A World Reborn is:



  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 890 Critical Contributor
    Just right. I want to do more with my weekends that just play this game!
    Great, less time during the weekend! But why oh why did you have to start a five node coalition event for the working week?

    A very valid point. Just to give an example how it worked out for me. RtO started Sunday evening 22:00 local time while another coalition event is running. Because of the timing of the start of the event and because another coaltion event is running, I haven't started RtO immediately. Next day, 4 charges of WR and 10 charges of RtO before doing anything. Bring kids to school and go to work. After lunch break another refresh and potential of missing charges on RtO. I've asked before why this stressful event is scheduled for Monday? Please make it an ordinary weekend coalition event that starts on Friday. If they feel the need to schedule an event on Monday, please make it any other non-coalition event. Thanks.
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    Machine said:
    Great, less time during the weekend! But why oh why did you have to start a five node coalition event for the working week?

    A very valid point. Just to give an example how it worked out for me. RtO started Sunday evening 22:00 local time while another coalition event is running. Because of the timing of the start of the event and because another coaltion event is running, I haven't started RtO immediately. Next day, 4 charges of WR and 10 charges of RtO before doing anything. Bring kids to school and go to work. After lunch break another refresh and potential of missing charges on RtO. I've asked before why this stressful event is scheduled for Monday? Please make it an ordinary weekend coalition event that starts on Friday. If they feel the need to schedule an event on Monday, please make it any other non-coalition event. Thanks.
    I'll never understand why they went away from the early week / end of week rotation. It worked great. Had a couple of off days, had two events, plenty of room for auxiliary non-coalition events...now it seems completely random. Dart-throwing is not an impressive scheduling method.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    Normally I'd prefer more nodes, but I think with the yet again another Standard rotation it's good to start the new rotation with fewer nodes.

    Not especially happy with having to rebuild at least 5 different PW decks for RtO.

  • TomB
    TomB Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    edited May 2018
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    madwren said:
    Machine said:
    Great, less time during the weekend! But why oh why did you have to start a five node coalition event for the working week?

    A very valid point. Just to give an example how it worked out for me. RtO started Sunday evening 22:00 local time while another coalition event is running. Because of the timing of the start of the event and because another coaltion event is running, I haven't started RtO immediately. Next day, 4 charges of WR and 10 charges of RtO before doing anything. Bring kids to school and go to work. After lunch break another refresh and potential of missing charges on RtO. I've asked before why this stressful event is scheduled for Monday? Please make it an ordinary weekend coalition event that starts on Friday. If they feel the need to schedule an event on Monday, please make it any other non-coalition event. Thanks.
    I'll never understand why they went away from the early week / end of week rotation. It worked great. Had a couple of off days, had two events, plenty of room for auxiliary non-coalition events...now it seems completely random. Dart-throwing is not an impressive scheduling method.
    I think complaints about nothing to do drove the decision to get away from the off days, but the scheduling of OtG covers that. Since most of the reactions to the idea of weekday coalition events have run about 50/50 in favor, I would guess that they thought we wouldn't mind especially since it's a holiday weekend in the States.

    The idea of overlapping the events though, is just silly, considering everything. Especially since AWR is brand new, and Standard just underwent a huge upheaval with the elimination of AMK, I know I've had to rebuild every single deck I've been using, starting from scratch with the AWR decks. That makes the events more about deckbuilding and less about actually playing, and can be terribly time consuming.

    If AWR had been a 3-node event, and you didn't run RTO at all, it would have worked out perfect, I think. I AM glad you chose to run AWR on a weekend this first time through though, because of all the damn deckbuilding...lol
  • Gunmix25
    Gunmix25 Posts: 1,442 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not enough! I want more meaningful playtime on the weekends.
    I got bored really quick with long waits between refreshes on two nodes. 10 to 15 minutes later I am back to twiddling thumbs again. I loved how it played out... just feel that it needs more or simply  shorter times for just two nodes. For 3, 4 or 5 nodes... I think the time is just right. 
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    Yeah 6 hour refreshes make more sense for 2 nodes at a time
  • Lars
    Lars Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    Lars said:
    Mburn7 said:
    This event needs to be a bit harder.  The final fight, which is supposed to be the most difficult one, is a total joke.
    Sure, the node "rule" is scary and combos with its ability.  But it doesn't cast anything stronger than a 2/2 Origins Common (as far as I've seen), and doesn't do much else to combo with anything.  I'm not impressed at all
    A 'bit' harder? Only a bit? We live in a world where cycling has been deemed not worthy of a nerf, where the 5 card restriction on bounce has been stripped away, and players are slinging around cards like Etali, Ghalta, and Gaea's Revenge, and yet the hardest boss in this event is fielding Auramancer, Merfolk Trickster and Seperatist Voidmage (who, amusingly, is still stuck with that 5 card bounce restriction, which the Weatherlight neatly plays around).
    I've just met Storm the Vault. STORM THE VAULT. VS SEPERATIST VOIDMAGE.

    Btw, where's the thread about Storm the Vault being broken? I would like to go post in that now please.
  • fiirst
    fiirst Posts: 438 Mover and Shaker
    Yeah 6 hour refreshes make more sense for 2 nodes at a time
    Please Oktagon also provide more node capacity.
  • stikxs
    stikxs Posts: 537 Critical Contributor
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    Lars said:
    Brakkis said:
    Lars said:
    This is a terrible event. The Weatherlight just puts all the objective cards you need to cast straight into your hand. Where's the challenge in that?
    You... you use the Weatherlight? The thing is an auto-exile in every node but 2.3
    ... Well, fine, if you want to wait to draw the 4 knights or 4 elves or whatever under your own steam, you can, but personally, I'll have one every turn guaranteed, thanks.
    If you have karn you can bounce your own knights back to your hand and recast to save time if the draws aren't going your way.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just Dropped In
    Just right. I want to do more with my weekends that just play this game!
    fiirst said:
    Yeah 6 hour refreshes make more sense for 2 nodes at a time
    Please Oktagon also provide more node capacity.
    While i dont completely disagree, I also cannot full agree. I really enjoyed my time off from this game this past weekend. It was just really nice to feel like my real life and MTGPQ were balanced. 

    I will not deny that logically it seems to make sense to have the refresh timers at 6 hrs since there are two nodes. Though i certainly dont want to support this change honestly. I mean we need some super relaxing events of there are going to be super time consuming ones like RTO and BoFT. But in the art of compromise should this refresh timer ever change to 6 hours then..

    1. Never create a 3rd node for this event in the future. 
    2. Increase the maximum game charges that can be held by nodes from 5?6? (I cant remember) to +2 whatever it is currently. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just Dropped In
    Just right. I want to do more with my weekends that just play this game!
    Brakkis said:
    Lars said:
    This is a terrible event. The Weatherlight just puts all the objective cards you need to cast straight into your hand. Where's the challenge in that?
    You... you use the Weatherlight? The thing is an auto-exile in every node but 2.3
    LOL. I did like that they kinda gave us an opportunity to try out new cards or to help with objectives. but very experienced players might have been like what is this flying garbage coming from
  • morgue427
    morgue427 Posts: 783 Critical Contributor
    i likes the weatherlight wished they had given that out instead of the one they did, but free is free. a card that fetches other historic? hard not to put it to use really.
  • NinjaE
    NinjaE Posts: 213 Tile Toppler
    Just right. I want to do more with my weekends that just play this game!
    It's different and fun. Good rewards, too. I like this event.
  • FindingHeart8
    FindingHeart8 Posts: 2,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just right. I want to do more with my weekends that just play this game!
    I enjoyed this event for more than the nostalgia purposes (having played through most of Dominaria as a child).

    It was quick and easy for me, very little turbulence as I beat the levels (except I haven't packed a single saga yet so I couldn't complete that objective).

    At first I was disappointed on how easy it was, but then I remembered that I'm a top player and that there are new players and veteran players who can't as easily bounce back after losing a set.  I'm happy Octagon lowered the difficulty as if they took that into consideration.  :)
  • BigSwifty
    BigSwifty Posts: 98 Match Maker
    Just right. I want to do more with my weekends that just play this game!
    For my two cents, I'll say this. The event was very nice, but the lag and server crashes this past weekend ruined the fun of both AWR and RtO. My worst experience with this game so far was this past weeked - so many points lost due to crashes and stall outs, and over half the time it was impossible to even log in to the game. I get the technical issues are a part of any game and that the server was probably rushed due to people getting back in for Dominaria, but holy cow something needs to be done to prevent that kind of awful experience in the future. And I know it's not just me - my entire coalition had the same experience.
  • Lars
    Lars Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    I hated AWR, but the RtO I was forced into playing because the coalition events overlapped was actually a lot of fun :)
  • Sarahschmara
    Sarahschmara Posts: 554 Critical Contributor
    edited May 2018
    I did not like the extra cards. Are they interesting cards? Yes! But why The heck did I bother carefully crafting my decks if random cards get thrown in and mess up my plans? 

    I would’ve liked the option to use them in my builds but auto including them meant I was drawing cards I didn’t want to draw. 
  • gogol666
    gogol666 Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    Just right. I want to do more with my weekends that just play this game!
    Ehm, giving all charges at the start of the event would make everybody happy
  • FindingHeart8
    FindingHeart8 Posts: 2,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just right. I want to do more with my weekends that just play this game!
    I did not like the extra cards. Are they interesting cards? Yes! But why The heck did I bother carefully crafting my decks if random cards get thrown in and mess up my plans? 

    I would’ve liked the option to use them in my builds but auto including them meant I was drawing cards I didn’t want to draw. 
    I was okay with it when you could just exile (discard) the card from your hand if you didn't need it, but it got really annoying with Teferi's "You take 3 damage and your supports lose 1 shield for every card you discard."

    I'm still wondering if that's a game glitch Octagon needs to fix :/
  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    I did not like the extra cards. Are they interesting cards? Yes! But why The heck did I bother carefully crafting my decks if random cards get thrown in and mess up my plans? 

    I would’ve liked the option to use them in my builds but auto including them meant I was drawing cards I didn’t want to draw. 
    I was okay with it when you could just exile (discard) the card from your hand if you didn't need it, but it got really annoying with Teferi's "You take 3 damage and your supports lose 1 shield for every card you discard."

    I'm still wondering if that's a game glitch Octagon needs to fix :/
    I don't think that's a glitch (since manual discard is in fact exiling something).

    I really wish that's what Solemnity did as a cycling hate card, since it would actually be useful to play (and it would make the Mindscensor pretty powerful, surprisingly)