Adventures with 5* Wasp.



  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2020
    That's obvious. But I'll try with one too. At least as long as I do not get more.

    But I have another question.

    SCL 10. Sooner or later She WILL BE featured in some PVE. I just wonder: can my roster go full progression in SCL 10? Well ya know, Its half the cover in shards... She is one of longest 5* that awaits being featured. I just wonder. Anyone can tell me?

  • itsuka7
    itsuka7 Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    Ok. So basically I’m trying to find teammates who heal Wa5p that pass that 1343 threshold to put 2 Wasp tiles on the field passively. Besides those I mentioned, Rescue can do that and 5* Doc can as well. 

    Any others?
    How about 4* Black Widow Yellow? Heals a chosen ally. Mine is on 299, on 5 that heals 8539, and the countdown to make other powers cheaper may help too. Only drawback is yellow is also a Wasp colour.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    itsuka7 said:
    Ok. So basically I’m trying to find teammates who heal Wa5p that pass that 1343 threshold to put 2 Wasp tiles on the field passively. Besides those I mentioned, Rescue can do that and 5* Doc can as well. 

    Any others?
    How about 4* Black Widow Yellow? Heals a chosen ally. Mine is on 299, on 5 that heals 8539, and the countdown to make other powers cheaper may help too. Only drawback is yellow is also a Wasp colour.

    Not only yellow but black too. But it is an option.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    It would probably really depend on who was the featured 4* in your case. You can 4x clear the easy nodes with Rocket/gamora/juggernaut in a single swipe, but when it gets hard you may struggle some. If it happens on an event with no tile movers, you might be able to get creative with like Vulture/gamora/sandman so you can stun on 2x colors, or maybe some kind of Gamora/Polaris team and lean into Deadliest Woman for kills.

    @HoundofShadow I feel like I’ve seen you talk about playing SCL10 as a 4* player, any advice?
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I dont have Rocket champed yet. Same with Vulture and Sandman. I posted my roster above. I have some usefull ones, but yeah, it till depends on the boosted list. In SCL 8 I struggle only with last 2 clears of 5E, so Probably I can run SCL9 once in a while. I dunno how with SCL 10. Definetly not the challenge node but others...  I dunno.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    He can definitely go full progression.

    Polaris and BRB will do the job.
    America Chavez and Karnak can be the backup.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    @HoundofShadow You've seen my roster?
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, I saw your roster. I recently played in Cosmic Chaos using 3/4/3 Polaris, BRB and 1* Juggernaut for hard and challenge nodes. You can swap 1* Juggernaut for many other characters who can destroy tiles. Even though your America Chavez isn't champed, but it's fine because Karnak is the main heavy hitter.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    Then its ok. Will see when the time comes.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Polaris with the right partner lowers the difficulty for SCL 10 full progression by a lot. Back then, I was slogging with IM40/Shuri/G4Mora. It was a breeze with Polaris in Cosmic Chaos. 

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2020
    There are high chances that I will champ her before Wasp essentiality so it will be even better. I can then Swap the 2rd one to save health packs. Nice.

    This also proves how OP Polaris is.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2020
    Day 14 Summary.
    Note for future:

    Current Status:
    Level 270
    Build: 1/0/0
    Shards: 213

    Swarms Called today: 0
    Total Swarms Called: 3.
    Challenges done: Call the Swarm used with one Cover.
    Challenges in progress: Call the Swarm used without batteries with one cover. Call the Swarm used without batteries with one cover in non wave node.
    Presence in offers: 3 in shards store.

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2020
    Day 15 Summary.
    Note for future:

    Current Status:
    Level 270
    Build: 1/0/0
    Shards: 222

    Swarms Called today: 0
    Total Swarms Called: 3.
    Challenges done: Call the Swarm used with one Cover.
    Challenges in progress: Call the Swarm used without batteries with one cover. Call the Swarm used without batteries with one cover in non wave node.
    Presence in offers: 3 in shards store.
    I tried to do Call The Swarms in DDQ Big Enchilada but todays health bars were to low so I had to skip.

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2020
    Day 16 Summary.
    Note for future:

    Current Status:
    Level 270
    Build: 1/0/0
    Shards: 225

    Swarms Called today: 0
    Total Swarms Called: 3.
    Challenges done: Call the Swarm used with one Cover.
    Challenges in progress: Call the Swarm used without batteries with one cover. Call the Swarm used without batteries with one cover in non wave node.
    Presence in offers: 3 in shards store.
  • Jacklag
    Jacklag Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    Mr_F said:
    krakenoon said:
    5torm seems like she would tic all of those boxes, unless you don’t like her for some reason...

    And I am not as much fun of Storm as am of Wasp.
    You do realize 5* Wasp is Evangeline Lilly's Wasp from the MCU, right? The character has never been in the comics. If you are a fan of the comics Wasp, 4* Wasp is an excellent character.

    But who am I to talk. I chased 5* Thor because I'm a fan of Thor, even though Ragnarok is my second least favorite Thor movie.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I know all of that. I just lik ethe concept of Wasp - it does not matter who she under the mask. And the movie Wasp was nicely done.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2020
    Day 17 Summary.
    Note for future:

    Current Status:
    Level 270
    Build: 1/0/0
    Shards: 234

    Swarms Called today: 0
    Total Swarms Called: 3.
    Challenges done: Call the Swarm used with one Cover.
    Challenges in progress: Call the Swarm used without batteries with one cover. Call the Swarm used without batteries with one cover in non wave node.
    Presence in offers: 3 in shards store.
    I propably will skip the one cover challenges after the weekend when my work off days will ends. Simply I will not have enough time and health packs to try. At least not until the PVE when I will have featured 5* and when such will have tank blue.
    Simply: It is doable, as so far the closest what I got was 4 wasp tiles and 11 blue at 1st days. In a non wave node and with no batteries.  Just not worth time. I will try with some teams in DDQ Big Enchilada nodes but that requires:
    1. 3 tiles mover with high health
    2. Absence of She-Hulk
    3. Those tile movers will have as little as possible board control (like tile destruction/creation etc.).
    4. Finding a team that will not hit them too hard yet will fullfil the role of backing up Wasp.

    Also I did some teting of BRB/Polaris combo in Class2020. It will work. Tommorom starts Allianace PVE when we can get 3 Polaris Covers - enough to champ her for me. Will be lacking the ISO as Ant Man, Domino and W4sp are bigger priorities: I need Ant Man for Wasp farming and Domino and W4asp to be ready(=champed) for my teams in upcoming PVP Season as soon as posible.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2020
    Day 18 Summary.
    Discovery: none
    Surprise: none
    Note for future: none

    Wasp's progress:

    Level 270
    Build: 1/0/0
    Shards: 246

    Ant Man's Progress:

    Level: 274
    Shards: 70

    Call The Swarm Progress:
    Swarms Called today: 0
    Total Swarms Called: 3.
    Challenges done: Call the Swarm used with one Cover. Challenges in progress: Call the Swarm used without batteries with one cover. Call the Swarm used without batteries with one cover in non wave node.
    Challenges in progress: none. I am waiting for more covers.

    Additional notification
    Presence in offers: 3 in shards store.

    I champed Ant Man today. I need few more pulls for Wasp (4 Classics/LT at max) and I will have shards to champ Wasp, which will bring me to shargeting Ant Man who with saved covers has reached level 274. Squirell Girl is one cover from max champion too.

    So... I think that bring us close to a date when Wasp will be fully Shargeted.
    Also I moved two undone challenges into done challenges as I stated before: it is doable and closest I was was 4 swarms tiles and 11 Blue AP. I believe I can count them as done.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,436 Chairperson of the Boards
    Incidentally, your day count is out. You started on Sept 28th (on the 29th you called it day 2) so day 3 is the 30th and it's currently the 15th so that would make today day 18 (you called Sept 13th and 14th day 15 for example).
    Since *so* little is actually happening here (you are barely using 5* Wasp or getting covers for her) why not just update once a week with your weekly progress rather than daily copying the same thing over and over with no meaningful progress. By meaningful progress I mean no 5* Wasp covers added, no swarms called, no new team partners discovered, no challenges completed (you semi-cheated on 2 of them because you only partially finished and said it was do-able which is not the same as doing it).
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    Corrected the day numbers. TY for good perception.
    Also I know that not a lot is happening here and I CONSIDERED a change to weekly updates but I still thought that daily updates are necessary for sudden suprises as long as I am on my work-off time and I have time for testings. Also because after the weekend I will have to back to work I probably will switch to weekly updates. Let me jut hit round number for easy week calculation.

    Also I am doing many testings day by day but with little progress. As I said before, its hard not only because I have 1 cover but also that special conditions has to be met to do the testings or challenges: the health pools of enemies has to be high enough, my match damage not to high, some blue tank is needed, decent board etc.). There is no such node in game when I can with no loss of points or healthpacks do any testing.
    Luckily we have Apoc now for testings. Just when I will finish the event (i.e. get all reward) I can test some teams and/or do some challenges. Maybe there I will be able to not-semi cheat on two challenges (I will still try to do the semi-done challenges). Speaking about them: I have SS from that as back then I was coresponding with @PiMacleod so he can also confirm that its not a cheated SS.
    I mean 1AP in such situation really means that it can be done. I called it "done" only because of lacking the space and possibilities for repeated testings. But I WILL try to do them.