
  • Glad I'm not the only one experiencing weirdness. I kid you not, I saw a guy whose only character was a lvl 33 Venom in his entire roster. I didn't attack him because I felt sorry for him.

    Tbh, I hope it stays this way if it means the 900 pt reward is more accessible.
  • Glad I'm not the only one experiencing weirdness. I kid you not, I saw a guy whose only character was a lvl 33 Venom in his entire roster. I didn't attack him because I felt sorry for him.

    Tbh, I hope it stays this way if it means the 900 pt reward is more accessible.

    What I am more confused by is how people have so many points. I'm only in the 700s but for the life of me can't find a match worth more than 15. I guess everyone could be shielded up already.
  • entropic01 wrote:
    Glad I'm not the only one experiencing weirdness. I kid you not, I saw a guy whose only character was a lvl 33 Venom in his entire roster. I didn't attack him because I felt sorry for him.

    Tbh, I hope it stays this way if it means the 900 pt reward is more accessible.

    What I am more confused by is how people have so many points. I'm only in the 700s but for the life of me can't find a match worth more than 15. I guess everyone could be shielded up already.

    Many started early and only fought with M.Storm and Thor in the Desert. With that setup the third character is not important since you can get the endless turn combo with just the two of them. You can rack up victories even against L 100+ teams that way, it's quite fast and usually requires a minimal use of health packs. It's absolutely abysmal in defense though and it's easy to understand why. Thanks to those teams I managed to get to 600 points in record time in this tourney.
  • Tharos
    Tharos Posts: 129
    Yeah I just smacked down 4 or 5 max 2* teams in my push from 1000 to 1100. They were just mixed in there with the max level 3* teams.

    Never seen that before.

    I experienced the opposite: with only maxed 2* characters, I sometimes go to 800/900 points (not too often), and rarely faced 3* teams. But on this event, I am "only" at 700 points, and only face maxed 3* teams. (well "skip" is a more accurate word, but I can not find a suitable opponent team for my 2*).
    Never seen that before at these points.
  • Generally there seem to be a lot more points in the system

    Which presumably means that either 1) more matches are being played sub-500 points (think that's the cut off from half to full point loss?), so lots of people rising towards 500 then down again which adds net points; or 2) more retaliations against shields which also adds net points?

    Case in point this is the first PVP i've breached 950 and made it to 1149 comfortably and still plenty of 15 pt games around.
  • My opinion:

    A lot of **star people was able to obtain quite a lot of Mr Rogers covers, thus, combined with MStorm, OBW and decent MMR, they are able to do quite well in the tourney.

    Also seeing top spots at 700-1000, they are pushing harder to achieve better spots.
  • It looks like I won't be able to try getting into the tip 10 for this event. Can't get anywhere near the 800-900 mark without being attacked constantly and being dropped back quite a bit. I'm slightly over the mid 750s and shielded. If people want to help me out and purposely lose to ThatNick if they see him, I would appreciate it a lot. icon_razz.gif If not, then at least I'll finally have a red hulk cover, hopefully.
  • I weren't aiming for first but when I started seeing these 2* teams pushing past 1000, 1100 I had to go another gear. 1206 and if the other guys get past that they deserve this IW blue. It's been a good event and bracket, I have enjoyed PVP more then PVE recently.
  • Brackets must be all over the map on this, because I was at 711 and I think 10th place this morning when I left for work. As long as I get top 50, I'm fine with it, though top 25 would be nice.
  • Top guy in mine just blew by me(now 100+ points over me). What stinks is that if you look at his roster, he's already maxed out on IW Blue. lfcr.gif
  • I thought I was safe at 1100 but #2 unshielded and nipped passed, so i shield-hopped to 1149 at exactly the 3 hour mark. Top 10 all over 900.

    So if ldmando wants to take another run and makes it past its yours! At 30 pt gap you'll need to 2 wins i guess. Kinda fun but made it expensive on shields....
  • morgh
    morgh Posts: 539 Critical Contributor
    A feature should be added that if the person who gets first place already has 5 covers of that colour, the reward gets handed to the next person in ladder ;-P
  • The player may be pushing for his alliance to get points, if not then thats a bit of a punk thing to do. If my alliance is safe and I don't really need the cover I always step a side pointless having someone make you burn through HP for a cover they don't need.
  • Is there a better feeling than finding 2nd place in your matchmaking and putting down the pimp slap when they get within 100 pts of your score.

    Better shield the eff up before I smack you right out of the top 5.

    That's my bag lady punk.

    mwah ha hah
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    Based on the amount of grinding I'm seeing in this event, I'm thinking a lot of people enjoying playing Cap more than most other character. I went and made a Which characters are fun to play poll to test this.

    I got myself up to 800 points, then checked my alliance score and saw I was only #7. Lots of people in my bracket have over 600 points, and most aren't shielding. Perhaps it's just the funnest way to gain ISO at the moment. Myself, I really like playing Cap.
  • Based on the amount of grinding I'm seeing in this event, I'm thinking a lot of people enjoying playing Cap more than most other character. I went and made a Which characters are fun to play poll to test this.

    I got myself up to 800 points, then checked my alliance score and saw I was only #7. Lots of people in my bracket have over 600 points, and most aren't shielding. Perhaps it's just the funnest way to gain ISO at the moment. Myself, I really like playing Cap.

    I think generosity of Steve Rogers covers right before this event, the suckiness of Heroic mode, The Desert node, and Hulk as reward are all contributing to this being a high-activity, high point tournament
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    The teams I'm seeing in the 1k range are crazy: one guy (kriptex of voltron alliance) was contesting first in my bracket: I was at 1108 and he got up to 1050 off of a 100 spidey / 75 mn mags / 41 cap. The zombie horde got him eventually but being able to stay at that point level for 25 minutes (which was how long it took for him to win a match or 2 with that team) without shielding was pretty impressive.
  • gamar wrote:
    Based on the amount of grinding I'm seeing in this event, I'm thinking a lot of people enjoying playing Cap more than most other character. I went and made a Which characters are fun to play poll to test this.

    I got myself up to 800 points, then checked my alliance score and saw I was only #7. Lots of people in my bracket have over 600 points, and most aren't shielding. Perhaps it's just the funnest way to gain ISO at the moment. Myself, I really like playing Cap.

    I think generosity of Steve Rogers covers right before this event, the suckiness of Heroic mode, The Desert node, and Hulk as reward are all contributing to this being a high-activity, high point tournament

    Don't forget the nerfing of Lightning Round, too.

    Now that LRs don't pay out big prizes, a lot of people are tanking to fix their MMR and that has an effect on the matchups you see in PVP.
  • The teams I'm seeing in the 1k range are crazy: one guy (kriptex of voltron alliance) was contesting first in my bracket: I was at 1108 and he got up to 1050 off of a 100 spidey / 75 mn mags / 41 cap. The zombie horde got him eventually but being able to stay at that point level for 25 minutes (which was how long it took for him to win a match or 2 with that team) without shielding was pretty impressive.

    I want a Spidey. icon_e_sad.gif Closest I can get is that damn Bagman...
  • 1 Blue cover aquired. 4 to go. IW at 324 currently, I guess it's time to save some ISO.

    But Mr Rogers first.
    Then Betsy, as I promised her.
    Then yeah... new Daken, Falcon...


    One day, Sue. One day.