PVP Matchmaking: A Discussion



  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Crnch73 wrote:
    GurlBYE wrote:
    y2fitzy wrote:
    This is my second PvP back after an eight month hiatus. I'm into 3* transition, so have a bunch of teams at about level 130.

    Last time out, hit 500 easy. Only after that did I get hit at all, but still.got the CP reward and finished above 500 without shielding

    This time, I'm just getting smashed by 4 and 5 star rosters constantly. Can't even get above 300 for more than five minutes.

    Whatever this is, it's not a lot of fun
    Basically they screwed up MMR due to two deadpools (we assume) and because of it, everyone could only find players below them, not above or on the level of.

    So everyone is attacking you because you are all they see.

    I literally had a point where i spent 500 iso avoiding a 2 star player because i already hit them twice. (got my first 4 champ and he happens to be boosted)

    here's what I don't get... this happened during Eye for an Eye (3* cyclops PVP) as well. So what was their excuse for it then?
    This didn't happen during Eye for an Eye. Points were suppressed in S4 because a couple top alliances went to war there during Eye for an Eye. This was a completely different situation.

    True. Though it is very telling that so many things can cause the entire house of cards to collapse, including opposing alliances simply attacking each other and not colluding or engaging in truces for scoring purposes.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I thought it was novel and interesting at first. Floating unshielded over night at 900 points was a first. Then I realised that my ease was due to some very unfair pain on the half of the players that I had no choice but to hit.

    Also from 900 to 1050 (personal best for me) was soooo long and slow and I'm a guy who plays when it's quiet and slow climbs because it's less stress. Thankfully this is an aberration and not the standard
  • kbmartin
    kbmartin Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    I didn't like this MMR and made that clear. That being said, insulting the developers, because they don't always get everything 100% right, seems excessive.

    This is a game we play a lot and love. A lot of great work has gone into it. That people care enough to make all these posts is testament enough to the quality of the game to prove that the devs don't deserve verbal abuse for the occasional failure.

    Thank you for your attention.

    A comm at MPQU
    I speak for nobody but myself.
  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    Ok. I am rather positive due to the match making rating anybody without a high level 5 star had a near impossible time making it to 1200.

    This is how I did it.
    First off. My highest level character is a level 360 Old Man Logan. I also have all three of these 4 star characters Invisible Woman, Deadpool Xforce, and 4 StarCyclops championed. So basically, I breezed to 800 hitting people casually as I went up with my 4 star troupe. This was the easiest climb to 800 in over a year. Lots of easily beatable targets, but then again I normally climb easily to about 700.
    After 800 things changed. I had to start skipping to get any targets over 20 points, which I still found and got up to about 950. After that it was a struggle to find anything worth over 15 points. I got to 1050. During this time, I was never hit. After 1050, I was a shiny glowing super nova of points. Everybody with an established five star team could see me. I took hits. I should have shielded after the first hit, but I had to retaliate against the person who hit me out of principal. After the retal, I noticed I lost even more points. I shielded then. The guy who hit me before, hit me again as did somebody else. He was in my bracket, and I took some satisfaction knowing that he shielded after my retal.
    I was now sitting at 1006 and shield. I had fallen from around 1070. I went to sleep with a 24 hour shield.
    My alliance has a minimum of 1200. So I had a climb ahead of me.
    So I found one person who was maybe around 800 points and worth about 20 ish and I had two retal nodes. I unshielded and hit the 20ish first, and then my two retals. I used my 3 star Deadpool Scarlet Witch and 4star cyclops. This was all using Deadpool whales and I managed to climb to 1115 points in under 5 minutes and did a 3 hour shield.
    My shield bounced liked crazy after that. I got word from people I was the only person they could see worth decent points. I tried to queue everybody who was bouncing off me for the next hour or so, and I apparently had a one way mirror going on. Everybody could see me, but I could not see them. There was one person in my bracket right above me and below and another below me that never shielded, and not once could I queue the,
    So I found three people I hope were worth 10 points, (can never tell) and did another hop. My guess they were all around 800 to 850points.

    I shielded again at 1144 I did an 8 hour shield. At this point it is 9.5 hours before the event ends.
    I got about a half dozen messages from people begging me for information about when I was going to hop next, because apparently, I was this shiny beacon of hope for people to climb upon. I was everybody's low level cupcake.
    I found 3 more targets that I thought were about 10 points each and with 6 hours left in the event I did a hop.
    I was in luck one of my targets was actually still climbing and I ended the Hop with 1181 points.
    All this time, I am doing this hops super fast with saved up Deadpool point whales.
    As soon as I shielded, I had more bounces then a face in a bukkake shot.
    I also had many messages asking me when I was going out again. People were literally shielding around my hops.
    Thanks to a pleasant donation of 7 points, I found myself at 1188 points.
    I decide I am going to hop two more times, one for myself, and another to help others.

    With 3.1 hours left, I hop again on three random targets worth "hopefully" 10 points each. Success!!!! I am at 1219 points.
    I put up a 3 hour shield. Lots of bounces. I am not in first place, but I am winning the popular vote.

    One last hop about an hour and ten minutes left. Three more random targets I think that are worth 7 to 9 points each. I am hoping one might be climbing, but this last hop is more for others to get points, than me. I shield at 1241 All my shields are used up. I am done. I have some small joy watching one of my alliance members make 1200 off me as well.
    So I used about 20,000 ISO skipping and the hero points for 6 shields (1050) and some used in boosting (200). Oh and maybe a years supply of Deadpool points.

    Now I have some thoughts on this. I do not think this was as accidental as claimed. We all know that 3 star Deadpool can use dead pool super whales to wipe out an entire team, and there was players out there who were NEVER touched by the riffraff. I believe an "over correction" was made that spared the 5 star heavy rosters a lot of -75 hits.

    The idea that everybody can see me, and yet they are invisible to me, no matter how much I skip is a problem. I was told there was some magic threshold that we should be able to see everybody up high, but it never materialized for me.
  • Tromb2ch2
    Tromb2ch2 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    I was upset because I couldn't see anyone over 7 points yet people could find me and hit me for many a point. Really wanted t5 for mordo but that was not in the cards.
  • y2fitzy
    y2fitzy Posts: 255 Mover and Shaker
    I did battle up above 300 for a bit, but I then got smashed back to just above 200. Every single fight had at least one, and usually 2 characters above 250. I was running two 3* 140s plus loaner.

    I don't mind getting hit if I can occasionally retailiate. There was no point in that this time. Least fun PvP I can remember