3.0 Release Notes *Updated (11/13/18)



    IM_CARLOS Posts: 640 Critical Contributor
    I like the way to communicate before somthing happen. But please: make easy to comprehend (new standard rotation) and it woild be nice to have all event information in one place (new rewards) not the only changes here and rest somwhere else.

    I think you will edit event details later but, would be nice to have. 
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
    Indeed, consistency is a good thing. This has always bugged me.
  • wereotter
    wereotter Posts: 2,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    James13 said:
    wereotter said:
    Brigby said:

    • The player no longer draws cards before the opponent does, when the opponent casts Day's Undoing.

    I do not understand. Why are you nerfing our staple origins? Why should I continue to spend money on a game that disables our old cards that we sweat so hard to achieve? First was Shrine of the Forsaken Gods. After New Perspective. Now it was Day's Undoing. What's next? Olivia? You are discrediting the old players. 

    I'm really thinking if I should stay in the game.
    This is a buff to Day's Undoing, not a nerf. Try playing it after this change with Sphinx's Tutelage and/or Psychic Corrosion. Before this change, you would draw, then your opponent would draw. Now, if I'm reading this right, your opponent draws, then you draw, giving those two supports the ability to increase the cost of the first two cards in your opponent's hand.
    I read it as making it consistent.  I assume the player cast still means the player draws before the opponent.  The change here being that when the opponent casts the spell they will draw first instead.  Previously even if the opponent cast the spell, the player would still draw first.  Making it one-sided with the cost increase supports you cite (always in the opponent's favor regardless of who cast.
    By making it consistent here with the casting player drawing first it removes the one sided AI benefit.  You would now be able to punish the opponent with the cost increase supports when they cast whereas before it was impossible.
    Oooooh yes, I missed that you no longer draw first when your opponent casts the card. I just read it as point blank your opponent always draws first. Guess we'll have to see how it functions exactly once the changes happen to know if as a player I can lock down my opponent's first two cards with this combo.
    BATMAN1 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    i don’t think you understand my point. Which is if a set of cards has 3 month expiration no one will buy or at least spend hard earned resources on them. It would make more sense to hoard all crystal and jewels through the last set of the rotation, in order to splurge on the newest set of the NEW rotation. Why would anyone invest in a set of cards that only last 3 months? 

    Essentially because the new model would highly value the first and second set while the third and fourth set would have close to no value because they would expire into legacy very quickly after they were printed. 

    So you said you like the new model can I ask why? Is there something I’m missing or overlooking?
  • Gabrosin
    Gabrosin Posts: 259 Mover and Shaker
    BATMAN1 said:
    i don’t think you understand my point. Which is if a set of cards has 3 month expiration no one will buy or at least spend hard earned resources on them. It would make more sense to hoard all crystal and jewels through the last set of the rotation, in order to splurge on the newest set of the NEW rotation. Why would anyone invest in a set of cards that only last 3 months? 

    Essentially because the new model would highly value the first and second set while the third and fourth set would have close to no value because they would expire into legacy very quickly after they were printed. 

    So you said you like the new model can I ask why? Is there something I’m missing or overlooking?
    In the new system, the shortest amount of time a set would be in Standard is 15 months.

    BATMAN1 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Ahhhhh my mistake then
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *Added link to Guild Mechanics blog post
    IM_CARLOS Posts: 640 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2018
    Mmh... Bolas has access to 4 of this new mechanics. Maybe the reign of Bolas' power never ends. 

    On Paper, for this Game, covoke looks strong, with all the token cratures in GW (reinforcements!). 

    But in the end it heavly depends of cards. We will see.

    Edit: surveil and undergrowth could be a great match for any reanimator decks. Well, surveil alone could be great for putting creatures in graveyard. 

    Mentor looks lame. +1/+1 doesn't sound great to me when couple af angles kicking on turn 3.
  • ElfNeedsFood
    ElfNeedsFood Posts: 944 Critical Contributor
    @Brigby Nice article.  I'm looking forward to the card gallery! :smile: 

  • stikxs
    stikxs Posts: 537 Critical Contributor
    Brigby said:
    *Added link to Guild Mechanics blog post
    The clips of those mechanics look like they are running at super speed. Had to sit through them a few times just to read what the card said fyi.
  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jump Start looks kinda odd.  Not bad, just odd. 

    @Brigby some questions for the devs for clarity:

    Does the Jump Start card autocast from the gravayard? 

    How can you control which Jump Start card gets mana when you exile a card if more than 1 is in the graveyard?

    I assume the Jump Start card is exiled after it is cast from the graveyard (if it isn't it should be).  Will they function like Prized Amalgam does where if you hit "not now" to cast it it exiles itself instead of staying in the graveyard?

    The other mechanics look great!  And since they all have effects similar to other cards we already have they should hopefully work without issue (hopefully)
  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for the info @Brigby!!
  • ElfNeedsFood
    ElfNeedsFood Posts: 944 Critical Contributor
    Brigby said:
    @Mburn7 Good questions! I did some tinkering around with the Jump-start cards a test build, and this is what I found:

    Does Jump-start autocast?
    Yes. Once the card acquires enough mana, it will autocast that turn.

    Which card gets mana?
    Jump-start cards in your graveyard will receive mana in the order that they were played.

    Does the Jump-start card get exiled after being cast?
    Yup! Here is the ability's description.

    Selecting "Not Now"
    The card will not be exiled, if you select "Not Now." It will remain in your graveyard with all its acquired mana intact.
    Does the mana "overflow" from one Jump-started card to the next?  For example, if I exile a card with 10 mana and the first Jump-start card requires 5 mana, with the next 5 mana hit the second Jump-start card?

    Watching this interact with Cycling will be very interesting....
  • Azerack
    Azerack Posts: 501 Critical Contributor
    Crazy question,  will the AI know how to use the split cards or will this be another case of cycling for players only? 
  • Szamsziel
    Szamsziel Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    Hmm great question. I'd add one thing - more mechanics from Ravnica require interaction - ie exiting own cards. BTW does exile from hand only matter? What about exiting from board (isolate?). 
  • Tilwin90
    Tilwin90 Posts: 662 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2018
    So exiling cards from hand already mana charged give mana to Jumpstart cards in the graveyard. Does this include cards exiled through various spells and effects? (I'm thinking here in particular at Apex of Power which could power up jumpstart cards)

    As for the feedback regarding the mechanics, I think it's kind of obvious that the best designed are those that don't bring many questions or require lots of careful considerations (weird interactions and situations more than balance things). 

    Surveil is super straightforward and finally implementing it in MTGPQ raises the question whether we could get scry at some point too. I love it! I think it will be more powerful than it looks at first glance, specifically since auto-gun draw mode is usually what happens - the more you draw, the higher the chance of digging for answers. This problem is further exacerbated by the limitation of hand size that prevents proper draws. Allowing us to surveil helps smoothen those draws nicely. (there is a reason why Karn's first ability is SO powerful besides the mana gains)

    Jump-Start as already started above looks quite convoluted and will probably be way too chaotic for anything but specifically targeted strategies to take advantage of it. At first glance I find it underwhelming and unappealing but time will tell just how it turns out.

    Undergrowth is another straightforward effect, and especially since now we can look at the graveyard it's that more predictable. I only hope we don't see many capped effects such as with Liliana4's second ability.

    Mentor looks underwhelming namely because +1/+1 is quite a small bonus in MTGPQ when compared to paper magic. I see how this was supposedly scaled by allowing it to target multiple creatures, but since we are generally limited to 3 creatures that's not that big of a deal (+2/+2 at most per combat instead of +1/+1 at most per combat)
    Another thing that drags Mentor slightly down when compared to paper magic is that you can't really order the triggers, and that's a huge part of the mechanic. Since you can have multiple mentor creatures on the board, it was up to you to order them properly so that you may pump that nice 2/2 creature first by Tajic, and then by a pumped Aurelia (the other way around would lead to only one +1/+1).

    Convoke is nicely adapted and looks rather straightforward. It plain reduces cost which I like, it also considers reinforcements which was exactly what I was hoping for, so kudos for that. The cap looks like a sane thing and depending on the card implementations we'll have to see just how debilitating is. I know for sure opening the can of Ghaltas would've been super dangerous and lead to some super degenerate strategies anyway.

    Flip cards look cute, but to be very honest it will also probably be a lot of work to manage them into my hand. I am also suuuper curious how the mana charging will be handled. If I have a 5 and 15 costed flip card, and I have the 5 side turned, does the engine fill up to 5 mana only and then continues to the next card in hand? And then the other way it means that you actually waste 10 mana if you decide to flip and cast it? Is there some sort of internal design rule established to always have the front side cheaper than the back side? Do they autocast? And on which side do they go to the graveyard?
    So many logistic things I can think of when it comes to Flip Cards it looks once again like a lot of figuring out. But they are a cute addition and it's taking advantage of an already in-game user interaction mechanism which is nice and intuitive.

    Graveyard reveal is super nice and I'm glad we finally have it in place. One question here is whether we will also be able to look at our opponent's graveyard (in paper magic all graveyards are public zones).

    First ability reminds me of Karn & Dovin's firsts having a baby. It will be super powerful and super relevant without being totally bonkers.
    His second will probably see less play but I expect it will be a nice panic button. Nice to see it is not capped in any way. 
    The ultimate is totally bonkers just like the paper implementation. The card draw is not even as relevant, though it will open the opportunity for some really devious Imminent Doom decks. (honestly, I find few ultimates that could scare me more than Bolas2's flip ultimate)

    Mana gains are naturally good, I actually think good enough to finally have an UR walker replace Saheeli.

    Her first ability is interesting. The question here is whether you will be able to activate it if you have "reinforcements" (I so dislike this mechanic as it's super vague and random, I never know what will lose a reinforcement). It's a nice combination of mana, lifegain and card draw and super low actually. If there were an improvement it could see it would be to cost 6 instead of 9 (when compared to Ral, I find it slightly less powerful)

    For her second ability, wait, undergrowth number here suggests it is actually capped? (something I was not aware of when I initially looked at Undergrowth) I guess it's another isolate pseudo-effect, quite unpredictable but useful I guess in a panic situation? Not very impressed with it I doubt I will use it too often. Also, how does it interact with opposing hexproof creatures? (they have creatures, you can't target them, so does it affect a support in that case or not? weird wording...)

    Her ultimate is plain stupid. First, it costs the same as her second ability, what?! Then you practically can't remove it with anything (save for River's Rebuke that bounces?). And then the effect keeps growing and growing and there's nothing you can do about it?! Ye ye, I get that it's a slow effect, but in those grindy matches this can get super punishing. I completely dislike the idea of ultimate generating indestructible supports. (though yes, I am aware in paper magic we have emblems that follow this pattern, remember that ultimating walkers in paper magic is much much more difficult)