PVP Supports: Feedback Thread



  • WhiteBomber
    WhiteBomber Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2024

    @MegaBee said:

    @WhiteBomber said:

    @MegaBee said:
    I see a team in the 5-star Agatha PvP with Fantasticar, Leapfrog and Omnipotence City equipped. No way am I fighting that!

    Who are the characters they are on? Could still be an easy win.

    Shang-Chi and MThor.

    Darkveil (Krakoa) + Shang (Fantasticar)

    • Take +1 or 2 in Teamup (non necessary, but will guarantee you win)
    • Focus your combos around teamup
    • If you have Krakoa be sure to throw Darks yellow ability at match start.
    • Start the match by hitting MThor, when you get hit on their first move she will be sent away for 3 turns
    • Focus Agatha next to shut down her passives
    • Consider taking 2 cascading match 3's over match 4's as they lead to more board shuffle and more teamup from your car
    • As soon as MThor returns shift focus back to her
      By this point the match should be so far in your favor you should be good to end, if not, repeat the above.

    Remember to focus your own Chi combos so you can heal as well as use Darks yellow to feed yourself more AP and protect her countdown. You should be able to come out of this fight having lost no health. If you are low on teamup and Thor is still alive, consider using Darks blue to send himself away, that way you can save your 3 teamup to send Thor away again when she returns. If you also have Agatha5 your match damage will get out of hand faster than MThor can say "blue passive saaave me".

    You can also swap Chi with ascended Karnak (and surely others) for fun.

    Actually, I'm not sure there is a team that doesn't include heavy team damage that this team won't come out with full health?

  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 535 Critical Contributor

    Still hate them.

  • WhiteBomber
    WhiteBomber Posts: 529 Critical Contributor

    @PorkBelly said:
    Still hate them.

    I can dig that, I think you start to like them more as they are feeding you free wins, at least that was my experience.

  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,082 Chairperson of the Boards

    @WhiteBomber said:

    @MegaBee said:

    @WhiteBomber said:

    @MegaBee said:
    I see a team in the 5-star Agatha PvP with Fantasticar, Leapfrog and Omnipotence City equipped. No way am I fighting that!

    Who are the characters they are on? Could still be an easy win.

    Shang-Chi and MThor.

    Darkveil (Krakoa) + Shang (Fantasticar)

    • Take +1 or 2 in Teamup (non necessary, but will guarantee you win)
    • Focus your combos around teamup
    • If you have Krakoa be sure to throw Darks yellow ability at match start.
    • Start the match by hitting MThor, when you get hit on their first move she will be sent away for 3 turns
    • Focus Agatha next to shut down her passives
    • Consider taking 2 cascading match 3's over match 4's as they lead to more board shuffle and more teamup from your car
    • As soon as MThor returns shift focus back to her
      By this point the match should be so far in your favor you should be good to end, if not, repeat the above. Remember to focus your own Chi combos so you can heal as well as use Darks yellow to feed yourself more AP and protect her countdown. You should be able to come out of this fight having lost no health. If you are low on teamup and Thor is still alive, consider using Darks blue to send himself away, that way you can save your 3 teamup to send Thor away again when she returns. If you also have Agatha5 your match damage will get out of hand faster than MThor can say "blue passive saaave me".

    You can also swap Chi with ascended Karnak (and surely others) for fun.

    Actually, I'm not sure there is a team that doesn't include heavy team damage that this team won't come out with full health?

    I appreciate the strat, but I don't have good Krakoa and Fantasticar.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,321 Chairperson of the Boards

    @WhiteBomber said:

    @PorkBelly said:
    Still hate them.

    I can dig that, I think you start to like them more as they are feeding you free wins, at least that was my experience.

    This thread has taught me that a lot of veteran players engage with the game in very different ways.

    Some folks might never be in a position to get those free wins -- if you've been ignoring supports completely until now, you might have a LOT of catching up to do. And acquiring supports is really, really slow! Supports are probably the rarest thing in the game.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards

    I have nearly all of them, nothing on roster lower than two, but not too many better than 3.

  • WhiteBomber
    WhiteBomber Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2024

    @MegaBee said:

    @WhiteBomber said:

    @MegaBee said:

    @WhiteBomber said:

    @MegaBee said:
    I see a team in the 5-star Agatha PvP with Fantasticar, Leapfrog and Omnipotence City equipped. No way am I fighting that!

    Who are the characters they are on? Could still be an easy win.

    Shang-Chi and MThor.

    Darkveil (Krakoa) + Shang (Fantasticar)

    • Take +1 or 2 in Teamup (non necessary, but will guarantee you win)
    • Focus your combos around teamup
    • If you have Krakoa be sure to throw Darks yellow ability at match start.
    • Start the match by hitting MThor, when you get hit on their first move she will be sent away for 3 turns
    • Focus Agatha next to shut down her passives
    • Consider taking 2 cascading match 3's over match 4's as they lead to more board shuffle and more teamup from your car
    • As soon as MThor returns shift focus back to her
      By this point the match should be so far in your favor you should be good to end, if not, repeat the above. Remember to focus your own Chi combos so you can heal as well as use Darks yellow to feed yourself more AP and protect her countdown. You should be able to come out of this fight having lost no health. If you are low on teamup and Thor is still alive, consider using Darks blue to send himself away, that way you can save your 3 teamup to send Thor away again when she returns. If you also have Agatha5 your match damage will get out of hand faster than MThor can say "blue passive saaave me".

    You can also swap Chi with ascended Karnak (and surely others) for fun.

    Actually, I'm not sure there is a team that doesn't include heavy team damage that this team won't come out with full health?

    I appreciate the strat, but I don't have good Krakoa and Fantasticar.

    Mmm, that's a bummer, you can still win without them and definitely don't need Krakoa, but Fantasticar really is kinda silly. Sometimes the match just ends on the first move cascade, especially with Agatha5 yella passive.

    I've definitely done some without the car, but I'll try a few more to see how bad it turns out. Karnak might be better than Shang without the car (also only if ascended, he just happened to be the first person I focused for ascending).

    Honestly I personally recommend people prioritize Car over Frog, the offensive aggression is disgusting. That and Darkveil is just a defensive monster because of it.

    I feel like you can get your supports leveled up pretty quickly. Most of them only need to be level 3 and there are only a handful you really want. I leveled Car, Frog and like 4 others just off of favorited shards since they implemented it. Definitely stop at level 3 though, 4 and 5 take waaaay too long and usually aren't worth getting a different one to 3.

  • WhiteBomber
    WhiteBomber Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2024

    @WhiteBomber said:

    @MegaBee said:

    @WhiteBomber said:

    @MegaBee said:

    @WhiteBomber said:

    @MegaBee said:
    I see a team in the 5-star Agatha PvP with Fantasticar, Leapfrog and Omnipotence City equipped. No way am I fighting that!

    Who are the characters they are on? Could still be an easy win.

    Shang-Chi and MThor.

    Darkveil (Krakoa) + Shang (Fantasticar)

    • Take +1 or 2 in Teamup (non necessary, but will guarantee you win)
    • Focus your combos around teamup
    • If you have Krakoa be sure to throw Darks yellow ability at match start.
    • Start the match by hitting MThor, when you get hit on their first move she will be sent away for 3 turns
    • Focus Agatha next to shut down her passives
    • Consider taking 2 cascading match 3's over match 4's as they lead to more board shuffle and more teamup from your car
    • As soon as MThor returns shift focus back to her
      By this point the match should be so far in your favor you should be good to end, if not, repeat the above. Remember to focus your own Chi combos so you can heal as well as use Darks yellow to feed yourself more AP and protect her countdown. You should be able to come out of this fight having lost no health. If you are low on teamup and Thor is still alive, consider using Darks blue to send himself away, that way you can save your 3 teamup to send Thor away again when she returns. If you also have Agatha5 your match damage will get out of hand faster than MThor can say "blue passive saaave me".

    You can also swap Chi with ascended Karnak (and surely others) for fun.

    Actually, I'm not sure there is a team that doesn't include heavy team damage that this team won't come out with full health?

    I appreciate the strat, but I don't have good Krakoa and Fantasticar.

    Mmm, that's a bummer, you can still win without them and definitely don't need Krakoa, but Fantasticar really is kinda silly. Sometimes the match just ends on the first move cascade, especially with Agatha5 yella passive.

    I've definitely done some without the car, but I'll try a few more to see how bad it turns out. Karnak might be better than Shang without the car (also only if ascended, he just happened to be the first person I focused for ascending).

    Honestly I personally recommend people prioritize Car over Frog, the offensive aggression is disgusting. That and Darkveil is just a defensive monster because of it.

    I feel like you can get your supports leveled up pretty quickly. Most of them only need to be level 3 and there are only a handful you really want. I leveled Car, Frog and like 4 others just off of favorited shards since they implemented it. Definitely stop at level 3 though, 4 and 5 take waaaay too long and usually aren't worth getting a different one to 3.

    Ok @MegaBee I tried the original team for stopping MThor Chi and it worked quite well. My opposing team was exactly what you mentioned minus Frog, but Red doesn't give a damn about Frog because frogs hate... SPORES.

    Chasm (arrow, decent but not needed), Omega Red (Thanoscopter because why not), free Agatha5

    • Take some match damage boosters if you want to speed it along, though not necessary
    • Focus MThor until she is dead
    • Watch Red kill everyone

    Maybe put Agatha in front if she matches colors so she eats the damage. I came out of the fight with Freegatha eating most of the damage. Chasm really puts a damper on MThor being naughty, so its much less likely they get something going.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,321 Chairperson of the Boards

    @ThaRoadWarrior said:
    I have nearly all of them, nothing on roster lower than two, but not too many better than 3.

    I think this is pretty common!

    I had a decent amount of them levelled up, but I never used them before PvP. I always just stuck them on whatever guy got the synergy effect and left them there.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards

    Yeah same for me. I honestly still have no idea what most of them do.

  • Rejoinder
    Rejoinder Posts: 19 Just Dropped In

    @ThaRoadWarrior said:
    Not sure if it’s support related, but I just had immortal hulk perma-die with an airborne vulture against a bolt/reptil/mThor that had a fantasticar, Eros arrow, and quantum realm equipped for seemingly no reason.

    I've noticed something similar. Immortal She-Hulk sometimes gets perma-killed on her first down (not stunned, etc.), and I can't explain why.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards

    When it happened to hulk, it seemed like he was downed with a cascade that had a lot of stuff going on potentially from the support stack, so I assume there is some sort of interaction there but I can’t pinpoint it.

  • Bustapup
    Bustapup Posts: 34 Just Dropped In

    Its just making broken meta characters and teams even more impossible to play against. It's bad enough we see a variation of Omega, Chasm, BRB, Polaris, MThor and May in almost every single match but now we're facing them with busted supports as well?

    It's making the game massively unbalanced and just not fun.

    Example....against my better judgment I bit the bullet and got 5* Agatha, maxed her out and championed her. I've gone into the Nova event feeling confident but still face busted meta characters with supports that wipe the floor with me.

    It's not just supports that are the problem it's a match making issue as well, putting players against each other that are wildly different levels

    So far as something more constructive:

    It would be useful to see a side panel/toggle before accepting a match that shows you the supports the enemy team has equipped and what they do and it would absolutely make sense to have the supports enjoy different abilities depending whether it's in PVP or PVE

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,321 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bustapup said:

    It's not just supports that are the problem it's a match making issue as well, putting players against each other that are wildly different levels

    What does your roster look like and what are you being matched with? These problems are almost always explainable.

  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,050 Chairperson of the Boards

    @MegaBee said:
    I see a team in the 5-star Agatha PvP with Fantasticar, Leapfrog and Omnipotence City equipped. No way am I fighting that!

    I hit quite a few of those on my climb. Starlord was very helpful. I don't have a Leapfrog that is big enough to use but have gotten used to how to target the enemy team to get rid of it pretty quickly. You need to prepare ahead of the match and if you see the other team is using Leapfrog make sure you have an AOE on your team. Invisibility doesn't help there and if you target their biggest damage dealer to go away you can make short work of whoever is equipped with it. Also since the effects only proc 2 times a turn as long as you know which character it is on you can send the other two to invisible/away and then target the one holding the Leapfrog with a big nuke. Once they are down the invisibility and away go bye bye.

    There are a couple of 5*s that make it a little more dicey. Any of the really beefy healthpool characters at max level are probably going to need to be stunned, so both Juggs make sure you bring a stun team up when fighting those.

  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,082 Chairperson of the Boards

    How do people already have 5-star Agatha champed!?

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,321 Chairperson of the Boards

    @MegaBee said:
    How do people already have 5-star Agatha champed!?

    Wiccan feeds her and he's pretty old. I championed her as soon as I got the retro rewards.

  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,082 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:

    @MegaBee said:
    How do people already have 5-star Agatha champed!?

    Wiccan feeds her and he's pretty old. I championed her as soon as I got the retro rewards.

    That'll do it. I never managed to ascend him.

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,467 Chairperson of the Boards

    I'm more curious as to how people have 550 Agathas already. Seen a few of them (and a 546). Surely nobody had that many dupe Wiccans?

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,467 Chairperson of the Boards

    @BlackBoltRocks said:

    @Scofie said:
    I'm more curious as to how people have 550 Agathas already. Seen a few of them (and a 546). Surely nobody had that many dupe Wiccans?

    One roster I came across that had a 550 Agatha had two 550 Beta Ray Bills. So yea, I'm willing to bet that player has quite a number of ascended Wiccans. That and a lot of HP.

    So I get the multiple Wiccan thing. If you had 4 max champs and double dipped rewards, that's 48 covers. You can buy some e.g costume bundles etc. I don't understand how to get the covers with HP, though, other than creating more dupe Wiccans and buying 40x packs of Heroics?