*** Psylocke (Classic) ***



  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Psylocke with Falcon and 3Thor is a monster team, especially in Shield sim!
  • moogles85
    moogles85 Posts: 186 Tile Toppler
    Imo, Psylocke is only good when she's boosted.

    @ 166, her skills simply don't do enough dmg in comparison to other characters.

    However, I've found her quite useful in Women of Marvel - Psy/KK/SW finished carrying me to 1k already.

    Her cheap abilities make for some pretty good heals and @ 290 and they pack a decent punch when you need to kill off silly players using non-boosted loki/hood.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    last pvp I was searching for psylocke teams because people were using her when she was buffed. loved the gsbw/psylocke teams, even at 240. got lots of points off of those.

    that's why. there are a handful of characters that the same could be said of, but some don't even get used when buffed, so she's not the absolute bottom, just below average. however, mine only has 3 cover, and she was the last *** character for me to finally get, so I obviously don't have any experience playing with her.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    TxMoose wrote:
    last pvp I was searching for psylocke teams because people were using her when she was buffed. loved the gsbw/psylocke teams, even at 240. got lots of points off of those.

    It wouldn't be Psylocke that makes that team easy to beat, it's GSBW who is virtually useless in the hands of the AI. If you go into a fight with Psylocke you are probably going to get hit by her red and black because they are so cheap, and if you are unlucky you will get hit multiple times.

    Try fighting her paired with Kamala and Daken. It's a rainbow and gathering green for Kamala (who can also create green) triggers Daken, who ensures that Psylockes red stays super cheap. Paired with her black and Dakens blue, expect heals going off like crazy. That's a bad time.

    The more characters that come out the more the game revolves around synergy.
  • Dauthi wrote:
    TxMoose wrote:
    last pvp I was searching for psylocke teams because people were using her when she was buffed. loved the gsbw/psylocke teams, even at 240. got lots of points off of those.
    The more characters that come out the more the game revolves around synergy.
    i wish
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    raisinbman wrote:
    Dauthi wrote:
    TxMoose wrote:
    last pvp I was searching for psylocke teams because people were using her when she was buffed. loved the gsbw/psylocke teams, even at 240. got lots of points off of those.
    Try fighting her paired with Kamala and Daken. It's a rainbow and gathering green for Kamala (who can also create green) triggers Daken, who ensures that Psylockes red stays super cheap. Paired with her black and Dakens blue, expect heals going off like crazy. That's a bad time.

    The more characters that come out the more the game revolves around synergy.
    i wish

    If all 3 of those characters were buffed in that team I mentioned (even 2 would suffice), I guarantee you that it would be heads and shoulders above everything else. The fact that a mid-tier character can create a top tier team is proof that synergy is becoming reality.
  • Dauthi wrote:
    raisinbman wrote:
    Dauthi wrote:
    TxMoose wrote:
    last pvp I was searching for psylocke teams because people were using her when she was buffed. loved the gsbw/psylocke teams, even at 240. got lots of points off of those.
    Try fighting her paired with Kamala and Daken. It's a rainbow and gathering green for Kamala (who can also create green) triggers Daken, who ensures that Psylockes red stays super cheap. Paired with her black and Dakens blue, expect heals going off like crazy. That's a bad time.

    The more characters that come out the more the game revolves around synergy.
    i wish

    If all 3 of those characters were buffed in that team I mentioned (even 2 would suffice), I guarantee you that it would be heads and shoulders above everything else. The fact that a mid-tier character can create a top tier team is proof that synergy is becoming reality.
    eh....rn it just seems like use whoever's buffed, synergy is nowhere near that.

    And in PVE i use the same 3-4 teams
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Now that i have her at 5/3/4, i brought her in the simulator to play.. Daken's strike tiles lower her AP cost on red.. paird with KK, her and Daken can mow through teams quickly, her cheap skills keep everyone healed with KK's yellow and i save blue for Daken, purple and green for KK.. Rainbow team with an awesome passive.
  • Malcrof wrote:
    Now that i have her at 5/3/4, i brought her in the simulator to play.. Daken's strike tiles lower her AP cost on red.. paird with KK, her and Daken can mow through teams quickly, her cheap skills keep everyone healed with KK's yellow and i save blue for Daken, purple and green for KK.. Rainbow team with an awesome passive.

    The Daken/Psy synergy thing is more of a parlor trick than a winning strategy. "Hey look what I can do with 2 green and red matches! *Bamf* 1130 damage and a strike tile! *Applause*" Yes you can start wailing away for 5 red earlier, but really if that is what you wanted why didn't you just bring Gamora to begin with? Then there is the potential to mess it up, by having a tile matched away, or having the enemy match green so now you have 4 Daken tiles instead of 2.

    Psylocke's best partner is still probably Patch. Berserker Rage to back up Psi-Katana. Patch has infinitely better partners tho, so best used only in Psylocke's PvP sadly.
  • Epok
    Epok Posts: 41
    Is it me, or is Iron fist strictly better than psylocke?

    His purple is always 5ap, can do 4k damage not 1k, and you can even still spend the black on another hero if you need it.
    His black is better than her black, does 2x the damage and is almost guaranteed to be on the board every turn, and doesnt take AP.

    You don't get to pick where the blue countdown timer ends up, and its long enough to be matched easily, and you don't get to choose which color to steal, you could steal a color they have lots of AP in because it's the enemies useless color and it's late in the match so it's full.

    I think she really needs a buff. Sure, she has cheap ap costs, but nothing is useful compared to damage/ap ratio of other heroes.

    Also, fix the wording on her black. We know what attack tiles are, thanks =P
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    Epok wrote:
    Is it me, or is Iron fist strictly better than psylocke?

    No, he is. IF is one of the top 3 3*s in the game, whereas the best that can be said about Psylocke is that she's mediocre, and that's being pretty generous.
  • Epok
    Epok Posts: 41
    Der_Lex wrote:
    Epok wrote:
    Is it me, or is Iron fist strictly better than psylocke?

    No, he is. IF is one of the top 3 3*s in the game, whereas the best that can be said about Psylocke is that she's mediocre, and that's being pretty generous.

    But I mean like, they have similar abilities and IF is just BETTER. Not like "oh, psylocke has her niche and is more useful in certain teams or situations." because no, that's not true at all. It's like comparing 2 star thor to 3 star. Except in this case psylocke is a 3-star hero already. The times she will be more useful than IF is like 1/1000, even in identical teams and straight up switches.

    I really feel sad because her cover is my favorite art in the game, and the character has such potential, but although people know she is useless I haven't heard anything about fixing her. I understand releasing more characters and I approve, but every now and then please to back and just fix existing characters to be more fun. I'd like to see a psylocke PVE or something alongside a rework or a buff.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    Epok wrote:
    Der_Lex wrote:
    Epok wrote:
    Is it me, or is Iron fist strictly better than psylocke?

    No, he is. IF is one of the top 3 3*s in the game, whereas the best that can be said about Psylocke is that she's mediocre, and that's being pretty generous.

    But I mean like, they have similar abilities and IF is just BETTER. Not like "oh, psylocke has her niche and is more useful in certain teams or situations." because no, that's not true at all. It's like comparing 2 star thor to 3 star. Except in this case psylocke is a 3-star hero already. The times she will be more useful than IF is like 1/1000, even in identical teams and straight up switches.

    I really feel sad because her cover is my favorite art in the game, and the character has such potential, but although people know she is useless I haven't heard anything about fixing her. I understand releasing more characters and I approve, but every now and then please to back and just fix existing characters to be more fun. I'd like to see a psylocke PVE or something alongside a rework or a buff.

    Psylocke is in the same boat as characters like Colossus and IM40 in that they're not good enough for regular use, but they're not bad enough that they need to be fixed asap.

    Collectible games like this have a tendency towards power creep, and although MPQ hasn't been as bad as a lot of games in this regard, a lot of the newer 3*'s like IF, Cage, Kamala and Cyclops do outshine a lot of the older characters. Interestingly enough I think D3 realised this as well and then moved to the other end of the scale, and the last batch of 3*'s has been relatively weak, or at best highly situational in their use. But there will always be a scale of usefulness for characters in games like this, and they can't all be the best of the best. It's a shame when one of the characters you really like is one of those lesser characters, though. I'm a big Vision and Quicksilver fan myself, and I'm not exactly happy with how poor their MPQ incarnations have turned out either.
  • theshadeofopal
    theshadeofopal Posts: 93 Match Maker
    Psylocke is particularly problematic in regards to power creep as she was inferior to the then relatively high tier punisher when she came out. Punisher is a victim of creep as well but retribution is at least a bit of a balancing factor with ever higher hp caps. She has had no such luck.

    Colossus seemed to be a result of devs being wary of creating a very effective tank. Cage quickly showed him up and is now completely eclipsed by thing, a little more fairly since 4*s should be > than 3*s. The cynic in me wonders if characters like kamala or cage weren't originally intended to be overhauls of older characters or forks that got a bit a little more love in the usefulness department.
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    Epok wrote:
    Der_Lex wrote:
    Epok wrote:
    Is it me, or is Iron fist strictly better than psylocke?

    No, he is. IF is one of the top 3 3*s in the game, whereas the best that can be said about Psylocke is that she's mediocre, and that's being pretty generous.

    But I mean like, they have similar abilities and IF is just BETTER. Not like "oh, psylocke has her niche and is more useful in certain teams or situations." because no, that's not true at all. It's like comparing 2 star thor to 3 star. Except in this case psylocke is a 3-star hero already. The times she will be more useful than IF is like 1/1000, even in identical teams and straight up switches.

    I really feel sad because her cover is my favorite art in the game, and the character has such potential, but although people know she is useless I haven't heard anything about fixing her. I understand releasing more characters and I approve, but every now and then please to back and just fix existing characters to be more fun. I'd like to see a psylocke PVE or something alongside a rework or a buff.

    IF isn't strictly better, they have different color coverage. Punisher/Torch are arguably strictly better than Gamora/Quicksilver. If a new player has a fully covered (L)Thor + Dr. Doom (and not much else), Psylocke is a much better fit than IF.

    PvE wise there are teams that I have her featured, PvP wise yes she's terrible even when boosted. If they doubled red/black's damage, removed the cap on the strike tiles (leave min AP cost at 5) and made blue targetable she'd be in contention for top tier and definitely used when boosted.
  • jjfyahpowah
    jjfyahpowah Posts: 81 Match Maker
    Psylocke would be worth playing if Bewilder was either cheaper or dropped to a 1 turn countdown at 5 covers.

    Drop the cost to 6.


    5 covers reduces countdown to 1.
  • Ding
    Ding Posts: 179
    I use her in PvE. In PvP I'm sure the AI would match her attack/cd/strike tiles right aftermaking them so I don't feel comfortable leaving her on defence.
  • She isn't bad in event mode and given she's supposed to appear in an upcoming movie she'll probably get a push like all other characters do in this game.

    That being said, compared to someone like Beast or Doc Oc, she is far from the most useless 3 star character.

    Get a few select characters fully upgraded as your core team and then get as many others at 120 as you can. Psylocke falls into the secondary category, and I can't imagine any upgrade short of some biblical buffing that would change that.
  • jjfyahpowah
    jjfyahpowah Posts: 81 Match Maker
    She needs an upgrade.
    Red and black are fine as is. Blue needs a boost to make her competitive.
  • Billigoat
    Billigoat Posts: 71
    She isn't bad in event mode and given she's supposed to appear in an upcoming movie she'll probably get a push like all other characters do in this game.

    That being said, compared to someone like Beast or Doc Oc, she is far from the most useless 3 star character.

    Get a few select characters fully upgraded as your core team and then get as many others at 120 as you can. Psylocke falls into the secondary category, and I can't imagine any upgrade short of some biblical buffing that would change that.

    Have you used Beast lately? Compared to their pre-buff versions, she's not bad, but I'd take current Beast into a match any day over Psylocke. His blue output outshines her black and red, he has a heal (with added protect tile), and AOE team damage (with cascade potential).

    We can all probably agree that Doc Oc is a very situational. But for what he does, he does very well. Psylocke can't really say that. There's a lot of characters who drop attack/strike tiles these days.