The first is unforgettable



  • maguirenumber6
    maguirenumber6 Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker

    3 - can't remember, probably Cap or Black Widow
    4 - Hulkbuster
    5 - Silver Surfer

    I remember how amazed I was to get HB and SS back in the day. Still not champed HB yet. He's over 200 but remains 5/1/5. SS is 0/5/0 and I've pulled three more useless black covers since then.


    3 - once again, too long ago to remember, but it's likely to be Cap or Black Widow. I know Vision was one of my first ones though. 
    4 - X-Force Wolverine
    5 - none, and there won't be for a very long time yet. Most of my 5s are still 255. My plan is to champ all the fours (40 so far as of this post), then rechamp any missing threes I've sold and recycled, and then start to bring my fives up to a usable level. Will I ever be able to champ a 5? Maybe one day, but it won't be for a good while.
  • shadowyoshi
    shadowyoshi Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    First 3* rostered - Unknown but Black Panther was the first to pass my maxed 2s
    First 3* Maxed (pre-champing) - GSBW and Cap were maxed together (received the covers one day apart and leveled them together). I still use them in PVE when boosted (both are now max-champed)
    First 3* Max Champed - Iron Man

    First 4* Rostered - Elektra (had just started playing and won one during the initial run of Enemy of the State)
    First 4* Champed - Hulkbuster (and he's by far my highest 4 at 295, 7 above anyone else)

    First 5* Rostered - Phoenix (I started 0-38 on Legendary pulls and did not pull one until Phoenix was released)
    FIrst 5* Champed - None but OML is fully covered
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    edited March 2018
    Maxed 2* was Thor, back when he was cooler than the other side of the pillow, back in the beta. First champed was Ares, I use him for all DDQ stuffs.

    Maxed 3* was Iron Man, when he was super useless. Like, less useful than a 2* almost. Champ was Magneto, I had a bunch of his covers waiting when champs were announced/rumoured. 

    Maxed and champed 4* were both Hulkbuster, who was super badass, and jumped me up in PvP. Still my best 4*, by a good 10 levels. Hope he becomes a feeder someday!!!

    Maxed and champed 5*, Thanos. Big bad, who he is big and awesome. 
  • elvy75
    elvy75 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    3* punisher was first max, dont remember who was first recurited, Doom was first 3* i championed, Cap first to get to 266
    4* first one rostered IW, XFW first to 13, first championed Cyke (and first to 370)
    5* first rostered SS, first one championed OML

    DDQ Clash XFW vs Cyke
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,535 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been playing this game for some time.  I pulled 3* Magneto (his purple power, I remember it distinctly, it was changed to blue with his "nerf,") during the Prologue and played with him extensively.

    The first 3* I had maxxed was the Hulk.  He was an okay first one.

    I champed Magneto first out of my 3*, but only for nostalgia's sake - I pretty much champed most of the ones I had (which was most of them, tbh, though I kept the ones I didn't use much at lower levels) when they implemented the champion system.

    The first 4* I got was either XFW or IW, I did cover them both but IW sucked much more than she does now.  I do recall spending HP on XFW - this was before his nerf, but according to Gampendium he was not the first one I level maxed.  I kept him at 250 for a very long time.

    I level maxed JG first, then pretty much immediately followed by IMHB.  Like the 3*, I champed them as the covers came in and I had them leveled.  I had really just started in the 4* tier when they implemented the champ system.]

    I pulled a little of each 5* as they were introduced, the first 5* I managed to max (and then Champ) was Bolt.

    Please don't hate me, I don't think I failed any of the DDQ Crashes.  It sometimes took me many, many tries (and boosts,) but I know i succeeded in the first one they did and I'm pretty sure I did not fail any since.  Generally speaking I had the 4* at least half-covered by the time they appeared in "Crash."
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2018
    These are all first champs. No clue on first rostered for any tier. 
    3* - Doc Oc (Haven’t used him in ages now)
    4* - Did 4 at once.  Professor X, XFW, Red Hulk, & Cyclops.
    5* - Thanos
    Clash - IDR
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,862 Chairperson of the Boards

    Rostered: She Hulk
    Champed: Thor


    Rostered: Deadpool (still not champed!)
    Champed: X-Force Wolverine


    Rostered: Old Man Logan (but sold when nerfed) and next was Iron Man
    Champed: Not anywhere near that stage yet.

    The first Crash I won was with a 0/3/0 Prof X lvl 94 - gotta love that invisible although it was a looooooooooong slog.
  • Shintok17
    Shintok17 Posts: 620 Critical Contributor
    I don't remember rostered, but I will state the first champed except for 5* since I have none champed.
     3* Wolverine Patch Champ
    4* Coulson Champ
    5* OML Rostered 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,862 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just out of interest - how many of those who were first champed continue to be your highest level character in that tier? The answer is none for me.
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    My Ares always is - he can take DDQ on his own just about all the time. Hulkbuster is by far my best 4* still, by 10 levels or so. Others, not so much - recycled 3*, and 5* Thanos has been overtaken by Daredevil, thanks to RNG on pulls (by like 10 levels). And instead of Gambit covers if I remmeber correctly...
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    DAZ0273 said:
    Just out of interest - how many of those who were first champed continue to be your highest level character in that tier? The answer is none for me.

    Punisher is actually one of my lowest Three-star champions now. He's somewhere around level 250.

    X-force Wolverine is among my 10 highest level fourstars I Think though. He's one of the few that has passed level 320 at least.

    In the fivestar tier Old Man Logan has been left behind, my highest is Hawkeye. Could have something to do with my decision to start hoarding after OML (and Phoenix) got champed...

  • jym010
    jym010 Posts: 108 Tile Toppler
    1st 3* Magneto
    1st 4* Invisible Woman
    1st 5* Phoenix

    1st champed 3 star Human Torch
    1st champed 4 star Ant-Man
    No 5 Stars even close
  • BatteryHorse
    BatteryHorse Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    Ooof, that's going back a bit.

    I believe...

    3* Captain Marvel
    4* Hulkbuster

    First 5* champed was Gambit.  First rostered?  Might have been Surfer, or OML Black.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards


    3*: Ragnarok (back when he was great and had the 6->2 AP Red power)
    4*: X-Force Wolverine (back when he was terrible)
    5*: Surfer?


    3*: I was able to champion a bunch at once
    4*: X-Force Wolverine (he was closer to full levels, but Thor was within 2 weeks later. Then a bit of a wait for more)
    5*: Gambit
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    I unfortunately can't remember who all was rostered first, as I started playing the game quite a few years ago, but then took a very long break from it before eventually returning for the summer of 2016. Champing was a new thing when I came back, as were 5-stars, and I barely had 20 3-stars, none of whom were fully covered. I have kept good track of my champing order though. 

    1st 3* Champed - IM40
    1st 4* Champed - Cyclops
    1st 5* Rostered - Between OML, Surfer, and Goblin

    I remember using OML most frequently during those early days of my return, but that's because his first cover was a yellow and he was immediately useful. Doesn't mean he was the first. 
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,535 Chairperson of the Boards
    DAZ0273 said:
    Just out of interest - how many of those who were first champed continue to be your highest level character in that tier? The answer is none for me.

    Yeah, me neither - the Hulk has been recycled once (and almost reduped, actually,) but he'll probably be the third of my 3*s to have that happen to him.

    My IMHB is still pretty high, though - Level 340.  I had him set as a BH for a while in trying to get him pretty high for the fun of it.  Carol is my highest 4* at 359, but IMHB is actually number 2.

    Black Bolt is my third highest 5* at 458 - top is Daredevil at 467, second is Thanos at 460.  Yeah, I pulled a lot of Daredevil, something which I do not particularly mind...

  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    3* no clue, that was ages ago.  Champed a bunch at the same time when that was introduced.

    4* Hulkbuster, followed closely by Jean Grey - back in the good 'ol days when you could by missing tokens for HP.

    5* first cover - Phoenix
     First champed 5* - Thanos
  • Shintok17
    Shintok17 Posts: 620 Critical Contributor
    Shintok17 said:
    I don't remember rostered, but I will state the first champed except for 5* since I have none champed.
     3* Wolverine Patch Champ
    4* Coulson Champ
    5* OML Rostered 
    Forgot to say that I use none of them often since then. Once I champed Vulture he became my go to for 4* champs to use. The only 3* I use is Dr. Strange in PVE. For 5*'s I don't use OML anymore, but any 5* that is boosted for the PVE event I use for match damage. I also use 5*'s for match damage in PVP and my 4* champs for offense. 
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    3* - Loki
    4* - Invisible Woman
    5* - Old Man Logan

    The only one of those I use now is OML, but I use him constantly.  PvE easy nodes, him + 3* Thanos + whatever undercovered 5* I hate that day.  All other nodes, OML + America + Gambit/required.  I'm not even using boosted characters anymore, because that combo wins every match in the time it usually takes to collect enough AP to fire a power.

    I used to enjoy running IW in a Fantastic Four team for PvP.  Reed + Sue + Ben is particularly good against the Grocket meta, and can last 2-3 rounds against it before healing.  OML + Deadpool is generally more efficient, though.
  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    3* rostered - I can´t really remember, maybe Dr. Doom.
    3* championed - Daredevil

    4* rostered - Star-Lord
    4* championed - Jean Grey

    5* rostered - Iron Man (I got hit from the very first run of Civil War)
    5* championed - Daredevil