Is this a mistake? (1.10.2 cost of entering TotP, new packs)

bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
edited March 2017 in MtGPQ General Discussion
The new event costs 60 crystals to enter and you only win 10-- and that's only if I can beat Killwind or Mersicide Supercharged and Enraged without having the same ability?

Shouldn't it be the other way around?

I would love this event if it actually netted me some kind of reward, but I'm not PAYING D3 / Hibernum ANY crystals for this -- especially when they haven't bothered to come up with a way for us to spend our runes -- yet have devalued our crystal purchases by reducing the Premium packs to a third of what is in a Big Box yet only reducing the cost by half.

What a waste of time and crystals.

So much forced P2P coming in. Would be better to first develop a game worth paying for.


  • nightflare
    nightflare Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    edited March 2017
    To put this in perspective for everyone, this is how completely and utterly messed up this entire update is.

    So a PLATINUM player would have to get max rewards in that event 27 times, to get one pull of the mythic slot machine. The lower tiers have to pay the same amount of crystals while getting even less back?

    So for platinum, the event costs 50 crystals(60-the theoretical 10 you win back) so without dishing out cash and buying their exclusive mythics, you have to spend 1,350 crystals just to even get one pull at a mythic?!?

    I get that D3 is a company and needs to make money somehow. But I'm hoping they aren't so idiotic as to force their entire community away, thus ceasing their revenue.
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2017
    I'm holding out that it's supposed to be the other way around (10 to play / win 60) and is just another example of the complete lack of a QA department at Hibernum.

    I'm sticking to this until someone with a red name tells me different.
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
    Am I right in reading that the price is 60 crystals, regardless of what tier you're in, but lower tiers will STILL have lower reward payout despite having to pay with crystals that they arguably need far more than those of us in platinum?

    Way to help the little guy.
  • James13
    James13 Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    edited March 2017
    I'm not often in agreement with the vocal rabble crowd here, but this does seem like a terrible mistake.

    If I'm reading it right, I have to invest 60 crystals for a chance to earn 10 crystals and only 8(!) jewels...

    That would take 50 weekdays worth of events to earn 400 for a single pull. Assuming I can reach the jewel milestones.

    An investment of 50*60 = 3000 crystals AND over two months of time for that one pull.

    With a theoretical refund of 500 if you can not lose a single match every time (?) so at best an investment of 2500 crystals for a single mythic pull.

    I don't see why I shouldn't just ignore this in the current setup.

    This seems like a big mistake.
  • I agree. I am silver tier, and the way it is now I just will not be participating in these new events... i don't not place very high in other events so my rewards are better kept to use on somthing useful. ..not wasted and earning 2 or 3 mana crystals if I'm lucky
  • SpaceDuck
    SpaceDuck Posts: 85 Match Maker
    nightflare wrote:
    So for platinum, the event costs 50 crystals(60-the theoretical 10 you win back) so without dishing out cash and buying their exclusive mythics, you have to spend 1,350 crystals just to even get one pull at a mythic?!?.

    You mean the exclusive mythics they just jacked up the prices by 25% for? Now $10.00 USD more for the addition of 1/4 of a scratch ticket.

    F2P...P2W...everyone loses in this update!

    Edit: Correction, by 33%!
  • MTG_Mage
    MTG_Mage Posts: 224 Tile Toppler
    Masterpiece packs cost 400 iso8.png for 1 card out of a pool of 8, 5 of which are mythics and 3 masterpieces.

    This new currency is not purchasable with $ (which is a good thing, thank you for not making this a PTW app)

    However, the first event revealed gets you a max of 3 iso8.png at bronze, 5 at silver, 8 at gold and 15 at platinum...
    Thats wayyyy too low. Assuming you get max and play one of these events every day, it would take 134 days at bronze of grinding to get one pack, 80 at silver, 50 at gold and 27 at platinum!
    Plus it costs 60 manacrystal.png to enter and you only get 1 booster and 10 manacrystal.png back, and only get the crystals if in gold or plat and have got max ribbons for the event. You should get more crystals so you at least can get back the cost of entry.

    When compared to the accrual rate of crystals, I see in gold that for OotGII event its an easy 45 manacrystal.png in gold for going through it.
    Can we post here info from the community on crystal rewards in all events and all tiers
    as of now it seems its an absurdly high cost for a masterpiece pack when compared to the rate and difficulty to obtain mana jewels.
    We should get more jewels per tier and/or the pack cost should be reduced.

    The Tier system needs to be relooked at now with 1060+ cards in the game. The cutoff line for the 3 tiers needs to be reestablished and/or a new tier made.
    this is fine if it means people suddenly being in a different tier
  • nightflare
    nightflare Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    FYI all, they're Reading but not replying. & accidentally typed a swear word in my annoyance(my bad!) and it got edited by brigby. So, how about some answers?!? We know you're reading Red Names!
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    The worst part is the entry fee is the same in my alt (Bronze) as it is with my main (Platinum) but the rewards are worse -- Bronze players need every crystal they can get.

    I hoped they would be making the game more friendly to new and mid-level players, instead they continue to give edges that only high-level players can afford and play through.

    The more I think about it and see what the rest are posting about lower tiers, the more abhorred I am.
  • wereotter
    wereotter Posts: 2,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    MTG_Mage wrote:
    Can we post here info from the community on crystal rewards in all events and all tiers
    as of now it seems its an absurdly high cost for a masterpiece pack when compared to the rate and difficulty to obtain mana jewels.

    Oath of the Gatewatch II gives 55 manacrystal.png for full completion at platinum level. Not even enough to cover your entry fee into the event.
  • Sorin81
    Sorin81 Posts: 559 Critical Contributor
    I was waiting for someone to post something like this.

    This is very disappointing. I expected a way to at least earn back my investment in crystals. All I get is a few jewels. And looking at the jewel cost of the masterpiece collection it's just not worth the crystals and the grind.

    I'm not sure if I'm reading it correctly but it looks to me like even when you buy the masterpiece collection you may not even get a masterpiece card. I believe it reads mythic to masterpiece.

    I was looking forward to this update and the new events but this ridiculous.

    I hope it is a mistake. I really really hope it is.
  • SpaceDuck
    SpaceDuck Posts: 85 Match Maker
    The math on these packs is insane. Ideally it should be a way for fully engaged players to earn a couple of guaranteed mythics a month to keep them from burning out.
  • wereotter
    wereotter Posts: 2,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sadly, not a mistake. They said right in the update notes that it costs 60 manacrystal.png , but HEY, that's the same cost as the pack of cards you *might* win!!

    Made the complaint then, with no response from the dev team, and it was largely ignored till now, but this is blatant pay to play. At least the free daily events are continuing, but if this is the shape of things to come, I will be deleting the app. There are plenty of other free to play games out there I would happily support with my micro transactions. I don't need to play one that charges me to play and still wants money for micro transactions.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Hi Everyone. As of right now, yes the cost of entering this event is 60 manacrystal.png . The first match you win is designed to earn you a booster pack, which costs 60 manacrystal.png to purchase.

    Based on my personal understanding of the event, the idea is that you enter, earn the equivalent of 60 manacrystal.png off of the first win, and then the rest you earn can be considered additional rewards.
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2017
    wereotter wrote:
    Sadly, not a mistake. They said right in the update notes that it costs 60 manacrystal.png , but HEY, that's the same cost as the pack of cards you *might* win!!

    Made the complaint then, with no response from the dev team, and it was largely ignored till now, but this is blatant pay to play. At least the free daily events are continuing, but if this is the shape of things to come, I will be deleting the app. There are plenty of other free to play games out there I would happily support with my micro transactions. I don't need to play one that charges me to play and still wants money for micro transactions.

    No one pays for single boosters -- in fact don't we advise players all the time to save for PW and Boxes?

    Or another perspective: for most Platinum and Gold players, a single booster is 5 common and uncommon dupes -- so I'm paying 60 crystals -- to get less than 200 dupe runes that I have nothing to spend on?

    I'd really love to hear the viewpoints of people who think this is worth it -- I am not going to argue, I like new events and I would love for someone to convince me this is worth my time and crystals.
  • nightflare
    nightflare Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    bken1234 wrote:
    wereotter wrote:
    Sadly, not a mistake. They said right in the update notes that it costs 60 manacrystal.png , but HEY, that's the same cost as the pack of cards you *might* win!!

    Made the complaint then, with no response from the dev team, and it was largely ignored till now, but this is blatant pay to play. At least the free daily events are continuing, but if this is the shape of things to come, I will be deleting the app. There are plenty of other free to play games out there I would happily support with my micro transactions. I don't need to play one that charges me to play and still wants money for micro transactions.

    The booster pack isn't listed under progression rewards, though so I assume they changed that.

    Regardless -- no one pays for single boosters -- in fact don't we advise players all the time to save for PW and Boxes?

    And then they even Nerfed that, reducing big boxes by 66% while only reducing the cost by 50%? I'm debating just getting out of the game now. They've stolen enough of my money.
  • wereotter
    wereotter Posts: 2,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    bken1234 wrote:
    wereotter wrote:
    Sadly, not a mistake. They said right in the update notes that it costs 60 manacrystal.png , but HEY, that's the same cost as the pack of cards you *might* win!!

    Made the complaint then, with no response from the dev team, and it was largely ignored till now, but this is blatant pay to play. At least the free daily events are continuing, but if this is the shape of things to come, I will be deleting the app. There are plenty of other free to play games out there I would happily support with my micro transactions. I don't need to play one that charges me to play and still wants money for micro transactions.

    The booster pack isn't listed under progression rewards, though so I assume they changed that.

    Regardless -- no one pays for single boosters -- in fact don't we advise players all the time to save for PW and Boxes?

    Yep.... That second sentence was intended to be absolutely dripping with sarcasm. Doesn't translate well to text. Either way, I agree. No one buys single booster packs.
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
    bken1234 wrote:
    The worst part is the entry fee is the same in my alt (Bronze) as it is with my main (Platinum) but the rewards are worse -- Bronze players need every crystal they can get.

    I hoped they would be making the game more friendly to new and mid-level players, instead they continue to give edges that only high-level players can afford and play through.

    The more I think about it and see what the rest are posting about lower tiers, the more abhorred I am.

    Yeah, as I also posted, the fact that the lower tiers do not even have the chance to earn a fraction of their crystals back, this is very clearly something they are trying to gate away from them. For 60 crystals, silver tier can get:

    1 Kaladesh booster
    5 mana jewels
    1750 useless runes

    That's it.

    Here are some great new events, guys! Let's do the math

    400 jewels needed for a pack
    5 mana jewels per 60 crystals invested
    # of events needed = 80
    total price for a single chance at a masterpiece card = 4800 crystals

    400 jewels needed for a pack
    15 mana jewels per 50 crystals invested (presuming you reach the 10 crystal rebate level)
    # of events needed = 26.667
    total price for a single chance at a masterpiece card = 1600 crystals

    Furthermore, buying a single booster pack is the worst possible investment of your crystals. Therefore, getting the 60 crystals "back" as a booster pack is a very poor return on investment.
  • aenigmaeffect
    aenigmaeffect Posts: 55 Match Maker
    You can sort of get Mana Jewels for $$$. The bundles in store now give ~150 jewels for $54.99 CAD. At that rate, you need to spend $150 to even buy a mythic pack of 1 card.

    They really need to figure out how much they value a mythic, and make the numbers work better. I mean, Baral was $35 CAD (with extras), and the Mythic packs were 600 Crystals, which valuates a mythic at around $30 - 35 CAD. Now it's... $150.

    It is cheaper to just play paper Magic at this point...

    Edit: formatting.
  • buscemi
    buscemi Posts: 673 Critical Contributor
    My work here is done.