3.0 Release Notes *Updated (11/13/18)

Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
edited November 2018 in MtGPQ General Discussion

3.0 Release Notes

General Changes

The 3.0 update is bringing a whole variety of new features: a new card set, new event, new mechanics, and a very important community-requested feature: Graveyard Display!

New Graveyard Display
  • Players are now able to view cards in their Graveyard.

Check out the full Guilds of Ravnica Update - New Features blog post where the team breaks down exactly how the Graveyard Display will work, updates everyone on changes to the Standard Format, and provides information on the new Split Cards mechanic.

New Card Set: Guilds of Ravnica

Ravnica is full of interesting characters, and even more interesting are the Guilds that have formed around them. In this card set, we explore these Guilds and what makes them so unique...and dangerous. Not only will there be 200 brand new cards, but also new events, mechanics, and Planeswalkers added to Magic: Puzzle Quest.

New Mechanics

Guilds of Ravnica will have 5 new card mechanics each dedicated to an individual Guild. Take a look at a brief description of each below, then check out the full details in the Guild Mechanics blog post!
    • Surveil
      • Acquiring and dealing information is how House Dimir stays ahead of other Guilds. Surveil allows players to look at the top 4 cards of their deck, choose X to put in the graveyard, and the rest goes on top of they library.
    • Jump-start
      • The Izzet League is known for their bold and chaotic experiments. With Jump-start, players can cast cards from the graveyard, if they've exiled enough cards that had Mana saved up.
    • Undergrowth
      • For the Golgari Swarm, death is not the end of a fallen allies journey. With Undergrowth, players can take advantage of the number of non-Token creatures in their graveyard, in order to trigger powerful effects.
    • Mentor
      • The Boros Legion functions as the righteous and zealous constabulary and standing army of Ravnica. Each time a creature with Mentor attacks, creatures under your control with lesser power gain +1/+1 permanently.
    • Convoke
      • Community and harmony are the pillars of the Selesnya Conclave that allow it to thrive. Convoke considers how many creatures and creature reinforcements you control to reduce the cost of casting that card, up to its X value.

    New Event: Rising Tensions

    To depict the contentious battle between guilds, a new event is arriving called Rising Tensions. This event will be replacing Across Ixalan, but don't worry. Across Ixalan will be slightly changed to be a new 2-day event instead. You can read about those changes further down below.

    As for Rising Tensions, Oktagon's designer Matheus Funfas breaks down the event details down below. If you want to see the full event details, including objectives and node info, you can check out its Event Details page HERE.

    "The friction between the guilds of Ravnica has never been more palpable. An absent Guildpact has given rise to new guild leaders with unknown agends. In this critical moment, each guild must gather information and seek possible allies."

    Event Details
    • Rising Tensions will have an entry fee of 20 Mana Crystals.
    • It is a Daily, Standard, PvP, non-Coalition event, with 4 sequential nodes that work with the same unlocking rules from Trials of the Planes.
    • Each node has its own color combination, according to one of the Guilds from GRN
    • The nodes order changes daily.
    • Rising Tensions will substitute Across Ixalan as the main daily event on the Standard environment.
    • The final reward of each Rising Tensions event is an exclusive card from an older Ravnica set, related to its Guild.

    "Everyday a special event support associated with a Guild will affect all the nodes. The Guild is represented both by the event subtitle, the background during the node selection screen, and by the special support. Also, that guild's color combination will not be present on the available nodes during that Guild's day, as its presence is represented by the rules applied to all nodes.

    Every event support presents its own set of rules that are related to Mentor, Surveil, Undergrowth, Convoke, or Jump-start. These mechanics will be available to both players during the encounter.

    Let's take a look at the special supports:
    (Click on image to view larger version)

    As you can see, each support has their corresponding Guild's flavor that brings a minor mechanic associated with that Guild. This way, just like in Across Ixalan, players can try different synergies with the cards from their own Guilds, and also play with combinations of effects from different ones. You can find out more about Guild Mechanics in our previous article: Guild Mechanics

    Hope you enjoy the new event!"

    New Planeswalkers

    With the Guilds of Ravnica set arriving in MtGPQ, comes new Planeswalkers!

    Ral, Izzet Viceroy
    "A talented storm mage who has risen to the highest ranks of the Izzet League. Ral Zarek is brilliant, unpredictable, and daring; everything the Izzet value most. He invented a device that can track Planeswalker arrivals and departures on Ravnica, and devoted much of his time to study the ins and outs of interplanar travels."

    Check out his abilities below!

    Major Flux of  Genius: [4 Shield] Support: Whenever you cast a Spell, this support deals 6 damage to any target. Then, draw 2 cards.

    Vraska, Golgari Queen
    "On Ixalan, Vraska encountered Jace Beleren - the Living Guildpact and a Planeswalker himself, and discovered the doom that Nicol Bolas planned to unleash on Ravnica.

    Vraska asked Jace to hold on to her memories of him and of Bolas's plans, resolving to live as a sleeper agent until the moment to return her memories, so she could retaliate against Nicol Bolas in defense of her home."

    Check out her abilities below!

    Improved Golgari Assassins: [Indestructible] Support: Can't be Destroyed or Exiled. At the end of your turn, if you control 1 or more creatures and if your opponent lost life this turn, reinforce this support and your opponent loses X life, where X is the number of reinforcements of this support.

    Standard Rotation

    The Standard Format is changing! Check out the full details in the Guilds of Ravnica Update - New Features blog post!

    Guilds of Ravnica enters Standard Format. No card sets are rotating out in 3.0. 

    Special Offers

    To celebrate the arrival of the Guilds of Ravnica card set, we will have a brand new selection of special offers available. Keep an eye out in the Vault, so you can snag them while you can!

    Event Changes

    Trial of the Planes
    • Changed the Booster Reward: M19 to GRN.
    Fate Is Rarely Fair
    • Mana Runes in Progression Rewards have been increased in each Color Mastery tier.
    • Mana Runes and Booster Packs in Placement Rewards have been increased / changed in each Color Mastery tier.
    • Secondary objectives have been changed.
    Progression Reward Changes

    Placement Reward Changes

    Secondary Objectives Changes

    Across Ixalan
    • Changed to 2 day event
    • Changed to Legacy event
    • Removed 20 Mana Crystals entry cost. Event is now free!
    • Mana Runes in Progression Rewards have been increased in each Color Mastery tier.
    • Secondary objectives have been changed.
    Progression Reward Changes

    Secondary Objectives Changes

    Duel Decks: Zendikar vs Eldrazi
    • Changed Recharge Time from 5hr 30min to 3hr

    Bug Fixes

    • The player's Blue mana bonus no longer increases whenever Gilded Lotus is reinforced. *New Update*
    • Casting Sphinx's Decree no longer causes a soft-lock to occur, if the opponent has at least one Spell card in their hand.
    • A soft-lock no longer occurs when activating Kiora, Master of the Depths's Crashing Waves ability while Hallar, the Firefletcher is on the battlefield.
    • A soft-lock no longer occurs when dealing damage with a Planeswalker ability, while Dismissive Pyromancer is on the battlefield.
    • Helm of the Gods now properly gives First Strike to the target creature.
    • A World Reborn's event Support no longer counts as the player's Support in the Zhalfirin Void encounter.
    • Slab Hammer now properly applies its effect to the target creature.
    • Players are now able to properly target their own creatures that have Hexproof.
    • Sorcerous Spyglass is no longer returned to the player's hand with full mana when it is destroyed, while Crucible of Worlds is on the board.
    • Belzenlok's Demon is now properly buffed when beginning the player's turn while there is a Creature with at least 2 reinforcements after Belzenlok's Demon has been buffed twice.
    • Creates are no longer counted as lost if they are exiled using Karn, Scion of Urza's Legacy ability.
    • The player no longer draws cards before the opponent does, when the opponent casts Day's Undoing.
    • Fiery Intervention no longer destroys an opponent's Support, when selecting Not Now on the Casting Prompt, and will remain in the player's hand instead.
    • A Spell card with full mana will no longer be fetched to the opponent's hand, when the player has a full hand and matches one of Chaos Wand's Activated Gems.
    • Momentous Fall is no longer able to be cast multiple times on the same creature.
    • Two Activated gems are now created at the beginning of the turn, while Valiant Knight is on the battlefield, instead of just one.
    • While Settle the Wreckage is on the battlefield, the opponent's attacking creature will properly be exiled before it can deal damage.
    • If a transforming card is returned to the player's hand, it will properly return as untransformed, instead of as transformed still.
    • The special rules in The Dragon War are now only applied if a Planeswalker's ability is successfully activated.
    • Fixed some Text Issues.


    • Mburn7
      Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
      edited November 2018
      Thanks for the update!!

      Just one thing:  I feel like you could have warned us about the standard rotation changing, since it must have been decided on a while ago.  I have been purposely not going after Ixalan cards (and advising newer players not to bother with Ixalan) because it was expected to rotate out once 3.0 came out this month.

      Knowing weeks ago that it would not rotate would have been much better for everyone.
    • Brigby
      Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
      Mburn7 said:
      Thanks for the update!  Just one question:

      Why the new standard rotation?  Is this the new norm (5 sets + Origins), or is this happening temporarily due to some other factor?
      You can find those answers in the Guilds of Ravnica - New Features blog post that explains the change to the Standard Format :)
    • Mburn7
      Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
      Brigby said:
      Mburn7 said:
      Thanks for the update!  Just one question:

      Why the new standard rotation?  Is this the new norm (5 sets + Origins), or is this happening temporarily due to some other factor?
      You can find those answers in the Guilds of Ravnica - New Features blog post that explains the change to the Standard Format :)
      Whoops, I saw it there and changed my question.  Sorry for the quick trigger on the post.
    • Kinesia
      Kinesia Posts: 1,621 Chairperson of the Boards
      Thank you! Most of that looks great and thanks for listening and keeping Ixalan in Standard. The changes to events look great too!
    • GrizzoMtGPQ
      GrizzoMtGPQ Posts: 776 Critical Contributor
      edited November 2018
      I don't think messing with Day's Undoing was a good idea. In fact I'm calling doom right now. This opens up a whole new host of infinite decks. Start chasing that one now boys.

      EDIT: I didn't read this carefully enough. This change is correcting a behavior when the OPPONENT casts Day's Undoing.
    • madwren
      madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
      I like the look of how they've implemented both graveyard view and split cards.  I wouldn't be surprised if there are some random crashes, of course, but at least both of those new features look intuitive and sensible. Nicely done.
    • Gabrosin
      Gabrosin Posts: 259 Mover and Shaker
      Thank you for the update @Brigby!

      Is the team working on any other new events for this set?  Your update lists only the Across Ixalan replacement (which looks good at first glance).  Should we expect any new PvP or PvE challenges for the next three months?

    • NinjaE
      NinjaE Posts: 213 Tile Toppler
      Ah, Ral. Because Blue Sun's Zenith wasn't already good enough....
    • Matthew
      Matthew Posts: 605 Critical Contributor
      “As far as Booster Crafting is concerned, the Mana Orb Pricing will remain the same at the moment. Since the Standard side of Booster Crafting has 4 price points, the oldest 4 non-Origin Sets will receive the cheapest price tag of the four.”

      What exactly does does this mean? The wording here is confusing.
    • Laeuftbeidir
      Laeuftbeidir Posts: 1,841 Chairperson of the Boards
      I'm looking forward for the release, but will mostly hold back my opinion until I really see it.
      Just one thing : what about coalition events? It feels like this is going into a non competitive single player direction over the last few updates.. The community, hold together by coalition events is the reason I keep on playing (and so lots of others as well). Can we expect something into that direction?
    • Brakkis
      Brakkis Posts: 777 Critical Contributor
      edited November 2018
      Across Ixalan should not be converted to a Legacy event when the set it's from is remaining in Standard. Why the conversion to a 2 day event? If anything, shouldn't TotP be converted in to a 2 day event with nodes refreshing after 24 hours?

      No fix for the same-side match bug in Duel Decks?

      No new GRN events aside from an AXLN replacement? Man, we're certainly loving all of those Legacy events we've been running. Can't wait for more!
    • stikxs
      stikxs Posts: 537 Critical Contributor
      I think the graveyard view is pretty well done, nice job guys!
    • Brigby
      Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
      Matthew said:
      “As far as Booster Crafting is concerned, the Mana Orb Pricing will remain the same at the moment. Since the Standard side of Booster Crafting has 4 price points, the oldest 4 non-Origin Sets will receive the cheapest price tag of the four.”

      What exactly does does this mean? The wording here is confusing.
      Hmm good question! I'll be sure to ask the team when they're back in the office. 

      Brakkis said:
      Can you please start showing the Creature, Spell, and Support slots available on new Planeswalkers at max level?
      We usually have that information in their respective Planeswalker Details pages. Here you go:
    • Brakkis
      Brakkis Posts: 777 Critical Contributor
      edited November 2018
      Brigby said:
      Brakkis said:
      Can you please start showing the Creature, Spell, and Support slots available on new Planeswalkers at max level?
      We usually have that information in their respective Planeswalker Details pages. Here you go:

      I have never noticed that sub-forum, let alone those threads!

      However, um... You forgot to edit the title of Vraska's third from Nissa 4's 3rd
    • Brigby
      Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
      Brakkis said:
      Brigby said:
      Brakkis said:
      Can you please start showing the Creature, Spell, and Support slots available on new Planeswalkers at max level?
      We usually have that information in their respective Planeswalker Details pages. Here you go:
      I have never noticed that sub-forum, let alone those threads!

      However, um... You forgot to edit the title of Vraska's third from Nissa 4's 3rd
      Well now you know! Hope the content in there is helpful :)

      And good eye! Thanks for the heads up. I've fixed that to display the correct ability name now.
    • khurram
      khurram Posts: 1,101 Chairperson of the Boards
      @Brigby A little confused about the decision on the standard rotation changes, even after reading the blog post. What's an easier transition for players --- one set rotation out at a time or four sets rotating out at once? (even though it will happen once a year).

      Also if only the last 4 sets will have the cheaper crafting costs (IXN, RIX DOM, M19) then it means that GRN will have the expensive crafting cost for an entire year. I don't expect players to be very happy about that.

      Can you please ask the devs about that?
    • Kinesia
      Kinesia Posts: 1,621 Chairperson of the Boards
      khurram said:
      @Brigby A little confused about the decision on the standard rotation changes, even after reading the blog post. What's an easier transition for players --- one set rotation out at a time or four sets rotating out at once? (even though it will happen once a year).

      Also if only the last 4 sets will have the cheaper crafting costs (IXN, RIX DOM, M19) then it means that GRN will have the expensive crafting cost for an entire year. I don't expect players to be very happy about that.

      Can you please ask the devs about that?

      Not an actual answer but I was thinking that 1 huge disturbance a year instead of 4 smaller ones would cause less complaints than people feeling like they are _constantly_ having to rebuild their decks and start again. (Which we've definitely had people complaining about.)
    • GrizzoMtGPQ
      GrizzoMtGPQ Posts: 776 Critical Contributor
      In case you missed the italics part at the bottom of the blog post (I did):

      Stay tuned for Part 2 of our developer blog series tomorrow, where we will take you further into Ravnica and learn about the Guild mechanics. Guilds of Ravnica is scheduled to arrive in Magic: Puzzle Quest next week (week of November 12).
    • khurram
      khurram Posts: 1,101 Chairperson of the Boards
      edited November 2018
      The guild mechanic blog post is giving me a deja vu back when they did blog posts about ixalan's mechanics and there just weren't enough cards with those mechanics in ixalan (explore, enrage). Or when they talked about leader with DOM and we ended up with Squee