Scaling Tied To S.H.I.E.L.D. Clearance Levels (5/25/17)



  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    It was only a joke for high level rosters; and remember it came in at the low end of what was possible thanks to rngesus.  In future runs, it could go higher within the parameters that were set. The static scaling for Cl7 and cl8 were fine right where they were. The problem lies in a lack of higher cl levels (with higher levels of scaling) and a clearer delineation of rewards for cl7 and cl8
    Forget about the roster and think about the rewards.  Everything you get in progression, the sub rewards, alliance rewards, final individual placement rewards - those all add up to a really NICE package.  And the bottom line is that it was EASY compared to the level of difficulty to get the same thing in other areas of the game.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Any news about SCL based scaling in other PVE events? Thanks!
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    turul said:
    Any news about SCL based scaling in other PVE events? Thanks!
    They're still reviewing the results of the test event, however they're tentatively scheduling another test event in the near future. It hasn't been finalized just yet, however I'll be sure to pass along any details if and when it's officially scheduled.
  • Xandros
    Xandros Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    I enjoyed the non-scaled version so much better! I have 2 champed 5* for the past half a year and so every event I play is basically the exact same thing for PVP and PVE (I know, woe is me).  But the non-scaled version I was able to go to scl7 and play with some 4* characters I never have been able to for a long time and it was fun again.   Before that every character I get now is useless in any PVP or PVE event.  But for that event it made people useful again!
    Why not make it so different scl levels can be completed by different * ranks (and maybe only playable by certain character ranks or lower so we don't get people with 5* dropping down to scl5 to destroy... but if they want to play with some 3* characters for an event they can drop down and play with only the lower * characters)?  Have ranks 1-2 for 1 and 2* rosters, 3-5 for 3* rosters (early transition, a few maxed, many champs), 6-8 for 4* rosters, and 9-10 for 5* rosters.  (I don't know why they don't open those? They can always add extra levels after... like scl 11... or 12 even!)
    Why have the end game content if you can beat it with the same difficulty with any level roster? That seems to defeat the purpose of it.  I don't have any idea how to fix rewards so people don't complain they are getting **** but a change is needed as now the scl levels are all the same aside from rewards which makes playing with weaker characters for fun impossible. 
     I really hope they open scl 9 at least for 5* characters and give us places to use our lower characters as well. 
  • Riguez
    Riguez Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    Looks like they're running the test again for Thick as Thieves, or is this the normal from now on?
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Riguez said:
    Looks like they're running the test again for Thick as Thieves, or is this the normal from now on?
    Second test.  Same settings with a rumored fix to the bug that kept SCL8 max levels lower than expected.
  • Felonius
    Felonius Posts: 289 Mover and Shaker
    That's strange, because in the last run, after four clears of the last, hardest, non-essential node, my foes were Level 398.  This time they're only 388.  Plus it seems easier.  Maybe because Nova is boosted and he works so well with OML, does hella damage, and maintains crowd control.  If only they'd fix his bug.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    Felonius said:
    That's strange, because in the last run, after four clears of the last, hardest, non-essential node, my foes were Level 398.  This time they're only 388.  Plus it seems easier.  Maybe because Nova is boosted and he works so well with OML, does hella damage, and maintains crowd control.  If only they'd fix his bug.
    Not really.  based on your roster.  This test is designed to feel slightly easier for you.

    In iso8, they used roster based scaling and you were punished for having a 5* champ and 90% of the 4* champed.  Thats why you fought foes at 398.  As you keep expanding your 4* and 5* tier, it would have gone up even higher.  (the majority of multi 5* players were facing scaling at 454.)

    Now the scaling is set by the clearance level, and the current top line difficulty is 388, which is unaffected by any changes your make to your roster  (be it leveling up 5* or even selling your entire 4*/5* tier.

  • Felonius
    Felonius Posts: 289 Mover and Shaker
    Hmm... @Phumade I guess I'm misreading the first post in this thread... I thought Unstable Iso-8 was based on the SCL8 I chose and not my scaling and that now in TaT they're re-running the same SCL-based scaling with no changes other than comparing regular character release vs. new character release game play.  Ultimately I wish these weren't rumors and we had actual posts by @Brigby or someone else at MPQ.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    The names of the events are confusing.

    Unstable iso 8 was the 1st scl based scaling. test. (so scl8 by default had the lvl 323 teams

    Iso8 brother hood was the last event before TaT.  The scaling in that event was based on your roster (so scl8 featured different level enemies based on your roster.

    Thick as Theives is the 2nd scl based scaling test.  (so scl8 by default has lvl 388 teams for all players.  Doesn't matter if you have only 1* or 5*.  Everyone in that SCL gets the same enemies.
  • Felonius
    Felonius Posts: 289 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2017

    I understand that, but I wasn't clear... when I was playing Unstable ISO8, during the last test, that is when I was seeing 398 foes.  This time during the TaT test I'm seeing 388 foes.  During Iso8 Brohood, I dunno what I was getting, I didn't pay attention to levels since there wasn't a test on.

  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    Felonius said:

    I understand that, but I wasn't clear... when I was playing Unstable ISO8, during the last test, that is when I was seeing 398 foes.  This time during the TaT test I'm seeing 388 foes.  During Iso8 Brohood, I dunno what I was getting, I didn't pay attention to levels since there wasn't a test on.

    are you sure you remembered your scaling from the 1st test?  I'm pretty sure that all 5* players were capped at 330 range?  I've got 8 5* champs and my personal scaling was in the 330 range.
  • marvellus
    marvellus Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    If the devs care to read my reaction: This test event (like the previous test) is awful, way too hard for the corresponding rewards- I specifically chose a lower level (7) than my shield ranking (54) usually matches, in the hope of earning at least something of value.  But even this is way too hard, I will not come close to earning the equivalent of what I earned either at the last PvE, or before MPQ started these tweaks.  If I were to go even lower to 6, the rewards would not be worth playing for, compared to what they used to be (eg 150 HP total, top 300 placement, for a typical 3-4 day event - and that was at a lower shield level in the 40s). Here I might earn the first HP rewards if I cared enough - and,maybe place in the top 300 only because other players are having the same experience as I am - but it's so frustratingly unattainable that I am starting not to care. Why bother grinding?
    Currently HPs are the main things worth playing for, so I can get more slots - more covers, which appears to be the current trend, don't help without slots, and I've had to ditch 3 and 4 stars lately.
    I'm not asking for the moon, just enough cost/benefit ratio to make it worth my time
  • sinburn
    sinburn Posts: 43 Just Dropped In
    edited June 2017
    **nope** so very much for doing this.  

    **removed aggressive, profane language - Ducky
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    Interestingly, the Hood/Magneto node at the end of Thick as Thieves doesn't seem to be getting scaled up to compensate for the missing enemy.  I wonder if that is intended?

    If it is intended, it is going to make those missions in the Hulk event very easy.
  • SpringSoldier
    SpringSoldier Posts: 265 Mover and Shaker
    I wish that instead of this in-fighting between those with weaker roosters and those with stronger roosters, there would be more pressure on the devs to release levels 9 and 10.

    Those with strong roosters were frustrated because their enemies were too strong and they're still forced to grind just as much as the new-comers, which is annoying- having spent more time, energy and money playing a game should be rewarding in the game, not punished. I completely understand that, even those my own rooster is far from great.

    Those with weaker roosters feel frustrated with this change though because we're getting less rewards, some of which are essential for developing our roosters. For example, I'm ok with giving up the 5 cp in level 8, but getting more hp means the world to me since I need more slots. Previously, I played at SCL 8 and won 150 hp, now at SCL 7 I'd get 125 hp, so I don't feel very happy about this.

    Meanwhile, those with champed 5* need more cp and ISO, not more hp or an extra 3* cover. Heroic/Elite tokens and 2*/3* are more valuable for the beginners or mid-tiers, not the top-tiers, yet they get more of those as well. I'm glad other people are happy, but this new scaling isn't benefiting me, so I can't share in on the happiness. I do want those with better roosters to get more rewards, just not at the expense of what I was getting.
  • Kozza123
    Kozza123 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    ive changed my mind I think I would like the new scaling to go ahead to 
  • MarkersMake
    MarkersMake Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    Not sure if this has been discussed yet, but I haven't seen it mentioned: What is the plan for PVE alliance placement scoring? Individual placement will be within a single SCL, but alliances may have members in different SCL's - do points earned in SCL 7 count the same as points earned by players in SCL 8?

    I know there's not a huge difference in alliance rewards, but it's something to consider.