Hot Shot - Human Torch - April 18 - Apr 20



  • gambl0r312
    gambl0r312 Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    Nemek wrote:

    Sorry about that...seems like you got hit a few more times after the couple I hit you with, too. icon_e_sad.gif

    No worries, was just hoping to hit the Torch before giving back the points. I know how it goes sometimes, just trying to get there quick before life/reality intervenes icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I'll try in a bit later, hopefully it'll quiet down but who knows? Once I hit 1100 I'll drop in that tanking team ( it'll have Bag-man) if that seed team node stays. Then feel free to take 'em to town! No shielding after I hit 1100 so you guys should still be able to see me with skips.

    Hope u made it up with those points tho, Nemek!
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Please let me hit 1100, I'm not gonna shield after that (Poor & Irish), so I'll provide some juicy attacks/retals for many. Expect to hit 1100 in 20 min or so. I GOT INSPIRED~ (bored).

    Edit: Nope mischiefmaker just hit me, so postponed indefinitely. I'm never gonna make it to 1100 I guess, and they will probably move the rewards further up the ladder.
  • locked wrote:
    Please let me hit 1100, I'm not gonna shield after that (Poor & Irish), so I'll provide some juicy attacks/retals for many. Expect to hit 1100 in 20 min or so. I GOT INSPIRED~ (bored).

    Edit: Nope mischiefmaker just hit me, so postponed indefinitely. I'm never gonna make it to 1100 I guess, and they will probably move the rewards further up the ladder.

    It seems like playing at late hours doesn't work too well because everyone else is thinking the same thing too.
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't see how you guys deal with this 1100 rollercoaster. I'm barely at 900 and all these names I recognize with big rosters keep popping up. I'm a glass case of emotion!
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    I'm not at late hours, it's noon here. I can't actually play when most players are active.

    Edit: I will leave for now and let retals accumulate... If that black cover were something more desirable, I'd be pissed but as it stands, whatever icon_razz.gif
    Inferno actually cost me a healthpack on Torch because I fired Inferno forgetting that it saps blue, yellow and purple. As a result I couldn't translocate in time and sacrificed Torch for some enemy attack. You sap my AP - now get that slap!
  • gambl0r312
    gambl0r312 Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    Phantron wrote:

    It seems like playing at late hours doesn't work too well because everyone else is thinking the same thing too.

    Was thinking the thing as everybody I guess...

    Hoped that locked made it up there after hitting me, but alas.

    Locked's hit came right after two of yours, Phantron, so I hoped SOMEBODY was getting somewhere points wise off me...

    I'll clear out my retals and stay top 25-ish, good luck ppl
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got hit like a Pinata overnight, which was quite alright since I didn't want to shield.
    Went down from 1114 to about 780 thanks to some defensive wins by trusty Punisher/Hood.

    What's not quite alright is that the juicy retals disappeared after doing each red node exactly once, so what should have been 20+ retals for at least 30 each turned into only about 120 points.

    I don't mind _that_ much since I'm only playing for ISO and can make top 5 with one arm tied behind my back (extremely lazy bracket), but still, annoying.
    Would have been funny to get up to 1100 _twice_ in the same tourney icon_lol.gif

    Well, I'll harrass my bracket leader (shielded at 961) some during the day and then shield up with 8 to go to conserve points for my alliance, I guess.
  • i was at 1080 and just finished the fight to go to 1100, then kept getting whacked and yoyo'ing between 997 and 1080 for over an hour without actually hitting 1100. frustrating.

    I got all the way up to 1000 in under 40 minutes without really getting hit, which was crazy. guess i'll try later and hope for better luck. i just need 51 points and i'm done.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Gamblr, haha I hit Phantron twice but he was shielded (that's why I hit twice) and you kept coming up in my queue with 5 other people. I'm not pushing anymore yet so take these points.

    Bloodwars: we've kept hitting each other that's why no one can climb.
  • Unknown
    edited April 2014
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Got hit like a Pinata overnight, which was quite alright since I didn't want to shield.
    Went down from 1114 to about 780 thanks to some defensive wins by trusty Punisher/Hood.

    What's not quite alright is that the juicy retals disappeared after doing each red node exactly once, so what should have been 20+ retals for at least 30 each turned into only about 120 points.

    I don't mind _that_ much since I'm only playing for ISO and can make top 5 with one arm tied behind my back (extremely lazy bracket), but still, annoying.
    Would have been funny to get up to 1100 _twice_ in the same tourney icon_lol.gif

    Well, I'll harrass my bracket leader (shielded at 961) some during the day and then shield up with 8 to go to conserve points for my alliance, I guess.

    i've found that restarting my client tend to dump the non-immediate queue (and sometimes it'll go back to the title screen if they update news etc). if i leave it open, i can have 30 retals stacked, if i close and re-open it, 3. same thing happens with the seed teams, and i think having multiple pvps going on (like LR and an event pvp) can mess with the queue backlog. just my observations, which may or may not be correct. ymmv.
  • locked wrote:
    Gamblr, haha I hit Phantron twice but he was shielded (that's why I hit twice) and you kept coming up in my queue with 5 other people. I'm not pushing anymore yet so take these points.

    Bloodwars: we've kept hitting each other that's why no one can climb.

    well, there were lots of people hitting me, and i was hitting lots of people, but i wouldn't have if phantron didn't whack me 3 times in a row icon_e_wink.gif. i know it's annoying, but your roster was easier than 3x 141s, so i was hitting your retal every 3rd or 4th fight to try and keep even, cause it was fast.

    I was shielded for your last hit, I got 3 guys on retal queue, but one is theo and that 212 HT is a bit dangerous.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    edited April 2014
    ^ Man, I don't want retals to disappear. I guess I will clear them now?.. Hopefully without too much wiping lol.

    edit: I know right? icon_e_biggrin.gif My roster is sure squishy. I even run Hood/oBW most of the time to encourage attacks/retaliations from 2* rosters (got 4x defensive wins total so far in the tourney which hasn't happened in the longest time).
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    bloodwars wrote:
    i've found that restart my client tend to dump the non-immediate queue (and sometimes it'll go back to the title screen if they update news etc). if i leave it open, i can have 30 retals stacked, if i close and re-open it, 3. same thing happens with the seed teams, and i think having multiple pvps going on (like LR and an event pvp) can mess with the queue backlog. just my observations, which may or may not be correct. ymmv.
    Yeah, I checked my emails inbetween fights and I guess my device ran out of memory so it decided to re-load MPQ, which caused me to lose those retals.
    I usually avoid doing anything else when I'm seriously playing, didn't work out this time.
    No biggie though since I don't _need_ those points icon_e_smile.gif
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Whatever, I don't need a black ht anyway.

    Hope you're happy coolbond
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Spoit, are you gunning for 1100? Could you post here when done and shielded (or not shielded but done)? Thanks.
    This is awkward, we all want the same but no one can do that if we keep retaliating.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    locked wrote:
    Spoit, are you gunning for 1100? Could you post here when done and shielded (or not shielded but done)? Thanks.
    This is awkward, we all want the same but no one can do that if we keep retaliating.
    I Got it.

    sorry to skillrex, if you're on the forums, but your team was way quicker to kill than the 3x141s

    Edit by got it, I mean I hit 1100
  • i got a bit on shield, but i'll post when i get it so everyone that has me on queue can hammer the **** out of me/my shield. when i go back, i'll try to down my retals asap, but it's 3 fights. after that it's whatever icon_e_wink.gif

    and locked, you're not in my queue... i don't think any of the other posters here are either, but i don't know everyone's forum name -> mpq name.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Thanks, Spoit. Now if only some other people could let me finish my climb first icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Was going to apologise hitting you spoit glad you were shielded. 32 short of 1300 but I don't need yellow xforce I sold one this morning from daily rewards
  • This is for all the once i hurt trying to get to 1100 ahem... HA EAT MY DUST! ehem that was a bit unproffesional of me so sorry for that outburst,
    I wanted to thank carnifacs for without i would have never reached 1100 so thanks for retaliating against me went faster than searching for you.

    Im shielded so feel free to bash the **** out of me.
    with love coolbond