Booster Crafting Details *Updated (12/8/17)



  • Drewster
    Drewster Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    edited December 2017
    ^ @blacklotus I disagree with this unless there is a limit you can buy per month because there are some RICH mtgpq players and the game may be flooded with MP's in every game. We do need another bundle though... Like Now. (just my opinion)


    Annnnnd to stay on topic: I Really Really Really like the new booster crafting! :)
  • blacklotus
    blacklotus Posts: 589 Critical Contributor
    Drewster said:
    ^ @blacklotus I disagree with this unless there is a limit you can buy per month because there are some RICH mtgpq players and the game may be flooded with MP's in every game. We do need another bundle though... Like Now. (just my opinion)


    Annnnnd to stay on topic: I Really Really Really like the new booster crafting! :)
    the game will soon be flooded with mythic card decks once booster crafting is out. adding MPs to the mix won't matter. Most MPs are weaker than mythic cards anyway. or even certain rares. 
    IM_CARLOS Posts: 640 Critical Contributor
    I think without reroll a complete collection is out of reach. With 40 MP around  you need to get around 160 MP to have a chance to get all (by math: collectible card problem). By 10% chance for a MP you need around 1600 Elite-Pack... 640000 in jewels. That's are 32000 daily events, 6400 weeks (only take place from monday to Friday) or 123 years. And only of there are no MP coming in the future. 

    With reroll you need "only" 16000 jewels thats way enough. If you compare it with real cash price (550 jewels for 99.99 USD). 

    You can't compare MtGPQ wor Paper MTG. In real life you can by card on second market or just share with other player. 
  • Ohboy
    Ohboy Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    IM_CARLOS said:
    I think without reroll a complete collection is out of reach. With 40 MP around  you need to get around 160 MP to have a chance to get all (by math: collectible card problem). 

    Just so the math isn't misleading... With 40 MP you would need only 40mp to have a chance to get them all.

    You expect to need more,  but to have a chance, all you need is 40.
  • hawkyh1
    hawkyh1 Posts: 780 Critical Contributor
    DBJones said:
    Tfg76's idea for buying elite packs with mana orbs sounds cool. Personally, I'd prefer that jewels become less scarce, but that's because I'm silver tier and still working on getting a good chunk of mythics.

    with booster crafting you will be able to buy 'elite packs'
    with orbs. these will be restricted to a set criteria, are
    never dupes but not contain masterpieces.
    I've always seen jewels as a way to get a mythic if I
    never got one from packs. there's effectively a pity timer
    with booster crafting so I don't need jewels to guarantee
    getting current block mythics anymore.

  • DBJones
    DBJones Posts: 803 Critical Contributor
    Ohboy is correct, but IM_CARLOS is bringing up an important idea. He didn't clarify a few important points though. He also didn't consider the fact that cards in this game come in sets, as far as I can tell. If you're lucky enough to get masterpieces in packs, if you were to get 30 of them, you'd have a 50% chance of getting all ten (slightly more than 50% actually). For elite packs that number is 5.5 for three, and if masterpieces drop about ten percent of the time in elite packs, that means you'd need to buy 55 elite packs to have a 50% chance of getting all three masterpieces in it (starting with none). The no re-rolls policy means masterpieces will be ridiculously hard to get even with jewels. I doubt I'll see one outside of the AI's hands for years. Unless I steal one with Refuse to Cooperate that is :).
  • Krishna
    Krishna Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    DBJones said:
    Ohboy is correct, but IM_CARLOS is bringing up an important idea. He didn't clarify a few important points though. He also didn't consider the fact that cards in this game come in sets, as far as I can tell. If you're lucky enough to get masterpieces in packs, if you were to get 30 of them, you'd have a 50% chance of getting all ten (slightly more than 50% actually). For elite packs that number is 5.5 for three, and if masterpieces drop about ten percent of the time in elite packs, that means you'd need to buy 55 elite packs to have a 50% chance of getting all three masterpieces in it (starting with none). The no re-rolls policy means masterpieces will be ridiculously hard to get even with jewels. I doubt I'll see one outside of the AI's hands for years. Unless I steal one with Refuse to Cooperate that is :).

    I feel like Oktagon must have something planned for MPs... I have never pulled a MP from a booster pack and I've opened hundreds and hundreds, and in the HOU block I re-rolled and re-rolled to finally get a MP. We'll have to wait and see.
    Would be a nice question for their Q & A, what is the plan for MPs? and Will they continue a MP-type card in Ixalan now that Paper MTG has discontinued them?
    IM_CARLOS Posts: 640 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2017
    Ohboy said:
    IM_CARLOS said:
    I think without reroll a complete collection is out of reach. With 40 MP around  you need to get around 160 MP to have a chance to get all (by math: collectible card problem). 

    Just so the math isn't misleading... With 40 MP you would need only 40mp to have a chance to get them all.

    You expect to need more,  but to have a chance, all you need is 40.

    With the same math you play in the lottery one time and win, sure. But on the other side you never get there. Sochastic says you need around 1600 Elite-Pack. 
  • tfg76
    tfg76 Posts: 258 Mover and Shaker
    hawkyh1 said:
    DBJones said:
    Tfg76's idea for buying elite packs with mana orbs sounds cool. Personally, I'd prefer that jewels become less scarce, but that's because I'm silver tier and still working on getting a good chunk of mythics.

    with booster crafting you will be able to buy 'elite packs'
    with orbs. these will be restricted to a set criteria, are
    never dupes but not contain masterpieces.
    I've always seen jewels as a way to get a mythic if I
    never got one from packs. there's effectively a pity timer
    with booster crafting so I don't need jewels to guarantee
    getting current block mythics anymore.

    You're right of course. My point was that an elite pack is clearly something that might have a different price point than a guaranteed mythic from a given set. There is a chance to get duplicates, but on the other hand the selection is more narrow, so you might have a better chance of getting what you actually want. I think I'd like to see a simplification of currencies so that you could use orbs to buy this as well, but probably at a lower price than the regular "packs" created by orbs.
  • Szamsziel
    Szamsziel Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    @Brigby may I suggest additional x% orbs for conversion of duplicates of mastered cards? It may be a incentive to progress for players. 
  • babar3355
    babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards
    Late to the party but I figured I would throw my 2 cents in.

    I think this is a terrific step in the right direction.  I was expecting some fashion of crafting duplicates into more boosters which would effectively just wipe out your duplicate collection eventually and perhaps results in a few extra card.  This is MILES better than what I thought would happen~  

    You can legitimately complete an entire set from common to mythic if you are willing to spend enough money.  In fact, you can now calculate how much you would expect to pay in order to actually complete an entire set!  What a fantastic addition!  I love the idea that they are going to discount the cost of orb packs with the release.  This implies they are no longer concerned with people collecting every card in a set, especially older sets!  Thank you OKTAGON!!!!!!

    Here is the things guys... we can now actually share and build decks!  Not just pauper decks but real legitimate mythic infused decks! 

    We can have confidence that if we spend $100 on mana crystals they won't be worth nothing if we get unlucky!

    Bravo Oktagon/D3!  Bravo!  

    I agree that mana jewels definitely took a hit with this inclusion, but I would add that the reroll policy was basically just a clunky quick fix to a firestorm of anger over the bad feeling of grinding up 400 jewels and being left with 1000 runes.   And although I agree that they probably need to do something about the 400 jewels becoming 1/10th of a mythic, I am now gaining trust in Oktagon.  Perhaps they make Masterpeice only elite packs for 800-1000 jewels? Perhaps they increase the drop rates of masterpeices within the packs?  Maybe they lower the price, reduce the number of cards per pack (to reduce dupe probability and increase targetting), or find totally new ways to allow players to spend their hard earned jewels..  Anyway, lots of things they can do to make mana jewels fun and viable still.  I look forward to seeing what they come up with!

    Also, keep in mind this is the only guaranteed way of getting the newest set of cards unless they offer some for sale.

  • hawkyh1
    hawkyh1 Posts: 780 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2017
    @Brigby please can you clarify(getting confused by some
    forum posts)

    the current idea is there will be 3 sets to choose from:
    1.legacy set - currently soi block + bfz block.
    2.standard set - currently origins + kaladesh block + akh set.
    3.current set - currently hou set.

    so in order to craft an origins card I will craft a standard set
    card and hope rng lands on origins and not any of the others?
    ie origins is within a larger pool of cards and there's no
    guarantee I will get an origins card each time I craft.

  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2017
    Correct me if I'm wrong. In my observations crystals have more value now than jewels.

    A 300 crystals premium pack yield at least 400 mana orb assuming you get 0 mythic, 1 rare and 1 uncommon in each 1/5 pack.

    A 400 jewel elite pack however gives only 1 mythic value. Even if the elite is no dupe guaranteed it does not beat the valued of a 300 crystals premium.
    Depending on the amount of uncommon or rare from a premium, and still 0 mythic, you may get more orbs than an elite pack

     It's more efficient to collect crystals when you consider two variables: ease and time.

    Jewels have been devalued  so hard.

    What are the implications to events such as ToTPs, NoP, emc...?

    I have no reason to compete for top spots in HOU or other events that reward jewels
  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    Orb is the new jewel.
  • Emanon2000
    Emanon2000 Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    Even a penny has value... though virtually obsolete...

    ... Unless they change the rewards for past events, which we know is not likely to occur... Pinks are still worth something...  Meanwhile crystals aren't JUST used for packs... PW's, Deck Slots, Events... 

    Pinks are harder to accrue for the average player as well... I don't think this is going to affect much in the big scheme of things.
  • hawkyh1
    hawkyh1 Posts: 780 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2017
    400 jewel elite packs are probably worth 750 orbs in the
    case of a dupe(card pool is likely from the most recent
    set) and likely worth ~7500 orbs for new mythics. there
    should be a high chance of a non dupe from elite packs
    if you time it correctly. jewels might still have it's place as
    a means to chase the new mythics that have just been

  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    hawkyh1 said:
    400 jewel elite packs are probably worth 750 orbs in the
    case of a dupe(card pool is likely from the most recent
    set) and likely worth ~7500 orbs for new mythics. there
    should be a high chance of a non dupe from elite packs
    if you time it correctly. jewels might still have it's place as
    a means to chase the new mythics that have just been

    A 300 premium from the most recent set with 0 mythic and 1 rare may give you more than 750 orbs. In fact, the least you would get from a new set 300 crystal premium pack is 600 orbs.
    Jewels are harder to get compared to crystals and when time is considered do not have value. In fact they are overpriced at 400 and take 4 weeks to collect in average.  

    Elites  to me are just a sure way to get 1 monthly mythic due to low drop rates. If you get a dupe which is highly likely due to a messed up code, you lose so much.

    Booster crafting is nice but the problem of low drop rate is still there. Past nerf in rewards made things worst.
    I suggest @octagon to revert the free pack nerf from 1 to 3 like it was before. The nerf in free boosters was exaggerated and silly.

    THEMAGICkMAN Posts: 697 Critical Contributor
    Any date for this? I know they said that it's be this month but any clue on some more specific timing?
  • Thuran
    Thuran Posts: 456 Mover and Shaker
    Well, elite packs stop giving dupes from dec 8th forwards, so bases om that I would assume within the next 2 weeks
  • Phillmoore
    Phillmoore Posts: 207 Tile Toppler
    I love that we are all excited by the idea.  I admit I am too. But there is a little voice getting stronger in my head saying “be carful what you wish for”. Are we all prepared for super decks being played by a fixed AI. This could end in tears.   On a lighter note.  Can’t wait!