***** Deadpool (Spirit of Vengeance) ***** - An MPQ Original Character



  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,001 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2020
    It's difficult to say how good he will be exactly as he does have a decent skill set.

    However, I don't see him being particularly effective against iHulk/Okoye or BRB/Kitty which are the current top two meta teams in the 5*tier. Sure he will be able to one shot iHulk pretty quick but iHulk will just come back again and then you have to collect another 6 black AP. And since iHulk is more than likely the primary damage dealer on his team you won't get much bang for your buck using black on the other characters on the enemy team. It doesn't seem likely that Deadpool will be able to survive long enough for a player to be able to finish off iHulk unless you pair him with a character that neutralizes his AoE fairly quickly. 

    And even if Deadpool's black does factor the boost damage from Okoye's passive against her, it's a pretty big risk and your team is taking extensive damage in order for you to down her. 

    Chase red for the stun, you leave green on the board for iHulk to do his thing. Even if you manage to get red off and stun him for 2 turns, there's no guarantee you will be able to keep matching the CD to keep him stunned. And in the event you down him using red, I am guessing you won't get the stun when he comes back. 

    In the case of Kitty/BRB, if she buffs Beta's tiles enough it basically neutralizes Deadpool's black. You pretty much have to use your red on Kitty and again you will have to keep her stunned otherwise she will remove the CD and punish you for using it. 

    Now I am not saying the Dev team needed to make him an anti-meta character. His skill set certainly looks fun and will likely be a pain to fight against. Obviously because of his cheap and dangerous black you are going to want to down him as quickly as possible.  And it's quite possible they have a good partner character for him down the line. Ironically, he would benefit from a jump-in-the-front type partner who can soak up damage and heal it off. 

    But it does bug me that one of his best known abilities, namely his insane healing factor, has been overlooked in this version. Especially when a healing ability would complement his black power better than a 2 turn stun ability. But that's just my Bugle Pittance on the matter.

    I am curious who people have in mind for him as a good partner. I suppose Okoye and Apocalypse since they can boost damage but anyone else? 
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's difficult to say how good he will be exactly as he does have a decent skill set.

    But it does bug me that one of his best known abilities, namely his insane healing factor, has been overlooked in this version. Especially when a healing ability would complement his black power better than a 2 turn stun ability. But that's just my Bugle Pittance on the matter.

    I am curious who people have in mind for him as a good partner. I suppose Okoye and Apocalypse since they can boost damage but anyone else? 
    That is true but in his others version his healing factor was mild in comparison with the character on comics.
    The third wheel for me is a protective brb.
    The only one who stopped ihulk was bishop.

    His skill set is a really good one. Penance fare is the always threath awaiting.
    His red power on defense will not be relevant. Now stealing AP is really annoying. Stealing and dealing 5000 damage for free, ladies and gentlemen, is the entry to a nightmare.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,425 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bad said:
    It's difficult to say how good he will be exactly as he does have a decent skill set.

    But it does bug me that one of his best known abilities, namely his insane healing factor, has been overlooked in this version. Especially when a healing ability would complement his black power better than a 2 turn stun ability. But that's just my Bugle Pittance on the matter.

    I am curious who people have in mind for him as a good partner. I suppose Okoye and Apocalypse since they can boost damage but anyone else? 
    That is true but in his others version his healing factor was mild in comparison with the character on comics.
    The third wheel for me is a protective brb.
    The only one who stopped ihulk was bishop.

    His skill set is a really good one. Penance fare is the always threath awaiting.
    His red power on defense will not be relevant. Now stealing AP is really annoying. Stealing and dealing 5000 damage for free, ladies and gentlemen, is the entry to a nightmare.

    XPools Red healing is quite good. Especially at 5 covers. Yes, it costs a lot but it does heal a lot (he's very useful in the Apoc boss event with 4* Carol generating tons of Red when Apoc matches his strongest color). I was expecting 5* Deadpool to have a heal as a 2nd component of a power like 3/4 Deadpool and it would have been easy to add.
    Back to 5* Deadpool. Not sure Black is that big a threat on defense. You know when the AI will use it (if he's the only Black user) and all you have to do is put in front a character who hasn't done much damage and it won't do much to you (similar to how you handle 4* GR Penance Stare). In other words the AI isn't smart enough to use it well. In players hands obviously that won't be an issue. Similarly the AP steal is only on the front characters strongest color and that will be changing (unless you have 1 character doing all the tanking) so it won't happen often that his Blue will be an issue.
    Overall, I think he'll play like 5* Yelena (both have AP shenanigans and both have 1 strong power and 2 situational ones). Handy on the right teams or against specific opponents but that makes him a B tier character like she is.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    KGB said:
    Not sure Black is that big a threat on defense. You know when the AI will use it (if he's the only Black user) and all you have to do is put in front a character who hasn't done much damage and it won't do much to you (similar to how you handle 4* GR Penance Stare). In other words the AI isn't smart enough to use it well. In players hands obviously that won't be an issue. Similarly the AP steal is only on the front characters strongest color and that will be changing (unless you have 1 character doing all the tanking) so it won't happen often that his Blue will be an issue.
    Overall, I think he'll play like 5* Yelena (both have AP shenanigans and both have 1 strong power and 2 situational ones). Handy on the right teams or against specific opponents but that makes him a B tier character like she is.
    With a cost of 10 AP indeed it is predictable. Not with 6 AP.
    Still it has yet to discover AI behaviour. Will it have access to all the menu? Will it fire always to the full? Or only instant penance?
    The AP steal could be as unpredictable as XP or Onslaught shenanigans.
    Now facing a team like we said: okoye/apoc, brb and DP. What color you will deny? Obviously TU/yellow. Then what? Posibly blue. Then try to predict DP passive with all your characters. It could be he steals yellow or blue. Then black AP, if you didnt deny it. And he fires the penance.
    Not a relaxing battle lol.
    Anyway we can agree he will be great on ofense.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,425 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Bad. Not sure what you mean by not predictable at 6 AP. It's predictable in that as soon as the AI has 6 AP it will fire the power. So you just put a character in front who hasn't done much damage and the penance part won't do much damage. It's only unpredictable if there are 2 Black users on the AI team.
    Also are we sure there is going to be a menu to fire the secondary powers? I suspect (as many others do) that if you have the power set to 5, it will auto-fire all the components that there is AP for. This does more damage/effects but at the cost of denying AP for other powers so it's double edged to be using it.
    His passive can only steal from the in front characters strongest power. So again, you have some control over who you put in front by what colors you match.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    @KGB. Its needed to check yet how this power works and how AI uses it. If he fires at 6, you cannot predict it because its too cheap, with a simple cascade or another type of power he can get it.
    Now how can you calculate how much damage all members had dealt and putting the one you want? Sometimes is not that simple, and with a theorical cost of 6 AP, the less.
    About his AP stealing, it changes with each one of your team. 
    Sometimes you are denying because is more important, sometimes you are just making your tactic, but in the end you cannot be worring for him, principally because you will not know wich matching AI will make, and then soon or later he will got you.
    Now we can consider you are facing killmonger and DP. The wise thing is matching your strong color because if not things can get really ugly.
    But you need to deny other colors, do your play and time matters. And then, baaf! They got you. And you could regret it.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    His passive ap steal is not straightforward. It's similar to Talos's purple ability. If the target's strongest colour is green, you need to make a green match to steal 1 of that colour. 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,576 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2020
    I guess the argument could be that he doesn't have the heal because he isn't Deadpool any more, he is a Spirit of Vengeance which brings with it a different power set.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,001 Chairperson of the Boards
    DAZ0273 said:
    I guess the argument could be that he doesn't have the heal because he isn't Deadpool any more, he is a Spirit of Vengeance which brings with it a different power set.

    Except that the Spirit of Vengeance grants its hosts a superb regenerative healing factor plus invulnerability to basically everything except divine weapons like the Holy Hand Grenade! Oh boy...need to stop myself before I let my inner comic geek run amok in righteous indignation.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,576 Chairperson of the Boards
    DAZ0273 said:
    I guess the argument could be that he doesn't have the heal because he isn't Deadpool any more, he is a Spirit of Vengeance which brings with it a different power set.

    Except that the Spirit of Vengeance grants its hosts a superb regenerative healing factor plus invulnerability to basically everything except divine weapons like the Holy Hand Grenade! Oh boy...need to stop myself before I let my inner comic geek run amok in righteous indignation.

    This one doesn't! Maybe Deadpool messed things up! Or his immune system is taking a hit from all those demonic chilli's!
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    For black it is confirmed you can only choose one of the 3 extra powers. This is good and bad.  Good that you get to choose the extra but bad because you can’t use all 3.  Yellow cannot be fired with only one enemy left.  I am beginning to think OMD, Heimdall, DP will be one of the worst LL to pull from.
  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,433 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2020
    Bad said:
    @KGB. Its needed to check yet how this power works and how AI uses it. If he fires at 6, you cannot predict it because its too cheap, with a simple cascade or another type of power he can get it.
    Now how can you calculate how much damage all members had dealt and putting the one you want? could regret it.
    It doesn't matter if the enemy team gets a cascade.  The AI is programmed to check if they have enough ap to fire powers at the beginning of their turn and decide if it is going to fire or not, which it always will unless there is one power ready to fire and another power with same color that isn't ready.  In that case it might fire the ready power or it might wait until it gains more ap to fire the more expensive power.  Either way it only happens at the beginning of the turn.  If the Ai gets a match 5 and gets a cascade and gets a ton of ap, it still won't fire the powers until the beginning of its next turn.  The enemy will never fire a power after a cascade, so you can never be caught off guard by a power unless you just aren't paying attention.

    So, as has already been stated, it is 100% predictable because you will have a turn knowing they have enough ap to fire a power to be prepared no matter what, and you will be able to calculate who on your team has done the most damage either by just paying attention to who is doing damage on your team or by clicking on ghost rider and then clicking on his black power.  The game will flat out tell you who on your team has done the most damage and how much damage they have done in the power description.  Presumably Deadpool black will work the same way.

    Deadpool's black will be 100 percent predictable and avoidable by a player controlled team.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    wymtime said:
    For black it is confirmed you can only choose one of the 3 extra powers. This is good and bad.  Good that you get to choose the extra but bad because you can’t use all 3.  Yellow cannot be fired with only one enemy left.  I am beginning to think OMD, Heimdall, DP will be one of the worst LL to pull from.
    Yes, disappointed with the way his black works. I was assuming it was like Fury's old yellow, where if you had the AP for the additional powers, they would automatically fire as well. Feels like a bit of a rip off that you only get to choose one extra.
  • supergarv
    supergarv Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    The way how his black implemented made me go from "oh **** he might get meta, let's hoard my Legendietary Tacos" to "oh well, I can shrug off the next batch of 3 Legends too and hoard for another half year".
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2020
    Its black works as his whales. Not sure if AI can fire that.
    It seems it needed to fire yellow before purple. So without a team only one effect can be fired.
    About predicting and avoiding his 6 AP black: can you always predict and select the character who you want to take clash of the worthy? Then congratulations. You are in a god tier.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    wymtime said:
    For black it is confirmed you can only choose one of the 3 extra powers. This is good and bad.  Good that you get to choose the extra but bad because you can’t use all 3.  Yellow cannot be fired with only one enemy left.  I am beginning to think OMD, Heimdall, DP will be one of the worst LL to pull from.
     it is hard to justify dropping several hundred pulls on a token pool without any clearly meta characters. 
    That said, I do think heimdall is a very solid character with the possiblity of becoming meta if the right partner comes along (e.g., anyone who could passively generate lots of fortified tiles on particular color(s), preferably while generating blue), and has true healing plus modern health/match damage.  So I wouldn't feel too bad about pulling for him, even if the other two are pretty clearly mid tier/niche.   

  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx said:
    wymtime said:
    For black it is confirmed you can only choose one of the 3 extra powers. This is good and bad.  Good that you get to choose the extra but bad because you can’t use all 3.  Yellow cannot be fired with only one enemy left.  I am beginning to think OMD, Heimdall, DP will be one of the worst LL to pull from.
     it is hard to justify dropping several hundred pulls on a token pool without any clearly meta characters. 
    That said, I do think heimdall is a very solid character with the possiblity of becoming meta if the right partner comes along (e.g., anyone who could passively generate lots of fortified tiles on particular color(s), preferably while generating blue), and has true healing plus modern health/match damage.  So I wouldn't feel too bad about pulling for him, even if the other two are pretty clearly mid tier/niche.   

    Let me rephrase my thoughts.  I think it will be one of the worst LL stores in a while. With IHulk, Apocalypse, Onslaught, and Yelena this year and how long Professor X was in LL in 2019 the LL were very solid.  I personally have the Pokémon complex and want to champ them all.  On the other hand stopping a champ level for all 3 right now looks like my preferred way to go.
  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,433 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2020
    Bad said:
    Its black works as his whales. Not sure if AI can fire that.
    It seems it needed to fire yellow before purple. So without a team only one effect can be fired.
    About predicting and avoiding his 6 AP black: can you always predict and select the character who you want to take clash of the worthy? Then congratulations. You are in a god tier.
    Yes, you can always predict when bill will use clash of the worthy, and most of the time you can put who you want in front.  The AI only fires powers at the beginning of their turn, so on your turn see if bill has enough blue to fire clash of the worthy.  If not there's no way you will be hit by it, if yes decide who you want to take the hit (probably whoever has the most health) and make a match that they will tank.  You don't have to be god tier, you just have to understand the mechanics of the game.  It's really not hard.

    The only way it won't work is if bill has blue ready and you only have one possible match and it's not who you want to tank.  It happens sometimes, but that is rare.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Is being able to choose his Penance Fare that bad? Unless your teammates' active power colours don't require yellow, green or purple ap, I thought this would give you control on which additional power to choose. If Penance Fare drains other three coloured ap automatically, it could mess up your gameplay. You could be forced to play active power in any of those three colours earlier than planned. 

    Animation wise, I think his passive ability  looks the best, and its sound effect  :D.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,048 Chairperson of the Boards
    Is being able to choose his Penance Fare that bad? Unless your teammates' active power colours don't require yellow, green or purple ap, I thought this would give you control on which additional power to choose. If Penance Fare drains other three coloured ap automatically, it could mess up your gameplay. You could be forced to play active power in any of those three colours earlier than planned. 

    Animation wise, I think his passive ability  looks the best, and its sound effect  :D.
    Agreed. I need to understand how this drops him a tier. Someone in my alliance told me you can fire just the black and don’t need extra AP banked. Huge plus as the black is the main effect and the others are just “extra toppings”. The fact that he doesn’t auto drain your AP and you can choose when to use it is great. 

    I wish there was a checkbox and you could choose all the “toppings” you want. Those you “can’t afford” (don’t have the AP for the extra effects) would be greyed out when you go to fire the power. While this level of control would be awesome, I didn’t expect it and don’t think it hurts him that you’d can only choose one and not all three. 
    The only actual con I see is that yellow is clearly the best choice almost unanimously. The only way it isn’t is if they are the only character standing, or you have a better use for your yellow AP and no use for green/purple (Oh hello Apocalypse and Okoye!). I wish there was more parity like with Professor X’s purple where I use green/red/purple/blue pretty regularly depending on situation. I’ve used black/yellow as well but not nearly as often.