New Feature: Bonus Heroes! *Updated (3/1/17)



  • Alsmir
    Alsmir Posts: 508 Critical Contributor
    smoq84 wrote:
    For me this feature looks great.

    Today I had two bonus covers:
    - 4* X-23 red cover which was my unicorn for a looong time
    - 5* OML - it great to again have a chance for one of Classic 5*'s while pulling from Latest

    I can see that having only 12 latest 4* in the packs is not the best idea. You don't get the older characters, and to get newest really fast now, so the ISO shortage hits harder.
    But on the other hand we have better control what we pull from tokens, now you can better prepare for what can happen, make some strategic decisions and decide to hoard or not to hoard.

    This feature is not ideal, but in the end I find it very useful because it makes pulling from tokens less random. And randomness was always the worst thing in the game, right? icon_e_wink.gif

    Or Demi has a better control of what we pull.

    All we can do is pull... or don't pull.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Crowl wrote:
    A 2 token system seems like the most sensible way to introduce this new system.

    Latest tokens contain:
    Latest twelve 4* characters
    Latest three 5* Characters

    Classic token contains:
    Everyone else

    Not offering a token with latest 5*s and all the 4*s seems a needless limitation, why not let people continue to build in the most efficient way prior to this new system i.e. draw latest legends in order to get usable 5*s in a reasonable time period while building a depth of 4* roster by having all covers available to them.

    I can see where you are coming from but I was attempting to bridge what the Devs were attempting with what the forum is demanding.

    Perhaps maybe have it like so...
    Latest = recent 3 5* and also most recent 12 4*
    Classic= All 4s and oldest 5s.

    then people can carry on pulling from the diluted token pool and everyone is happy.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2017
    ZeroKarma wrote:

    Completely agree with Polares. There are two subsets of players excited by this change, and we have heard from one. For the recent 4* transitioners this is their chance to get a focused group of 4* leveled and champed.

    The other group is superwhales and they are pleased because, as some have mentioned, they no longer need covers for earlier 4* they have at level 370.

    There is an ocean of players between those two levels, and we are all annoyed to pissed at the change. I went from being able to use 85% of my draws from LT's to less than 50%. That is AWFUL! And the only way to get back to that level is 2 million+ ISO and champing characters outside of any reasonable priority order.

    I'm a 4* transitioner and I hate this. All of the good 4*s are now out of CP packs except for bonus. The bonus chance is 5%, so if you're pulling classics that 1 every 400 CP spent and THAT's only IF you don't proc a 5* instead of a 4*, so the odds are probably closer to 3 - 4 % when you factor that in. This is going to be a GIGANTIC slow down of my roster development for the characters I want to champion. I will however be able to champion the new trash that I don't care too (wee icon_rolleyes.gif ).

    Pros for 4* transitioners:
    - Fewer wasted covers
    - Able to target specific characters and not be in a situation where you get 13 for Mr F before say Hulkbuster
    - Much faster covering of new 4*s

    - Rostering of ANY 4* not in the 12 (even one(s) you favorite) will almost certainly slow dramatically.
    - The ISO cost of keeping up with championing the new 12 4* (when they may not even be that good).
    - More 5*s shoved down your throat weather you really want them or not (though this could arguably become a pro if they do go forward with the plan to scale by SCL and release 9 and/or 10)
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Is it unusual for such a long controversial thread to go unanswered by someone in authority? I am new here and wondering if d3 will actually respond to board controversy?

    This thread seems fairly tame by "controversial thread" standards on this board. No one has started the ad hominem attacks yet, or really busted out the 'tinykitty's.

    And it's only 25 pages. I think the baking thead was pushing 50, and the true healing thread back in 2014 was more than 100 pages iirc.

    Yeah, the Boss Rush thread was a respectable 42 pages.

    And ended with them saying that they were refusing to comment on it any further. I'm glad to hear Brigby indicate that they may eventually be more discussion on this.
  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    Rostering of ANY 4* not in the 12 (even one(s) you favorite) will almost certainly slow dramatically.
    If you favorite only one character that will increase rostering speed. Before it was 2% chance to get cover for specific character (and this chance was deacreasing with each new hero released) Now for 1 charcter that would be 5% chance to draw him from legendary pack.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    Crowl wrote:
    A 2 token system seems like the most sensible way to introduce this new system.

    Latest tokens contain:
    Latest twelve 4* characters
    Latest three 5* Characters

    Classic token contains:
    Everyone else

    Not offering a token with latest 5*s and all the 4*s seems a needless limitation, why not let people continue to build in the most efficient way prior to this new system i.e. draw latest legends in order to get usable 5*s in a reasonable time period while building a depth of 4* roster by having all covers available to them.

    I can see where you are coming from but I was attempting to bridge what the Devs were attempting with what the forum is demanding.

    Perhaps maybe have it like so...
    Latest = recent 3 5* and also most recent 12 4*
    Classic= All 4s and oldest 5s.

    then people can carry on pulling from the diluted token pool and everyone is happy.

    There would be nothing wrong with them offering two versions of the Latest token, one for the whales with just newest characters and one for people trying to get grow a diverse 4* roster while getting usable 5*s as readily as possible, let people vote with their CPs which of those was the more desirable token. They have split the classic and latest tokens onto two pages now, so there is clearly room to add a second token to each page since there used to be two on the LT page before.
  • D O W N
    D O W N Posts: 2
    Is the bonus feature even working for everyone?? It seemed fine the first day, but in the last 24 hours I've received zero Bonus heroes from multiple 3 star pulls (3 of them from Elite Tokens, 4 from Heroic Packs) and 1 4 star pull from a Latest Legends pack.

    Pretty annoying- I even rebooted the app before that Latest Legends pack pull.

    Anybody else seeing this today?
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lukoil wrote:
    Rostering of ANY 4* not in the 12 (even one(s) you favorite) will almost certainly slow dramatically.
    If you favorite only one character that will increase rostering speed. Before it was 2% chance to get cover for specific character (and this chance was deacreasing with each new hero released) Now for 1 charcter that would be 5% chance to draw him from legendary pack.

    But there are currently 31 such 4*s. Let's consider LTs. the old system offered a ~2% chance for every one of those 4*s; that means that roughly 62% of LT pulls would build one of those old characters. The new system offers a ~5% chance for ALL of them combined (and it's actually a bit less than that since some LT pulls will be 5*s instead of 4*s). Sure you can apportion that 5% to match your preferences, but it's still just 5%.

    So you tell me how taking older 4*s away from 62% of my LT pulls will do anything but dramatically slow down the rate at which I cover those characters. Even if I do get a bonus 5%.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Lukoil wrote:
    Rostering of ANY 4* not in the 12 (even one(s) you favorite) will almost certainly slow dramatically.
    If you favorite only one character that will increase rostering speed. Before it was 2% chance to get cover for specific character (and this chance was deacreasing with each new hero released) Now for 1 charcter that would be 5% chance to draw him from legendary pack.

    But there are currently 31 such 4*s. Let's consider LTs. the old system offered a ~2% chance for every one of those 4*s; that means that roughly 62% of LT pulls would build one of those old characters. The new system offers a ~5% chance for ALL of them combined (and it's actually a bit less than that since some LT pulls will be 5*s instead of 4*s). Sure you can apportion that 5% to match your preferences, but it's still just 5%.

    So you tell me how taking older 4*s away from 62% of my LT pulls will do anything but dramatically slow down the rate at which I cover those characters. Even if I do get a bonus 5%.

    Indeed and while some of those pulls would be for less desirable 4*s, they would still be giving champ rewards and there are a lot more than just 1 or 2 good characters in the vaulted 3/4 of the 4*s.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    D O W N wrote:
    Is the bonus feature even working for everyone?? It seemed fine the first day, but in the last 24 hours I've received zero Bonus heroes from multiple 3 star pulls (3 of them from Elite Tokens, 4 from Heroic Packs) and 1 4 star pull from a Latest Legends pack.

    Pretty annoying- I even rebooted the app before that Latest Legends pack pull.

    Anybody else seeing this today?
    It's random so in theory it's possible to go forever without getting a bonus hero. Yay RNG!
  • HobieCat76
    HobieCat76 Posts: 73 Match Maker
    edited March 2017
    broll wrote:
    ZeroKarma wrote:

    Completely agree with Polares. There are two subsets of players excited by this change, and we have heard from one. For the recent 4* transitioners this is their chance to get a focused group of 4* leveled and champed.

    The other group is superwhales and they are pleased because, as some have mentioned, they no longer need covers for earlier 4* they have at level 370.

    There is an ocean of players between those two levels, and we are all annoyed to pissed at the change. I went from being able to use 85% of my draws from LT's to less than 50%. That is AWFUL! And the only way to get back to that level is 2 million+ ISO and champing characters outside of any reasonable priority order.

    I'm a 4* transitioner and I hate this. All of the good 4*s are now out of CP packs except for bonus. The bonus chance is 5%, so if you're pulling classics that 1 every 400 CP spent and THAT's only IF you don't proc a 5* instead of a 4*, so the odds are probably closer to 3 - 4 % when you factor that in. This is going to be a GIGANTIC slow down of my roster development for the characters I want to champion. I will however be able to champion the new trash that I don't care too (wee icon_rolleyes.gif ).

    Pros for 4* transitioners:
    - Fewer wasted covers
    - Able to target specific characters and not be in a situation where you get 13 for Mr F before say Hulkbuster
    - Much faster covering of new 4*s

    - Rostering of ANY 4* not in the 12 (even one(s) you favorite) will almost certainly slow dramatically.
    - The ISO cost of keeping up with championing the new 12 4* (when they may not even be that good).
    - More 5*s shoved down your throat weather you really want them or not (though this could arguably become a pro if they do go forward with the plan to scale by SCL and release 9 and/or 10)

    ^ THIS! icon_cry.gif I rarely post (clearly, if you just look at my status), but the above perfectly captures my sentiments as well.

    EDIT: After a little more stewing on this, I just wanted to also add this other point that's bothering me about this change. I'm not a whale by any stretch, but I do spend money on this game. And, when I spend money on this game, it's to buy Hero Points. And, when I get Hero Points, I've prioritized using them to get roster spots. Sure, I open packs every so often, but I've really been focusing my purchases on developing as broad of a roster as possible. I'm fairly certain that I'm not the only person to do this.

    I feel that this change punishes me for doing this because, AT BEST, I have to be super micro-manage-y with my Favorites to cover my vaulted 4* and, at worst, I just watch them sit uncovered effectively forever. It also disincentives people from wanting to increase their rosters. When the majority of 4* are vaulted, there's little need to spend money on increasing your roster size. (Unless, now that I think about it even further, that is part of the reasoning for this change?)
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    D O W N wrote:
    Is the bonus feature even working for everyone?? It seemed fine the first day, but in the last 24 hours I've received zero Bonus heroes from multiple 3 star pulls (3 of them from Elite Tokens, 4 from Heroic Packs) and 1 4 star pull from a Latest Legends pack.

    Pretty annoying- I even rebooted the app before that Latest Legends pack pull.

    Anybody else seeing this today?
    It's random so in theory it's possible to go forever without getting a bonus hero. Yay RNG!

    Its equally possible to get a bonus with every pull
    WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker
    There is only one word for this new system: SUCKS!
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    PeeOne wrote:
    One of my alliance members has asked why Yelena is "limited" when selecting favourites

    Anyone able to help?

    Because she is the 1* equivalent of Bagman. She was also removed from tokens, and you only get her from PvP wins. Though, she doesn't get as much attention as Bagman, because in addition to being a laughably under-powered character, she also has no champ rewards.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Freelancer wrote:
    Sure would be a great time to introduce a 15cp 'Ancient' Legendaries store!
    I'd buy that over and over.
  • nickaraxnos
    nickaraxnos Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    Hi to everyone.

    Few thoughts why I think the new bh thing is not good for the majority of the players which are low and mid tier like me.
    I play every day pve and usually I finish at top 10. At pvp I can get every time to 400 points for the 50hp and rarely to 10cp reward.

    My roster has all the 2* champed (and farming them), I own all the 3* and all except 2-3 are champed, own all the 4* except devil dino (no one champed yet) and the most covers for 4* are 12 for rulk and spider woman. Every other 4* are undercovered between 3-8. I also own all the 5* except surfer and rogers.

    Lets see why I am not happy.
    I can get 2cp (cause I own all the 4, 3 and 2*) every day from ddq. I can also get 2 more from missions in pve. 3-5 cps from placing at top 10 every day (I ll calculate 4) plus 25 of them every 3-4 days depending how long the story mode is. Lets say its almost 6cps from that every day.

    So from all that we have : 2+2+4+6=14cps every day. I ll give an extra more cause of pvp, gifts from alliance etc. Total 15cp every day.
    I can open 3 legendary tokens (20cp each) every 4 days. In order to get a bh (4* or 5*) with 5% luck average I must open 20 tokens. Meaning I can get an extra cover (that later be duplicate) after 20 days. All of this time I ll be getting heroes from latest releases and most of them I don’t like.
    And when I ll get that one cover it wont help me much cause most of my 4* are undercovered.

    Lets go now to an older player. All this time he had the benefit of gathering hp, cps, tokens and iso because his roster was where he wanted it to be. With this new feature he can open at a single day too many legendary tokens, 10packs heroics, standarts, single heroics etc. So in a single day he can have the covers of the new heroes guaranteed plus the bh.

    How that can be fair? The gap between high tier players and everyone else will only get bigger.
    Also I am loosing the fun of opening an lt and wait to see what I ll get from all the heroes.

    Things are worst for players that cant get to top 10 pve as I do.

    One last thing. Before bh I could have a chance of competing an older player because he could have lets say too many 4* champed but because of bad luck he was missing a good five like oml while I was lucky enough to have some covers of him that helped me at finishing pve as fast as he. Now I am loosing this small advantage too. He can choose as favorite this one card and sooner or sooner he ll get him cause of the hoarding.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Lukoil wrote:
    Rostering of ANY 4* not in the 12 (even one(s) you favorite) will almost certainly slow dramatically.
    If you favorite only one character that will increase rostering speed. Before it was 2% chance to get cover for specific character (and this chance was deacreasing with each new hero released) Now for 1 charcter that would be 5% chance to draw him from legendary pack.

    But there are currently 31 such 4*s. Let's consider LTs. the old system offered a ~2% chance for every one of those 4*s; that means that roughly 62% of LT pulls would build one of those old characters. The new system offers a ~5% chance for ALL of them combined (and it's actually a bit less than that since some LT pulls will be 5*s instead of 4*s). Sure you can apportion that 5% to match your preferences, but it's still just 5%.

    So you tell me how taking older 4*s away from 62% of my LT pulls will do anything but dramatically slow down the rate at which I cover those characters. Even if I do get a bonus 5%.

    Correct so my statement of "Rostering of ANY 4* not in the 12 (even one(s) you favorite) will almost certainly slow dramatically." would be more accurate if it said:

    Rostering the vaulted 4*s will be dramatically slower. Except for cases where you favorite only 1 4*, then that 1 character get's a boost of ~2% while the rest drop dramatically.

    I'm sold! icon_rolleyes.gif
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    broll wrote:
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Lukoil wrote:
    Rostering of ANY 4* not in the 12 (even one(s) you favorite) will almost certainly slow dramatically.
    If you favorite only one character that will increase rostering speed. Before it was 2% chance to get cover for specific character (and this chance was deacreasing with each new hero released) Now for 1 charcter that would be 5% chance to draw him from legendary pack.

    But there are currently 31 such 4*s. Let's consider LTs. the old system offered a ~2% chance for every one of those 4*s; that means that roughly 62% of LT pulls would build one of those old characters. The new system offers a ~5% chance for ALL of them combined (and it's actually a bit less than that since some LT pulls will be 5*s instead of 4*s). Sure you can apportion that 5% to match your preferences, but it's still just 5%.

    So you tell me how taking older 4*s away from 62% of my LT pulls will do anything but dramatically slow down the rate at which I cover those characters. Even if I do get a bonus 5%.

    Correct so my statement of "Rostering of ANY 4* not in the 12 (even one(s) you favorite) will almost certainly slow dramatically." would be more accurate if it said:

    Rostering the vaulted 4*s will be dramatically slower. Except for cases where you favorite only 1 4*, then that 1 character get's a boost of ~2% while the rest drop dramatically.

    I'm sold! icon_rolleyes.gif

    Yeah, I'm not sold on the "But, you'll get the one character you favorited faster!" arguments either, knowing that the pace on 32 others has been reduced to near zero. Not a good trade.
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    Really wish they would have included 2*s in the bonus characters just to help with our farms to help build all the required ISO. It would have offset what has felt like a nerf to 2* drops in LRs as well.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    madok wrote:
    Really wish they would have included 2*s in the bonus characters just to help with our farms to help build all the required ISO. It would have offset what has felt like a nerf to 2* drops in LRs as well.

    You really want them to have make only 3 2* available? icon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gif