Black Widow (Original) weekend!

Just started icon_e_biggrin.gif


  • ironic how black widow grey suit is buffed, yet jugger tournament's prizes are black widow grey suits. the timing seems off haha
  • forgrim wrote:
    ironic how black widow grey suit is buffed, yet jugger tournament's prizes are black widow grey suits. the timing seems off haha

    petition to end jugger event now since i'm in 5th! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    forgrim wrote:
    ironic how black widow grey suit is buffed, yet jugger tournament's prizes are black widow grey suits. the timing seems off haha

    petition to end jugger event now since i'm in 5th! icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I second that motion, since I'm currently #13 in my bracket and would be quite happy with that loot.
  • Grey Widow tourney, you say?

    hue hue hue hue hue hue icon_e_wink.gif
  • what's ur grey suit up to, someguy? i'm running a 66 grey widow

    edit: on another note, are you enjoying all my friend gifts, ya lucky bahstad
  • forgrim wrote:
    what's ur grey suit up to, someguy? i'm running a 66 grey widow

    edit: on another note, are you enjoying all my friend gifts, ya lucky bahstad

    I'm around that level. And I'll thank you to remember the highly valuable blue 1-star Iron Man cover I sent you earlier today. icon_lol.gif
  • THAT 100 ISO.

    you my friend, are awesome. i still am only sending to two ppl, should fill out that third spot.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Purple Grey Widow at 600 points? Why yes, I *do* have a 3/1/0 GW in need of a third power!
  • Any interesting teams for this (or just C Storm and Thor/Rag)?
  • JohnduBois wrote:
    Any interesting teams for this (or just C Storm and Thor/Rag)?

    Can anybody feed widow purples or greens?
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wow, I do not have a good grey widow team build. Just got whomped. It doesn't help that I forgot to target Classic Storm and targeted the buffed lvl. 15 widow first to "get her out of the way".
  • forgrim wrote:
    THAT 100 ISO.

    you my friend, are awesome. i still am only sending to two ppl, should fill out that third spot.

    Man I would love to swap with you, but just yesterday I joined the FB group that has a thread and added a ton of people. I only had two before that as well. icon_e_sad.gif
  • Bainee
    Bainee Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    JohnduBois wrote:
    Any interesting teams for this (or just C Storm and Thor/Rag)?

    This is the best team for this event.

    When are the Devs going to wake up and stop putting out classic storm bait is almost every tournament?

    My suggestion is make the default grey suit black widow level 50 to stop this, all defaults should be higher level.

    Having said this I am going to cash in BIG TIME on the free iso this team comp gives. Most matches my Rag and Classic Storm don't even get hit, so I can farm viturally forever with matches taking less than a minute.
  • wonder when icex will post up the abilities so we can either compete that much harder or get MEH
  • forgrim wrote:
    wonder when icex will post up the abilities so we can either compete that much harder or get MEH

    dont get your hpoes up its just a ** star with 2 abilities ;(
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    forgrim wrote:
    wonder when icex will post up the abilities so we can either compete that much harder or get MEH

    dont get your hpoes up its just a ** star with 2 abilities ;(

    Well one star Widow has pretty useful abilities even though she is lacking everywhere else. She is one of the few one stars that can still be useful at times. We'll have to see what she does. If she has an effective defense against C. Storm, that could shake up some of these tournaments.
  • Been trying to play this, three times now, and I am just getting incredibly unlucky. All 3 matches the Opponent cascaded 3 criticals in a row, it was rough

    Oh well back to heroic juggernaut
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Posted Patch notes here with the stats on Black Widow (Original).
  • How did you guys add each others to allies list? Did you have to add each other on to your facebook pages? Also, can you change your default name? Mine's MPQDR which is not very memorable! Is there some adding function in the game I'm not aware of?
  • No!!!! Baineeeeee why are you in my widow pool icon_e_sad.gif !!! xD.....