mThor dillemma.
At this point, I would be disappointed in a nerf for two reasons:
1: I think she's the most fun character in the game.
2: She's a glass cannon that a lot of people use early in PvP for climbing purposes. I target those teams for easy wins.
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@ursopro said:
I'm still here frens, pretty sure trolling is against the site rules so I would never do that.Anyway, back on topic, I would gladly hear everyone thoughts on why she shouldn't be nerfed, I can give mine on why she should considering she's the most powerful character in the game and no one else comes even close, the only thing that kept her at bay after release was Chasm and after the nerf he has been found dead in a ditch in 2v2 so she has been free to run rampant since.
- Passive and on demand board shake thanks to her blue passive.
- Charged tiles allow her to exponentially accelerate her ap gain.
- Three cheap powers.
- Best anti special tiles character, there is no space for characters that depend on keeping special tiles on the board to do damage or increase their utility when she's around, especially when the devs treat the fortified status as a 95 in their power budget scale.
- Scaling red single target nuke that gets even better the longest the match it goes on.
- Her yellow is a pseudo aoe that turns into massive damage single target nuke with little to no downsides.
- Above average match damage and hp for a character that does this much.
- And this is a personal one but her turn takes longer on average than most other characters.
With that said, lets keep this thread free of ad hominem attacks and focus on the important things, like nerfing mThor.
Okay, I'll give the benefit of the doubt that what seems like obvious trolling really isn't and beat this dead horse again.
- Most run her 5/3/5, so she only makes 2 charged tiles to start. It’s not hard generally to match one right away and keep matching them to use against her. Bring someone with big match damage like p5 Collosus or boosted 5 star to hammer her with her own charged tiles against her. A lot of the time I save her for last so she can keep making charged tiles for me to take advantage of.
- See earlier point
- They’re not cheap enough for her to fire them. In my experience she’s dead before she’s done anything.
- So? Don’t use those teams against her. In my experience she’s only in pvp until I hit like 600 points. After that it’s all boosted list and Omega Red teams. Special tile teams work fine against those, unless mthor happens to be on the boost list.
- The match never gets long enough for her to fire her red once, let alone so many times that it actually hurts.
- Again, rarely happens
- Seem pretty average to me with newer 5’s
- True. My only personal gripe is that if the AI doesn’t have enough AP to fire a power but then gets a big cascade match 5 and gathers up a bunch on AP the AI still won’t fire a power until next turn. With Mthor though if her opening cascade does happen to gather enough ap to fire a power, then she will do so once her turn starts. That seems kind of ****.
Mthor teams are so easy to beat I'd rather face them than just about any other team.
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Thanks - I've merged with the existing discussion thread. If anyone wants to continue the debate, please go ahead within the bounds of forum rules.
But can I ask 3 things, respectfully:
1) Read the rest of the thread (and any others on exactly the same subject) before posting.
2) If what you're about to post is not a new and original thought, please refrain from posting. Nobody is going to be convinced of either point of view by saying the same thing again.
3) Please don't tell us what mThor's powers do. We know.
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In my experience it isn't mThor that is usually the main issue, it is mThor paired with BRB/Polaris or a few of the other popular combos due to the synergy she creates with those teams. My go to for smashing the mThor/BRB/Polaris is Okoye/iHulk/Chasm. Stunning BRB at the start allows you to easily pick off Polaris first and then handle BRB and mThor at your leisure. I believe the best nerf they can make to mThor is reduce the number of tiles she can destroy near charged tiles and limiting the number of special tiles that can be destroyed to 1 or 2 per round (based on your level in that skill for her). Just slowing her cascade and special tile destruction by a certain % would still make her good, playable and useful but nowhere near as meta dominant. She isn't near the Bishop (pre-nerf) annoying level but her tile destruction does itself nerf 75% plus of the other characters in the game that do rely on special tiles. In that sense, I do believe a modification to remove a large part of her special tile removal ability is the best solution to keep her strong but not so OP meta as she is now. One option is to not let her destroy allied special tiles. That will really destroy the most used Polaris synergy for example. Another novel approach is that perhaps whenever she destroys an enemy special tile, the opposing team gains 1 AP in that destroyed special tiles color? Just spit balling ways to make her special tile destruction less impactful without destroying her as a character.
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@Borstock said:
At this point, I would be disappointed in a nerf for two reasons:1: I think she's the most fun character in the game.
Out of curiosity, can you elaborate on what makes her the most fun character in the game?
Shang is a very popular choice for most fun because of the puzzle element of the player picking the tiles to destroy with his Red and placement of his crit with Purple to create cascades so it's easy to see why he gets that nomination. Haven't really seen anyone state MThor is the most fun so interested in your take on why randomness is fun (unless you just love Chaos in general).
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The madness of epic cascades are fun to watch. When one of them leads to a random second-turn downing of an opponent, it's definitely endorphin-releasing. It's also slightly panic-inducing to watch from the other side, like a rapid upwards climb of a tall, steep rollercoaster where the harness is broken.
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@Scofie said:
The madness of epic cascades are fun to watch. When one of them leads to a random second-turn downing of an opponent, it's definitely endorphin-releasing. It's also slightly panic-inducing to watch from the other side, like a rapid upwards climb of a tall, steep rollercoaster where the harness is broken.This. 5 star Magneto, with northstar, and onslaught are a fun team I like to mess around with in Sim just because the cascades they can create can get down right silly.
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Let's back to the topic, shall we? Ya know - anniversary brought back my old nemesis in new form.
Experiment 1: Anniversary PVPs with boosted 5* only.
Experiment 2; 16 wins in pick 2 PVP without using boosted 5* (Kain was my only option and I ised him only once).Findindgs/Confirmation of know facts after that
- 90% of enemies are boosted 5* or mThor with SC/ascended Polaris.
- Many pople has mThor/SC leveled so high that matchmaking algoritm can have trouble finding me one's closer to my roster lv. It's not uncommon for me to see those two at lv 510+ or maxed despite my top 5* being "only" lv 486.
- Thanks too no 2, mThor/SC can defeat ANY boosted 5* way to easily. Way too often I could not even down one enemy before them bringing me to half health of defeating completly. And health difference was 200k+.
- mThor cascades way to easily.
- I tried to use some outdaded or underleveled (below 460) 5* in experiment 2, like Hela, Ronan, Killmonger or Ghostpool. Result is same most of the time: downed by mThor/SC before firing any power or, if not facing mThor, too badly injured to be usable anymore. On rare occacion could use them twice. That rare occasion are Yellowjacket, Apoc and Storm (vs mThor/SC) and Venomsaurus (vs. non mThor team).
- Most of 5* can be downed before firing single power due to mThor cascades. Those include boosted 5*.
- Colossus can die due to Shang Chi. It's just much slower than anybody else. It's not uncommon for me to see similar lv. SC doing 30+k damage to Piotr. All of that without mThor damagaing him with abilities.
- I can't even imagine what problems people with less developed roster can have. I ended up with no healthpacks and half of 5* downed/badly injured in experiment 2 before I managed to get 16th win.
- Yellowjacket is hidden op with his invisibility.
On top of that, I still am asking myself same question every 5* release: can it survive mThor?
Why Shaw is not a solution to mThor in pick 2:
- He has to be ascended. Even Max-min takes too much time. As 4* he is still too squishy.
- She still can down him with just ability damage.
- He just slows her down. Even one fired ability from mThor can lead to disaster.
- You are left with one slot left.
- It's same casus when Deathlock or AuntMay: focus-kill them and proceed as usuall.
- So far I saw him ONCE in enemy teams. While not-ascended Polaris and Deathlock are still more common.
Proposed solution would be either - once again - a character at 5* land with kit similar to what Electro is doing to Omega Red or nerf to mThor AP generation potential. I prefer 1st option as more safe one.
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Good luck.
This is the game that a lot of folks want to play. I still don't understand it. They'll throw the "characters can never be truly balanced!" and "why do you want to take away our fun toys!?" at you when the gulf between the good characters and everyone else is like 200 levels.
Most players here seem to want to play whatever the minimum amount required is, as quickly as possible, using only the strongest characters. An extremely unbalanced metagame enables that.
There won't ever be an effective counter to m'Thor, fwiw -- they tried, pretty hard, several times, and absolutely nothing works.
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Maybe you should float the idea of the community rebalance being MThor. No one said the rebalance had to be a buff to an old 5 (assuming it is a 5 and not a 4 that gets rebalanced).
A rebalance to her that weakened her (even if it was just something as simple as making all her powers cost +2 more AP) would in effect be a buff for literally every other 5 star character.
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@KGB said:
Maybe you should float the idea of the community rebalance being MThor. No one said the rebalance had to be a buff to an old 5 (assuming it is a 5 and not a 4 that gets rebalanced).A rebalance to her that weakened her (even if it was just something as simple as making all her powers cost +2 more AP) would in effect be a buff for literally every other 5 star character.
LOL, I would love this just to watch the forum implode.
(This is not happening -- the devs would probably prefer to keep their homes un-arsoned and their pets un-kidnapped)
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To me, the issue with facing mThor is that her start-of-turn cascade is often massive and collects tons of AP, this damaging your team and wipe them the next turn (she always collects tons of yellow). However, when i use her, the cascade is usually miniscule. Making her powers more expensive seems ok, but it will make using her on offense more frustrating, but on defense still not much difference (see reason above). Any other changes will surely get folks marching with pitchforks...
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They could always limit cascades that the AI can get in PvP just like they did in PvE, it would be a nerf without even touching her but of course would affect some others too.
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It is interesting which character bothers which player. Unless MThor is boosted I have no problem fighting here, but if I see an OR I usually skip it.
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@entrailbucket said:
Good luck.There won't ever be an effective counter to m'Thor, fwiw -- they tried, pretty hard, several times, and absolutely nothing works.
Well... Name them. Can't think about anybody else than Shaw and Peggy.
Let me intodruce ya deeper into the concept.
Colossus counters SC but SC still can kill him. Either due to fact that he can survive thanks to his healing or the fact that ecentually 17% of 200 000 is 34 000. My Colossus needs only 3 such hits to be down. I've seen SC doing 200k+ on critical tiles many times.
Electro (Francis) counters Omega Red. Yet still he can kill her either due to fact that he has red ability to damage her too or the fact that she is low health compared to him.
And yet I still see many OR and SC in any kind of PVP. I have few ideas for such character vs mThor but without testing there is no confirmation that it will work.
We need such counter. She is so good that people chase her and lv her up leading to situaton where there is lack of enemies with mThor/SC at my roster lv so I have to face way too often with oversized enemies. Right now, I'm back to the beggining. If I do not have boosted 5* to back me up, then immediatly my roster is **** and I need more luck than usuall.
Just to give ya idea: this is lucky. Usuall outcome from yesterday: EVERYBODY needed a healthpack after EACH fight,
It's not a problem of "I can't deal with her". the mThor problem is "You need more luck than usual to deal with her". Cause if not luck, then heathpacks. Sometimes both. And the problem will just simply grow with time as more people will have her to the point "average lv of mThor and SC in individual roster of each player is 550". And ya can skip her forever, cause there is too many of her.This topic got me to the point when I have few teams capable to deal with her. Crystal/Colossus, Emma/OR, Kang/Chasm, Kang/Deathlock. More if I'm gonna use boosts. But i want something like OR case: whenever i see him, I pick Electro + whatever. Right now I lack this and am forced to specifing pairings.
Omega Red is easily copuntered by Electro and Ascended Quake. If you have problem with him, consider them. Kitty and (sic!) mThor are doing ok too.
P.S. Let's apreciate the fact I resurected old thread and did not make new one. Maybe its worth sticking it for a time being?
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I pretty much just always answer with Colossus + Someone (boosted, probably) and have no issues with mthor whatsoever. There are the rare fluke losses but that can happen against just about any team now that supports are in play. Col and 1>5* Spidey and some purple supports can nuke her before she even gets a turn to go nuts with cascades and once she's down, SC is trivial. I actually find the Mthor/Polaris pair a little more threatening since they can both get out of hand and it's usually best to eliminate Polaris first.
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@Mr_F said:
Let's back to the topicFirst necro-ing thread is bad, although it may be tolerated here.
Second I am convinced your "experiment" took place in your head, or you deliberatly did not play well.
mthor is strong, but without omni she takes several turns before reliably cascading the board, and you can usually disrupt her before that.
the real difficulty would be polaris w/LLAI + mthor w/omni because yeah that can get out of hand too often t1 or t2, but I would see the issue as the supports and not the characters themselves.nerfing mthor will NOT turn any old 5* into "good" one, it will just make ppl unhappy
(I wonder why no-one is talking about omnipotence city stealth buff, I guess because everyone is busy taking advantage of it)
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No, It was not in my head. Those were actual, unscewed fights. With a bit of bad luck involded. and since it was experiment, I also have tried other characters to expand my solution list. Just maybe, maybe i will find something else to use not just the usual ones. So yes, this is part of the why it took me so much effort to do. Even though, some fact are still valid no matter how much you approach mThor dilemm:
- mThor/SC can casually destroy health pools 3 times+ bigger than their.
- I'm already seeing way too oftent hose two WAY above TOP LV of my roster, This will get even worse with time.
- mThor/SC is good in PVP and PVE = they are universally versitile.
- mThor is only 5* that makes 2/3+ of my 5* roster unusable. She is only character that requires for me a specific pair to be able to beat her instead of "anybody" or John Doe + whatever I want. any other 5* I see does not have this quality.
- Nerf is bad idea here, considering how popular she is. I do not want Chasm treatment here, I want a solution on e level Colossus-> SC, Electro->OR. No Ascension required.
We all can see Aunt May/OR/Chasm in simulator. and I've seen people posting several solutions but each of them has Electro in it. That how strong counter it is. But still not that much strong so people stopped using that trio. That is what I want.
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@Timemachinego said:
I pretty much just always answer with Colossus + Someone (boosted, probably) and have no issues with mthor whatsoever. There are the rare fluke losses but that can happen against just about any team now that supports are in play. Col and 1>5* Spidey and some purple supports can nuke her before she even gets a turn to go nuts with cascades and once she's down, SC is trivial. I actually find the Mthor/Polaris pair a little more threatening since they can both get out of hand and it's usually best to eliminate Polaris first.Agree with all this although I don't really even bother using Colossus. Pretty much any boosted character can handle her unless the AI gets lucky and I have found that even characters like Omega Red who are vulnerable can generally get enough free hits in to whittle her down. Things might be different up at 550 level of course but at my MMR which hovers around 500 she isn't a problem when not boosted.
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