***** Elektra (Woman Without Fear) *****



  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2022
    KM creates trap tiles on 3 colors. If both worked together she always would be reducing damage and gaining AP for free and she could gain AP on 3 colors if there is a cascade. I don't think they are going to make it happen .
    SW reduces damage except the first hit, and then elektra would be a better partner for to defending the first one and dealing a lot of damage as long as there could be yellow(but SW can create it).
    And ghostpool penance will damage regardless of the damage which has been reduced so it would be an annoying defensive team.
    I didn't read the default set to strike. A lot of characters use it. I think it's better this way as she could have an extra bonus to damage.
    If it was protect tiles by default she would destroy BRB, along with kitty and polaris which is the popular team on Sim.
  • Seph1roth5
    Seph1roth5 Posts: 429 Mover and Shaker
    Super not regretting blowing all my CP on the okoye/apoc/brb banner.  Elektra looks pretty meh to me. 

    The yellow MIGHT be interesting but the other 2 are embarrassingly bad.  A 9 red power that stuns for 2 turns when we just got a 4* that stuns 3 turns for 5 blue?  Yeah it has a bit of damage but meh.  And the purple is stupid expensive to steal some tiles.  

    Please get whoever's in charge of the 4* on the 5*.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,342 Chairperson of the Boards
    She seems to be following in the tradition of MPQ Elektra's as being potentially annoying to fight against. I'm not super fond of the whole thing otherwise but she doesn't seem to be Abigail Brand levels of dull.
    Non MPQ stuff:
    Character wise - I don't really like that costume (although I have seen better versions of it that do look good) and I understand that she has taken some sort of vow not to kill whislt she is DD (hence the Contraphobia clue I guess) but never understand when bladed weapons are used without using the blade-y bit to "stun". Why not just use DD'd billy club? Why can't she just be Elektra: Guardian of Hells Kitchen? I am sure none of the various DD villians are scratching their heads and asking "who is this new masked Daredevil ninja who uses weapons like the ninja Elekra???!?". So it all seems a bit contrived to me but hopefully the story has been good (not read it myself).
  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,433 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanos said:
    @Neko Are the numbers right on her purple? they seem very low. Red would've been nice at 7-8 AP and a one turn CD. Also, **** is with purples 10ap cost.  Also, her release store would've been good if not for Black Widow, oh well.

    I'm probably the rare person seeking BW covers :smile: . mine is 8 covers, and another 5 via feeder is a long road to go so if I can get 1 or 2 from this store it would help speed up finishing champing all my 5*

    And levels for SC wouldn't hurt, so I'll use my small stash to pull from the special store.  
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here are the defensive characters in 5* land:

    Wanda, Colossus, Odin, Mr Sinister, BRB.

    Speaking of Melinda May, I feel like pairing her with Elektra and 5* Colossus. 

    Here's the play:
    In shield sim, Colossus will be able to trigger Melinda May's passive ap gain every turn, unless your opponents are Prof X, Colossus or BRB/Kitty. You will gain an extra 3 yellow aps every turn because of Colossus' match damage and due to his strongest colour being yellow.

    Player's side:
    T1: gain 3 yellow ap via MM.
    T2: gain 3 yellow ap via MM.
    T3: fire Elektra's yellow; gain 3 yellow ap via MM
    T4: 3 + 1 yellow ap via her trap tile + 3 from MM = 7
    T5: fire Elektra's yellow, 7-6+3 = 4 yellow aps

    Matching yellow and enemy cascading can speed up the process by a couple turn.

    You probably can keep doing this until you run out of yellow tiles. You have two different colour stuns if you need them, and 270 Melinda May provides some small healing and also helps to reduce recovered from being stunned opponent's power and match damage by 1566. I think we have quite a number of damage reduction going with this team.
  • Srheer0
    Srheer0 Posts: 510 Critical Contributor
    Is she a BRB counter?

    Does it count as "BrB" making protect tiles when his countdown generates them?

    Looks good, red stun is interesting. We need more non blue stuns :D
  • MadScientist
    MadScientist Posts: 317 Mover and Shaker
    Her red could be nice with 5* Hawkeye and Coulson.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think people have gotten spoiled with 7 AP powers and think that 9 AP is too much.  Did we think Dr Strange’s 9 Blue AP stun & hit was too expensive? No, we thought it was great.  Any power between 7 - 9 AP takes 3 matches to get anyway (unless you’re constantly using AP boosts).  Elektra’s 9 Red AP stun & hit is not expensive, it’s priced correctly for what you get.  

    Her yellow is an amazing bargain though.  With a yellow battery, this would be even better. 

    I would bet her purple passive steals Grocket strikes on battle start, buffs them and reduces the enemies. Defaulting to strikes is more useful than attack or protect.  
  • Srheer0
    Srheer0 Posts: 510 Critical Contributor
    bbigler said:
    I think people have gotten spoiled with 7 AP powers and think that 9 AP is too much.  Did we think Dr Strange’s 9 Blue AP stun & hit was too expensive? No, we thought it was great.  Any power between 7 - 9 AP takes 3 matches to get anyway (unless you’re constantly using AP boosts).  Elektra’s 9 Red AP stun & hit is not expensive, it’s priced correctly for what you get.  

    Her yellow is an amazing bargain though.  With a yellow battery, this would be even better. 

    I would bet her purple passive steals Grocket strikes on battle start, buffs them and reduces the enemies. Defaulting to strikes is more useful than attack or protect.  
    It will be interesting if it does, I remember they had to change enemy C5rnage passive not to work before the first player turn.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    She only steals up to 3 when the skill is cast…for 10 ap. So turn 3-4 if you match purple every turn.

     The passive part steals 1 tile when an enemy creates a special tile. This skill is more of a Knull / Ultron counter than Grocket.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    It looks like she can steal 1 SAP tile whenever one is created. So, she'll be able to steal R4G's tile. And when Polaris matches and creates strike tiles, she will steal one per activation. Also, she reduces the strength of these tiles by 86.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    at 5 covers, she steals 3 SAP tiles; I'm curioushow that interacts with Colossus or similar "creates enemy strike" characters? Seems like she could be passively good against those players running Valkyrie/Shang-Chi in PVP in that way. I never see those people in my MMR, but i've seen plenty of y'all say you do it.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Srheer0 said:
    Is she a BRB counter?

    Does it count as "BrB" making protect tiles when his countdown generates them?

    Looks good, red stun is interesting. We need more non blue stuns :D
    It does seem like that is what happens, because if you get his blue as a team up, and he is not present in the battle, the countdown appears and does not create protect tiles for you.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    bbigler said:
    I think people have gotten spoiled with 7 AP powers and think that 9 AP is too much.  Did we think Dr Strange’s 9 Blue AP stun & hit was too expensive? No, we thought it was great.  Any power between 7 - 9 AP takes 3 matches to get anyway (unless you’re constantly using AP boosts).  Elektra’s 9 Red AP stun & hit is not expensive, it’s priced correctly for what you get.  

    Comparing a classic not rebalanced power with a new character released doesn't talks really good about the new character. 
    The only good thing about elektra's stun is that it's on red. Ghostpool at the very least can re-stun if matched.
    The power needs something more to be ok.
    A bit damage or less AP.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not sure how much more damage one is expecting from her red.

    Apocalypse's red deals 2344 damage per ap. 

    Ghostpool's 2080 damage per ap.

    Elektra's 2317 damage per ap, which is close to Apocalypse's, except that it's delayed for 2 turns.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    at 5 covers, she steals 3 SAP tiles; I'm curioushow that interacts with Colossus or similar "creates enemy strike" characters? Seems like she could be passively good against those players running Valkyrie/Shang-Chi in PVP in that way. I never see those people in my MMR, but i've seen plenty of y'all say you do it.

    She only steals 1 passively. The steal 3 costs 10 purple so it's expensive. She will steal way more via her passive power than the active component unless you are in very long battles.
    There are a few characters who only create a single tile (Knull , Ultron) and in those cases she will steal it immediately every turn.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    There are huge differences between all these powers though - Apocalypse just does his damage immediately for less AP, and if his yellow is in play, add 40k to the total. Ghostpool does the stun immediately along with the damage, then leaves you a supplemental cd you can chase to keep the stun going while powering up another fire. Elektra does the stun after needing more AP to fire, then the vulnerable CD has to burn down to generate the damage condition. I think it's a demonstrably less good power, though I won't necessarily say it's a bad power.

    I will say though that comparing it to 5trange back when he was new is not as helpful as comparing it to 5trange in the context of today's game, the one we are all playing, and the one this brand new character is being released into. She seems like someone you will absolutely want to bring 50% Thor along with to power her on paper. She could be quite annoying with a power cheapener strictly on the basis of her yellow.
  • TheRiddler
    TheRiddler Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    I'm not sure how much more damage one is expecting from her red.

    Apocalypse's red deals 2344 damage per ap. 

    Ghostpool's 2080 damage per ap.

    Elektra's 2317 damage per ap, which is close to Apocalypse's, except that it's delayed for 2 turns.

    Apocalypse also does 4 boostable hits that keep going even if they down the target. They also ignore protect tiles.
  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,961 Chairperson of the Boards
    People *have* gotten spoiled with 7ap powers!  That's not their fault though.  Why wouldn't you compare characters' powers?  A power that costs 9 should always be a little stronger than a power that costs 7, because it's a little more expensive.  Elektra's red doesn't "feel" like a 9ap power in today's game.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Unless you are using boost, all their powers require 3 match-3. Besides, we are comparing just the red power.

    If we want to add in Apocalypse's yellow boost, then we need to throw in Elektra's yellow to even out the field.

    450 Apocalypse's red will deal 12886 x 4 or 51, 544 damage. So, the first 3 hit of Apocalypse's red will be reduced by 50%. So, we have (6443 * 3) + 12886 = 32, 215 damage. So, his damage per ap will be 32315/14 = 2301.07

    Elektra, on the other hand, would have dealt a total of 20851 + (8688*3) = 46915 damage. Her damage per ap would be 3127.66.

    As you can see, Elektra's damage per ap on a level playing field is even better than Apocalypse and his boost. 

    What can be seen is that they have different roles. Apocalypse is an all out offense character, whereas Elektra is a tactical/defensive character. In 1 v 1, Elektra can be better than Apocalypse.