3.3 Release Notes *Updated (4/3/19)



  • PerishFrance
    PerishFrance Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    Sorry for posting here but I'm not sure I understood (I looked for the update and found this thread) Do the guy who wrote this messed up or what people are saying really the design of the feature? either way something sounds dumb... I though the game was PVE so I can plan my choices and matches, not sure how limiting my turn and adding less and less seconds helps
  • Matthew
    Matthew Posts: 605 Critical Contributor
    jimpark said:
    Matthew said:
    Brakkis said:
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone. Thanks for providing all of this in-depth perspective and feedback of the loop system. I'll be sure to pass that along to the team for review.

    While I can't guarantee that any changes can be made prior to the 3.3 update going live, as I believe the build has already been submitted to 1st party vendors, I will definitely talk to them about revisiting the system and seeing where things can be adjusted.

    This right here is why things like this should be brought up before the patch is submitted and it's too late to make any kind of changes. This was a solution to a relatively minor problem in the overall scheme of the game and it was extremely poorly thought out. There are far superior methods of fixing this, again - minor, problem that don't outright tank an entire playstyle.
    One thing I forgot to mention in my own earlier post is mentioned here by Brakkis. The overall impact of this problem, however annoying it is, is minimal at the absolute worst. Personally I can't even remember the last time I've been caught by Greg in a loop of any sort. That illustrates that they either don't occur with any serious degree of frequency, or that when they do occur, I can simply hit the "quit" button to end them, or most likely both of these things. This decision makes it look like you guys heard a vocal minority complaining about something and decided to implement a nuclear option to address it. Terrible decision, and I really, really, really hope it is reversed.
    i just want to add at lesser card collections / newer players get stuck in overpowered loops more frequently. Veterans, on the other hand, we have strong enough collections to counteract these loop decks by speed bashing the AI, usually through a loop. Therefore, i do believe it is a problem but the way they addressed it was terrible.

    I don't understand why this happened, other than:
    1) there is no strategist at this company or dev team
    2) nobody seems to really play MTGPQ at this company or the dev team (or at least not enough)
    3) they don't consider the possible consequences with each change
    4) things feel rushed to meet deadlines so they have terrible scheduling to ensure a quality update/product
    I have been in Platinum for about two years now, so it’s safe to say that I’m pretty out of touch with the state of things at the lower tiers. You are right to call me out for that. Thanks for making me realize it! The last thing I want is for newer players to have bad experiences and just stop playing because of them.

    However, this has also given me a thought that I think is worth considering. If the dev team is dead set on going this route AND what you say is true (that loops are a much bigger problem for players at lower levels) then why not ONLY apply this timer to those levels? Bronze could have a pretty short timer (18 seconds anyone?) and it could be longer for Silver, longer still for Gold, and just completely done away with for Platinum.

    This way, newer players with limited collections could get a softer introduction to the game and then gradually be weaned off of the training wheels as they progress. It would also allow Platinum to stay hyper competitive, which is how it freaking SHOULD be at the top tier of competition.
  • Marioneta
    Marioneta Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    Maybe I forget about special deck builds, but most of the infinite loops that players create pretend to make direct damage or cast creatures/tokens until strength is enough to kill the opponent. Could be possible to restart the timer when one of the next conditions is met:

    - Opponent life reduce.
    - A creature/token strength increases and the total creatures strength is lower than opponent life.

    Restarting the timer with this conditions probably will leave the well constructed loop decks continue working while end with the AI unintentional loops (Siren's Ruse+ original Naru Meha, 2 Rishkar's Expertise+ Vivid Revival...) that are the ones that players really want to solve. The timer should be reasonable too (starting with 60 seconds minimum) to give a chance when the random affects the cards order leaving creatures or card damage for the last positions of the deck. I'm not saying is a perfect solution (there are always exceptions) but could be a good starting point.

    I agree with other players that 18 seconds is really restrictive. MTGPQ is growing in complexity and interactions with each new set, so putting a short timer will make more damage than improve the game. But I think this problem can be putted in standby increasing the timer to something absurd (30 min...) with a 3.3.1 patch while a final solution is reached between devs and community.
  • Avahad
    Avahad Posts: 296 Mover and Shaker
    Gem converters going off before you get a chance to do anything are definitely not going to count as you making a match are they?
  • Gunmix25
    Gunmix25 Posts: 1,442 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2019
    Thuran said:
    Brigby said:
    Gabrosin said:
    starfall said:
    Yeah, but I don't like all the +1/+1s. Adapt and Riot are only going to matter in Bronze Tier. They could have scaled those up so they matter to MTGPQ life totals instead of paper MTG ones.
    Riot will just be haste, except when reinforcing your creature.  Domri giving out riot to any creature is going to have some nice synergies.  Still, it's true that +1/+1 is not a huge bump in PQ terms.

    I'm more excited about spectacle.
    I haven't looked through all the cards in RNA yet, but I hope that there's a card that passively grants Riot to creatures that enter the battlefield, because then that would be a huge boost to token generators. Combine that with Path of Discovery, and you've got a big creature fast! 
    Path of discovery won't work with tokens, due to the 25 second timer....good example @Brigby ;)
    Any build using Trostani will be useless.  Love that card but the time it takes to resolve.  She'll cast once and my chord of calling card won't be allowed to resolve,  making it something akin to Expansion... I now have to wait a turn to cast a legitimately resolving card? Such issues can cost me a match in a PvP event in which I need that extra damage that turn for the win.  And I'm denied because of a timer that's trying to prevent loops and I wasn't casting any loops?
  • rafalele
    rafalele Posts: 876 Critical Contributor
    Gunmix25 said:
    Thuran said:
    Brigby said:
    Gabrosin said:
    starfall said:
    Yeah, but I don't like all the +1/+1s. Adapt and Riot are only going to matter in Bronze Tier. They could have scaled those up so they matter to MTGPQ life totals instead of paper MTG ones.
    Riot will just be haste, except when reinforcing your creature.  Domri giving out riot to any creature is going to have some nice synergies.  Still, it's true that +1/+1 is not a huge bump in PQ terms.

    I'm more excited about spectacle.
    I haven't looked through all the cards in RNA yet, but I hope that there's a card that passively grants Riot to creatures that enter the battlefield, because then that would be a huge boost to token generators. Combine that with Path of Discovery, and you've got a big creature fast! 
    Path of discovery won't work with tokens, due to the 25 second timer....good example @Brigby ;)
    Any build using Trostani will be useless.  Love that card but the time it takes to resolve.  She'll cast once and my chord of calling card won't be allowed to resolve,  making it something akin to Expansion... I now have to wait a turn to cast a legitimately resolving card? Such issues can cost me a match in a PvP event in which I need that extra damage that turn for the win.  And I'm denied because of a timer that's trying to prevent loops and I wasn't casting any loops?
    Do not forget speed objectives.
  • Szamsziel
    Szamsziel Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    edited March 2019
    I really hate the idea of timer restricting possible moves. It resolve the problem of loops in a worst way.
    Paper magic fix the infinite loops in a two way. First - by human to human interaction - which of course is not possible in our environment .
    But there is another measure ensuring that the real loop is difficult to create - deck limitation itself. There is usually 60 cards in deck. If you attempt to draw on empty library - you loose. Why not implement similar limitation here? Let's chaise 80 cards deck. Show counter on screen and decrease it on draw. If it reaches 0 - end of game.
    Other loops can be fixed as well - 
    1) infinite tokens - if sum of power of yours creatures > ai life - skip to attack phase. The same goes for ai loops .
    2) infinite changing board state without hitting opponent AND amount of cards to draw remains the same (scenario when graveyard or copy spells are heavily used so draw solution won't help). If amount of cards played > x and no life is lost and creatures power within x cards didn't increase - skip to attack phase.

  • wereotter
    wereotter Posts: 2,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2019
    Re: the 25 second timer

    I would have to time it out to see, but I’m pretty sure my red-blue wizards deck takes longer than that to resolve a blue sun’s zenith. I have to draw all the cards, the cards all gain their mana, then since all the cards in the deck cost 12 or less, they all get to cast. Plus Adeliz has her animation to buff all my creatures from every spell.

    This isn’t a loop. Just one spell that can take time to fully resolve. 

    I do appreciate the effort to put a cap on the loops, though! Nothing worse than having to force quit the game when you run into a deck the AI manages to loop into infinity. 
  • Unknown
    edited March 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    starfall said:
    wereotter said:
    Re: the 25 second timer

    I would have to time it out to see, but I’m pretty sure my red-blue wizards deck takes longer than that to resolve a blue sun’s zenith. I have to draw all the cards, the cards all gain their mana, then since all the cards in the deck cost 12 or less, they all get to cast. Plus Adeliz has her animation to buff all my creatures from every spell.

    This isn’t a loop. Just one spell that can take time to fully resolve. 

    I do appreciate the effort to put a cap on the loops, though! Nothing worse than having to force quit the game when you run into a deck the AI manages to loop into infinity. 
    It's just occured to me that certain cards add animation time to an opponent's turn, and could possibly used to exploit the timer system: like Induced Amnesia?
    Oooh, a new breed of Troll deck.  Now that's something fun to build around  :D
  • This content has been removed.
  • nerdstrap
    nerdstrap Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    I wonder if anyone at WotC has seen this timer idea and signed off on it? I can’t imagine they would. MTGO and Arena both have infinite loops and no loop timers. The only game I can think of with a turn timer is Hearthstone. 
  • OmegaLolrus
    OmegaLolrus Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker

    Hrm... Been trying to think about how I feel about this. On the one hand, it definitely benefits me... I'm not sure if I'd still win against those decks, but I won't have to wait as long to lose. Though maybe I haven't seen as many of the truly hardcore combo decks.

    On the other hand... How to say this. It's a bad spot to be in if you're a developer that can't take into account that there's always going to be percentage of the player population that will exploit (I mean this in its literal definition, not to imply that this is doing something wrong) and min/max their way to the best deck.

    I don't know how good a solution this is, I'll have to actually play with it before I can make a decision... But it sounds like really short-term solution to (as I understand) a problem that has been around for a while?

    If this is what we're going to be doing, have they considered making this as a toggle in game? I think it would make people happier in the short term. If you've got an amazing Infinite Loop deck, you can push it to the limit, though you may go up against something similar. If you don't want to sit through the Infinite Loop as it goes on and on, you can toggle the timer on, though you wouldn't be able to make use of it.

    Really, the only long term solution that would be best for the game I could see would be to balance the cards and combos such that this is more manageable. Though the this "spell can only be cast X times per turn" idea is a really good one, for as easy to implement.

  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bravo, Octal9, bravo.
    WiLDRAGE Posts: 145 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2019
    With normal animations, I timed Spell Swindle with Captain Lannery Storm in play with 2 other pirates.

    It takes ~22 seconds to resolve on my Google Pixel 2XL.  I can't imagine how long it takes on a slower phone.