5-Stars in Heroes for Hire (10/24/17)



  • Brigadierbleu
    Brigadierbleu Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    Eichen said:
    For those that think 500 is affordable.

    To outright by 500cp out would cost $7,142.86.
    In a stark buy club it will cost you $357.14.
    Too bad it doesn’t work on the inverse. I would love to sell my CP for 15 grand... :smiley:
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2017
    Please please please make it so you can buy exactly one cover per pve event but it can be the color of your choice. So you can buy either a black, purple, or yellow goblin cover but not more than 1.

    why punish people who happen to have a 5/x/x character instead of a x/x/5?
    Doesn't the HfH store always offer you a cover you need if the character isn't at 13? Don't quote me here, I've never used it except to grab a champ level and a bit of ISO when I find myself with extra HP. I just thought I remembered seeing a thread where people had noticed this.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP said:
    Jarvind said:
    Doesn't the HfH store always offer you a cover you need if the character isn't at 13? 
    Only if the character has 12 covers and an expiring unusable cover pending, plus some other unverified factors (such as timing and whether we have the resources to buy the cover and champion them). At least that's what I observed when I was offered one.
    Word. I wish they'd done it for the current event. I'd buy the **** out of a Black Bolt cover in any color.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    May favorite part:

    "Instead of opening token after token, trying to find that one specific cover, you'll now be able to acquire it for a flat CP amount."

    Wotta deal!

    Step 1.  Steal all the life preservers. (control a supply)
    Step 2.  Open the seacocks. (artificially create a demand)
    Step 3.  Start selling life preservers!

    I think this metaphor falls down at the part where not getting 5* covers isn't actually physically life-threatening.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    May favorite part:

    "Instead of opening token after token, trying to find that one specific cover, you'll now be able to acquire it for a flat CP amount."

    Wotta deal!

    Step 1.  Steal all the life preservers. (control a supply)
    Step 2.  Open the seacocks. (artificially create a demand)
    Step 3.  Start selling life preservers!

    I think this metaphor falls down at the part where not getting 5* covers isn't actually physically life-threatening.
    No, the anology is spot on.  Demi just hasn't figured out how to crank demand up quite that high.
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2017
    I definitely think this is a step in the right direction, but I'm on the fence about the mechanics. 250 and/or 500 CP is definitely cheaper than the 720 CP it takes to buy a direct cover now, and the 50K iso is quite enticing. But then I realized:

    1) Sure, I can get the 250 CP back in 2 weeks tops, but it doesn't take 2 weeks to get 50K iso. It's takes 2 DAYS. This is made even worse if you do the 500 deal. To be fair, with how abysmal 5-star draw rates are for tokens (worse for 5* Bonus Heroes), you'll easily spend more than that trying to go after a specific cover. However the tradeoff there is that you are getting 4/5-star covers/champ levels that still increase your other resources with all those pulls. Is one 5-star cover really worth giving up 10-20+ pulls of other covers and champ levels? For most people, probably not. 

    2) Unless you're going for someone's 13th cover, then the relative increase in that character's capability as a result of that one cover is mostly likely negligible. This is almost exclusively for folks well into the 5-star transition, or just on the cusp of it. The only aspect of it that will appeal to anyone else would be the iso - though as I mentioned in my first point, you can earn that 50K iso in literally a fraction of the time it takes you to earn that CP. Unless you're desperate to champ a 4-star or 5-star with less than 24 hours left on the cover in the vine, that CP is better spent on pulls from the vaults. 

    Gotta agree with the sentiments on how bad this looks after making a change that vaults PVP CP behind a wall that only 10 people per bracket can get to. 
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,605 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc said:i
    broll said:
    Bowgentle said:
    6* characters incoming.
    I’ve been thinking that was coming for a while. This is totally another feather in that cap. Try and get the hoarders to blow all their CP so they can’t champ a 6* the second it comes out. 

    Also so did I just agree with Bow?  I feel dirty...  :-p
    You silly optimists thinking they'd let us acquire 6*s with CP. If they just create a new currency/token, it doesn't matter how much CP people have hoarded. (you know, like they did back when they created CP and added 5*s)
    5*s (Sept 2015) predated CP (Jan 2016) by 4 months.
    No, CP was added in November 2015 with the release of Phoenix. Not sure how that adds to the discussion either way.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,605 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc said:
    5*s (Sept 2015) predated CP (Jan 2016) by 4 months.
    No, CP was added in November 2015 with the release of Phoenix. Not sure how that adds to the discussion either way.
    Riiiiight ... Jan was when they ending HP cover buys.

    The point was to illuminate and refine your point. 5*s did not require, or roll out with, a new currency.

    5*s were introduced via LTs. Which at the time stood for (Legendary Tokens, nothing about "Latest").

    CP was a much higher-level change to the games economy. It was about adding a 2nd meta-currency, a 2nd layer, to various in-game acquisitions.

    All 5s needed, arguably, was a new token-type. They could have continued to distribute 5s via LTs alone.

    CP was (initially) a means of earning cover purchases and LTs through gameplay. It was initially egalitarian.

    And then alliance CP came along, lolz.
    That's great, but that wasn't my point.

    Bow and broll were talking about 6*s and CP hoards (specificially in how this might be a hoard-busting measure to reduce hoards prior to adding a new tier of characters).

    In the past, the Devs avoided ISO/HP/Token hoards for 5*s by not letting us use those resources to acquire 5*s at all. I was pointing out that they could easily do the same thing going forward. Flat out ignore current CP hoards by introducing new methods or tokens or currency required to get 6*s.

    It doesn't matter that 5*s came out two months before CP did, or that 5*s could have theoretically existed without CP. Because I wasn't talking about that at all. It's completely irrelevant. I was talking about how Devs side-stepped hoards when they first launched a new tier of characters.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,737 Chairperson of the Boards
    It’s been two years since 5’s were introduced, and they just figured out how to make them truly beneficial in PVE (aka not facing insane scaling).  After 2 years!! But now have made the PVP requirements so onerous that having to use your 5s to fight other 5’s is a detriment, assuming you value your time to be used for something other than matching pretty gems.

    Someday.....someday....everyone (almost) will think having champed 5’s makes the game better.  Maybe.

    For the life of me, I can’t figure out what a 6* tier would look like or what those characters would do.  I can already smash through trivial PVE nodes without any champed 5.

    I do know that I fear what using 6*s would be like while the devs tried to keep the game “challenging” for those players. “I just keep fighting myself over and over.  I never should have gotten that 3rd Galactus cover.  And don’t get me started on level 800 Sentries.”
  • Hoser
    Hoser Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    Can you add the ability to buy CP then?  Or change it to HP to buy the 5* covers...
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Dude, come on. No.
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, I was planning to save 720 CP to finish either Goblin or Hulk. Now I can potentially get both for less than half the hoarding (hoping ol' Banner comes up as a featured). Goblin hoses me out of the gate though, since I have no existing hoard and mine is naturally at 2/5/5.

    But I don't mind the wait vs what I consider overpaying for a middling (at best) 5*. Nevermind that the only reason I'm considering Hulk is because I'm a fan and really believe they might give him a rework/buff at some point.
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    jackstar0 said:
    Well, I was planning to save 720 CP to finish either Goblin or Hulk. Now I can potentially get both for less than half the hoarding (hoping ol' Banner comes up as a featured). Goblin hoses me out of the gate though, since I have no existing hoard and mine is naturally at 2/5/5.

    But I don't mind the wait vs what I consider overpaying for a middling (at best) 5*. Nevermind that the only reason I'm considering Hulk is because I'm a fan and really believe they might give him a rework/buff at some point.
    That sucks on Goblin, gonna be a long wait if they stick to the first power, second, third order....
  • Platty616
    Platty616 Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    500 CP? No thanks, that’s far too steep, I’ll take my chances on pulling an occaisional 5* from the 20CP classic legends store. I feel this was another great opportunity wasted.
  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Milk Jugz said:
    jackstar0 said:
    Well, I was planning to save 720 CP to finish either Goblin or Hulk. Now I can potentially get both for less than half the hoarding (hoping ol' Banner comes up as a featured). Goblin hoses me out of the gate though, since I have no existing hoard and mine is naturally at 2/5/5.

    But I don't mind the wait vs what I consider overpaying for a middling (at best) 5*. Nevermind that the only reason I'm considering Hulk is because I'm a fan and really believe they might give him a rework/buff at some point.
    That sucks on Goblin, gonna be a long wait if they stick to the first power, second, third order....

    He'll be back in about 90-100 weeks, at the current release speed. Should give plenty of time to save the CP :p
  • vinsensual
    vinsensual Posts: 458 Mover and Shaker
    Platty616 said:
    500 CP? No thanks, that’s far too steep, I’ll take my chances on pulling an occaisional 5* from the 20CP classic legends store. I feel this was another great opportunity wasted.
    Any 5* you pull from classic legends would have been available for 250 CP.  500 CP is going to be the price for latest legends.  
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards

    I might be willing to buy Another cover for my 3/4/5 Surfer, he has been quite useful after I leveled him.

    Of course, he was essential recently, so it will probably take a while Before he's up again...

  • 8punch
    8punch Posts: 97 Match Maker
    what they could do. is simple.

    add a store for legends, were every color is availble. however there is one kickback. you can only buy 1 card a month in this store, so once you pick your card and bought it for 500 cp. your locked out for that month to buy again.

    so once a month you can chose to buy for 500 cp a card color you need. instead of waiting like 9000 days until hopefully your card color comes around.