Opinions on 5 Clears

GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
edited July 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
Hey guys,

In May, rewards were upped a bit (+8 for 3 and 4 day events and Mathematically about +7 for 7 days on top of that, if the old 7 day system was left alone and simply had its rewards increased)

+2 3 star covers are added under the 7 day system making the same assumption as the Cp one.

Cp was pushed a bit more towards the end of progression in pve.

How are you guys feeling about it so far?

Just want to put my feelers out on this. 

Personal Opinion so Far?

I'm not a huge fan.

I'm personally a casual player, 6 clears were something I did now and again but weren't something I can say I always had time for, or had a desire to do. (on some occasions I couldn't spare the time to even 4 clear everything, but I was more than happy to take my 10Cp and move on, it's what I earned out of the event)

7 day subs pretty much expect you not to be busy in anyway for later subs, Life event pop up? Sayonara to 55 CP depending on what you've missed if you can't switch to optimal clearing on the fly and have enough days left to make up the deficit.

Burnout feels closer than ever for those of us who marathon the clears due to want to do other things.

Instead of simply taking a Cp cut and simply not making the final progression, I now lose out on the bulk of the cp. 
But the smaller Cp amounts aren't far off from the old system you may say?

They actually aren't far off at 2 and 3 CP less than before, however they take more clears to reach for less than before. 
Before the lower Cp amount was 40% of the total.
Now it's about 24% to 30% and have been moved past the 4 star.

It just feels very all or nothing, and as someone who varies between casual and not so casual, it's making me feel decidedly nothing more often than not. There are other changes I've been forced to deal with that have larger positives (vaulting for instance) This one? It changes a LOT.

I can't say the shift feels like enough to warrant the increase.

I entirely understand the 5th clear isn't a full point value. 
With or without SCL based scaling the extra clears just feels like a super poor QOL change,and makes me tired of the small amount of events that are cycled in game, even faster.

7 days feel like a job, especially without 48 hour subs.

EOTS isn't enough to make up for it with it's handful of tokens, especially when strange sights gave more for less time.

I can't say how much longer I'll play as much as I do if this continues on personally. 


  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    I only usually do 2-3 clears per round for the 4* and first CP in CL's 7 & 8.  For 7-day events it's an improvement in everything but HP.  For 3- and 4-day events the CP difference is relatively negligible (one fewer classic legendary every 5 weeks), but the HP drop is more pronounced.  With 2* cycling, it's manageable.  In short, for my more casual play style, it's a mostly neutral change.

    The biggest PVE change for me was going from the 8-hr to the 24-hr clock.  In the old system, doing 3-4 non-optimal clears was almost always good for a top 100 finish and full progression (although the old progressions could vary wildly from event to event).  In the current one, I've never even sniffed Top 100, even in the few events I've gone to check marks.  In DPvsMPQ this past week, going to check marks barely squeezed me in the Top 400.  It's insane to me how grindy the current format is, but since most people seem to go along with it, I guess I'm in the minority.
  • Nepenthe
    Nepenthe Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
    @ZootSax, try playing a different time slice and/or joining the event at least an hour after your slice started. It sounds like you're getting in some pretty competitive brackets, but they're not all like that.
  • DrDevilDinosaur
    DrDevilDinosaur Posts: 436 Mover and Shaker

    I missed the final prog on the first 7 day event under the new system, due to some life events that meant I only did 4/6 clears on two of the days. Since then I've been fine right up until the run of Venom Bomb that just finished. I missed the final prog there too, since I only hit 4/6 on the 3rd sub. I did manage full clears on each of the other days, but was still ~3k short at the end.

    I didn't like the change when it was announced and I still don't like the change now.

  • j0nats
    j0nats Posts: 149 Tile Toppler
    Yeaah i feel that full prog takes so much time now. Before u could still catch up in the end if u miss a few clears.

     It didnt affect those guys who already hit above full prog, was actuall beneficial for them since they get even more rewards for the time they are already spending for PVE.
  • ProtoformX
    ProtoformX Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    It sucks.  Yet another reason why I won't recommend the game (also why I'm skipping The Hulk).  I was 1200 points short of the 55 CP for the last 7 day event due to RL stuff.  That was a real kick in the teeth wasting a week for no CP haul.  
  • MaxxPowerz
    MaxxPowerz Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    5 clears is such overkill. Using the same team, fighting the same characters, hundreds of times over and over within the same event.

    The only time I bother hitting max progression is with events like Deadpool Vs. MPQ.

    I feel much less inclined to play the game because it has become such a slog. Especially considering the rate at which they release new characters compared to the amount of work to collect CP from PVE.
  • Style55
    Style55 Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    I wasn't in favor of the max progression being changed to 5 clears that said I would like to consider myself mostly neutral on it. However, I really need to stress how freaking annoying (burn out, not truly enjoy playing, etc) doing the 5th through 7th clear is on certain events, I'm looking at you Venom Bomb. I was going to write up on how much of a health drain it is going against Carnage + symbiote(s) + 4* Venom but I'll just focus on how much of time is often wasted doing the 5th clear and onwards for max progression. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if the developers filtered down the animations/passives of some characters. 
  • Coubii
    Coubii Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    My opinion is based on number of subevents.
    - For an event like deadpool with only 2 sub of 48h and 24h, that's perfectly fine to have 5 clears. It's an easy goal.
    - Standard 3 days event, I guess it's also okay. You can make it without giving away your social life.
    - 5 days events, I haven't tested so far. I'm assuming the same answer than 7 days.
    - But 7 days event with only 24h sub, I've tried twice, I won't tried a third. Too time consuming. And that awefull moment during the last sub when you understand that you missed a clear during the week and you won't win the last progression reward. Too frustrating...
  • Jexman
    Jexman Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    5 clears is too much.
  • SkadenFrudee
    SkadenFrudee Posts: 112 Tile Toppler
    I used to checkmark+ every node, but nowadays I may not make it past 4* x5, 3* x5, 2* x5, clear to the hardest x1, hardest x5. I just don't want to play anymore at that point. Even with the hardest boards out of the way. I'm burned, because I still gotta x4 all the nodes I didn't do. Or I x4 every node, but just can't be bothered to final grind even 1x, because tinykitty I'm tired of Moonstone and Ares. I went from top 20-50 to top 200 since the change.
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    Already causing me burnout. Really don't like it
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,795 Chairperson of the Boards
    It hasn't caused me to play more, it just means I now barely pvp. I'm not a fan of 5 clears. I used to like doing 4 and forgetting about it for 20 hours or so. I can't summon the will to do 5 at once so have to revisit it the next day, which is also a pain what with having a job and something vaguely resembling a life.
  • Dotproduct
    Dotproduct Posts: 217 Tile Toppler
    I have carpal tunnel syndrome because of the change. 
  • Kevin61
    Kevin61 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    Really don't like the idea of HAVING to do 5 clears to get progression but with 32 champed 4*s, it almost feels like I have to.  For Venom Bomb, I ground all nodes to 0 only because the family is out of town.  Normal play should be the 4 clears to get progression, as it was before.  As many others have said, as much as I like the game, I have a life and other interests.
  • Saydie
    Saydie Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    I wouldn't be bothered to much over the increase to 5 clears for the increased rewards...except that they shifted around the original rewards and lumped them toward the end (looking at you, CP, looking at you) so instead of getting a better reward in payment for putting in more time, it's a case of needing to put in more time to feel like breaking even.

    Couldn't they, instead of throwing in a ton of tiny extra ISO rewards, have gone through and better split up the CP and HP and various covers?  Instead of, say, ISO, ISO, 2 3*Covers, ISO, ISO, HP,  ISO, etc...condense up some of the tiny ISO rewards and spread out the others more.  Hopefully that made sense, but I'm pulling the "it's three in the morning and my brain is fried" card so I don't think looking over it more times is going to help.

    To sum up...I think I did full 6 or 7 clears more before the change.  Now that I *have* to do more, and they re-weighted the awards like this? It seriously annoys me and I am less likely to finish all the clears.  Because I am ornery and contrary like that.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like that they extended the rewards past the old limit.  I hate that the rewards are so heavily weighted towards the end.  I'd prefer if they were spread out a bit more so I wouldn't care as much about not hitting the final reward.

    A perfect system would see the rewards schedule continue all the way to the theoretical maximum score for the event (that no one is going to hit without playing perfectly), with regular small rewards of HP and CP.  You should get incrementally more rewards for incrementally more effort rather than the current "all or nothing" feeling I get at the moment.
  • Ezrius
    Ezrius Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    I've been skipping more events and playing much less.

    It's more fact than opinion.  Is it linked?  Probably.