Lost In Time - Havok (Apocalypse) Shards Compensation



  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    bowla33 said:
    @IceIX got 125 Apoc shards. Where is the other 125 that is part of the progression in 10? 
    I think CS needs to get flooded with a bunch of tickets asking where the other 125 shards are... 
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP said:
    Guys. Just wait a bit. I'm guessing they are sending batches of shards just like the progression rewards are split into 3. We've been sent the top shards, let's wait for the other 2.

    Why do that though? If they're sending them out in three batches, why not send all three at once, so we're not stuck waiting around whether 125 is the final intended amount, or we're still supposed to get two more batches?

     Why not just send one batch of 250 (for CL10; I'm not sure what totals should be for other CLs)?

    If there is some technical reason I'm unaware of that prevents them from sending one batch of the total shards for each CL, maybe (just maybe) a quick post saying the shards will come in three batches, and that there might be a delay between each batch, but don't worry, everyone should get their full amount of shards, would have been a good idea. 

    It really doesn't have to be this hard, and it blows my mind that they're choosing to make it this hard. 
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    I feel like I'm going to be waiting for the remaining 125 shards for a long, long time.....like maybe forever.....

  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP said:
    DarthDeVo said:
    Why do that though? If they're sending them out in three batches, why not send all three at once, so we're not stuck waiting around whether 125 is the final intended amount, or we're still supposed to get two more batches?

     Why not just send one batch of 250 (for CL10; I'm not sure what totals should be for other CLs)?

    If there is some technical reason I'm unaware of that prevents them from sending one batch of the total shards for each CL, maybe (just maybe) a quick post saying the shards will come in three batches, and that there might be a delay between each batch, but don't worry, everyone should get their full amount of shards, would have been a good idea. 

    It really doesn't have to be this hard, and it blows my mind that they're choosing to make it this hard. 
    Because I presume it's easier to check which progression rewards have been ticked off the player's checklist and just send each item to everyone who's eligible. Not everyone might have received all 3 shards (reached top progression in the event). I think if they have to add the shards first before sending them in one go, there's a higher chance of error. Like you said, each CL8,9, and 10 all give different amount of shards.
    Stop being so logical and reasonable! This is an Internet forum, that kind of behaviour is poor etiquette.... 
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP said:
    DarthDeVo said:
    Why do that though? If they're sending them out in three batches, why not send all three at once, so we're not stuck waiting around whether 125 is the final intended amount, or we're still supposed to get two more batches?

     Why not just send one batch of 250 (for CL10; I'm not sure what totals should be for other CLs)?

    If there is some technical reason I'm unaware of that prevents them from sending one batch of the total shards for each CL, maybe (just maybe) a quick post saying the shards will come in three batches, and that there might be a delay between each batch, but don't worry, everyone should get their full amount of shards, would have been a good idea. 

    It really doesn't have to be this hard, and it blows my mind that they're choosing to make it this hard. 
    Because I presume it's easier to check which progression rewards have been ticked off the player's checklist and just send each item to everyone who's eligible. Not everyone might have received all 3 shards (reached top progression in the event). I think if they have to add the shards first before sending them in one go, there's a higher chance of error. Like you said, each CL8,9, and 10 all give different amount of shards.

    Sending the biggest amount of shards would take the least time, because there should be less players reaching that point progression than the other 2.

    I don't think it's a coincidence that only those getting 125 shards were posting here first. Has anyone who didn't get 125 shards in the event, received the other amounts (50 or 75) yet?
    You're right, I didn't consider that perhaps not everyone reached full progression for the event, and therefore aren't entitled to the full amount of shards. Yes, that does complicate things. 

    In light of that, why send the final amount first? Wouldn't logic denote to send out the earliest reward (50 in CL10), then the next reward (75 in CL10), and lastly the final reward (125 in CL10).

    The only amount I personally have received so far is 125.

    And perhaps the more important part stands: Why not have a quick post explaining how rewards will be dispersed? 

    "Hey guys, quick update on how the Apocalypse rewards will be handed out. Not everyone who plays a story event gets full progression. Because of this, we can't send just one lump sum of shards. The shards will come in three sets. The first batch will go to everyone who hit the first 5* shard progression reward. The second will go to everyone who hit the second, and the final will go to everyone who hit the final 5* shard progression reward. There may be a bit of a delay between when each set will be distributed, bit rest assured, this will guarantee that everyone gets the shards they're entitled to."

    Took me about three minutes to compose that on my phone, where the swiping input method requires me to delete incorrect words a good 20-25 percent of the time. Maybe would have taken a minute or two to write out using a keyboard. 
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    Has anyone who didn't complete full progression in 10, but got a lesser 5* shard reward, gotten Apocalypse shards?  The first two are 50 and 75.  I guess most people posting on the forum hit full progression in SCL10, at least.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP said:
    DarthDeVo said:
    In light of that, why send the final amount first? 
    This is just speculation.. but let's imagine if we got 50 just now.. wouldn't there be more people getting upset? :) Joking aside, like I wrote earlier, I think they sent us the top rewards first because there are less players to receive them. If there's an error in the sending process, they could identify and fix it.
    Personally, if I'd gotten 50 at first, my initial reaction would have been confusion, but then I likely would have made the connection that 50 is the first progression reward and that they must be sending them in batches. Sending 125 first causes way more confusion in my estimation. 

    And again, aaaaallllll this could have been stopped before it started with a quick two minute post explaining things. 🤷‍♂️
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Let's use the Eisenhower Matrix in this scenario:

    1) Is telling the players in the forum how compensation will be rolled out important? No.

    2) Is it urgent to tell them the method? No.

    Naturally, this task falls to the bottom of the priority list. Since this is a one-off event, I don't think it even make it to their to-do list.

    What's more important and urgent is that compensation gets rolled out without hiccups. 


  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 986 Critical Contributor
    I got 50 shards. I was promised 50 shards. So I'm happy with 50 shards.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    While we're making up narratives and rationale......

    "Hey, we messed up a little with our communication and rewards on the Apocalypse shards.  We meant to give out Apocalypse and we gave out Havok.  Seems like we should do something since Apocalypse is really strong and players are going to buy clubs to chase him."

    "OK.  I guess we can do that.  Any suggestions?"

    "We issue compensation in Apocalypse shards for players who got Havok shards."

    "OK.  So let's see....SCL8 and 9 get 50 shards or 1/10 of a cover?  What should we give them?"

    "The same amount."

    "OK, it's hardly anything, really.  why not."

    "SCL10 gets 250 or half a cover.  Should we give them another 250?"

    "WHOA. A full half cover when they ALREADY got half a cover?  That seems too generous."

    "OK...how about 125?  It's way more than the players in 8 and 9 got.  And still is 1/4 of a cover, which is pretty good."'

    "I guess I can live with that."


    It's been two hours and I doubt we are getting anything else, nor will we get any clarification because what's the upside in telling us we are getting half what we imagined we'd get?

    I'm glad those who played 8 and 9 are happy.  I guess I should be happy since I got shards beyond what I expected....or something.  But the communication was unclear, but now I assume that was fully intended just like when shardpocalypse happened, and we got confusing/incomplete communication, and we were trying to figure out what we'd get and we got 10% of what we thought we'd get.   Until we shut down the spending.

    That obviously won't happen this time because how mad can you really get about getting less free/additional stuff than you thought you'd get?

    This is still the same company it was then.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,189 Chairperson of the Boards
    I got 50 from playing CL8 which is what I would expect.

    I think CL10 may have gotten the shaft instead of the mine.

  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Let's use the Eisenhower Matrix in this scenario:

    1) Is telling the players in the forum how compensation will be rolled out important? No.

    2) Is it urgent to tell them the method? No.

    Naturally, this task falls to the bottom of the priority list. Since this is a one-off event, I don't think it even make it to their to-do list.

    What's more important and urgent is that compensation gets rolled out without hiccups. 


    I literally composed something that would have taken 2 minutes max typing out on a keyboard. 

    It's called empathy. Putting yourself in the shoes of someone else and thinking how they might feel or respond. There's also an old phrase that comes to mind: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 

    Players, especially those on the forums, tend to be the most invested in the game (hence our willingness to spend hours of free time reading and writing posts). We also tend to be keenly aware of the compensation we were promised and if there's discrepancies between what is promised and what is received. 

    So that leads me to believe a few things. They either thought we wouldn't notice the discrepancy, or that we wouldn't care. Neither of those are exactly favorable.

    Option two is they knew we'd flag it, but went ahead anyways because they don't care if it bothers us or not. Also not great. 

    If we're not worth a two minute post telling us to not be alarmed by what appears to be an improper amount of shards being rewarded, and you're fine with that, I don't know what else to say. 

    Dogface said:
    I got 50 shards. I was promised 50 shards. So I'm happy with 50 shards.
    Talking to those in CL9, it appears they were fully compensated, but CL10 is still 125 shards short. Why? 
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2020
    bluewolf said:
    While we're making up narratives and rationale......

    "Hey, we messed up a little with our communication and rewards on the Apocalypse shards.  We meant to give out Apocalypse and we gave out Havok.  Seems like we should do something since Apocalypse is really strong and players are going to buy clubs to chase him."

    "OK.  I guess we can do that.  Any suggestions?"

    "We issue compensation in Apocalypse shards for players who got Havok shards."

    "OK.  So let's see....SCL8 and 9 get 50 shards or 1/10 of a cover?  What should we give them?"

    "The same amount."

    "OK, it's hardly anything, really.  why not."

    "SCL10 gets 250 or half a cover.  Should we give them another 250?"

    "WHOA. A full half cover when they ALREADY got half a cover?  That seems too generous."

    "OK...how about 125?  It's way more than the players in 8 and 9 got.  And still is 1/4 of a cover, which is pretty good."'

    "I guess I can live with that."


    It's been two hours and I doubt we are getting anything else, nor will we get any clarification because what's the upside in telling us we are getting half what we imagined we'd get?

    I'm glad those who played 8 and 9 are happy.  I guess I should be happy since I got shards beyond what I expected....or something.  But the communication was unclear, but now I assume that was fully intended just like when shardpocalypse happened, and we got confusing/incomplete communication, and we were trying to figure out what we'd get and we got 10% of what we thought we'd get.   Until we shut down the spending.

    That obviously won't happen this time because how mad can you really get about getting less free/additional stuff than you thought you'd get?

    This is still the same company it was then.
    I have a sneaking suspicion this is close to the truth. 

    I play CL10 regardless. At the end of the day, you're probably right; ain't worth getting so upset about getting less of a free thing when it's still free.

    But it's kinda bogus that we're already playing longer and committing more time to CL10, and now we're likely getting the shaft on top of it in this instance. 

    Truly the real matter that's actually upsetting me is this just reinforces how little they think or care about the people who pay to keep their lights on. Well, some of us anyways.

    Couple this with the stealth reward changes lately, still no clarification on whether or not the boss event was supposed to have 5* shards (my opinion was that it wasn't supposed to and they mistakenly announced those), a new character releasing in less than 24 hours and no announcement thread in the forum, and a sneak peek thread that hasn't been updated in almost two weeks, and it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes levels of deduction to conclude where we rank on the priority list. (Hint: it ain't high) 

    EDIT: Hellcat thread posted while I was composing this. 
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2020
    And now this thread is unpinnned, which means the discussion is over.  Move on, folks.  You got what you got.

    Right now, I'm so glad I didn't give into my temptation to buy that $14.99 bundle with Rocket, Gamora, etc. 
  • Loosie
    Loosie Posts: 397 Mover and Shaker
    Well I sent my CS ticket in...we'll see what happens. I only received 125 shards like everyone else despite reaching full progression.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Even if they explain it in the forum, the message will reach only a small % of the entire playerbase affected. There are a few ten thousands players affected by this but the number of players who are going to read this is probably less than 10%. I think it would be better for them to put up the explanation in-game to gain a wider reach.

    I'm sure they are flooded with thousands of emails about missing shards. Past experiences tell me that it will take them at least 8 hours for round 2.

    Hellcat official thread is unpinned as well.

  • Reecoh
    Reecoh Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    edited May 2020
    My money is on the algorithm they ran only matching the highest reward you got & not making it cumulative.

    Edit: That was a quick fix. Thanks!
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    LakeStone said:
    Loosie said:
    Well I sent my CS ticket in...we'll see what happens. I only received 125 shards like everyone else despite reaching full progression.

    It looks like there was an error on what was distributed and we will work on getting the appropriate amount of shards out to players.  No need to reach out to CS as the rewards will be sent automatically in the game.  We don't have an ETA but wanted to share that we are working on it.  Thank you for your patience!

    All I was looking for and needed. 🙂

    Thanks for letting us know, it's very much appreciated!