5-Star Rarity (Epic)
Heroes, X-Men

Seems like a damage cap in place because of okoye to me...Isay_Isay said:Does the specific mention of “max of X damage per enemy” as opposed to “max of 8 tiles” imply that the damage ignores boosts from strike tiles or Okoye?
I would be surprised and disappointed if this affected okoye at all. one character's power should not stealth nerf anothet one. I think it is just to clarify the cap relative to aoe damage.thedarkphoenix said:Seems like a damage cap in place because of okoye to me...Isay_Isay said:Does the specific mention of “max of X damage per enemy” as opposed to “max of 8 tiles” imply that the damage ignores boosts from strike tiles or Okoye?
Well since Big Bang Theory is over now, I guess I am totally up the creek now with no answers. I don’t expect this to be answered but I will still ask the question because it is relevant.Tony_Foot said:Probably more likely to get a straight answer with a question on Dark Matter or String Theory.The rockett said:@Brigby is there a reason why they are speeding up 5* releases? Will this be the new norm?
I'm afraid I don't have any information available on the speed at which characters are being released.The rockett said:Brigby is there a reason why they are speeding up 5* releases? Will this be the new norm?
That's max base damage per enemy. The damage can still be increased from Strike Tiles or Okoye's Passive.Isay_Isay said:Does the specific mention of “max of X damage per enemy” as opposed to “max of 8 tiles” imply that the damage ignores boosts from strike tiles or Okoye?
The rockett said:Well since Big Bang Theory is over now, I guess I am totally up the creek now with no answers. I don’t expect this to be answered but I will still ask the question because it is relevant.Tony_Foot said:Probably more likely to get a straight answer with a question on Dark Matter or String Theory.The rockett said:@Brigby is there a reason why they are speeding up 5* releases? Will this be the new norm?
Charged Tiles are created after cascades occur.y4747 said:Brigbyquestion regarding Aurora Totalis - do cascades happen after the colors change but before tiles are charged? because if so, it's likely to leave a few islands of that charged color, which is good for her black (since they will be difficult to match away), but bad for ap generation.