A World Reborn is:

Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
This poll is regarding the amount of nodes to play. 

A World Reborn is: 98 votes

Just right. I want to do more with my weekends that just play this game!
span_argomansjechuaandrewvanmarleSteve111VolrakTherosWafflesauceScotcampspeakupaskanswerarNeroGrizzoMtGPQspadplAzerackMachineStormbringer0FindingHeart8boblpoblDumasAGNinjaETilwin90 44 votes
Not enough! I want more meaningful playtime on the weekends.
bk1234Falizarbabar3355mrixl2520Skiglass6Gunmix25timthesRhasgetKronulOperaSMMaxBB 11 votes
Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
madwrenkhurramParasithGrixis197Mainloop25DragonSorcererJames13StormcrowTomBrafaleleThéséeUweTellkampfMatthewwickedwitch74GilescloneElfNeedsFoodTheF3C3SK1ngLaeuftbeidirarevalaTheDragonHermit 43 votes
I don't like PvE events.
No opinion either way.


  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    I prefer the 3 nodes model myself, rather than just 2 nodes.
  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    Also not listed, I'm not a huge fan of starting with other cards in my deck.  The Weatherlight is really annoying, since its big enough to win quickly on the first node but doesn't count for any of the objectives.

    And randomly drawing Tiana in my knight deck just screws everything up.

    BUT, that being said I love the objectives, they take some time to complete but are definitely doable and fun to build around
  • Bil
    Bil Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    edited May 2018
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    Feels a bit short as it is now. Maybe a non-coalition event could run at the same time to feed hungry players while the others don't feel forced to play it?
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    Mburn7 said:
    Also not listed, I'm not a huge fan of starting with other cards in my deck.  The Weatherlight is really annoying, since its big enough to win quickly on the first node but doesn't count for any of the objectives.

    And randomly drawing Tiana in my knight deck just screws everything up.

    BUT, that being said I love the objectives, they take some time to complete but are definitely doable and fun to build around

    Really? I find that the Weatherlight has mostly helped me complete the objectives, but that is mostly because I have some historic wizards and artificers. 
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    Bil said:
    Feels a bit short as it is now. Maybe a non-coalition event could run at the same time to feed hungry players while the others don't feel forced to play it?

  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    Mburn7 said:
    Also not listed, I'm not a huge fan of starting with other cards in my deck.  The Weatherlight is really annoying, since its big enough to win quickly on the first node but doesn't count for any of the objectives.

    And randomly drawing Tiana in my knight deck just screws everything up.

    BUT, that being said I love the objectives, they take some time to complete but are definitely doable and fun to build around

    Really? I find that the Weatherlight has mostly helped me complete the objectives, but that is mostly because I have some historic wizards and artificers. 
    Oh, it definitely helped on the second node.  But on the first node a 6/6 kills a bit too quickly.  Cost me the summon objective on 1.1 (I came up 3 mana short of my last creature)

    And drawing Arvard the Useless on 2.2 didn't really help much
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    Mburn7 said:
    Mburn7 said:
    Also not listed, I'm not a huge fan of starting with other cards in my deck.  The Weatherlight is really annoying, since its big enough to win quickly on the first node but doesn't count for any of the objectives.

    And randomly drawing Tiana in my knight deck just screws everything up.

    BUT, that being said I love the objectives, they take some time to complete but are definitely doable and fun to build around

    Really? I find that the Weatherlight has mostly helped me complete the objectives, but that is mostly because I have some historic wizards and artificers. 
    Oh, it definitely helped on the second node.  But on the first node a 6/6 kills a bit too quickly.  Cost me the summon objective on 1.1 (I came up 3 mana short of my last creature)

    And drawing Arvard the Useless on 2.2 didn't really help much

    I treat it the same way I treat RotGP 1.2 : save the creatures in my hand and drop them all at once. You can take all the damage you want in the meantime.
  • Grixis197
    Grixis197 Posts: 188 Tile Toppler
    edited May 2018
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    Its good but only 2 nodes you think the recharge time should be 6 hours not 8 
  • Brakkis
    Brakkis Posts: 777 Critical Contributor
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    I prefer more nodes than this, but I can absolutely see the distaste people have for the 5 node events.

    3 nodes would have been nice here. I'm also in agreement with not much caring for the addition of the Weatherlight and another card being added to my decks. I just exile the Weatherlight whenever it's drawn.
  • Grixis197
    Grixis197 Posts: 188 Tile Toppler
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    You think there should be 3 nodes only it’s missing lol
  • DumasAG
    DumasAG Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Just right. I want to do more with my weekends that just play this game!
    Mburn7 said:
    Also not listed, I'm not a huge fan of starting with other cards in my deck.  The Weatherlight is really annoying, since its big enough to win quickly on the first node but doesn't count for any of the objectives.

    And randomly drawing Tiana in my knight deck just screws everything up.

    BUT, that being said I love the objectives, they take some time to complete but are definitely doable and fun to build around
    Agreed about weatherlight, which is why the first thing I did each node was exile it from my hand.
  • Gilesclone
    Gilesclone Posts: 735 Critical Contributor
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    I like it.  One more pie would be great but I don’t mind a less hectic weekend.  The top levels could be a bit tougher.  I think they were worried about the loss of cycling.
    I like that they seemed to have listened about annoying objectives.  
  • rafalele
    rafalele Posts: 876 Critical Contributor
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    I like it very much. 

    I love to play with cards that I still miss in my library. 

    Objectives are fair enough for the first Dominaria weekend event.
  • Stormbringer0
    Stormbringer0 Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    Just right. I want to do more with my weekends that just play this game!
    I like it a lot. First, I was confused with the extra cards, but it’s a great opportunity to play cards you don’t have like Slimefoot.

    While Dominaria is fresh, I would love to play more games, but two nodes is just right. More free time. :smile:
    I would love to have quick battles back instead.
  • gogol666
    gogol666 Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    Just right. I want to do more with my weekends that just play this game!
    After the Ixalan grind a light event is very welcome
  • Thuran
    Thuran Posts: 456 Mover and Shaker
    Good, but I'd like an extra pie of battles.
    It feels over very fast, but more importantly, the event is just too damn easy. 2.3 is especially painful, since the opposing deck offers no threat or resistance at all, except for a bunch of unimportant 2/2's, and an ability that prevents reinforcing which drags out the game way too much in my opinion.

    I like the idea of adding cards to your deck, which also ensures you can complete your objectives if you don't own an angel or fungus, but the weatherlight itself can also be a true pain in the rear at times, especially on nodes where you cannot play it for risk of killing your opponent too fast. Still, you can theoretically play without any historic spells and have the weatherlight always grab the creature type you need, good stuff.

    It is good to have a more relaxed event to help lose the stress, but feels like many of the fights were not properly tested and tuned, and i expect most people to get a perfect score in it without any real effort. 
  • Rhasget
    Rhasget Posts: 412 Mover and Shaker
    Not enough! I want more meaningful playtime on the weekends.
    No option suits me.
    First, three nodes would have been better.

    Second, the objectives and AI decks make it a very slow and restricted event. Sofar I have had to stall every game to get all objectives (still missed killing three of my own creatures). 
    Very slow games overall due to this. I didn't feel pushed or near loosing at any time. 
    I only used DOM cards also (without mythics since I only have one) so even a new player could do the same and score full points. Fun for them but as a longtime player it's not very challenging.

    This could be running midweek though with the lesser time commitment needed.

    IM_CARLOS Posts: 640 Critical Contributor
    I like that it's new and you have to deckbuild into the blue.

    Yes it's very slow and not really challenging, but it has fresh objectives, nice and easy rewards and it is not a grindfest like other events before. Very good for Midgame Player. For endgame there should be a third node. 
  • Lars
    Lars Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    This is a terrible event. The Weatherlight just puts all the objective cards you need to cast straight into your hand. Where's the challenge in that?