Who do you skip?

edited September 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
People often say that this game is pure offense, but I'm not entirely convinced this to be true. Yes, the AI is horrible and anyone who attacks you will likely suceed. However, strong defence doesn't come from succesfully winning a defensive battle, rather it comes from avoiding the fight altogether. Less people attacking you helps you more easily retain your ranking. So, who are those characters/teams that you tend to skip? Just want to see if there are patterns with specific characters. Personally, I skip over Ragnaroks and not much else less they're a high level 3-star.


  • 1* Black Widow and Storm combination. More than once I thought those were easy points just to get perma stunned or endless storm comboed.
  • Nimey wrote:
    1* Black Widow and Storm combination. More than once I thought those were easy points just to get perma stunned or endless storm comboed.

    I've had this happen too. It still doesn't deter me though. I just take measures (boosts) to make sure I can take down storm fast
  • Higher rags I skip..
  • I skip most people i recognize from the forums if I have a choice. Other than that.. people that give 0 points (again, only if I have a choice). You would be surprised how many people I run into that give me 0-5 points and generally aren't worth the trouble
  • High level Daken in teams with Bullseye Wolverine or similar, too many passives, too many irritating messages.

    Low amounts of points (unless I can defeat them really quickly).

    I'm seeing more Black Widow + 1* Storm recently. It's not a combination I've noticed before.
  • I skip people I know, or people with high level Spidey. Nothing is more frustrating than web bandages lol.
    I'm too lazy to skip anyone else, because as you said before, AI is AI and so automatically you have the advantage so it's not impossible to beat anyone.
  • ApocryphicV
    ApocryphicV Posts: 118 Tile Toppler
    Nimey wrote:
    1* Black Widow and Storm combination. More than once I thought those were easy points just to get perma stunned or endless storm comboed.

    This. I remember getting this with Juggernaut/ Storm using their green abilities and Black Widow keeping me in stun state to the point where I watched all three of my members die back to back and I couldn't make one move. It was the longest, frustrating moment of my MPQ career so far. Since than I said, never again.
  • i generally skip the names i recognize on these forums. basically, if u post alot on these forums and have lots of feedback on the state of the game, you probably play a lot and have some interesting characters that pound ur face in to oblivion.
  • Dninot
    Dninot Posts: 214
    Skip Ragnarok/Thor combos

    And otherwise anybody who has high health/damage characters. Even if I can beat them, it might be a pyrrhic victory. If possible, I aim for teams that I know will have a hard time retaliating, or if they are high-offense, will give me great points if I can smack them down multiple times.

    I'm heartless like that.
  • forgrim wrote:
    i generally skip the names i recognize on these forums. basically, if u post alot on these forums and have lots of feedback on the state of the game, you probably play a lot and have some interesting characters that pound ur face in to oblivion.

    Lies! You attacked me icon_evil.gif
  • sorry zzzwolph, i was on a roll to 800 and around 800, i got the same 4 freaking names over and over again.

    one time event...unless my list becomes **** again haha
  • I generally skip high level spider mans or Ragnoraks.

    I have also got attacked occasionally by other people on the forum like zzwolph or Aolia
    I find it a real good gauge to how much more powerful my guys need to get.

    I am finding it real hard to nail down my top three though so my ISO points are a bit too widely distributed at the moment
  • I like fighting others who appear to be strong. You can do fairly well with level 60's spider man, black widow grey suit, and thor against substantially higher level teams. Just take out classic storm first.
  • The only time I ever skip a battle is if ragnarok is there. If he has both colors I don't even bother. Cheapest character hands down. Needs to have his AP cost increased or change the color of the tiles he generates with thunderclap. He is game breaking. I understand he is a 3* character. There is no reason for him being as strong as he is.
  • I try not to skip anyone based on their lineup. Having a regenerating Wolverine really helps with being able to take on a tough fight and stay upright. I do occasionally skip fights with very strong opponents, for example maxed out Ragnarok/Spider-Man.

    I do skip players with lower ratings, unless I'm on a "push" and need to kill any many folks as possible in a short timescale. Even then, I'm trying to score at least 20 points from each matchup.
  • its always dangerous during a push to attack someone 150-200 points lower than you considering he could retaliate during ur push and take 30-40 points off of you.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'll skip Daken every time only because of his annoying messages. Everyone else is fair game for Dormammu.
  • I generally skip high level spider mans or Ragnoraks.

    I have also got attacked occasionally by other people on the forum like zzwolph or Aolia
    I find it a real good gauge to how much more powerful my guys need to get.

    I am finding it real hard to nail down my top three though so my ISO points are a bit too widely distributed at the moment

    I see you every now and then, only actually attack when i'm super desperate because usually it's for about 5 points icon_lol.gif
  • ZzzWolph wrote:
    I generally skip high level spider mans or Ragnoraks.

    I have also got attacked occasionally by other people on the forum like zzwolph or Aolia
    I find it a real good gauge to how much more powerful my guys need to get.

    I am finding it real hard to nail down my top three though so my ISO points are a bit too widely distributed at the moment

    I see you every now and then, only actually attack when i'm super desperate because usually it's for about 5 points icon_lol.gif

    I know the feeling.

    I managed to just win the last free for all tournament in my bracket so you might be seeing a bit of more of me for a while.
    Hopefully I am gradually closing the gap though and more points will come icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • ZzzWolph wrote:
    I generally skip high level spider mans or Ragnoraks.

    I have also got attacked occasionally by other people on the forum like zzwolph or Aolia
    I find it a real good gauge to how much more powerful my guys need to get.

    I am finding it real hard to nail down my top three though so my ISO points are a bit too widely distributed at the moment

    I see you every now and then, only actually attack when i'm super desperate because usually it's for about 5 points icon_lol.gif

    OH Dear Wolph we seem to be blacklisted