The first is unforgettable

kk3thess Posts: 202 Tile Toppler
Let's do some memory test quickly here. Who were your first 3*, 4*, and 5* characters rostered? And championed? Do you still play with them as much as you did (if you did)? With whom did you won your first Crash of Titans? I know that for those who play since the beginning the answers will be pretty much the same, but it would be nice to have the answers anyway.

My answers are

3* rostered and championed: Iron Fist.

It took me more time to get a 3* cover than a 4* cover, but it was worth the wait. I still use him a lot and love his purple, and the attack tile does a pretty generous damage, especially in the beginning of the game. Don't care that much for the green, though. He was my best leveled character till weeks ago, when I got my first 5*, and was my best leveled 3* till yesterday, when I got 4 Kamala covers.

4* rostered: Gwenpool.

I'm in 3* land, so I don't have any champion 4* yet. I got Gweenpool's purple before any 3* and one green within less than two weeks in the game. I loved using her, specially because she was a killer in SCL 2/3. Unfortunately I did a bad decision and sold her to focus on my 2* roster and since then I haven't gotten a single cover of hers. Can't wait to champion She-Hulk and play with her again.

5* rostered: Archangel.

He seems pretty much hated around here, however I got only two 5* covers and they were his. I use his match damage to fly through the easy nodes in PVE. Can't wait to have him decently covered and use his abilities properly.

Crash of Titans win: Cyclops.

I used boosts in a 1/1/1 Cyke and thought "at least it adds some experience" and five minutes later I had that freaking LT. I don't even know how I did it, but I did it. And twice, actually. The second time with a 2/2/1. It's funny to think that I barely opened Classic tokens, that my Cyk3 is bellow lvl 183, that he was never my 4* BH, and he is my only Crash winner till now. I guess I shoul give him some focus from now on.

And these were my firsts in MPQ, for now. How about yours?


  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor
    3* Psylocke
    4* X-Force Wolverine
    5* Old Man Logan
  • Rod5
    Rod5 Posts: 585 Critical Contributor
    edited March 2018
    First 3* - Lazy Cap - so many Enchiladas he got me through
    First 4* - XFW for my sins - good idea at the time
    First 5* - OML when he was no.1

    1st DDQ was monster slog XFW vs Cyke when he had TUs - the first one ever iirc
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    3*-no idea too long ago. 
    4*- Fury, only 3 around when I started. 
    5*- PHX. 
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    3: Blade, followed by Hood. Blade release was when I joined mpq, so he had a headstart
    4: Hulkbuster, Jean, Cyclops
    5: Phx, OML

  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    First rostered: Memory is hazy since I've been playing pretty much since the game launched, but if I had to guess...

    3: Ragnarok
    4: Invisible Woman
    5: Silver Surfer

    First championed:
    3: Blade or Patch
    4: Xpool
    5: None yet. Surfer is highest level, while Gambit and Thor are highest covered.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,624 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rostered was Hood and Old Man Logan. Don't remember the 4*.
  • robertbah
    robertbah Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    3* don’t remember,
    4* champed Mr f,
    5* roster oml,
    5* champed dr. strange
  • ComatoseJackal
    ComatoseJackal Posts: 50 Match Maker
    3* Black Panther
    4* Thoress
    5* Thanos
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    First 3* was Captain America for both Rostered and Champed. First Champed is kind of a tie, tho, since I waited to jump to 3* land 'til I had like 8 3* ready to go. Still use him when I can. His red and blue are great.

    Again in 4* land, my first Rostered and Champed are the same: Medusa. You can bet I still use her on a regular basis.

    I think the first 5* I Rostered was Black Panther, but I don't remember for sure. Don't have any of them Champed.

    First Crash win was with Gwenpool, so this week is a nice bit of nostalgia for me :)
  • Lopan15
    Lopan15 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    First 3* mags - champed Thor or cap
    First 4* xfw  - champed don't remember who was first.
    First 5* OML  - champed Dr Strange

    rarely use mags or Thor.  Still use cap occasionally.
    Used xfw with Thora exclusively because of scaling back then.  I had to use them until the nerf.  Sold them both after the nerf to manage my scaling back to 3* land and rarely if ever use him now even when boosted.
    sold OML after the nerf.  Use Strange constantly for PVE and I've given up the time slog that is PVP in 5* land especially since my gambit is 3-0-2

  • Hadronic
    Hadronic Posts: 338 Mover and Shaker
    3* Thor
    4* Hulkbuster
    5* Hawkeye

    Crash: Professor X
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Roster: Magneto
    Champion: Squirrel Girl

    Roster and Champ: Devil Dinosaur

    Roster: Iron Man
    Champ: n/a (Steve is at 9 covers)
  • Asmodaeus
    Asmodaeus Posts: 100 Tile Toppler
    3 magneto (like the power glove, he was so bad!)
    4 quake (still not champed :( 
    5 green goblin (one of the first LTs I ever opened. I still remember being confused by the purple card that came up)

    3 Psylocke (not cuz she was great, just cuz I could)
    4 Medusa (been a workhorse ever since)
    5 Thor (well, fully covered but not champed yet. Hesitant to make the leap just yet)

  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    edited March 2018
    LCap for both 
    XfW roster / Buster champed
    Surfer for both 
  • dokiy
    dokiy Posts: 238 Tile Toppler
    First champed 3 was Rocket and Groot then Blade and Luke Cage. Ran those 3 into the ground. 

    4 star was Falcap. Barf. But I was so happy to finally max a 4 star at 270. 
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I started playing at the Android launch, so my first 3-star was a launch character. I have no idea. Probably Rags, Mags, or Spidey. Spider-Man was my first 3-star champ, tho - I do remember that. XFW was my first 4-star; he was also the only 4-star.

    I wasn't playing when 5-stars were first released. When I returned to the game the first one I got was Black Widow. She's also currently my best covered 5-star at 12 covers.
  • charmbots
    charmbots Posts: 87 Match Maker
    2 star rostered: Ms. Marvel (heroic token daily deal lol)
    2 star champed: Ms. Marvel, Christmas Day 2016
    3 star rostered: I don’t remember
    3 star champed: Magneto
    4 star rostered: either PunMax or Ghost Rider, cant remember which
    4 star champed: Carol, Medusa, and Coulson all at once, I think Medusa was first
    5 star rostered: Silver Surfer, the same day I champed 3* Magneto
    5 Star champed: none yet, Black Bolt is my first fully covered 

  • Piro_plock
    Piro_plock Posts: 287 Mover and Shaker
    edited March 2018
    First 3* rostered: pretty sure it was Mohawk Storm green. I remember being in awe of how strong a 1 cover 3* character was in comparison to my barely covered 1*s... I ended up selling that cover to make space for more 2*.

    First 3* to level 166 (long before champing) was Doctor Doom, followed shortly by Rocket and Groot. That seemed like a big step back in the day, with all those warnings about MMR changing when you max 3* characters. By the time championing was introduced I had over 20 3* characters at level 166 and some more at 13 covers, softcapped at 120-140. Champed a few at the same time, but can't remember who.

    First 4* cover? Elektra. Sold her, roster space was absolutely precious for me back then, I couldn't afford to recruit a very mediocre character who would have been almost impossible to cover.

    First 4* champ was Jean Grey. She was also one of my earliest max covered 4* (IIRC Carnage was the first 13/13, but he was softcapped at 200 for a very long time) and I had her championed as soon as that feature went live. Hulkbuster was next and for a short bit I could enjoy using the team that was practically the top of the meta... if you didn't count 5*s, which were still a whale thing mostly.

    First 5* cover was blue Silver Surfer. Legendary Tokens were hard to come by, but 10% chance for one character seems so high right now. Even with a single cover he was extremely useful in PVE - he tanked black for Loki (Patch Loki was still my main team) and had true healing. Good times.

    First 5* champ was Phoenix. Had her at 13 covers for a few months after opening hoard right before BSS was supposed to enter tokens. Championing her was a gigantic step. 2 months later I champed Black Bolt and entered 5* game for good.

    First Crash: hm, can't remember. Was it Invisible Woman? I had some yellow covers and that was enough. She was one of the first Crashes for sure.
  • gmtosca
    gmtosca Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    3 Luke Cage
    4 Carol Danvers
    5 Thanos
  • Raud
    Raud Posts: 74 Match Maker
    3* IM40
    4* Peggy
    5* OML