December Deals Vault
@GrimSkald said:
@DAZ0273 said:
The roster slots might be a mistake on a re-settable vault...Maybe? I'm post-HP as well as -Iso, I definitely make more HP than I spend and am sitting at about 30K now. The only thing keeping me from buying out this vault every day is that I'd rather bring my whole Roster up than my highest 5 or 6 characters, and other than 5* Deadpool every single 5* cover and shard in the vault are above 500 on my roster. I really have no interest in hitting 550 unless they implement a game after that -- I'd rather play boosted 5*s with the occasional synergistic 500+ than play the same 550s every week.
While the Roster slots are high value, the 5* covers and shards are much more so, particularly since these 5*s are arguably the best in the game.
I'm sure there must be more people needing HP than not out there, so it probably all works out in the end in terms of people buying stuff. For those sitting on astronomical piles of HP they had no reason to buy HP anyway and certainly a lack of slots is unlikely to have been an issue.
I'm not sure what the threshold is exactly for being post HP? With ascending obviously the rules have changed a bit but that doesn't really apply much to me right now as I have no priorities there - so to me that is an entirely optional thing right now if I wanted some more ascended 1's or 2's beyond what I am already working on.
Personally I have bought the 40 pack once and that landed me 3 roster slots which covers me through the next months worth of releases, if I dip back in then I can do so without needing to buy HP but what with it being Christmas I expect to make some sort of real cash purchase anyway as I like to say thank you to the Devs.
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Those roster slots are a godsend! Thanks to Ascencion, my HP stack of 40K has completely dissappeared and I'm struglling to get enough HP to buy slots, let alone buy out vaults.
Now, if only there was something I could do with millions of (R)ISO...0 -
@DAZ0273 said:
I'm not sure what the threshold is exactly for being post HP?For me, post HP was reaching a point where I was accumulating HP faster than I was spending them each month in order to roster newly released characters. At a release rate of 3 per month you just need to accumulate more than 3600/month to be post HP (presumes you have 2 and 3 star farms fully running and 4 star farms once you reach max champ 4s which is where I am now with 5 duplicate 4 star farms started).
At the moment I have just over 100K HP and will spend at least 20 or more on this vault just for the LT's and roster slots at which point I won't need more slots for months which means my stash of HP will grow back again and then some.
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Thanks to ascension batch 3 and this I now have 40 empty slots.
I still will buy out the vault each day.1 -
@GrimSkald said:
@DAZ0273 said:
The roster slots might be a mistake on a re-settable vault...Maybe? I'm post-HP as well as -Iso, I definitely make more HP than I spend and am sitting at about 30K now. The only thing keeping me from buying out this vault every day is that I'd rather bring my whole Roster up than my highest 5 or 6 characters, and other than 5* Deadpool every single 5* cover and shard in the vault are above 500 on my roster. I really have no interest in hitting 550 unless they implement a game after that -- I'd rather play boosted 5*s with the occasional synergistic 500+ than play the same 550s every week.
While the Roster slots are high value, the 5* covers and shards are much more so, particularly since these 5*s are arguably the best in the game.
If you're worried about hitting 550 making you play the same 550's every week, don't be. I have 3 550's now and a few getting close and I'm still using boosted characters every week. All having 550's does is give you extra options. If it's a bad boost week you have your 550's to lean on. If a character is boosted and one of their best partners isn't, but you have them at 550 you can still make good use of that team. When your 550 is on the boost list and is boosted to lvl 672 it makes things extra fun (I had my 550 BRB boosted last week and now I'm enjoying having my 550 Apocalypse boosted to lvl 672 this week)
The only way you'll be stuck using the same 550's week in and week out is if you're one of the hardcore pve players that have the optimal pve characters at 550 with the optimal supports, but since you don't have any 550's yet you're likely not in that boat.
Having some 550's just opens extra doors to play around with more characters. And if the time ever comes that they decide to make 5 stars ascendable, you'll be a step ahead of most other players.
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@KGB said:
@DAZ0273 said:
I'm not sure what the threshold is exactly for being post HP?For me, post HP was reaching a point where I was accumulating HP faster than I was spending them each month in order to roster newly released characters. At a release rate of 3 per month you just need to accumulate more than 3600/month to be post HP (presumes you have 2 and 3 star farms fully running and 4 star farms once you reach max champ 4s which is where I am now with 5 duplicate 4 star farms started).
At the moment I have just over 100K HP and will spend at least 20 or more on this vault just for the LT's and roster slots at which point I won't need more slots for months which means my stash of HP will grow back again and then some.
Well I can certainly do that (cover the 3 roster slots) currently but not if you factored in mass ascending of characters which would eat through my stash of about 15k pretty fast. So I guess it depends on how you look at it and whether you consider ascending costs? All I can say is that this vault represent unprecedented value and so players should tuck in to the extent they are able to and happy holidays to us!
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@Tony_Foot said:
@Alfje17 said:
Now, if only there was something I could do with millions of (R)ISO...
I have half a million HP, and plenty of ISO but somehow I seem to be the only one not swimming in RISO. I'm going to be desperate for it soon. I don't know if it's because I don't compete hard in PVP or because I have more than average ranked supports.
10 at 5*
26 at 4*
Rest at 3 and below.I'm with ya, and I'm at lower numbers across the board.
3 at 5(none maxed)
16 at 4(all maxed)
Rest at 3 and below all maxed.0 -
@DAZ0273 said:
@KGB said:
@DAZ0273 said:
I'm not sure what the threshold is exactly for being post HP?For me, post HP was reaching a point where I was accumulating HP faster than I was spending them each month in order to roster newly released characters. At a release rate of 3 per month you just need to accumulate more than 3600/month to be post HP (presumes you have 2 and 3 star farms fully running and 4 star farms once you reach max champ 4s which is where I am now with 5 duplicate 4 star farms started).
At the moment I have just over 100K HP and will spend at least 20 or more on this vault just for the LT's and roster slots at which point I won't need more slots for months which means my stash of HP will grow back again and then some.
Well I can certainly do that (cover the 3 roster slots) currently but not if you factored in mass ascending of characters which would eat through my stash of about 15k pretty fast. So I guess it depends on how you look at it and whether you consider ascending costs? All I can say is that this vault represent unprecedented value and so players should tuck in to the extent they are able to and happy holidays to us!
How does mass ascending eat roster slots? I got roster slots back when I ascended a whole bunch of characters since I was taking a pair of 2 stars and making 1 3 star or taking a pair of 3 stars and making 1 4 star. By the time you reach the point of needing to ascend a 2->3 to 2->4 it will be another year or so (you need 200 covers to take that 2->3 from 166 to 266) which is plenty of time to get HP for another pair of 2 star roster slots (technically only 1 roster slot since you got 1 back on the first 2->3 ascension). By the time you need a 2nd 2-4> to make a 2->5 it will be years for normal players or you can simply buy via HP one of the 2->4 offers they seem to be offering all the time and save on the slots needed for a 2nd 2->4.
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I used a bunch rostering 1*s (I'd only kept 1Spidey) but yeah, as those ascend I've got spare slots for the first time in forever even with some very inefficient multi-layered ascending going on as happens when you pull a pre-ascended character from a vault and keep the lower tier versions around.
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@KGB said:
@DAZ0273 said:
@KGB said:
@DAZ0273 said:
I'm not sure what the threshold is exactly for being post HP?For me, post HP was reaching a point where I was accumulating HP faster than I was spending them each month in order to roster newly released characters. At a release rate of 3 per month you just need to accumulate more than 3600/month to be post HP (presumes you have 2 and 3 star farms fully running and 4 star farms once you reach max champ 4s which is where I am now with 5 duplicate 4 star farms started).
At the moment I have just over 100K HP and will spend at least 20 or more on this vault just for the LT's and roster slots at which point I won't need more slots for months which means my stash of HP will grow back again and then some.
Well I can certainly do that (cover the 3 roster slots) currently but not if you factored in mass ascending of characters which would eat through my stash of about 15k pretty fast. So I guess it depends on how you look at it and whether you consider ascending costs? All I can say is that this vault represent unprecedented value and so players should tuck in to the extent they are able to and happy holidays to us!
How does mass ascending eat roster slots? I got roster slots back when I ascended a whole bunch of characters since I was taking a pair of 2 stars and making 1 3 star or taking a pair of 3 stars and making 1 4 star. By the time you reach the point of needing to ascend a 2->3 to 2->4 it will be another year or so (you need 200 covers to take that 2->3 from 166 to 266) which is plenty of time to get HP for another pair of 2 star roster slots (technically only 1 roster slot since you got 1 back on the first 2->3 ascension). By the time you need a 2nd 2-4> to make a 2->5 it will be years for normal players or you can simply buy via HP one of the 2->4 offers they seem to be offering all the time and save on the slots needed for a 2nd 2->4.
No mass ascending eats HP which is needed to buy roster slots.
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@DrClever said:
I used a bunch rostering 1*s (I'd only kept 1Spidey) but yeah, as those ascend I've got spare slots for the first time in forever even with some very inefficient multi-layered ascending going on as happens when you pull a pre-ascended character from a vault and keep the lower tier versions around.Yeah I wasn't debating that. What I said is that if I wanted to ascend multiple characters right now I would need the up front HP to get the roster slots (OK I have 3 spare at this time thanks to this vault). Now over time that will obviously even out but if I don't have the HP resources today to achieve all my goals, do I call myself post-HP? I have no idea which is why I said it depends on your perspective. If I never bother ascending another character It seems likely I would never need to buy HP again.
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How can you ever be post HP when there's always more vaults yo buy out?
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@DAZ0273 said:
@KGB said:
@DAZ0273 said:
@KGB said:
@DAZ0273 said:
I'm not sure what the threshold is exactly for being post HP?For me, post HP was reaching a point where I was accumulating HP faster than I was spending them each month in order to roster newly released characters. At a release rate of 3 per month you just need to accumulate more than 3600/month to be post HP (presumes you have 2 and 3 star farms fully running and 4 star farms once you reach max champ 4s which is where I am now with 5 duplicate 4 star farms started).
At the moment I have just over 100K HP and will spend at least 20 or more on this vault just for the LT's and roster slots at which point I won't need more slots for months which means my stash of HP will grow back again and then some.
Well I can certainly do that (cover the 3 roster slots) currently but not if you factored in mass ascending of characters which would eat through my stash of about 15k pretty fast. So I guess it depends on how you look at it and whether you consider ascending costs? All I can say is that this vault represent unprecedented value and so players should tuck in to the extent they are able to and happy holidays to us!
How does mass ascending eat roster slots? I got roster slots back when I ascended a whole bunch of characters since I was taking a pair of 2 stars and making 1 3 star or taking a pair of 3 stars and making 1 4 star. By the time you reach the point of needing to ascend a 2->3 to 2->4 it will be another year or so (you need 200 covers to take that 2->3 from 166 to 266) which is plenty of time to get HP for another pair of 2 star roster slots (technically only 1 roster slot since you got 1 back on the first 2->3 ascension). By the time you need a 2nd 2-4> to make a 2->5 it will be years for normal players or you can simply buy via HP one of the 2->4 offers they seem to be offering all the time and save on the slots needed for a 2nd 2->4.
No mass ascending eats HP which is needed to buy roster slots.
I don't understand. Do you not have farms?
For example if I ascend the 2 star tier which is 14 characters I free up 14 slots and get 14 2->3 characters. Then I need 200 more covers each before they max champ. At that point I reroster 14 2 stars and need another 63 covers to get them max champed.
Only then do I need 14 more slots to ascend the 2 star champs. Given I need 263 covers its safe to say its years away that I need to worry about more roster slots. The same logic applies to 3s and 4s.
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@KGB said:
@DAZ0273 said:
@KGB said:
@DAZ0273 said:
@KGB said:
@DAZ0273 said:
I'm not sure what the threshold is exactly for being post HP?For me, post HP was reaching a point where I was accumulating HP faster than I was spending them each month in order to roster newly released characters. At a release rate of 3 per month you just need to accumulate more than 3600/month to be post HP (presumes you have 2 and 3 star farms fully running and 4 star farms once you reach max champ 4s which is where I am now with 5 duplicate 4 star farms started).
At the moment I have just over 100K HP and will spend at least 20 or more on this vault just for the LT's and roster slots at which point I won't need more slots for months which means my stash of HP will grow back again and then some.
Well I can certainly do that (cover the 3 roster slots) currently but not if you factored in mass ascending of characters which would eat through my stash of about 15k pretty fast. So I guess it depends on how you look at it and whether you consider ascending costs? All I can say is that this vault represent unprecedented value and so players should tuck in to the extent they are able to and happy holidays to us!
How does mass ascending eat roster slots? I got roster slots back when I ascended a whole bunch of characters since I was taking a pair of 2 stars and making 1 3 star or taking a pair of 3 stars and making 1 4 star. By the time you reach the point of needing to ascend a 2->3 to 2->4 it will be another year or so (you need 200 covers to take that 2->3 from 166 to 266) which is plenty of time to get HP for another pair of 2 star roster slots (technically only 1 roster slot since you got 1 back on the first 2->3 ascension). By the time you need a 2nd 2-4> to make a 2->5 it will be years for normal players or you can simply buy via HP one of the 2->4 offers they seem to be offering all the time and save on the slots needed for a 2nd 2->4.
No mass ascending eats HP which is needed to buy roster slots.
I don't understand. Do you not have farms?
For example if I ascend the 2 star tier which is 14 characters I free up 14 slots and get 14 2->3 characters. Then I need 200 more covers each before they max champ. At that point I reroster 14 2 stars and need another 63 covers to get them max champed.
Only then do I need 14 more slots to ascend the 2 star champs. Given I need 263 covers its safe to say its years away that I need to worry about more roster slots. The same logic applies to 3s and 4s.
I don't have dupes. I sold off a lot of my dupes and max champs because I never envisioned this ever happening. My Farms are at different levels. I have one 1* and I have not replaced the 2* I have ascended so they are only farming at the higher cover cost tier above, ditto 3* ascended.
But I sort of think we are drifting away from things? The question was what is being post HP TODAY if I wanted to open vaults, ascend characters AND roster all new releases not "Does ascending free up slots" which we know it does.
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@Bowgentle said:
How can you ever be post HP when there's always more vaults yo buy out?Thank you! Somebody who finally understands my point! I agree - you can be post iso because once everything is leveled you are done but I don't understand what being post HP is because things to buy never run out. I think some players like Tony can certainly claim that they have all the HP they need but if you are not on that scale (and not many are) then having more is always a goal.
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@BriMan2222 said:
@GrimSkald said:
@DAZ0273 said:
The roster slots might be a mistake on a re-settable vault...Maybe? I'm post-HP as well as -Iso, I definitely make more HP than I spend and am sitting at about 30K now. The only thing keeping me from buying out this vault every day is that I'd rather bring my whole Roster up than my highest 5 or 6 characters, and other than 5* Deadpool every single 5* cover and shard in the vault are above 500 on my roster. I really have no interest in hitting 550 unless they implement a game after that -- I'd rather play boosted 5*s with the occasional synergistic 500+ than play the same 550s every week.
While the Roster slots are high value, the 5* covers and shards are much more so, particularly since these 5*s are arguably the best in the game.
If you're worried about hitting 550 making you play the same 550's every week, don't be. I have 3 550's now and a few getting close and I'm still using boosted characters every week. All having 550's does is give you extra options. If it's a bad boost week you have your 550's to lean on. If a character is boosted and one of their best partners isn't, but you have them at 550 you can still make good use of that team. When your 550 is on the boost list and is boosted to lvl 672 it makes things extra fun (I had my 550 BRB boosted last week and now I'm enjoying having my 550 Apocalypse boosted to lvl 672 this week)
The only way you'll be stuck using the same 550's week in and week out is if you're one of the hardcore pve players that have the optimal pve characters at 550 with the optimal supports, but since you don't have any 550's yet you're likely not in that boat.
Having some 550's just opens extra doors to play around with more characters. And if the time ever comes that they decide to make 5 stars ascendable, you'll be a step ahead of most other players.
I'm mostly concerned about borking my MMR which is such a mysterious background stat anyway. I'm actually not that close to 550 to be honest - my top three are Bill, Okoye, and MThor at 527, 527, and 526 respectively. Shang is at 520, Kang and OR at 518, and Apoc at 516, and I have 6 more at varying levels down to 500. I probably shouldn't be that worried about it but at this point I don't think I'll make it a priority either.
I invested in all the daily deals today. I'll decide on how I want to proceed with the vault if it's still there tomorrow -- at this point it seems likely it was no mistake which is wild.
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@DAZ0273 said:
@Bowgentle said:
How can you ever be post HP when there's always more vaults yo buy out?Thank you! Somebody who finally understands my point! I agree - you can be post iso because once everything is leveled you are done but I don't understand what being post HP is because things to buy never run out. I think some players like Tony can certainly claim that they have all the HP they need but if you are not on that scale (and not many are) then having more is always a goal.
Post-HP was probably a bad term for it, then. We can say "free to use HP in a discretionary fashion rather than needing it for shields and roster slots." But that's a mouthful.
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@GrimSkald said:
@BriMan2222 said:
@GrimSkald said:
@DAZ0273 said:
The roster slots might be a mistake on a re-settable vault...Maybe? I'm post-HP as well as -Iso, I definitely make more HP than I spend and am sitting at about 30K now. The only thing keeping me from buying out this vault every day is that I'd rather bring my whole Roster up than my highest 5 or 6 characters, and other than 5* Deadpool every single 5* cover and shard in the vault are above 500 on my roster. I really have no interest in hitting 550 unless they implement a game after that -- I'd rather play boosted 5*s with the occasional synergistic 500+ than play the same 550s every week.
While the Roster slots are high value, the 5* covers and shards are much more so, particularly since these 5*s are arguably the best in the game.
If you're worried about hitting 550 making you play the same 550's every week, don't be. I have 3 550's now and a few getting close and I'm still using boosted characters every week. All having 550's does is give you extra options. If it's a bad boost week you have your 550's to lean on. If a character is boosted and one of their best partners isn't, but you have them at 550 you can still make good use of that team. When your 550 is on the boost list and is boosted to lvl 672 it makes things extra fun (I had my 550 BRB boosted last week and now I'm enjoying having my 550 Apocalypse boosted to lvl 672 this week)
The only way you'll be stuck using the same 550's week in and week out is if you're one of the hardcore pve players that have the optimal pve characters at 550 with the optimal supports, but since you don't have any 550's yet you're likely not in that boat.
Having some 550's just opens extra doors to play around with more characters. And if the time ever comes that they decide to make 5 stars ascendable, you'll be a step ahead of most other players.
I'm mostly concerned about borking my MMR which is such a mysterious background stat anyway. I'm actually not that close to 550 to be honest - my top three are Bill, Okoye, and MThor at 527, 527, and 526 respectively. Shang is at 520, Kang and OR at 518, and Apoc at 516, and I have 6 more at varying levels down to 500. I probably shouldn't be that worried about it but at this point I don't think I'll make it a priority either.
I invested in all the daily deals today. I'll decide on how I want to proceed with the vault if it's still there tomorrow -- at this point it seems likely it was no mistake which is wild.
I honestly didn't notice much difference in my mmr when I got my first 550.
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I know this question doesn't belong in this thread, but I'm gonna ask anyway since I'm pretty sure anyone in here can answer it. I have an ascended Polaris. I favourited her for shards, but when I pulled a couple of LT's, the shards went to a random 5*. Anyone know why?
On topic : this vault rocks.
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Polaris isn't a 5*.
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