v2.0 Release Notes *Updated (4/28/17)



  • ElfNeedsFood
    ElfNeedsFood Posts: 944 Critical Contributor
    Can we all just take a minute to realise that they found bugs themselves and decided to fix them before the update comes out. 

    Yes, this is a good thing.  Plus we have another week to rack up runes in QB...
  • spadpl
    spadpl Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    Brigby said:
    @DuskPaladin @majincob @Phase

    As of right this moment, there aren't any plans to change the weekend events. Having said that though, I will bring up this topic with the development team tomorrow during our next meeting.

    @Brigby any news after meeting?
  • losdamianos
    losdamianos Posts: 429 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2017
    @Brigby since we know that quick change is possible can we have a breath of fresh air in form of AVACYN MADNESS event please ? RaTC is getting really really REALLY boring...
    If you need more weight to this argument I will happily create poll RaTC vs AVACYN to demonstrate how much community is exhasuted
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    edited April 2017

    Since it was such a last-minute request to change the event, I would speculate the event choice had more to do with inputting one that the development team is confident won't need as much in-depth stability testing, due to its recent and prior successful runs, as the events normally require. (Because otherwise there wouldn't be enough time for a swap)

    Rest assured though that the concern of event variety has been brought up with them before, and I'll continue to ping them about it periodically.
  • babar3355
    babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards


    Absolutely absurd.  We are sick to death of these events, including freaking Breaking points which is the exact same thing as Inventors Fair.  You destroyed the reward incentive to play and now subject us to a weekly dose of the same boring, redundant, awful content.  #SaltyAsAShaker


  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    edited April 2017

    Please understand that since this was a last minute change, as I stated before, I speculate that it was due to Revolt Against the Consulate not needing as much testing beforehand in order to be successfully ran.

    Bringing back other events would've required more testing which the team would not have had time to do before this weekend, therefore those events might not have been able to be successfully ran.
  • kauppila
    kauppila Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    edited April 2017
    Where is our Breaking Points?!?
    I really, really would like to see something different than another Revolt.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin

    It was postponed until next weekend due to the concern that Rishkar's Expertise was the exclusive mythic for Breaking Points and Baral's changes hadn't been implemented yet due to 2.0 being delayed until next week.
  • babar3355
    babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards

    Fine it was last minute... were the last 20 RATC last minute?  Honestly, you cant give us 1 PvE event every quarter and expect the game to stay engaging and fun.  Especially when the only way to get mythics now is buy them.

    If you refuse to make the rewards rewarding, then at least make the event rewarding.

  • Yvendros
    Yvendros Posts: 202 Tile Toppler
    Thanks @Brigby, you're awesome!  Sincerely. 
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    It does feel like ages since we had any new content, doesn't it? Let's have a look at recent set release dates:

    SOI - v1.6 - Aug 11th 2016
    EMN - v1.7.1 - Oct 19th 2016
    KLD - v1.9 - Dec 8th 2016
    AER - v1.10 - Jan 27th 2017

    So... about 2 months between sets recently, and now it's been 3 months. That could be why we're bored.

    I guess you could count the Masterpieces as a set? But.. there's only 19 of them, and nobody is getting any of them anyway. Oh, sure, we'll get one or two over the next couple of years as we grind away at mana jewels, but having a bunch of unobtainable cards existing in theory is not really the same as giving us new content to enhance our user experience.

    I mean, well done on catching up with paper MTG release dates! But... um... we're still bored.

    Is it because you're making less money? Can't you afford to pay the programmers enough? Well why not try throwing us a bone every now and again, then! Release the drop rates! Give away a mythic or two for event rewards! Not.Another.Dime isn't set in stone, you know!

  • DuskPaladin
    DuskPaladin Posts: 123 Tile Toppler
    Thank you for your fast response @Brigby.

  • Szamsziel
    Szamsziel Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    @Brigby thanks.
     One more personal request - can we have more variety on event reward? Aer rare is pretty nice but this is the same reward in all events. As so, especially with smaller sets (Aer is just 18 rares) it's become dupes quickly. I wouldn't mind having a chance to get Kaladesh rares though ;)
  • kauppila
    kauppila Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    @Brigby  Thank you, I do appreciate the response, but egads, the Revolt event is boring and tedious.  I have mentioned it before, but it would be really helpful if the event didn't last so long.  Drop the enemy health by 1% every hour once 48 hours have passed or something to that effect.

    While we are on that subject, the guaranteed AER Rare is significantly less attractive than the Mythics that we used to get, and even getting a KLD Block rare would be preferred.  We have HAD so many events with AER rares that everyone is pulling duplicates.
    The same thing happened at the end of EMN where so many of those events were run that we all were getting duplicate Mythics from that set.  I would gladly have had the chance to pull a mythic (or rare) from the SOI block instead of just one of the 7 EMN Mythics that were available.

    Heck, I know I would even trade my AER rare for a pack of any of the older sets and be reasonably happy to get something different.
  • Matthew
    Matthew Posts: 605 Critical Contributor

    Along the lines of what @kauppila has said, the rewards eventually reach a point of diminishing returns. Could you pass on to the development team a few ideas in this regard? They may have been posted elsewhere, but I don't have the energy to go digging.

    Specifically, it would be cool if we could choose the set or the color of the random rare card, but not necessarily both. That would allow people some choice (something this game is sorely lacking) and it would also allow people to fill in gaps in their collection. I know that I'm missing several older rares that would be great cards to have, and this would be a fantastic and seemingly simple way to implement it. The code is already there for the color rares as rewards for quick battle, and also for the specific sets.
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    But couldn't they have just ran Breaking Points without the reward for some variety? No one would complain about seeing it again next weekend with the prize.