New Iso-8 Multiplier & Iso-8-Canister items
@Carnifex said:
Counter offer!Keep your cannisters and just add a flat rate of x1.5 to VIP, maybe a tad lower if that is too generous. This way VIP will become a lot more appealing to the players still humming and harring about it. Sales would definitely increase, especially before double ISO events too.
How many likes can I give this?
Just one….well, I wanted to give it at least 100.
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A lot of negativity in this thread. If you don’t want to buy these, then don’t? It isn’t for you. If you get a free multiplier then that is more iso than you would’ve gotten today for doing literally nothing than your normal daily play.
Same with the “lazy costumes”. If you don’t want to cough up the money, then politely pass and hope others spend on these quick cash grabs so that the devs can make money and the game stays afloat.
It’s a business not a charity. This game has done a great job of not being a strong pay 2 win which kills a lot of mobile games.
Also not getting enough attention is the fact that they obliterated what was by far their biggest self-reported revenue source (HP for roster slots) by flooding the economy with them in the form of these top tier seasonal vaults. Of course they are likely looking for ways to recoup that loss and make more money.
The frequent suggestion to add everything to VIP (and they still may add a multiplier or canister) always reads to me as give me more for what I’m already paying for (so it’s free for me). I don’t know that to be true because I don’t know that the people suggesting that purchase VIP (I do more often than I don’t) but it is how it feels.
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This doesn’t appear to really fix anything ISO related for most players. I know that I’m short millions of ISO, mostly due to ascension updates with no change to the ISO economy.
And the high value vaults have been a much greater incentive to buy and spend HP than roster slots alone ever were.
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Put some of these cannisters in vaults.
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@Zalasta said:
This doesn’t appear to really fix anything ISO related for most players. I know that I’m short millions of ISO, mostly due to ascension updates with no change to the ISO economy.And the high value vaults have been a much greater incentive to buy and spend HP than roster slots alone ever were.
At the risk of oversimplification, if you get double the ISO, you make up for the shortage in half the time.
If I were to complicate it, and you prioritise your ISO, it speeds up your rewards too which also help with the ISO drought.
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@Scofie said:
@Zalasta said:
This doesn’t appear to really fix anything ISO related for most players. I know that I’m short millions of ISO, mostly due to ascension updates with no change to the ISO economy.And the high value vaults have been a much greater incentive to buy and spend HP than roster slots alone ever were.
At the risk of oversimplification, if you get double the ISO, you make up for the shortage in half the time.
If I were to complicate it, and you prioritise your ISO, it speeds up your rewards too which also help with the ISO drought.
The only ways mentioned for obtaining the multipliers was through purchase, or giveaways. I didn't see a mention of vaults or progression/placement/resupply rewards. These don't appear to be any better value than the numerous lightning ISO offerings (I purchased a few of those before they got more expensive). Arguably worse in fact, because the lightning offers are guaranteed ISO, where you have to grind for the multiplier. This isn't going to benefit most players.
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@meadowsweet said:
The capped amounts of Iso-8 in the example screenshots seem far too low to make this attractive for me:
Multiplier: 50,000 Iso / $2 = 25,000 Iso per dollar
Multiplier: 100,000 Iso / $5 = 20,000 Iso per dollar
Multiplier: 150,000 Iso / $10 = 15,000 Iso per dollar
Canister: 25,000 Iso / $5 = 5,000 Iso per dollarSo the Multipliers actually give you worse value the more money you spend?
Bad thing about this is you can spend 2 bucks on anything. And end up with more iso with the 30 days of free rewards
I think last month I ended with
700 hp
40 tokens
And close to 65000 isoSo not that great of a deal
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I don't get why people want to police how others spend their money in this game. If I buy a "bad" deal, how does that affect you at all? Who cares what I waste my money on?
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@entrailbucket said:
I don't get why people want to police how others spend their money in this game. If I buy a "bad" deal, how does that affect you at all? Who cares what I waste my money on?Funny thing is 20 years ago people would laugh and say
Who would give real money for fake digital items ( that is why most companies went bankrupt selling this sort of things )
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I'm glad the forum has all agreed with me.
We are living in a digital age my friends,
I get all my stuff digitally now, cause its easy and I don't want to get up as I'm old and broken.
If you don't want to purchase this don't it isn't mandatory to enjoy the game.
Cough Bethesda rocksteady ea0 -
Everyone complains that iso is expensive and a waste of money, so the Devs address how you can buy iso, and everyone complains.
The other portion (iso multiplier) on paper sounds positive, as long as you can occasionally earn them. They gave an example of them lasting 2 weeks, so maybe in boss battle vaults?
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@Omegased said:
Everyone complains that iso is expensive and a waste of money, so the Devs address how you can buy iso, and everyone complains.What a disingenuous comment. No, that's not what people complain about. People for years complain about the broken in game Iso8 economy, people complain about the huge jump in Iso8 requirement going from 3* to 4* to 5*, which creates artificial bottlenecks, people complain about the lack of adjustments since ascension was introduced, which created an even higher bottleneck duo to not selling max champs.
This feature does not have a precedent in the MPQ and I'm honestly shocked how ignorant you all are to the issue. "Oh just don't buy it", what if I do buy it and midway through the canister I brick my phone, now I don't get to earn it. This is the same FOMO battle pass like features that are plagueing the gaming industry as a whole. If you insist on having this feature just remove these stupid and, I'll use the word again, ARTIFICIAL timers and it would be much better. Just let me buy it and then have a 2x or whatever iso8 boost until I earn X amount extra.
Please devs let's not go even further into the route of these manipulative FOMO tactics.
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@Domitronas said:
@Omegased said:
Everyone complains that iso is expensive and a waste of money, so the Devs address how you can buy iso, and everyone complains.What a disingenuous comment. No, that's not what people complain about. People for years complain about the broken in game Iso8 economy, people complain about the huge jump in Iso8 requirement going from 3* to 4* to 5*, which creates artificial bottlenecks, people complain about the lack of adjustments since ascension was introduced, which created an even higher bottleneck duo to not selling max champs.
This feature does not have a precedent in the MPQ and I'm honestly shocked how ignorant you all are to the issue. "Oh just don't buy it", what if I do buy it and midway through the canister I brick my phone, now I don't get to earn it. This is the same FOMO battle pass like features that are plagueing the gaming industry as a whole. If you insist on having this feature just remove these stupid and, I'll use the word again, ARTIFICIAL timers and it would be much better. Just let me buy it and then have a 2x or whatever iso8 boost until I earn X amount extra.
Please devs let's not go even further into the route of these manipulative FOMO tactics.
Everything in this game is on timers. Come on now. If you brick your phone you screw up pve placement, season placement, miss out on DDQ, vaults expire, you miss lightning deals, and on and on. You can’t actually play the game. Making it a two week timer or whatever incentivizes the casuals to play more to maximize their haul.
As an aside, if I brick my phone, I’m not going two weeks without one. I can tell you that. But I admit I’m full on addicted to my phone which I purchased in full and have Apple care on. So if this bricks, I’m at the Apple Store that day having them swap it out so I can get right back to my second job playing MPQ lol.
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@Daredevil217 said:
@Domitronas said:
@Omegased said:
Everyone complains that iso is expensive and a waste of money, so the Devs address how you can buy iso, and everyone complains.What a disingenuous comment. No, that's not what people complain about. People for years complain about the broken in game Iso8 economy, people complain about the huge jump in Iso8 requirement going from 3* to 4* to 5*, which creates artificial bottlenecks, people complain about the lack of adjustments since ascension was introduced, which created an even higher bottleneck duo to not selling max champs.
This feature does not have a precedent in the MPQ and I'm honestly shocked how ignorant you all are to the issue. "Oh just don't buy it", what if I do buy it and midway through the canister I brick my phone, now I don't get to earn it. This is the same FOMO battle pass like features that are plagueing the gaming industry as a whole. If you insist on having this feature just remove these stupid and, I'll use the word again, ARTIFICIAL timers and it would be much better. Just let me buy it and then have a 2x or whatever iso8 boost until I earn X amount extra.
Please devs let's not go even further into the route of these manipulative FOMO tactics.
Everything in this game is on timers. Come on now. If you brick your phone you screw up pve placement, season placement, miss out on DDQ, vaults expire, you miss lightning deals, and on and on. You can’t actually play the game. Making it a two week timer or whatever incentivizes the casuals to play more to maximize their haul.
As an aside, if I brick my phone, I’m not going two weeks without one. I can tell you that. But I admit I’m full on addicted to my phone which I purchased in full and have Apple care on. So if this bricks, I’m at the Apple Store that day having them swap it out so I can get right back to my second job playing MPQ lol.
Another disingenous take. You can't tell a difference between a FREE TO PLAY game mechanics and a PAID service? It doesn't cost you to join a bracket in PvE or PvP. Do you lose tokens if the vault expires? Do you lose HP you've purchased if you don't log into the game? Do you lose boosters that are "expired"?
I swear to god mobile gamers are something else.
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@Domitronas said:
THERE IS NOT A PRECEDENT IN THIS GAME WHERE YOU LOSE SOMETHING THAT YOU'VE PAID FOR IF YOU DON'T USE IT IN X AMOUNT OF TIME.If you don't play while you have Bonus Rewards, you lose those. You can also buy covers (or tokens which you immediately open) and then lose those if you don't have enough roster space for them.
I don't really understand the anger in this thread. If you see a good offer that makes sense to you, purchase it. If you think it's a bad offer, don't. The devs are watching and - if they're good at business - trying to determine the sweet spot in what players are willing to pay for that makes them the most money while not wrecking the game's balance long-term. If too few people are buying what they're currently selling, they'll go back to the drawing board and try again later.
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@Domitronas said:
@Daredevil217 said:
@Domitronas said:
@Omegased said:
Everyone complains that iso is expensive and a waste of money, so the Devs address how you can buy iso, and everyone complains.What a disingenuous comment. No, that's not what people complain about. People for years complain about the broken in game Iso8 economy, people complain about the huge jump in Iso8 requirement going from 3* to 4* to 5*, which creates artificial bottlenecks, people complain about the lack of adjustments since ascension was introduced, which created an even higher bottleneck duo to not selling max champs.
This feature does not have a precedent in the MPQ and I'm honestly shocked how ignorant you all are to the issue. "Oh just don't buy it", what if I do buy it and midway through the canister I brick my phone, now I don't get to earn it. This is the same FOMO battle pass like features that are plagueing the gaming industry as a whole. If you insist on having this feature just remove these stupid and, I'll use the word again, ARTIFICIAL timers and it would be much better. Just let me buy it and then have a 2x or whatever iso8 boost until I earn X amount extra.
Please devs let's not go even further into the route of these manipulative FOMO tactics.
Everything in this game is on timers. Come on now. If you brick your phone you screw up pve placement, season placement, miss out on DDQ, vaults expire, you miss lightning deals, and on and on. You can’t actually play the game. Making it a two week timer or whatever incentivizes the casuals to play more to maximize their haul.
As an aside, if I brick my phone, I’m not going two weeks without one. I can tell you that. But I admit I’m full on addicted to my phone which I purchased in full and have Apple care on. So if this bricks, I’m at the Apple Store that day having them swap it out so I can get right back to my second job playing MPQ lol.
Another disingenous take. You can't tell a difference between a FREE TO PLAY game mechanics and a PAID service? It doesn't cost you to join a bracket in PvE or PvP. Do you lose tokens if the vault expires? Do you lose HP you've purchased if you don't log into the game? Do you lose boosters that are "expired"?
I swear to god mobile gamers are something else.
I'm shocked they never did make a pay to play pve or pvp. Or even make vip only events
Just think of the blowback
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I like Dalmatians. They are the spottiest of dogs. 😉
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@slidecage said:
@Domitronas said:
@Daredevil217 said:
@Domitronas said:
@Omegased said:
Everyone complains that iso is expensive and a waste of money, so the Devs address how you can buy iso, and everyone complains.What a disingenuous comment. No, that's not what people complain about. People for years complain about the broken in game Iso8 economy, people complain about the huge jump in Iso8 requirement going from 3* to 4* to 5*, which creates artificial bottlenecks, people complain about the lack of adjustments since ascension was introduced, which created an even higher bottleneck duo to not selling max champs.
This feature does not have a precedent in the MPQ and I'm honestly shocked how ignorant you all are to the issue. "Oh just don't buy it", what if I do buy it and midway through the canister I brick my phone, now I don't get to earn it. This is the same FOMO battle pass like features that are plagueing the gaming industry as a whole. If you insist on having this feature just remove these stupid and, I'll use the word again, ARTIFICIAL timers and it would be much better. Just let me buy it and then have a 2x or whatever iso8 boost until I earn X amount extra.
Please devs let's not go even further into the route of these manipulative FOMO tactics.
Everything in this game is on timers. Come on now. If you brick your phone you screw up pve placement, season placement, miss out on DDQ, vaults expire, you miss lightning deals, and on and on. You can’t actually play the game. Making it a two week timer or whatever incentivizes the casuals to play more to maximize their haul.
As an aside, if I brick my phone, I’m not going two weeks without one. I can tell you that. But I admit I’m full on addicted to my phone which I purchased in full and have Apple care on. So if this bricks, I’m at the Apple Store that day having them swap it out so I can get right back to my second job playing MPQ lol.
Another disingenous take. You can't tell a difference between a FREE TO PLAY game mechanics and a PAID service? It doesn't cost you to join a bracket in PvE or PvP. Do you lose tokens if the vault expires? Do you lose HP you've purchased if you don't log into the game? Do you lose boosters that are "expired"?
I swear to god mobile gamers are something else.
I'm shocked they never did make a pay to play pve or pvp. Or even make vip only events
Just think of the blowback
Back in 2014 there was a "pro" PvP that you had to spend HP to enter. The 1st place reward was one of every cover.
They only ran it once. The players who finished near the top in that event were the ones who developed the shield hopping/battlechat coordination techniques and terminology that everyone still uses today. We had no idea how they were doing it!
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@Domitronas said:
@Daredevil217 said:
@Domitronas said:
@Omegased said:
Everyone complains that iso is expensive and a waste of money, so the Devs address how you can buy iso, and everyone complains.What a disingenuous comment. No, that's not what people complain about. People for years complain about the broken in game Iso8 economy, people complain about the huge jump in Iso8 requirement going from 3* to 4* to 5*, which creates artificial bottlenecks, people complain about the lack of adjustments since ascension was introduced, which created an even higher bottleneck duo to not selling max champs.
This feature does not have a precedent in the MPQ and I'm honestly shocked how ignorant you all are to the issue. "Oh just don't buy it", what if I do buy it and midway through the canister I brick my phone, now I don't get to earn it. This is the same FOMO battle pass like features that are plagueing the gaming industry as a whole. If you insist on having this feature just remove these stupid and, I'll use the word again, ARTIFICIAL timers and it would be much better. Just let me buy it and then have a 2x or whatever iso8 boost until I earn X amount extra.
Please devs let's not go even further into the route of these manipulative FOMO tactics.
Everything in this game is on timers. Come on now. If you brick your phone you screw up pve placement, season placement, miss out on DDQ, vaults expire, you miss lightning deals, and on and on. You can’t actually play the game. Making it a two week timer or whatever incentivizes the casuals to play more to maximize their haul.
As an aside, if I brick my phone, I’m not going two weeks without one. I can tell you that. But I admit I’m full on addicted to my phone which I purchased in full and have Apple care on. So if this bricks, I’m at the Apple Store that day having them swap it out so I can get right back to my second job playing MPQ lol.
Another disingenous take. You can't tell a difference between a FREE TO PLAY game mechanics and a PAID service? It doesn't cost you to join a bracket in PvE or PvP. Do you lose tokens if the vault expires? Do you lose HP you've purchased if you don't log into the game? Do you lose boosters that are "expired"?
I don't know for sure, but I suspect that if you purchased one of these and bricked your phone for a week and you wrote and told them of the sad tale that they'd give you another week if in fact you are a daily player and suddenly didn't log on for a week.
What do you do in real life if you bought a concert or sporting event ticket and your car broke down (or you got in an accident) on the way there and you couldn't get to the event? Do you just not go to concerts or sporting events because you are worried you can't attend?
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