
  • I say for now maybe they shouldn't be "Hard" limits but things that we need to keep our eye on and start expecting. Things are in a state of flux right now and it may be 1 or 2 PvP's before we really know what's reasonable.

    Also, Virus, I'm flattered, but that was a lot of words that could have just been "I agree with Panda" icon_e_wink.gif
  • V1rusHunter
    V1rusHunter Posts: 201 Tile Toppler
    Also, Virus, I'm flattered, but that was a lot of words that could have just been "I agree with Panda" icon_e_wink.gif

    Touché! I like to put my own spin on things. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Am good with 300 icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Hey, is anyone else having issues with the game. Every time I open it up on my phone, it freezes. The weird thing is, the animations for recruit heroes is still going, but I can't pick anything. Nothing responds, and some of the events are blank or grayed out.

    Am I the only one?
  • V1rusHunter
    V1rusHunter Posts: 201 Tile Toppler
    Global wrote:
    Hey, is anyone else having issues with the game. Every time I open it up on my phone, it freezes. The weird thing is, the animations for recruit heroes is still going, but I can't pick anything. Nothing responds, and some of the events are blank or grayed out.

    Am I the only one?

    Played 3 matches. No issues.
  • sajymus
    sajymus Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    "I agree with Panda" icon_e_smile.gif

    Seriously, things are changing, so hard and fast limits might not be a good idea right now, but, that being said, I got 300 points today with a mostly 2 * roster (or 3*s under level 70) by playing a few rounds this morning and playing during my lunch break. I don't have many chances for marathon playing anymore, so I'm not feeling the lack of OBW yet and it was nice not to feel like I had to play her and Ares. Even if the best reward was bag head spidey, I'd try to get 300 for the token.
  • 300/600 sounds good to me
  • Though I agree that we should keep an eye on how earning points will change, 300/600 seems reasonable.
  • Minimum pvp score sounds good to me. With the true healing in effect maybe start with 500 and see how that goes. If all goes well, no issues, then raise it to 600.
  • Hey fellas, looking to join a fun laid back yet competitive alliance. I've been playing this crazy game for a long time. I beleve im on day 247. Not that it matters in any way. Ive been on a couple of alliances, one of them being x-men 3. They were a little too hard core and ball busting. Took the fun out of the game. I apologize ahead of time for the low season 3 score so far. I had to take a break after season2. The game was wearing on me big time but my ambition is back and looking to make up some ground. My season 2 score was between 8000-9000. Hope u guys consider me, would love to play with a good group again. Thanx
  • V1rusHunter
    V1rusHunter Posts: 201 Tile Toppler
    m00secakes wrote:
    Hey fellas, looking to join a fun laid back yet competitive alliance. I've been playing this crazy game for a long time. I beleve im on day 247. Not that it matters in any way. Ive been on a couple of alliances, one of them being x-men 3. They were a little too hard core and ball busting. Took the fun out of the game. I apologize ahead of time for the low season 3 score so far. I had to take a break after season2. The game was wearing on me big time but my ambition is back and looking to make up some ground. My season 2 score was between 8000-9000. Hope u guys consider me, would love to play with a good group again. Thanx

    We only indirectly care about Season score and understand burn out.

    We are trying to institute 300 point minimum for non-push PvP and 600 point for push PvP (group voted and Season 3 characters). PvE is not required but half of us play it. If you're cool with this, just reply back here. I already see you applied in-game already.
  • I would love to join u guys. I play as much pve as I can, I put more emphasis on pvp like most people but hopefully I can help out in all areas. Thanx for the cosideration.
  • V1rusHunter
    V1rusHunter Posts: 201 Tile Toppler
    I accepted in game. Welcome!
    If you subscribe to this topic, it'll be easier to share ideas for any monologues and be notified about them.
  • Welcome to the alliance!
  • V1rusHunter
    V1rusHunter Posts: 201 Tile Toppler
    Anyone else having problems sending messages via in-game chat?
  • Hey guys, I'm sorry to say it, but I think I'm going to leave the alliance at this time. I haven't had any motivation to play lately. Oddly, it's not because of the true healing changes, because I haven't even played a match since they were implemented. It's actually because since I got my 141 Thor I don't really care about collecting covers anymore, and the idea of grinding enough ISO to max another five 3* characters, who won't even be that powerful once I have them, just seems tedious. Actually true healing might be helpful in getting everyone to use more of their roster, but I'm just tired of the grind. I'm a Steam player and with the new changes not being able to play on mobile seems like even more of a disadvantage than before. Also I have 800 other Steam games that I have been ignoring for the last six months as I put over 370 hours into this silly match-3. I'm off work for the summer and I want to have fun, not grind all day.

    I'm not pulling an Emeryt and deleting my roster or anything, so if I decide to get back into it in the future and there's an opening in the alliance I'll be sure to contact you guys first. But for now, I think it's time to say adieu. You all were great and I had a ton of fun. Best of luck, I see the alliance is moving in a more competitive direction and I hope you all get the covers and rosters you're aiming for.

  • Sorry to see you go Cyrus. Best of luck with your future endeavors.
  • Ughhhh the player base of this game is the whiniest ****.

    I don't know why I read threads that aren't ours. Grow a pair and accept a challenge.
  • wade66
    wade66 Posts: 212 Tile Toppler
    Ughhhh the player base of this game is the whiniest ****.

    I don't know why I read threads that aren't ours. Grow a pair and accept a challenge.

    The whole growing a pair thing would be awkward for the female players as well as their significant others.
  • V1rusHunter
    V1rusHunter Posts: 201 Tile Toppler
    BIG NEWS!!!
    IceIX post and explanation. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10735

    For giggles...


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