The Hunt for the Falcon - April 18 - 27



  • daveomite
    daveomite Posts: 1,331 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle wrote:
    I'll do a complete clear of Florida in the next hour or so and then do Savage tomorrow morning.
    There's just too damned many nodes in Florida to do this in an hour, especially since one wipe might kill my strategy completely.
    And Savage should have at least _some_ rubberbanding with 60 minutes to go, right now the points are pitiful.

    Good luck and godspeed to those who are still trying to win this.

    yeah..exactly. my 2 complaints are the now 350+ baddies, with some 395's in there, but mode nodes may have 300-600 points at start and never seem to rubber band back up
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    I am grinding some nodes even though I'd rather not to, because there's no guarantee I don't wipe during the final minutes and don't waste all the healthpacks.

    Just won a battle of attrition. Went cMagneto/oBW/LC against lvl 260-ish Daken, Ragnarok and Venom. Obviously with no boosts since Magneto is above them lol. Lost LC way too early (not a single Star-Spangled Avenger had been fired!), but decided to stay through my ****-like stubbornness. Was Magnetic Fielding all these 12k health Dark Avengers to death, sometimes translocating their butts and spamming Magneto's red to liven up the board. Healed twice or so when I had to make a move but the heroes were too damaged.


    Well that was fun.
  • ONE MORE DAY. can i get a hallelujah???


    screw you then emeryt

    disclaimer:i did not mean to insult emeryt, my finger slipped on the E M E R Y AND T
    My place or Yours?
  • In a Daken-less team it takes about level 300 before an enemy team is challenging for Magneto. Given in this tournament he only has to tank blue (and he can hide behind Lazy Cap if he's not maxed out) the level 395 stuff isn't really that threatening even to Magneto, let alone the two lazy characters with 9/11K HP each.

    You're not going to beat Daken at higher than level 300 without max boosts and even then it's iffy since he can pull 5K damage in one round with only cascades. But aside from Daken there's nothing outrageously powerful compared to the offense Magneto brings. Even without Magneto you usually have enough time to do something with Spiderman or The Hood/OBW, though it'd be harder. Ares is usually paired up with Ragnarok in this event, which means he usually won't get to use Onslaught. There's no this 'punished for being too good' because nobody is beating Daken after a certain level with any reliability anyway, and without Daken even level 395s are quite beatable, though not necessarily the kind of fight you want to do on a regular basis since they do require a lot of planning.

    I think the problem is that there are too many nodes so you beat one 395 and there are still 5 more waiting for you and that's just dumb (like Florida). The most number of 395s should not exceed that of Savage Land, where you've one 395X3 villians (Bullseye 3), one relatively tame combination (Bullseye + Moonstone + Sniper), and one 395 that's just 3 goons. I feel the essentials are scaled properly other than the fact that Daken is usually around. In fact if Daken is removed from the enemy list, I'd feel pretty good about the levels of the enemy. Yes there should be a challenge, but Daken is just far above all other enemies at level 395 that it's practically impossible to beat him without extremely good luck.
  • Dreylin
    Dreylin Posts: 241
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Just 12 hours to go people, we can make it!
    That's Hulk and Hunt ruined, curious to see what event will get screwed up next, and in what way!
    Well, they seem to be running them somewhat in order, so my money would be on Thick as Thieves or Oscorp Heroic next....

    Good times.
  • reckless442
    reckless442 Posts: 532 Critical Contributor
    Dreylin wrote:
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Just 12 hours to go people, we can make it!
    That's Hulk and Hunt ruined, curious to see what event will get screwed up next, and in what way!
    Well, they seem to be running them somewhat in order, so my money would be on Thick as Thieves or Oscorp Heroic next....

    Good times.
    Heroic . . . can you imagine what that will be like with scaling carrying over? icon_eek.gif

    Bullseye 3 at level 390. That's one hell of a fight, but Lazy Cap managed to hold on.
    I went in with Cap, Hood, OBW. OBW was dead fairly early, after only a a few enemy matches (800 damage on a match 3!). She's there to steal some AP, since healing is a big no-go in this fight, as I needed all the Blue I could gather for Protect tiles. Honestly, she really didn't pull her weight, but I'm not sure who would have been more useful instead of her.
    Hood also went down when all 3 were still alivey, after Ares managed to gather enough yellow AP to use Sunder.
    I got lucky when Bullseye used Murderous Aim at one point rather than letting Venom Devour my Cap, which would have been the end.

    The fight took a long time, but at least I got the 500 iso reward, so that was a nice surprise.

    There are two lessons to be learned from this:
    1) Scaling is stupid
    2) Lazy Cap rocks
  • daveomite
    daveomite Posts: 1,331 Chairperson of the Boards
    Both bullseye 2 and bullseye 3 are 395 now. It was just 3 at that level, but after playing both, 2 went up as well.

    This scaling sucks.
  • daveomite
    daveomite Posts: 1,331 Chairperson of the Boards
    WolfmanX25 wrote:

    Bullseye 3 at level 390. That's one hell of a fight, but Lazy Cap managed to hold on.
    I went in with Cap, Hood, OBW. OBW was dead fairly early, after only a a few enemy matches (800 damage on a match 3!). She's there to steal some AP, since healing is a big no-go in this fight, as I needed all the Blue I could gather for Protect tiles. Honestly, she really didn't pull her weight, but I'm not sure who would have been more useful instead of her.
    Hood also went down when all 3 were still alivey, after Ares managed to gather enough yellow AP to use Sunder.
    I got lucky when Bullseye used Murderous Aim at one point rather than letting Venom Devour my Cap, which would have been the end.

    The fight took a long time, but at least I got the 500 iso reward, so that was a nice surprise.

    There are two lessons to be learned from this:
    1) Scaling is stupid
    2) Lazy Cap rocks

    glad you got the iso....I beat both bullseye 2 & 3 and got 20 iso on both, even though there were 3 rewards left in each as I had only played them one other time before.
  • well i better get a good rank at the last two bases.

    I got an assult token from ranking high in alaska and i got the Hulk from it. That is a keeper until I can obtain his covers once i have more high level 2*

    I hope i get heroic tokens or more assault tokens. Like i said, I dont see myself getting falcon (not really planning on ranking high enough to get him because i have to work on getting more 2* and getting them at very high levels

    Good luck to those trying to get Falcon
  • We've reached the two hour mark... yay?
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's almost over! Praise Jebus.
  • reckless442
    reckless442 Posts: 532 Critical Contributor
    The alliance battle is crazy. With 1:25 left:

    5DV: 2318466
    Retribution: 2303668
    the scAvengers: 2292547

    That's only 26k between 1st and 3rd.

    Get your popcorn ready.
  • I fought the first node once when the event came up and gave up. I won't have any falcon covers, but I'm still sane!
  • morgh
    morgh Posts: 539 Critical Contributor
    Please... make the pain go away finally... still 1:09 to go :O
  • 1 hour until my left eye stops twitching!!!
  • So many dead heros.

    I knew I was getting desperate when I was pulling out 2 star cap trying to get points.
  • I used bag man after running out of heroes and health packs
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    We made it, guys.


    We made it...