Steam UI - So bad



  • meekersX
    meekersX Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    ursopro said:
    meekersX said:
    Unfortunately this is not possible, and I am stuck playing on Steam since that is what I started with. I wish they would make it possible to play with the same account regardless of platform.
    According to this post by Brigby you can ask CS to help you to transfer your PC account to mobile:

    Of course is a one time only thing because the technology is just not here yet to allow sync between both platforms.
    Thanks for the link. I was under the impression that they were no longer doing account transfers. I'll definitely put in a ticket if this UI change is permanent.

  • nigelregal
    nigelregal Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    The problem is that navigation buttons change where they are located. So depending on the size of your window its different everytime making navigation not very intuitive and take a lot of time. When on a phone its always in the same spot so you just tap a bunch of times. When you have to drag your mouse 1/2 way across screen multiple times to click random buttons to navigate screens it feels very clunky and long. If they put 2 of the screens side by side to use up the real-estate it would be passable. 
  • steakleather
    steakleather Posts: 121 Tile Toppler
    Joe_Smoke said:
    Joe_Smoke said:
    Sandmaker said:
    It's the same as what the mobile users (aka 90% of the playerbase) have been using for ages.

    Sure, it's not as fancy as the old steam interface, but it does its job fine and hardly worth throwing this kind of a fit about... 
    It's throwing a fit to stop buying something when the quality of a product decreases?

    LXSandman is completely right; it's perfectly reasonably for the devs to withdraw support for Steam, it's their business after all.  But as consumers it is pretty irrational for us to continue to spend on a free to play product that is choosing not to invest in our platform.  And as consumers we can hope that actually it is more financially sensible to spend X dev hours fixing our UI, than losing our continued support.

    You could argue that they are supporting steam users by changing the UI so this new game feature is available to them and not just phone users. All depends on how you choose to look at it. They could have left the steam interface alone and only let phone people benefit from the new feature (maybe... still not sure what it is).  Fact is, people were going to complain either way. 
    Well I'd argue that proper support is that we keep an interface suitable to our platform whilst receiving new features on a reasonable schedule.

    Until we know what the new feature is we'll have no idea if it's worth the pain, but currently what we do have is a straight downgrade to the user experience.
    Well we don’t know if it’s possible for this new feature to be accessible to steam users on the old interface. I’d argue if it were capable of being ran using the old UI they would have done it. I don’t think they’d mess with it just to mess with it. 

    As for your second point we don’t know what the feature is, which is the point I’ve been making. We dont know if it’s “worth it” so why not wait and see? Obviously the new interface isn’t as good. We were told why they were doing it (to implement a new feature).  Let’s wait to see what the final picture looks like. I think that’s fair. 
    They are computers. They can do anything. I simply can't believe there is some feature that can't be implemented on the original Steam character screen. I second the notion that this is laziness on the part of the developers.

    If you don't want to support Steam, say so. Don't make the Steam user experience drastically worse.
  • St1nkf1st
    St1nkf1st Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    I am not sure if it was just pure lazyness and they went for the quick win to create new stuff one the mobile version and used it for Steam as well or if there was no development ressource approved to put time and effort on the steam interface. However, the result is just awful.
    Steam users always suffered from some disadvantages in comparison to mobile version, but we had at least one thing, the interface was close to perfect. The ingame UI is still far superior (consider this if you are thinking to move to mobile now), but doing roster related things now is a crippled experience. I really hope one day soon they will find a way to make new feature work in the old interface.
    If the new feature is great then some Steam users might swallow the bitter pill, but if is a feature aiming mainly on PTW and other disadvantages I might just consider to put my money elsewere...
  • Hadronic
    Hadronic Posts: 338 Mover and Shaker
    St1nkf1st said:
    I am not sure if it was just pure lazyness and they went for the quick win to create new stuff one the mobile version and used it for Steam as well or if there was no development ressource approved to put time and effort on the steam interface. However, the result is just awful.
    Steam users always suffered from some disadvantages in comparison to mobile version, but we had at least one thing, the interface was close to perfect. The ingame UI is still far superior (consider this if you are thinking to move to mobile now), but doing roster related things now is a crippled experience. I really hope one day soon they will find a way to make new feature work in the old interface.
    If the new feature is great then some Steam users might swallow the bitter pill, but if is a feature aiming mainly on PTW and other disadvantages I might just consider to put my money elsewere...
    looks to be a new currency in the pipeline. sounds like pay to win to me
  • LHammer
    LHammer Posts: 108 Tile Toppler
    The new UI is terrible.  It screams "MOBILE PORT" and is significantly less functional than the previous one.

    D3, I can understand why you might think it's a good idea to standardize your game versions but I would suggest that you study what happened with Gems of War when they decided to disregard Steam users in favor of the cellphone majority.  Nobody here is going to throw away their thousands of hours to get out of an escallatingly abusive relationship but it will cost you new players and it will cost you reviews and it will cost you any shreds of goodwill Steam players may have been clinging to.  Please consider the importance of a good experience for all of your customers over the ease of catering to the largest audience.
  • Hellaluyeah1
    Hellaluyeah1 Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    I will not spend any money on this game anymore until they undo this change and I am also going to cancel my VIP membership until then. Everbody should do this and send a clear sign!
  • Fubuki
    Fubuki Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    This is shameful, i will never give any more money to this company, this is how they repay us who have been with the game since beta? I want my 4000 hours back!
  • LXSandman
    LXSandman Posts: 196 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2018
    I think the key here is that you just need a Dev to comment and let us know what exactly is happening.  That way we can make informed decisions about if we want to continue playing / paying for a seriously downgrade experience.  For example:

    1.  Short term change that we had to do so that we could finish a new feature in time and we will be working on getting the Steam UI back in the future


    2.  We don't want to maintain two different UI's so we picked the mobile one (For obvious reasons).  This means that the change is permanent.

    That's all I want.  I just want to know what is actually going on.

  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I will not spend any money on this game anymore until they undo this change and I am also going to cancel my VIP membership until then. Everbody should do this and send a clear sign!
    My fear is if they have a "Steam users aren't enough of a money source to worry about" mentality, cutting off funding will simply cement that ideal.

    Not saying that's what they're thinking, nor am I saying "Actually, we should spend MORE!" or anything like that, I'm saying I don't think anything we'd do monetarily will send any kind of message.,
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2018
    The Steam user really is like the red-headed step-child of Marvel Puzzle Quest. I'd probably be one of you, if I didn't enjoy playing MPQ during number twos so much.
  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    Man, as a mobile user, i dont know exactly where to stand on this one.  

    First, *no one* should be really surprised at the lack of details on this.  The fact alone that they gave a heads up is telling, like they new it was going to go over poorly.  

    So, on the one hand, i guess i get it. Why spend the extra time and effort for a small portion of the playerbase?  Where are all the posters who love to post about entitlement?  Half the time, when someone suggests a change that would benefit them, someone invariably chimes in "why not make it so you log in and win."  Same principle here.  Only this, from my understanding, is purely cosmetic.  

    On the other, why is it always one step forward, two steps back with them?  Why not wait until a day before the new feature and address the big change in view.  This way those impacted would only have to deal with it for a day or so, and then any negative feedback would be drowned out by all the positive feedback about the new feature.  
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Man, as a mobile user, i dont know exactly where to stand on this one.  

    First, *no one* should be really surprised at the lack of details on this.  The fact alone that they gave a heads up is telling, like they new it was going to go over poorly.  

    So, on the one hand, i guess i get it. Why spend the extra time and effort for a small portion of the playerbase?  Where are all the posters who love to post about entitlement?  Half the time, when someone suggests a change that would benefit them, someone invariably chimes in "why not make it so you log in and win."  Same principle here.  Only this, from my understanding, is purely cosmetic.  

    On the other, why is it always one step forward, two steps back with them?  Why not wait until a day before the new feature and address the big change in view.  This way those impacted would only have to deal with it for a day or so, and then any negative feedback would be drowned out by all the positive feedback about the new feature.  
    You're assuming this new feature will be a positive change.
    I'm not saying it won't, but you're suggesting this new feature is going to be some glorious new thing that will sweep away the negativity of making the user interface (the thing we have to interact with constantly) harder to use.

    As others have said above, if it's simply an issue that they need this feature but can't update the Steam UI quick enough to get it out, but they'll work on it after it's launched...they REALLY need to say so. I think a lot of us would calm down after that. We'd say "Okay, so the UI sucks but it's only while they get everything settled then we'll get our old screen back. We'll tolerate this."

    But if this is permanent...if this is honestly the design choice they think works for the steam version...they're insane.
  • Simplicius
    Simplicius Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    Just registering my displeasure. The game now looks genuinely unfinished, with rewards clipping into the mobile format half a second after they pop up, and the expansive roster screen being cut to a third the size when you click through. It just looks badly coded and cobbled together.

    I'm certainly far less likely to spend money, now that the game is significantly less enjoyable and if this "new feature" turns out to be a new premium currency, as speculation suggests (given the funny symbol with a red zero next to it) then I'l probably just stop playing altogether.

    I'm also assuming it's permanent, otherwise we'd have been assured it wasn't.
  • LHammer
    LHammer Posts: 108 Tile Toppler
    My fear is if they have a "Steam users aren't enough of a money source to worry about" mentality,
    The fact that they still haven't figured out the HUGE reward/effort ratio for adding Steam cards and achievements seems to support this theory.  There's an easy path to free money and users and they can't be bothered to take it?  That doesn't bode well for them caring that nobody on Steam likes the new interface.
  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    Man, as a mobile user, i dont know exactly where to stand on this one.  

    First, *no one* should be really surprised at the lack of details on this.  The fact alone that they gave a heads up is telling, like they new it was going to go over poorly.  

    So, on the one hand, i guess i get it. Why spend the extra time and effort for a small portion of the playerbase?  Where are all the posters who love to post about entitlement?  Half the time, when someone suggests a change that would benefit them, someone invariably chimes in "why not make it so you log in and win."  Same principle here.  Only this, from my understanding, is purely cosmetic.  

    On the other, why is it always one step forward, two steps back with them?  Why not wait until a day before the new feature and address the big change in view.  This way those impacted would only have to deal with it for a day or so, and then any negative feedback would be drowned out by all the positive feedback about the new feature.  
    You're assuming this new feature will be a positive change.
    I'm not saying it won't, but you're suggesting this new feature is going to be some glorious new thing that will sweep away the negativity of making the user interface (the thing we have to interact with constantly) harder to use.

    As others have said above, if it's simply an issue that they need this feature but can't update the Steam UI quick enough to get it out, but they'll work on it after it's launched...they REALLY need to say so. I think a lot of us would calm down after that. We'd say "Okay, so the UI sucks but it's only while they get everything settled then we'll get our old screen back. We'll tolerate this."

    But if this is permanent...if this is honestly the design choice they think works for the steam version...they're insane.
    You are correct.  I was having the conversation the other day, they usually announce big, positive changes in the first quarter of the year (ddq, champing, ddq upgrade) so i am optimistic about the upcoming change.

    The fact alone that they gave a heads up is telling, like they new it was going to go over poorly.  
    Yea, they called the shot at 7:14pm Pacific on a Friday. So bad they had to wait until well after 5pm in all US times zones :D

    IF they are finally overhauling the ridiculous, byzantine, unintuitive roster management and training chunks of the mobile UI,in a way that will be a QoL improvement for mobile players, and be good enough to make sense on a PC platform, AND also mean less work going forward for the devs, then that's wonderful for everyone!

    I really hope that's the case.

    ... and if it is, that should have been explained up front. People are understanding, they'd put up with temporary imposition if demonstrated that a better day is coming. Yes, even this community, we've been there before.

    Exactly my point.  How hard is it to do that?  
  • Raud
    Raud Posts: 74 Match Maker
    Dear devs, PC users don't have 4 inches monitors  ;)
    Some of them have 40 inches  >:)
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    Ah, so this is all it takes to find out who all the Steam users are! And even get new ones to come to the forums!