Grand Experiment 2: Treading Water in the SCL 10 Post-Shardpocalypse



  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2022
    Chirus said:
    For the people who mostly spend on the latest to build their 5*s, do you usually switch to the introductory store to get the newest release a couple weeks early? Or do you stay on the Latest to continue building your current projects?

    The specialty stores are tempting because they are theoretically a way to boost your drop rate up above the fixed 15% we all live with in latest/classics.  But that's only true if you get good luck; if you 3/40 you will just end up worse off (and if you pull enough from the specialty stores you will just end up at 15% like all the other LTs).

    For myself, I only test my luck with them when they have one (or preferably 2) classics that have value to my roster (either because they are a character I would still like to champ for fun like 5daken or sersi whom I never got past 11 covers, or because they are straight up very good like SC or BRB, etc). And when I do pull from them, I am pretty cautious and always willing to quit while I am ahead.  I think the only time I ever spent more than a few hundred CP on a special store in the last few years was for SC.

    So far I haven't been burned too badly and have gotten a few extra covers, but no doubt a bad run a coming. The smart move (for those without infinite cp) is almost certainly to never pull from them.
  • Chirus
    Chirus Posts: 191 Tile Toppler
    This is very solid advice. Thank you. I needed a good general push in the right direction. On the one hand, I wanted to maximize my chances of getting the newest release so I could have something for the PVE nodes at a minimum. But on the other hand, the chances of getting that newest release in a "pull as you go" approach is rather low and almost unrealistic, practically speaking. I just wanted to confirm my suspicions were correct, lol.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2022
    If you're getting all available progression CP and have a robust 4* roster, it's been pretty realistic for me to pull as I go and stay current. Mine started dropping out unfinished only when I went back to spending my CP in Classic while waiting for champed characters to drop out of Latest. I've been staying current by pulling only out of latest and then stopping while my champs drop out since professor X came out.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you can play SCL 10 and want to get only one cover for essential, you'll never need to pull. You aren't missing out a lot from 3-4 nodes of 5* essentials.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2022
    I champed Silver Surfer. I moved my 4* to Jubilee (333) to start working on Jean Grey (5/2/2 with 400 shards). I now have remaining:
    archangel (3/4/4) with 10 shards. Nightcrawler only has 750 shards left in him, so i’d either have to wait on another SCL10 feature, start a dupe, or direct shard him
    Jean Grey: 5/2/2 with 400 shards
    Black Widow: 4/2/2 with 0 shards
    Dock Ock: 3/3/4 with 405 shards
    Black Suit: 4/3/3 with 400 shards

    Latest Legends:
    Crystal: 2/2/4 with 1649 shards
    moon Knight: 1/0/3 with 725 shards
    gargantos: 1/1/2 with 575 shards

    NEW: Ms marvel 0/0/0 with 650 shards

    I’m now in a situation where my feeders are largely already past the point where they have enough shards left in them to finish the 5* excepting just a few, so it’ll probably be a lot slower going. Also I’ve had a bit of a rally on Crystal, but odds are really good she will drop out incomplete. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    Landed a red for Crystal, bringing her to an organic 3/3/3, so I burned my shards to make her a 4/4/4 leaving 370 in the bank. Anybody know if she has seen her last feature? I feel like she has.
  • Xception81
    Xception81 Posts: 429 Mover and Shaker
    Yeah she shouldn’t have any other features. She’ll be rotating out of Latest on 6/27 (assuming they don’t do anything weird because of the delay in the last rotation, but I doubt they will). 
  • dramatist
    dramatist Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    I recently champed Crystal to reach 60 5* champions. I had already champed Moon Knight and Gargantos is 5,1,3 and K Khan is 1,1,1 so I decided to pull about 1000 CP in Classics. I realized that OMD only needed 40 shards to get cover 13 so I sharded him until I could champ him for #61. 

    I got 10 5* covers in 49 pulls so I did well there. No meta covers but I did get a Havok cover to make him 3,4,3.

    I will probably hoard until Moon Knight leaves Latest and see where I am on Gargantos when I start pulling again. I may get bored hoarding and spend some CP on Classics again too. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pulled an organic green for Crystal, so she is champed now. I’m sitting tight till she rotates out to pull.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can't remember what in-game days you are in, so I took a look on page 1. Unfortunately, the link can't be accessed anymore.


    On Feb 2020, you had 8 5* championed. 28 months had flown by. So, you are champing ~2 5* every month on average. You should be able to champ all 5* released in by May/June 2023.

    I champed my 8th 5* in December 2020.
    Today, I have only 36 champed, which works out to about 1.5 5* every month. At my current rate, I will champ all 5* by March 2028.   :D

    Just some fun thoughts.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’m on day 2,336. My original thread got deleted during a forum restructure, so I’m not sure when I champed Ghost Rider, my first 5*, but I committed to Latest I believe in December 2019 chasing Kingpin and missed out on him. But I’ve been champing 5s regularly since the Doom release.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    Man, my Moon Knight is shaping up to be super lopsided at 1/1/4. I’m curious how this Latest crop will ultimately shake out.

    current latest:
    Moon Knight: 1/1/4 with 1,167 shards (current fav)
    Gargantos: 3/2/3 with 575 shards
    Kamala: 2/2/1 with 750 shards

    Jane Foster: 0/0/0 with 365 shards

    Jubilee: 342 with 342 shards - Jean Grey is 5/3/2 with 430 shards, so I’ll come up 70 shards short after the remaining 1,000

    3*- just chasing LTs at the moment
  • Chirus
    Chirus Posts: 191 Tile Toppler
    Just chasing latest to see if it can be done with a purely SCL 9 income. I'm currently 12/13 with MK at 3/5/4. Do you think I can finish it before he rotates out at the end of the month?
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Chirus said:
    Just chasing latest to see if it can be done with a purely SCL 9 income. I'm currently 12/13 with MK at 3/5/4. Do you think I can finish it before he rotates out at the end of the month?
    I mean. You'll get 250 shards from prog... Oh cl9.
    No idea how many shards you'll get from prog rewards next pve and placement rewards this pve.
    In cl10 it's a lock to finish moonie from shards with just one cover remaining.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm feeling pretty good about Gargantos at this point. I have him at 5/3/3 now after pulling a 5th green organically and using my shard cover to bring black up to 3. I am curious if he will get the same number of available shard covers, being the first one who was given away in the alliance events. Moon Knight I'm not feeling as solid about though at 1/1/4, though I'll have 3 covers worth of shards in the bank for him after Strange Sights.
  • Zalasta
    Zalasta Posts: 302 Mover and Shaker
    Day 2485.  40/70 5-stars champed.

    I pulled everything after Crystal left LL and had a good run. Will not pull again until KK rotates out. Have been staying out of classics due to focus on getting latest champed.

    MK @ 3/5/4 with 233 shards. Favorited to finish with bonus shards.
    Garg @ 5/3/4 with 205 shards and 6 saved covers. Will be champed with shards before it rotates out.
    KK @ 4/3/5 with 435 shards. Will be champed with shards before she rotates out.

    ISO continues to be a problem. I'm not moving up any of the newer fully covered 4-stars at the moment due to prioritizing 5-stars (mostly classics that I'm moving up with favorited 4-stars).

    It will be interesting to see how two 5-star cover rewards for monthly alliance events changes the metric. It sure helped for Garg & KK.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2022
    I pulled a black for Moon Knight this morning, so he's now 2/1/4. I still need to get 3 organic pulls for him, which isn't impossible but we'll see.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2022
    Hm, I suddenly find myself with a 4/4/4 moon knight (63 shards). Things are looking much better.

    Gargantos: 5/4/3 with 75 shards
    Kamala: 2/2/1 with 950 shards.

    jubilee is currently 345

    i had a good batch of 3*s that were within a cover or three of LTs, so I’ve picked up my draw pace a bunch.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    Whew! Pulled that final green this morning so moon knight is champed. I moved my 5* fav to Jean Grey since gargantos is in good shape. I need 70 shards to true her up to where a 460 Jubilee will give out a 13th complete cover. 
  • Chirus
    Chirus Posts: 191 Tile Toppler
    edited July 2022
    Whew! Pulled that final green this morning so moon knight is champed. I moved my 5* fav to Jean Grey since gargantos is in good shape. I need 70 shards to true her up to where a 460 Jubilee will give out a 13th complete cover. 
    I got some of your luck this morning apparently. I pulled my final green for MK putting him at 4/5/4. It's my very first 5* at 13 covers so I'm very excited! I really appreciate everyone's advice here to stick to the latest legends and not buy any of the introductory store heroes. I probably wouldn't have been able to pull it off if I had gotten distracted, lol.