Token Pull Exploit (3/27/17) *Updated (4/12/17)



  • SangFroid
    SangFroid Posts: 177 Tile Toppler
    Well, I know I will get into trouble for this due to be a very old post, but not sure if I truly care. Information was passed along by many people to CS and others about people that used this exploit.  No one, the we know of, that was reported was dealt with. All are still in game.  There was one guy, but he did it the old fashion hack way. 

    We are going to be at a point very soon where 2 mid to low tier 5* are out of the latest tokens.  That will leave us with Spider Man and Dare Devil. Once Doc Ock is out of latest with the next 5*, who ever him or her will be.  Their will be a lot of people opening their hoards once Doc Ock is out. With this, will there be a new exploit that will happen?  If so, I fully expect players that never cheated to do so since this was never dealt with.  

    Yes I am bringing up and old post and maybe I should let this go, But this was clear cheating and nobody, Customer Service/Demi/D3, has cared to ban the cheaters over this.  They might want us to forget about this, but the community doesn't forget. Hopefully I won't get banned, but we shall see. 
    I think you raise a really important point Rockett as it is clear the next major round of cheating is just on the horizon when OCK leaves. I think it is important that this is brought up again so that D3 can let us know how they will be preventing the exploit this time around....
  • Maceo511
    Maceo511 Posts: 67 Match Maker
    Do we know if the exploit has been fixed?
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Maceo511 said:
    Do we know if the exploit has been fixed?

    Nope, we don't know.
    As per the OP, the exploit was "anticipated to be fixed" with 125 but we never got confirmation.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2017
    Bowgentle said:
    Maceo511 said:
    Do we know if the exploit has been fixed?

    Nope, we don't know.
    As per the OP, the exploit was "anticipated to be fixed" with 125 but we never got confirmation.
    Only one way to find out right?  This response, or rather lack there of, (about the third I've seen since I started about 1.5 years ago) pretty much advertise go ahead and cheat, there's no reason not to.  

    I won't because I am ethically against cheating and also wouldn't want to risk them finally starting to address it this time around.  I'd be shocked if the number of cheaters doesn't grow every time there's a major exploit that goes seemingly unpunished.  I've never played a game that has so many well documented exploits that seemingly go completely unpunished.  It's pretty sad.
  • SkadenFrudee
    SkadenFrudee Posts: 112 Tile Toppler
    It is way more likely that this thread will be closed than we will get any sort of response that assuages our concerns. Brigby already hit us with the intelligence-insulting generic reply (not faulting you at all Brigby, your job is what it is, and I've been in your shoes before). If there was even a remote possibility of this being officially addressed, it would have been by now.

    It was this issue that caused me to go f2p, if I'm going to be cheated, I'd prefer not to pay for the privilege. 
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    Man.  Did I pick a good day to bring this back up. With the events of yesterday and "bad" or GREAT programming, anybody that was hoarding CPs were treated to a massive % increase to classics AND it also only carried the special 12.  Not sure how this happened but it seems that a ton of people jumped all over this glitch. Funny how things work out. 
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *Closing this thread since it is an old, out-dated discussion. Please start a new discussion thread if you wish to discuss this as a current topic. Thank you!*
This discussion has been closed.