
  • gamar wrote:
    Sweenz wrote:
    It surprised me the number of OBW/mStorm matchups I came across on my way up the ladder. Suprised me even more when I saw they were in the 600 range.

    Tanking after they got moonstone? shrug.gif

    mStorm + Desert node! Best infinite turn outside of Spidey + cMags

    Right, offensively that works. But its a defensive nightmare.

    Maybe I just got lucky catching people as they were making a push.
  • I'm sure most everyone knows this, but I find M. Storm is great on the desert or in the jungle and even in the crit room you can still get a generally decent hit. There's almost no reason not to use her if you don't have a strong 3*roster and lack purple in MN Magneto.
  • I do have overall stronger characters but m.storm with daken in the desert is fast
  • I do have overall stronger characters but m.storm with daken in the desert is fast

    It's very good as far as kicking the **** out of the competition. The only problem is that defense is subpar in a PVP tourney because someone will pimp-slap Storm and you're done.

    Do that in PVE though, such as the simulator, and you're in business.
  • Teke184 wrote:
    I do have overall stronger characters but m.storm with daken in the desert is fast

    It's very good as far as kicking the **** out of the competition. The only problem is that defense is subpar in a PVP tourney because someone will pimp-slap Storm and you're done.

    Do that in PVE though, such as the simulator, and you're in business.

    Yep I get hit a lot on defense and even win some of those, then push my way up to where I want to be and shield at the end and people can retal against m.storm all they want at that point icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • You going to go for high points in this one mister davecazz? Ive seen you shield a couple times already so I imagine so.

    I expect work to kick me in the teeth tomorrow so I doubt I can make my normal run for first, but maybe I can.
  • fedlex20
    fedlex20 Posts: 303 Mover and Shaker
    People are sure going in for the kill in this event. During pasts pvps the top ten went in the range of 950-730
    This one there are 2 that are over 1000, 3 over 900, and the rest over 800. Im 18th with 724.

    And all the top ten are shielded.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    ichijuan wrote:
    People are sure going in for the kill in this event. During pasts pvps the top ten went in the range of 950-730
    This one there are 2 that are over 1000, 3 over 900, and the rest over 800. Im 18th with 724.

    And all the top ten are shielded.

    Dat IW blue.
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    altlover85 wrote:
    I also want to thank people who think their mstorm or obw can take down ANYONE. Since its been weeks since I got anything remotely useful from a token, seeing defensive victory pop ups are my new "shiny gold coin"

    My max M.Storm is coming for you! j/k icon_lol.gif

  • Made the cimb to 300 without incident, then loaded my Daredevil/Shieldbro/Bagman tankers by 2k crotching-kicking my saved seed team(shieldbro/Juggs/Vemon, all 3 downed by Ambush), the last of which I evilly forced to happen by using Bagman's Switcheroo to setup a 4-of-a-kind match, which the AI cannot resist, in-line with one of the 2 traps remaining icon_twisted.gif .

    Anyhow, plz feel free to swing away, as retails are a non-issue. Please note, however, that due to my bracket placement, if at the 90 min point, I am not at the Token level(or lower), I will use all attacks to u-turn on to donate more of my points to you.

    GL to all!

    P.S. 300 special recruit token landed Shieldbro Red! icon_mrgreen.gif Totes worth it! icon_mrgreen.gif
  • kidicarus
    kidicarus Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker
    Chimaera wrote:
    You going to go for high points in this one mister davecazz? Ive seen you shield a couple times already so I imagine so.

    I expect work to kick me in the teeth tomorrow so I doubt I can make my normal run for first, but maybe I can.

    I've noticed that how high they go ultimately depends on how high 5DV decides to go. Being stuck in the same bracket as Mr. Evil Son Goku, if I want that blue IW (that I debatably need), I will have to push a lot higher than if I were in a bracket without the top 2 alliances. Just saying, it would help if you could watch the alliance leaderboards to decide whether to break shields or not.
  • Man, whatever else happens in lightning rounds, no matter how they screw up the rewards, they still don't provoke the rage that comes from spending a half hour clawing your way up from 800 to 890 points and then losing 120 of that during the five minutes your next match takes because of three defensive losses icon_evil.gif
  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was attempting to get to 900 and failed horribly. It wasn't getting attacked that messed me up, it was the awful boards I was getting. The opposing team gets all the colors they need, match fives that the AI will actually match drop one after another, OBW gets a constant flow of purple... whatever needed to happen for me to lose horribly has happened. I mean, usually I have one or two matches like that an event. This time it was practically every other match.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    ichijuan wrote:
    People are sure going in for the kill in this event. During pasts pvps the top ten went in the range of 950-730
    This one there are 2 that are over 1000, 3 over 900, and the rest over 800. Im 18th with 724.

    And all the top ten are shielded.
    Yeah, I haven't seen such a high cutoff for top 10 in forever.
    I guess people are venting their frustrations from the Heroics in this PVP - blue Baglady alone can't be the reason.
    Not sure if I can be bothered to shield-hop, might wait for another tourney with less activity.
    Even though this ends at a convenient time for Europeans, with that sort of points I'd need to play while at work to avoid the last two hours and I don't think I want to if it's _only_ top 1 I need.
  • I agree. Activity is really high, especially considering the reward for top 10 is a green Hulk. Who doesn't have a 5 green Hulk? I had 5 green before I had a single black cover.
  • Yeah I just smacked down 4 or 5 max 2* teams in my push from 1000 to 1100. They were just mixed in there with the max level 3* teams.

    Never seen that before.
  • Wanna apologise to Lycra I think I have hit you 6 or 7 times. There is no high score nodes so I keep coming back to you. You have taken quite a few points off me also so I hope it has evened out.
  • kidicarus wrote:
    Chimaera wrote:
    You going to go for high points in this one mister davecazz? Ive seen you shield a couple times already so I imagine so.

    I expect work to kick me in the teeth tomorrow so I doubt I can make my normal run for first, but maybe I can.

    I've noticed that how high they go ultimately depends on how high 5DV decides to go. Being stuck in the same bracket as Mr. Evil Son Goku, if I want that blue IW (that I debatably need), I will have to push a lot higher than if I were in a bracket without the top 2 alliances. Just saying, it would help if you could watch the alliance leaderboards to decide whether to break shields or not.

    Rough days at work and RL so I didn't get to charge as I usually do. I am just above you and will push if our alliance score is in jeopardy but she's yours if you want her since mine is cover capped. Yeah, they know we will push more as a team than individually so its no surprise everything is alliance based. Good luck.
  • Teke184 wrote:
    I do have overall stronger characters but m.storm with daken in the desert is fast

    It's very good as far as kicking the **** out of the competition. The only problem is that defense is subpar in a PVP tourney because someone will pimp-slap Storm and you're done.

    Do that in PVE though, such as the simulator, and you're in business.

    I saw all those teams, and pulled out my OBW and ares. The nice thing about attacking those guys is that you only have a 33% chance of falling on the desertland. And with ares low green with high damage, you win a lot of those retaliations if they are couragous enough to try.

    Last night after attacking a bunch of those combos, in the 6 hours I was asleep, I got attacked 7-8 times, and won about half for a net gain of 26 points. icon_e_biggrin.gif I am so glad I leveled ares up for DA tourney.
  • Yeah I just smacked down 4 or 5 max 2* teams in my push from 1000 to 1100. They were just mixed in there with the max level 3* teams.

    Never seen that before.

    Something definitely seems strange. My bracket is being led by a guy with a level 20 Cap and some 2*s but he has 1000 points. That sort of point level I typically only see on 141s + decently leveled featured character.