Who do you skip?



  • Actually one of the toughest teams I've had to face so far has had Magneto Classic almost fully maxed out with Wolverine. I died unbelieveably fast.
  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2016
    Reviving old discussion but there is probably no team I would skip. Just use different team for different purposes.

    vs Rulk, Iceman, Carnage? Stunner
    vs Ironfist & Luke Cage? High damage dealers
    vs Charlies angels? Hood.

    And so on... Would you skip some team?

    edit: Maybe I would skip high level 5-stars for now. And ofcourse alliance mates
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Any higher level OML group, especially if they have all three covers. If they don't fall within my weekly nuke (like last week, OMLs with 16k HP were an easy target for Rhulk) I skip 'em.

    Also any 4* that's champed that I don't currently have champed myself. So this week's going to be hell, my best 4* is a level 229 Cyclops. I'm going to be such an easy target for everyone and fights take just that little too long.
  • DTStump
    DTStump Posts: 273 Mover and Shaker
    I just thought this was a new thread and read comments on the first page about 1* BW and Storm icon_lol.gif
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Another thread to remind us that improving your roster limits your options. Up to a certain point, you'll see lots of different opponents and have ways to deal with them. Get yourself a usable OML, and your options are "do I want to fight a lv452 OML for 45 points, or a lv467 OML/PHX combo for 70?"
  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    simonsez wrote:
    Another thread to remind us that improving your roster limits your options. Up to a certain point, you'll see lots of different opponents and have ways to deal with them. Get yourself a usable OML, and your options are "do I want to fight a lv452 OML for 45 points, or a lv467 OML/PHX combo for 70?"

    That sounds bad. A long way this game have come since the first post in this thread when most people skipped well covered Ragnarok.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    I have a Level 452 OML, so I am lucky enough to be able to handle most things with minimal Health lost. My strategy is to bring along my champed Iceman and stun their OML or whichever 5-Star they brought. Stops their high match damage so when someone other than OML makes a match for me, they don't get creamed by a 5-Stars high match damage.

    However, these are the ones that give me annoyance (and sometimes take big damage or too long to fight):
    - Buffed Red Hulk = His passive, crazy high HP, steals my Green, BIG Team-wide damage
    - Buffed Iceman = Stuns my OML, which makes my other two characters take way too much damage. Also can get off a BIG Team-wide damage Green occasionally; pretty rare he does the Snowman Punch tho.
    - Team of 2 champed 5-Stars (+ featured of course) = Can't stun them both. And when it's OML + Phoenix, it's annoying to decide who to take out first.
    - Champed OML + someone else who needs to be stunned (Red Hulk, Carnage, Iceman, Captain Marvel, etc.). This only applies when the char that needs to stunned is not the featured. You can't help it then. The Captain Marvel PVP is the worst for this.
  • rubix_qube
    rubix_qube Posts: 69 Match Maker
    It's amazing how the more things change the more they stay the same. There's no chance I'm going up against a team w Ragnarok. And you can certainly forget about a 1* Widow and Storm. No way am I walking into that web of lies! Skip, skip, skip...
  • fanghoul
    fanghoul Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    With the Loki PvP this week, I've been starting to think that the worst possible PvP team to fight would be something like Carnage + Loki + someone with cheap powers (Rags?), just for the pure annoyance of frequent and long animations.

    I generally skip Luke Cage + Iron Fist. They're not super on defense, but I've just gotten so bored of fighting that particular combo.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    I will skip usually if the other team has 2 characters over about lvl 510. Not worth the health packs.

    And I'll say this... I got more defensive wins this last PVP with a boosted Rulk (lvl 340 unboosted) and 5IM than I ever do running 2 champed 5*.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wow, a thread with 1029 days between posts (according to Excel).
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    The only people I'll auto-skip are teams worth less than 50 points. If you're worth enough, then I'll consider it at least. Generally 5* teams level 465+ aren't worth it to me, but I can beat them. I've seen some teams with a champed 4* in the level 430-440 range. Those guys are usually stronger than the champed 5*s they're paired with. Skip.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Badman82 wrote:
    He is game breaking. I understand he is a 3* character. There is no reason for him being as strong as he is.

    I feel like I've heard this song before.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Humphrey wrote:
    High level Daken in teams with Bullseye Wolverine or similar, too many passives, too many irritating messages.

    Low amounts of points (unless I can defeat them really quickly).

    I'm seeing more Black Widow + 1* Storm recently. It's not a combination I've noticed before.
    Bait team. The lowest health of any fully covered and leveled characters, so kill one of them fast (that is to say, kill Black Widow immediately). It shouldn't take your biggest and best to deal with it, and that's the point. The defender doesn't want to counter attack champion legendaries or rares and have difficult fights the entire event.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moon Roach wrote:
    Wow, a thread with 1029 days between posts (according to Excel).

    Replying to myself, bad form, who cares.

    The daily resupply list thread shows only up to 1055, which means we were at about Day 25 when this was last active. The resupplies around then were:
      21 - 25 Hero Points 24 - Recruit Token - Heroic 30 -
    Daken (Dark Avengers)
    31 - Recruit Token - Heroic
    32 - 25 Hero Points
    35 - 500 Iso-8

    The first 3* wasn't until Day 44.

    How things have changed.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moon Roach wrote:
    Moon Roach wrote:
    Wow, a thread with 1029 days between posts (according to Excel).

    Replying to myself, bad form, who cares.

    The daily resupply list thread shows only up to 1055, which means we were at about Day 25 when this was last active. The resupplies around then were:
      21 - 25 Hero Points 24 - Recruit Token - Heroic 30 -
    Daken (Dark Avengers)
    31 - Recruit Token - Heroic
    32 - 25 Hero Points
    35 - 500 Iso-8

    The first 3* wasn't until Day 44.

    How things have changed.

    Was Ragnarok a 2* back in the day who got upgraded?
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    DFiPL wrote:
    Was Ragnarok a 2* back in the day who got upgraded?

    No, but initially he was a 3* with only 2 covers. Seeing that there are 52 pages of comments put me off wading through them to find out exactly when he was "improved".
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's not that defense doesnt matter at all, it's that defense matters much less than offense. In part that is because losing is punished harshly in this game, but also for some other reasons I will discuss below.

    There is no single answer to your question. When possible, I try to avoid rulk @ 360+, or 5*s @ 400+. Peggy will probably end up on that list once she becomes more common. But if I have a strong boosted team in a given week (e.g a few weeks ago with imhb + iceman), I will be much more willing to fight them.

    And late in an event if i really one more high value node before shielding and cant find anything else quickly, I will fight anyone on my taboo list. No team is immune from attack of it is worth enough points relative to the other available targets.

    Additionally, most strong defensive characters are limited or slow on offense (like carnage or jg). So while you take fewer attacks, you might also take longer to win each match. Whatever you gain on the one hand you give back with the other. (note that rulk is an exception to this general rule as he is quite fast
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moon Roach wrote:
    DFiPL wrote:
    Was Ragnarok a 2* back in the day who got upgraded?

    No, but initially he was a 3* with only 2 covers. Seeing that there are 52 pages of comments put me off wading through them to find out exactly when he was "improved".

    Oh, the first 3* in the daily drop wasn't until day 44, not that 3* didn't exist before then.

    I misunderstood your comment about where the drop was the last time the thread was active.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    zodiac339 wrote:
    Humphrey wrote:
    High level Daken in teams with Bullseye Wolverine or similar, too many passives, too many irritating messages.

    Low amounts of points (unless I can defeat them really quickly).

    I'm seeing more Black Widow + 1* Storm recently. It's not a combination I've noticed before.
    Bait team. The lowest health of any fully covered and leveled characters, so kill one of them fast (that is to say, kill Black Widow immediately). It shouldn't take your biggest and best to deal with it, and that's the point. The defender doesn't want to counter attack champion legendaries or rares and have difficult fights the entire event.
    It wasn't bait Three years ago when that post was made. Storm could make a game go South real fast back then.