***** The Hulk (Immortal) *****



  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,986 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    Tony_Foot said:
    Vhailorx said:
    Tony_Foot said:
    When he’s champed and matching more colours you will see him die a lot and it will be worth it.
    Worth it for who?  Demi/d3?
    For me, I like this character a lot. I’m not a tin foil hatter that thinks everything that comes out that isn’t easy is to sell health packs. I’ve lost count of the number of times people have accused a meta of that, yet you can still steamroll this game day in day out with Thor okoye and never use a health pack again.

    I love the design of this character and it comes at a price, I’m happy with that. I don’t see it as some conspiracy. It’s not like this guy is meta, if they wanted to force it they could have made him the new must have, he isn’t.
    Good luck steamrolling a champed Hulk with Thorkoye......

    DAZ0273 said:
    BRB/Kitty can survive multiple fights, of course if that still stands true against a well covered and levelled iHulk time will only tell.
    As long as you deny red (use for Kitty) I think they will quite easily handle Suicidal Hulk. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mayo said:
    Only high covered 5*s / whales are possibly enjoying this hulk pvp, and already saw a 570 ih playing around with no store available yet. This is a very Sinister move.

    I've been cruising through it with my baby champ Okoye and 4Pool. It's actually been one of my easiest climbs in quite a while. That'll change once dealing with actual champed iHulks, but for now, I'm not finding it a problem.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    BRB is a health pack savior, so you cant put the blame on devs for hulk pack eater.  Is not meta? On defense yes he is. His red cannon is extremely cheap. Top ranks will have him on their teams.
    By the fact, what a presents! I really appreciate it. 
    You take care with covid
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    Tony_Foot said:
    Vhailorx said:
    Tony_Foot said:
    When he’s champed and matching more colours you will see him die a lot and it will be worth it.
    Worth it for who?  Demi/d3?
    For me, I like this character a lot. I’m not a tin foil hatter that thinks everything that comes out that isn’t easy is to sell health packs. I’ve lost count of the number of times people have accused a meta of that, yet you can still steamroll this game day in day out with Thor okoye and never use a health pack again.

    I love the design of this character and it comes at a price, I’m happy with that. I don’t see it as some conspiracy. It’s not like this guy is meta, if they wanted to force it they could have made him the new must have, he isn’t.

    It's not a sinister conspiracy. I think there have been a few metas that promoted healthpack use, and a few that de-emphasized heavily. 

    Healthpack consumers:

    Sentry bombing
    Stunner bros
    now maybe IH

    Healthpack preservers:


    IMO, all other things being equal, healthpack preserver metas are far superior to healthpack consumers (because the game asks for so many matches every day). And this is especially true now that Demi has really tightened the screws on for the vast majority of players (it's possible that the increased 4* cover flow will result in a net-positive HP income for the very top tier of players who can leverage those champ rewards).

    Since stunner bros are already a big part of the PVP meta, and do consume a lot of healthpacks, adding IH to the mix doesn't seem like a huge marginal shift.  But he certainly won't end the current trend towards high healthpack consumption.

    (also, I think it's still a bit early to declare him definitely meta or not meta.  In this event, and likely for the next few, it will be too easy to skip him. I don't think we will really know the answer until a lot more people have him champed.  then if he starts showing up up in every single defensive node at 800+, we will know that he is a defensive meta character in pick-2 pvp.).

    but fwiw, I think demi was trying to build a meta character with hulk.  They might have failed, but I think they wanted to release a new chase object (especially since he is the second bruce banner in the tier.  it would be a waste to build a new one that you don't want to be relevant in elder game play).

  • Mayo
    Mayo Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    Mayo said:
    Only high covered 5*s / whales are possibly enjoying this hulk pvp, and already saw a 570 ih playing around with no store available yet. This is a very Sinister move.

    I've been cruising through it with my baby champ Okoye and 4Pool. It's actually been one of my easiest climbs in quite a while. That'll change once dealing with actual champed iHulks, but for now, I'm not finding it a problem.
    What lvl are your heros?  if you do not have okoye, kitty or brb that will not be an easy pvp... 

    Almost everyone in my slice uses champed okoye and brb so for the rest of casual players this is indeed a health pack eater pvp, i reach my target wins or reach the 24 hours mark and shield myself, what ever comes first. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,528 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm seeing nothing but Kitty/BRB teams just about. I have seen more than one highly covered IHulks as well. Like 6-8 covers.
  • Rosraf
    Rosraf Posts: 113 Tile Toppler
    Ha, favorite match so far, I had Okoye and XFDP against Gritty. Matched TUs on first turn, then AI cascade (surprise) generates enough retals that entire AI team got wiped out by turn 2 (including IHulk dying twice). 
  • Vins2
    Vins2 Posts: 183 Tile Toppler
    So in the event of an enemy cascade, IH revives after the fallout, but before the opponent takes its bonus match5 turn?  I've lost a few fights because of P$X ai shenanigans this pvp.
  • Rosraf
    Rosraf Posts: 113 Tile Toppler
    Vins2 said:
    So in the event of an enemy cascade, IH revives after the fallout, but before the opponent takes its bonus match5 turn?  I've lost a few fights because of P$X ai shenanigans this pvp.
    I thought IHulk just revived instantly. If any teammate is still alive when IHulk dies, everything stops and he revived before the rest plays out.  I think he has to die last or simultaneously (team damage) or he comes back, even mid-turn. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mayo said:
    Mayo said:
    Only high covered 5*s / whales are possibly enjoying this hulk pvp, and already saw a 570 ih playing around with no store available yet. This is a very Sinister move.

    I've been cruising through it with my baby champ Okoye and 4Pool. It's actually been one of my easiest climbs in quite a while. That'll change once dealing with actual champed iHulks, but for now, I'm not finding it a problem.
    What lvl are your heros?  if you do not have okoye, kitty or brb that will not be an easy pvp... 

    Almost everyone in my slice uses champed okoye and brb so for the rest of casual players this is indeed a health pack eater pvp, i reach my target wins or reach the 24 hours mark and shield myself, what ever comes first. 
    452 Okoye, loaner iHulk, 294 X-Pool. Just chased team-up and yellow, and let the Passives do the work. Okoye needed a health pack maybe every third match or so, Deadpool about half that often. Nice easy climb to a bit over 1K and then shielded out. I'm not a particularly competitive player, and I don't spend any more. Never did spend all that much, compared to actual whales.
  • Vins2
    Vins2 Posts: 183 Tile Toppler
    Rosraf said:
    Vins2 said:
    So in the event of an enemy cascade, IH revives after the fallout, but before the opponent takes its bonus match5 turn?  I've lost a few fights because of P$X ai shenanigans this pvp.
    I thought IHulk just revived instantly. If any teammate is still alive when IHulk dies, everything stops and he revived before the rest plays out.  I think he has to die last or simultaneously (team damage) or he comes back, even mid-turn. 
    At least not the case with my team.  I ran Daredevil, Professor and Hulk vs Hulk, Professor and probably an Okoye.  I made a match that left Hulk in front to tank the next turn.  Opponent gets a cascade which downs my Hulk, then takes about 20k worth of health on my Professor.  Hulk revived after X took all that damage.  
  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,536 Chairperson of the Boards
    That team damage that IH does to your own team really hurts.  And sometimes, it's hard to avoid based on the other team's attacks.  IH is not going to be fun AT ALL to face in PVP in the future.
  • tonypq
    tonypq Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    I'm kind of torn on chasing Hulk. He's always been my favorite super hero, but the massive team damage seems like as cool as he is could get really annoying. Especially for those that might use him in PVE and PVP, lot of health packs needed. 

    I don't PVP much not having a covered Kitty, Thor, Okoye. My champed covered 5s are Captain Marvel, GED, Bet RaybBill, Hela, Thanos, Professor X. If I'd only be using Hulk as a PVP deterrent I'm not sure it's worth blowing ones hoard on. I guess he could still be worth it though if maybe you just PVP to get the CPs, climb with non Hulk teams then when you face the tougher or broken teams, swap Hulk in. 

    Interesting to see the opinions you all have posted as far as what some of you plan on doing. I'm still on the fence, but wouldn't plan on going for Hulk right away. I want to see who replaces Sinister and Havoc as I have very little interest in either of those two.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    tonypq said:
    I'm kind of torn on chasing Hulk. He's always been my favorite super hero, but the massive team damage seems like as cool as he is could get really annoying. Especially for those that might use him in PVE and PVP, lot of health packs needed. 

    I don't PVP much not having a covered Kitty, Thor, Okoye. My champed covered 5s are Captain Marvel, GED, Bet RaybBill, Hela, Thanos, Professor X. If I'd only be using Hulk as a PVP deterrent I'm not sure it's worth blowing ones hoard on. I guess he could still be worth it though if maybe you just PVP to get the CPs, climb with non Hulk teams then when you face the tougher or broken teams, swap Hulk in. 

    Interesting to see the opinions you all have posted as far as what some of you plan on doing. I'm still on the fence, but wouldn't plan on going for Hulk right away. I want to see who replaces Sinister and Havoc as I have very little interest in either of those two.
    In my case I will probably go for him, as it looks different to what we have in 5 land. But think about this, do you want Sinister or Havok? If you want those then you will get iH. If not then take the wait and see approach. Let's see which are the next releases, and also people will have a much better idea of how iH works in a month time (and how hp intensive he really is). 

    I am going to skip Sinister (pretty sad as I like the character) and then go for Havok or not depending on who they release after iH. I will probably have to skip him too so I get more time to get enough CP+LTs though.

    PS: You have GED which is one of the theoretically good candidates to play with iH, so maybe it is a good idea for you to get him.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2020
    Nice analysis Daredevil.  I basically agree.  It's too early to say IH is definitely meta.  He doesn't even look as dominant on paper as someone like Gambit did when announced.  But he has very strong passives and a decent active.  That seems like the kind of character that has a good chance to be exploitable by some now-or-future synergy.

    Also, HE was borderline meta on release because of coulson.  But then Gambit and thorkoye and finally kitty power-creeped him into pvp irrelevance.wirthy just restored him to where he was on release.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,052 Chairperson of the Boards
    Interesting. I wasn’t a 5* player then. Hawkeye/Coulson can beat almost anything today. It’s just so so slow that I imagine you’d get hit 50 times in PVP before you win the match. Cool to know he had his day in the sun before though. 
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Interesting. I wasn’t a 5* player then. Hawkeye/Coulson can beat almost anything today. It’s just so so slow that I imagine you’d get hit 50 times in PVP before you win the match. Cool to know he had his day in the sun before though. 
    He was my first 5* champ.  It was a panthos meta back then.  He/coulson was still slow, which is why I say *borderline* meta, but they could do panthos or OML/Phoenix without much trouble and 1200 with 0-1 shields was pretty straightforward.  Gambit was another matter entirely.  And after Gambit was nerfed, gritty showed up, and he/coulson is bad against them too because they don't start as fast as he/worthy. 

    Turning back to IH, I think he is maybe a bit better than HE 1:1 on paper at their respective tines of release (mostly because he looks faster), but doesn't yet have as obviously perfect a partner as coulson.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    iHulk is like if Black Bolt and MEHulk had a baby. I’ve got him at 1/1/0 and been messing around with him. 

    With Okoye, the Green Door hits friggin hard. And unlike BB, you don’t have to wait a bunch of turns for 5 charged tiles to hit the field. Also, the green tile forms and might put you to 8, and when you destroy 2 other green tiles, and random match or cascade can happen with TUPs. THEN, the damage part activates, which gets pumped by Okoye. Pretty nice. 

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    Power creep is already really high for to be worring about. What would be the health of new characters next year? 120k at l 450? 
    On this point I dont think there is much to be seen yet.
    On the other hand I hulk already has low health. His meta goes on other mechanics.
    Truth is I didnt hit teams with IHulk buffed and covered. But people started running for him, as happened with BRB. That means something for sure.