  • Ohboy
    Ohboy Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    I refuse to believe people do not expect masterpieces to follow the trend of every other rarity in Mtg.

    There are some chase ones, some **** ones and a whole lot of middle tier ones.
  • Sarahschmara
    Sarahschmara Posts: 554 Critical Contributor
    Brigby wrote:
    My perception of Ornithopter is that the value in it is not so much its stat strengths (4 mana 4/4 isn't game-changing, I agree), but more so as a collector's item since it was the first 0 mana creature in MTG, dating back to Antiquities. (Paper MTG's Masterpiece Ornithopter is already quite the popular card for collectors)

    Ah... I see. The disconnect is that we can actually hold paper cards in our grubby little paws and they hold value. A virtual card only has value as long as the servers stay on.

    Many of us have hoards of paper cards that we can sell or trade as we see fit. Virtual cards are not real. We don't "own"them, we rent them.
  • zaann85
    zaann85 Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    Not gonna read through 5 pages of notes, but If they add something else to do with duplicates, there will be rage all around. People have grinded up piles of Mythics and Rares myself included. Depending on the new system, I'll just quit if I'm getting screwed out of tons of rewards that was wasted on runes.
  • buscemi
    buscemi Posts: 673 Critical Contributor
    Brigby wrote:
    There is a fine line between a weak and an overpowered card
    Brigby wrote:
    I have come across threads where a lot of players feel that the majority of the cards are well-balanced.
    Citation needed.
  • Justyce
    Justyce Posts: 54 Match Maker
    I actually think the changes are great and it's a good step forward. If you fix the dupe problem I will have no problems with the current implementation. I much prefer a system where spending money (when the dupe issue is fixed) gives you a large advantage and freeby rewards should be kept as little as possible to stop the top from being comfortable just living off the rewards.

    I would recommend a target requirement if spending say $40 a month to keep yourself competitive and above free to play players who can get by on progression only.
  • TheOcho
    TheOcho Posts: 1
    Newish player here. Ive been in for a few months, currently in silver but I could move up if I wanted to. Im in a good coalition that can rank in the top 100 or better depending on who decides to show up and play. To now I have been F2P and would spend $$ if I felt the items were priced well.

    My biggest issue since day 1 has been dupes. I have a real hard time after recently pulling 5 Madcap Experiments over the course of a week ( 2 pre patch, 3 directly after ) when I have a grand total of 12 of the 43 rares from Kaladesh. The rune trade in for a rare just isnt helpful and can be made up in a single QB.

    A primary focus for the patch notes per the Cthulhu post was to make things less difficult for new players and also check the Elder Players so they didnt continue to widen the card gap. As it currently stands the returns per event have gone down ( smaller pools in individual events could be beneficial but depends on who is in your group ) and the conversion on mana crystals per card have gone down which leads to me getting less cards over a similar amount of time compared to pre-patch. So less cards and the same amount of dupes. Im not exactly seeing where I should be feeling like the patch is better for the newer player.

    Oh, and also worth noting that while the whole community is now getting cards at a slower pace, those nearly full mythic QB decks that I love seeing are still in place. So thats great.

    Now I truly get it that you guys need to make $$ and in the end this is a big virtual casino that works off my nostalgia for the paper MtG that I used to play. And I get it that I am not a gambler by nature, so maybe this isnt the game for me in the long run. With the restructuring of how the packs are now sold, a premium pack is basically $10 ( at the $100 buy in pt ) to $15 to pull the lever and see what you get. And what you get will be mostly dupes, even for a newer player.

    I need more and better cards to compete in QB and reliably contribute to coalition events. How much am I supposed to spend here to get good decks ? Because as it currently stands Im not inclined to spend real $$ only to see the same cards over and over again.
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,237 Chairperson of the Boards
    Justyce wrote:
    I would recommend a target requirement if spending say $40 a month to keep yourself competitive and above free to play players who can get by on progression only.

    Could you unpack that and let us know if that's sarcasm or a genuine sentiment? Not judging here, just not sure.
  • ArchBlade7777
    I would like to weigh-in on the "well-balanced" comment that was made. Im not sure where it was seen that people think that, but from what I have seen, many people think that there is a serious balance problem in the cards.

    95% or so of the commons/uncommons are either useless or just outclassed by higher rarity cards.
    At least 50% of the rares are the same way.
    As for the Mythics, they are so warped and drastically overpowered, that you cannot compete without them, they get to circumvent entire rules of the game, and lets not forget the "exclusive" mythics that are almost always designed to be WAY overpowered... up to the point where they are available for everyone and then possibly get nerfed... after people are done spending cash on them.
  • Justyce
    Justyce Posts: 54 Match Maker
    I'm serious I much prefer this to be a game that gives a tangible advantage if I spend money. ATM what stops me from spending on a mythic now and then is the lack of confidence that I will get something that will make me better when I have largely collected all the common and uncommon cards
  • Chubbys
    Chubbys Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    Hey folks. I almost never post here, but I'm a member of Extinction. I'm a whale, I guess. Probably over $1k spent. And I'm a very active player, you've probably seen me around.

    I don't post here because someone has always said what I would've, and in the past everything has shaken out. I've just sat back and let my friends whine and quit to get things accomplished. I wait and laugh and play.

    But this is different. I'm quitting now.

    You've all pointed out what's wrong with this update. I don't have to reiterate it for you. But here's what I'm reading between the lines: we're being lied to, taken for idiots and, worst of all, we're being placated because they think we'll just fall in line and live the new norm.

    The only legitimate reason I've seen given for these changes (legitimate as in "not a blatant attempt to leech more money") is that it rebalances the game for new players. But obviously it doesn't.

    New tournaments using cards only from Kaladesh would balance it for new players. And even further when the next set drops. Dividing QB into tiers would make it easier. IMPROVING drop rates would make it easier.

    But that's not what they really want to do.

    Masterpiece cards are meant to be extremely rare? To reward experienced players? No. They're a money gouge, nothing more. Because the best ones all work together. Why create synergy between them, if you're hoping we won't see many? Because you're trying to rope in whales even further.

    So there are two problems here, but I'm only quitting because of one.

    The first is that you want more money. I understand that. I'm a believer in rewarding devs and I spend money in game. But I understand most people don't. I get your strategy here. It's wrong, like stupid wrong--introducing exciting new content--new objectives between sets, new card-restricting challenges, new QB variations--and then relying on the next set to bring a cash influx and a power equalizer--is the way to do it. But still, I get it.

    The reason I'm quitting though, are the kinds of responses we've gotten at the top of this thread. I'm "just" a customer, just one player, and we know you always hear from the unhappiest customers, but to write an insulting, unabashedly placating comment like this, to speak to us like we're stupid...

    ...well, if I stick around, what does that make me? Stupid.

    Here's the truth:

    You ruined the game by killing the rewards.

    None of your doublespeak and excuses has had an impact on this. You're not reverting. So this is what you intended.

    And you're hilariously trying to avoid admitting it, juggling straw man arguments and selectively responding only to comments you can spin.

    I'm not stupid.

    This isn't a "change this or you'll lose me" post, the kind you can safely ignore and roll your eyes at. This is a "you lost me" post that I recommend you show to your bosses.

    So... bye all. Thanks for the fun times.
  • Blackagar1
    I've been casually playing this game for the last month and tonight I bought two premium packs, one SoI and one Origins. In the SoI pack, the only rare card I received was the bonus one and it was a duplicate of one of the 3 (yes THREE) that I have. Of the other 25 cards, 17 were duplicates. I now have 74 out of the 134 common/uncommon cards available in that set. I did slightly better in the Origins pack, getting 2 new rares. Of the other 24 cards, 19 were duplicates giving me 124 out of the 173 c/u cards available. How exactly did this update help with duplicates? Was it worse before? If I'm this frustrated as a new player, I can't imagine how veteran players feel.
  • ZW2007-
    ZW2007- Posts: 812 Critical Contributor
    Justyce wrote:
    I actually think the changes are great and it's a good step forward. If you fix the dupe problem I will have no problems with the current implementation. I much prefer a system where spending money (when the dupe issue is fixed) gives you a large advantage and freeby rewards should be kept as little as possible to stop the top from being comfortable just living off the rewards.

    I would recommend a target requirement if spending say $40 a month to keep yourself competitive and above free to play players who can get by on progression only.
    Do you mind sharing what tier you are in, where you usually place in events personally and with your coalition, and how much you play the game? Also, what do you mean by "fix the dupe problem"? Eliminate dupes altogether or implement a more fair system for handling dupes?
  • ZW2007-
    ZW2007- Posts: 812 Critical Contributor
    Ohboy wrote:
    I refuse to believe people do not expect masterpieces to follow the trend of every other rarity in Mtg.

    There are some chase ones, some tinykitty ones and a whole lot of middle tier ones.
    The paper masterpieces cannot be compared here, they have value as they are usually powerful, coveted cards while some just hold value by being a new and unique printing with a cool frame. That doesn't apply to MTGPQ no matter how much they want it to. I think of masterpieces here like planeswalker cards in paper. They are typically the most coveted and valued mythics in their sets. Obviously not all of them are absolute powerhouses on their own but they still provide a supporting role. There have also been duds in the past but that was not intentional by design. Here we have some that are intentionally bad, underpowered, whatever you want to call it. There's another thread that sums it up perfectly but why not mention it here as well since it's pertinent. The three-card support combo masterpieces. Not only are they not good on their own, but the very nature of being masterpieces means they are incredibly rare and will be very difficult to acquire which means perhaps one player in all of the MTGPQdom will ever obtain all three. Now tell me how that is a good design choice? You certainly won't see them making a Mythic rare (combo) cycle in paper. Look at the modules, two are uncommons and one is a rare. I find it interesting that they didn't include Animation Module in MTGPQ and attempt to make a combo cycle out of one that was in paper but they made one out of Masterpieces where it didn't exist before. Stop pretending everyone is ignorant when clearly they are just frustrated by yet another RNG trap.
  • Justyce
    Justyce Posts: 54 Match Maker
    Not sure what that information proves but I'm from deadapult and my scores range about 80% to 90% in an event.

    We are normally in the top 10 for coalition events and currently I'm on platinum tier. I play the game every day and I normally place top 150 for QB to get the rare.

    Dupe problem is getting a duplicate card and only getting runes for them so if they fix it so you can get something towards another mythic that will be great.
  • ZW2007-
    ZW2007- Posts: 812 Critical Contributor
    I was just curious how you were effected by the changes as a whole because very few people have supported the changes. You're obviously a top tier player that no longer gets Mythics from event rewards. I'm in the same boat and while I see the need for the changes and agree with the intention, I think it was rather poorly implemented and the current numbers need to be adjusted (rewards and costs) or drop rates need to improve. Better drop rates would probably be the best solution because they could continue to give out less free rewards while the improved drops makes spending cash much more appealing. And I agree that converting dupe Mythics into the new jewel currency would be a huge improvement.