v2.0 Release Notes *Updated (4/28/17)



  • murtagon
    murtagon Posts: 51 Match Maker
    edited April 2017
    Sorry to ask what others are asking.  I'm confused by the terminology with the event decks.
    Is it one deck per PW per Event
    one deck per node in an event.

    example.  RaTC - There are 9 nodes.  If I want to play 9 different Kiora decks in the event will I be able to save 9 different Kiora decks to these nodes?
  • Hibernum_JC
    Hibernum_JC Posts: 318 Mover and Shaker
    murtagon said:
    Sorry to ask what others are asking.  I'm confused by the terminology with the event decks.
    Is it one deck per PW per Event
    one deck per node in an event.

    example.  RaTC - There are 9 nodes.  If I want to play 9 different Kiora decks in the event will I be able to save 9 different Kiora decks to these nodes?
    You can save 9 different Kiora decks (one per node).

    Note that the decks do reset every time the event ends, so you'll have to reset them every time the event starts.
  • murtagon
    murtagon Posts: 51 Match Maker
    murtagon said:
    Sorry to ask what others are asking.  I'm confused by the terminology with the event decks.
    Is it one deck per PW per Event
    one deck per node in an event.

    example.  RaTC - There are 9 nodes.  If I want to play 9 different Kiora decks in the event will I be able to save 9 different Kiora decks to these nodes?
    You can save 9 different Kiora decks (one per node).

    Note that the decks do reset every time the event ends, so you'll have to reset them every time the event starts.

    Excellent thank you!  While I am not fond of the economic changes I do like how these changes sound.  While I see some folk disappointed with Baral I think he is going to be nearly as broken with the new changes.  However he will not trigger a 25 minute turn now so that is great news.  Now he is just an insane threat versus an insane threat that you have no chance of dealing with.
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    Did it occur to you at any time when implementing the deck slots to make them work in the player's best interests?
  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,099 Chairperson of the Boards
    Regarding events decks, what if i played my event games then in between node refreshed i changed my event deck with non event cards. The players facing that will still be facing a troll deck.
  • Mrbaconbits
    Mrbaconbits Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    edited April 2017
    @Hibernum_JC So for clarity - if an event node achievement is "summon 5 vehicles", you will not be able to enter a deck that contains NO vehicles? but you could still concievably add a vehicle to 9 other troll cards and still ruin the matchmaking..

    //Removed Insults -Brigby
  • AngelForge
    AngelForge Posts: 325 Mover and Shaker
    I like this patch so far. Of course, not everything is gold but a lot of user-friendly things seem to come and that is great. I read in someone's post that new players can't grind runes anymore, because quick battle is gone... That's not true, you can easily grind in story mode, if you want to.
    Training ground looks great to me.

  • Ohboy
    Ohboy Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017

    What you want me to say lol. I called it. The intention was to remove guaranteed mythics and they obviously went for the one hemorrhaging them the most first. 

    Wish they had gone with the gentle slope solution instead and gave out mana jewels as rewards to replace mythics like for events though. 

    As stated already by others, the guarantees rare was/is a lifeline for many low-mid tier players, so it's quite the step backward to help newer players if that's their intention. We'll have to see their crystal rewards for the new format I guess. 

    On a personal level, I will now have less things to play in the game and would like to make another pitch to make trials more playable than just once a day. Everyone here thinks it's a bad deal anyway. It's not like they'll protest... Right? 
  • deletedgone
    deletedgone Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    AngelForge - QB is also a source of three guaranteed rares, crystals, and card packs for hundreds of players each week.  That is the real loss (and likely the developer's real motivation).
  • MtGMoxJet
    MtGMoxJet Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    Trading Mana runes for crystals or jewels? Was that never considered as an option to improve the game? To keep players interested in playing.
  • AngelForge
    AngelForge Posts: 325 Mover and Shaker
    spesler said:
    AngelForge - QB is also a source of three guaranteed rares, crystals, and card packs for hundreds of players each week.  That is the real loss (and likely the developer's real motivation).
    Of course, this is a loss for the QB grinders. No doubt about that and I feel sorry for them.
    I would also not like the fact, that my favorite playing mode would be deleted. Totally understandable.
    I just don't like this false argument that the new players are losing there mana rune source. 

  • killwind
    killwind Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2017
      I need some more popcorn.

      I dont think you are seeing the loopholes that I am seeing in all this. I will be talking to the guys in Extinction and Calamity about how these new changes will benefit them and how they can really step up their game. 

      While I am sad that they have discontinue QB, I wonder what all the hardcore players are going to do now with their loads of extra time. There is no real measure for the truly competitive players. Yes I know the PvP events where we theory craft our decks endlessly and prep them to beat ridiculous requirements in the hopes that we will win a mediocre prize. 

      Well as I am just the spirit of Killwind and not actually the real Killwind all I can say is Good luck. 

    //Removed Inappropriate Content -Brigby
  • Foxblade
    Foxblade Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    Losing the uncommon/rare and pack from QBs is a huge impact.  Probably worse than the pack changes from last patch, at least for me.  It was especially nice to be able to target a color preference and put more effort into those days.  More than anything though, the mode was great filler for in between events, or if you're feeling more casual and don't want to be modifying decks.  

    As everyone else has said, it was actually pretty newbie friendly.  As a new player starting this January, I assumed natural progression was intended to be Story --> QB --> Events.  And that worked great.  I was happy to get bonus runes from low placement in QB.  Then I worked my up over time.  So just like last patch it's simply a re-branding to provide the same thing, minus a motivating level of rewards.
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    killwind said:

      While I am sad that they have discontinue QB, I wonder what all the hardcore players are going to do now with their loads of extra time. 

    I'm going to play that other game. You know the one @killwind -- also maybe take up knitting or practice my Spanish. ¿Alguien quiere ayudar?
  • steamer
    steamer Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    I've searched a bit and hope I'm not repeating someone else's comments, but was there any addressing of duplicate cards in the new update? I'll give the new changes a chance and see how they go but it would be nice to see if the exchange program was up for revamping on the horizon.
  • Ohboy
    Ohboy Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    steamer said:
    I've searched a bit and hope I'm not repeating someone else's comments, but was there any addressing of duplicate cards in the new update? I'll give the new changes a chance and see how they go but it would be nice to see if the exchange program was up for revamping on the horizon.
    It's still months away last it was mentioned I think.
  • Steeme
    Steeme Posts: 784 Critical Contributor

    Wow, these are big changes to the game.  Aside from "reserving judgement" until we actually experience it, there seems to have been a ton of development work done into fleshing out all the missing bits and pieces of this game.

    Not going to comment on QB, I only used it to master cards, practice with decks, and build runes.

    JC, regarding Baral, I think you've made a superb design decision.  If everyone would just take a step back and imagine that Baral was always like this (4 mana gain per turn for each spell in hand, draw 1 card per spell cast) then everyone would agree that he is an absolute powerhouse of a Mythic for any blue deck.  Believe me, the only people crying for refunds are the players that only made the purchase to exploit the system.  Otherwise why wouldn't you want this card?  It is literally the best Blue chumper troop in the entire game.

  • Razrbck89
    Razrbck89 Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    The QB change tells me that the mid-tier players like myself don't deserve rares ever unless we spend more than $10 USD or be lucky on joining the right coalition.