The first is unforgettable



  • bigsmooth
    bigsmooth Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Rostered: Not sure, except I know that the first 5* was OML

    3* Steve Rogers, I think
    4* Cyclops
    5* Gambit/Thor/Archangel (unloaded hoard and champed all at the same time)

    I have to say one of the best times I've had in this game was after I champed Cyclops. With a single 4* champ, your PVP MMR stays relatively low. Cyclops being a very strong 4* (especially at that time) allowed me to get to 900 easily in almost every PVP, and when he was boosted I was destroying people. PVE was still scaled to your roster, but Cyclops wrecked that too.

    After I champed another 4*, PVP was sadly never that easy again.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can't remember the first 3* I rostered, but I'm pretty sure my first champ was Iron Fist, and my scaling took a jump that required him to be the workhorse of my entire roster for quite awhile until I could champ more 3*s. First to hit 266 was Grocket, sped along by being a sole BH.

    I'm also pretty sure my first 4* rostered was Bucky. I started playing on or near his release event and somehow managed to snag his red cover. On a roster of mainly 1*s and 2*s, I thought he was a rockstar, and I milked that red for everything it was worth. But the time came when I needed roster spots and my HP was all used up, so I sold him, as I'm pretty sure he still had just that one cover. First 4* champ was Medusa. She's not my highest 4*, but is one of the few to be above 300.

    First 5* rostered was Thanos, who sits at 5/2/4. First one fully covered was Black Panther, who's chilling at 290 with Thanos. First (and still only) champ is Daredevil, at 462. He's become the new **** pin of my roster.