Hit 13 times in one hour by one person



  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,329 Chairperson of the Boards
    jobob wrote:
    Pylgrim wrote:
    [Usually, the only effective methods that games have found to deal with griefers is to allow the community to deal with them publicly, so what Judge Judy did with this thread is correct, I believe.
    ...lol, isn't that exactly what the community did with a griefer? Repeatedly called out Judge Judy for being a griefer and an enforcer dealt with her? But it seems like you have a problem with that, even though you are saying it's the only effective method, and the correct one.

    Which is it?

    If it wasn't obvious from my post "deal publicly" was meant in a social way, here in the forums, as opposed to personally, revengefully in a way that affected directly another person's game. Is the difference between "reporting a crime" and "rallying a **** mob".

    Also, in case you also missed Spiderkev's own admission, he was not an enforcer called upon by JJ's victims or anything of the sort. He had a personal beef with him/her and exacted a personal, overblown vendetta.
  • SpiderKev
    SpiderKev Posts: 78 Match Maker
    Just so we are on the same page here:

    So the onus is on me to use the forums to find each player that hits us? I'm never on here and the only reason I know about this thread is because of the PMs I got on Line. Buddy only has 11 posts and half of those or more are from today.

    His ally mates all have my Line contact and know very well he hits a lot of us. But you want me to do a search on the forums every time I get hit, do a search and hope the person signed up with their same username and if not launch an investigation to find them?

    I like my way better....if you don't like getting hit 13x (or more this was FAR from the most I've hit some one during a PVP - I was actually surprised to see a thread about it) switch shards - your casual climb to 1200 will be easier there.

    JJ and I have PMed and we are good. He's a good guy and we have very similar outlooks on the game.....but I still owe him another tough climb or two icon_e_wink.gif
    Pylgrim wrote:
    jobob wrote:
    Pylgrim wrote:
    [Usually, the only effective methods that games have found to deal with griefers is to allow the community to deal with them publicly, so what Judge Judy did with this thread is correct, I believe.
    ...lol, isn't that exactly what the community did with a griefer? Repeatedly called out Judge Judy for being a griefer and an enforcer dealt with her? But it seems like you have a problem with that, even though you are saying it's the only effective method, and the correct one.

    Which is it?

    If it wasn't obvious from my post "deal publicly" was meant in a social way, here in the forums, as opposed to personally, revengefully in a way that affected directly another person's game. Is the difference between "reporting a crime" and "rallying a **** mob".

    Also, in case you also missed Spiderkev's own admission, he was not an enforcer called upon by JJ's victims or anything of the sort. He had a personal beef with him/her and exacted a personal, overblown vendetta.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    SpiderKev wrote:
    Just so we are on the same page here...snip

    Detective Skev is on the case!
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,329 Chairperson of the Boards
    SpiderKev wrote:
    Just so we are on the same page here:

    So the onus is on me to use the forums to find each player that hits us? I'm never on here and the only reason I know about this thread is because of the PMs I got on Line. Buddy only has 11 posts and half of those or more are from today.

    His ally mates all have my Line contact and know very well he hits a lot of us. But you want me to do a search on the forums every time I get hit, do a search and hope the person signed up with their same username and if not launch an investigation to find them?

    Uh? I'm not asking you to do anything or to go out of your way for anything. When I mentioned making a thread it was for your name (and others like you) to be on it so we know not to hit you in order to avoid an overblown and unfair retaliation. Though, thinking about it, I retract that suggestion as that would basically equal letting some people bully us all into leaving them alone, in spite of this being a naturally competitive game.
    I like my way better....if you don't like getting hit 13x (or more this was FAR from the most I've hit some one during a PVP - I was actually surprised to see a thread about it) switch shards - your casual climb to 1200 will be easier there.

    Gotcha. "Get out of my way or get stomped", the tried and true way of the mobster that puts the onus of conflict resolution on the victims (past or potential) rather than on the perpetrators. Thank god MPQ doesn't allow for trade of resources or you'd totally be running a protection racket.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    Pylgrim wrote:
    If it wasn't obvious from my post "deal publicly" was meant in a social way, here in the forums, as opposed to personally, revengefully in a way that affected directly another person's game.
    No, it wasn't obvious at all. What's obvious is that you have your mind made up, regardless of what the facts may or may not be. I don't see how a Line room that anyone could join- and that JJ is not in only because he chooses not to be- isn't public, and I certainly don't see how it isn't social.
    so we know not to hit you in order to avoid an overblown and unfair retaliation.
    You know what I think is overblown and unfair? Comparing hitting someone who has hit you repeatedly to "**** mobs," "protection rackets," and "mobsters."
    Is the difference between "reporting a crime" and "rallying a **** mob".
    You know who seems (to me any way) to be trying to rally a **** mob in this thread? Hint: it's not Spiderkev...
    Also, in case you also missed Spiderkev's own admission, he was not an enforcer called upon by JJ's victims or anything of the sort. He had a personal beef with him/her and exacted a personal, overblown vendetta.
    So wait... is hitting someone multiple times "a personal, overblown vendetta," or could you classify it as just part of
    being a naturally competitive game
    I mean, realistically, its naturally competitive when it suits your point, but we should all be friends when it doesn't.
    the tried and true way of the mobster that puts the onus of conflict resolution on the victims (past or potential) rather than on the perpetrators
    Oh, kind of like how you are doing with JJ's victims? I'm looking over Line, and I see: "tapped by Judy a few times", "hit by judy", "-131 to xxxx and Judy", "Hit by Judge Judy again", "Judy and xxxx again", "Judy just bounced", "hit by xxxx x3 and Judy x 2", "doubled by Judge Judy", "duobletapped by Judge Judy", "-75 to Judge Judy"... and I'm just looking back over the last several days (btw, only one of those was from SpiderKev).
    Gotcha. "Get out of my way or get stomped"
    By stomped you mean "hit in the game, per the rules." Probably better than your method of "Get out of my way or I will try to crucify you publicly in a method of communication outside of the game, even though I shun methods of communication outside of the game."

    I just feel like you are all over the place on this issue, and are inconsistent in the way you apply your logic. It makes it difficult for me to see your perspective.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    jobob wrote:
    Or a police department, depending on how you view it.

    ...Or maybe a combination of the two... Like UNCANNY X-FORCE! Sweet.

    X-Force? More like Hydra if you ask me icon_razz.gif lol

    Although I don't think what I am about to write is controversial I do tend to hold vastly different views from most of the forum so I will just preface this by saying this is my own opinion and experience and they do not reflect the views of D3Go/Demiurge.

    I guess I will start with TxMooses's comment by acknowledging that I am one of those 6-8 people that has no problem hitting people multiple times in an event.

    I don't know if you can morally qualify a player as being "bad" for having such a playstyle but I can certainly understand the argument that it can be "mean spirited". However, I don't think I have any particular malice towards anyone in the game, not even the dude at the top of my "naughty list". I would never wish them harm or something like that. It's just I find hunting fun and I like a good challenge. icon_e_smile.gif

    Additionally, I consider Versus events to be competitive in nature so denying my opponents the most points possible while boosting my own score is my priority. So there are times when I engage in the practice of "dumping" when I have the time. I always find the aversion to getting hit by both top end alliances and forumers to be amusing and wonder at what point in the game did they get hit so bad that they see it as an action of "harm" or Versus as "non-competitive". Do you get angry at your friends when they use a red shell on you in Mario Kart or sympathize with the opponent team when your team wins in a basketball game?

    My record for hitting one player in an event is 31. There was a slice war about half a year ago or so and this unfortunate individual was tagged as an "enemy" so I simply did what I could all in the name of s4. Mind you he wasn't the only one I hit, I think I had about 120 hits against the enemy squad that event, most of whom were rocking stronger rosters against mine which made them hard to Q because of MMR. This dude happened to be around the same level as me so it wasn't difficult to find him. Anyway, it was definitely one of my most memorable battles. Even to this day, we still trade hits and I am sure he will never "forgive" me which is fine. I can understand.

    But that's just it. I have memorable battles. How many of you have that? Off the top of my head I can recall about 9 memorable battles in Versus events although if I try I could probably remember more. Anyone that has followed my posts knows that I enjoy adding a narrative to my play experience because it helps make them more fun, especially now more than ever with Versus events when the vast majority of the teams I face are PHX/OML.

    I have a "naughty list" in my brain (not actually written down lol) of people who have made it known to me that they don't mind me hitting them. How do I know this? They tap me multiple times in an event. Usually it goes something like this: I get a hit from let's say a player called "Homestar", and if he/she is not on the naughty list I just brush it off. The first one is on the house so to speak. But if I get a second hit I go all Stinkoman and think "Are you asking for a challenge!?!"


    And then if we are relatively close in points I will wait to accept the challenge, if not next time! I do think it is important to note that the players who "ask for the challenge" are all pretty much 5* players capable of reaching max progression so I don't feel that I am denying them that opportunity.

    Anyway currently I am at "war" with one of the top alliances in s4. I was supposed to merc for them one event but one of the commanders was angry at me for sniping his mates so he kicked me which is against the "Merc Code". Apparently that commander was unaware of the "Merc Code" so I am going to assume some forum members don't know it either so I will explain it: Once an alliance and merc have come to an agreement and the merc is accepted into that alliance, the alliance is not allowed to kick the merc and the merc is not allowed to leave the alliance until the event is over. Only in cicumstances when one party cannot fulfill it's end of the agreement may the other party exercise the right to terminate the agreement.

    Instead of owning up to the mistake of that commander and apologizing, one of the leaders of that alliance, someone who I used to consider a close ally, straight up lied to me and told me he had no idea what happened and that he would "investigate" the matter all while throwing empty words of praise and sympathy my way. Furthermore, another commander publicly accused me of lying and went out of his way to slander me. Unfortunately for them I was told the truth that both were involved in the decision to lie to me by the same commander that kicked me (a good dude btw) and another commander in their alliance. And it was through this unfortunate experience that I learned what kind of people are in charge of s4. And so now we are at "war".

    I bring up this experience for two reasons:

    1. People often talk about the benefits of using LINE, you can make friends, join our group, we can help you score better, etc but they don't talk about the other side of the coin: the lies, manipulation, the verbal abuse, threats. I have had alliances that could use my score turn me down because they feared the political repercussions should that top alliance find out. Which is fine. They have to look out for their best interests and they don't owe me anything. But which brings me to point number 2.
    2. The "police state" is not as friendly as they want you to believe. What they want is control. They want to control who gets hit and who doesn't. Who gets top rank in an event and who doesn't. And while I openly admit that cupcakes benefited the whole slice in terms of point generation, I am willing to bet that alliance would have been more than happy to control who could get their cupcakes and who couldn't if they could.

    But they can't control me.

    They can send all the enforcers, the snipers in their pocket and their allies against me but fight4thedream does not bow to liars and petty men (or women for that matter).

    Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of good people in those top alliances. People who really do want to help each other and others out. Despite my "war", there are still quite a few members of that alliance I don't hit even though it comes at the detriment of my "cause". But that's ok. Because this is just a game and my "Vengeance of the Dream" story is a silly narrative that I use to entertain myself while I play. Yes, it's unfortunate that I end up hitting good people in that alliance but I don't know them and I feel that if you are willing to reap the rewards of being in that alliance then you should be willing to take the "punishment" as well. And as far as I am concerned, if they really want to blame someone or something for their plight, they can go blame the poor decision making of those couple of commanders on that fateful night.

    As for me, I'm having fun even though I have probably bitten off more than I can chew lol One dude versus an empire. It will certainly make for a memorable fight icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • That alone, fight4, is why names should be removed from pvp targets.

    They can stay on the boards and if you want to record every score on every shard in every slice to figure out who's who. Good on you.

    But for pvp to become competitive and stop being a collusion of the willing, it needs to have the names stripped from the targets.

    It might end up unfair, but it's equitable.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    UncleSmed wrote:
    That alone, fight4, is why names should be removed from pvp targets.

    They can stay on the boards and if you want to record every score on every shard in every slice to figure out who's who. Good on you.

    But for pvp to become competitive and stop being a collusion of the willing, it needs to have the names stripped from the targets.

    It might end up unfair, but it's equitable.
    That won't help.
    You can easily differentiate 5* champs by number of covers, so you can still single out targets.
    Very few people at the level this thread is about run 450/450 without champ levels.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    This debate pops up on this forum from time to time and the result is always the same.

    There are people who consider etiquette of PvP important to the game and those which don't.

    The people who say it's important usually use words like honor, fair play , courtesy etc those who don't use words like competition.

    Really it's a matter of perspective and nothing more. There are no laws in this game and any levels of etiquette is simply a gentleman's agreement between 2 or more parties. Nobody should be admonished for following or not following this agreement. Its a choice and when people get all up in arms about it (whether they agree or not) I can't help but think that perhaps you're taking the game Too seriously and rather ironically behaving a little childishly.

    Is it not just possible to allow people to play they game they wish to play without harbouring ill feelings and spouting childish threats and insults?

    In our alliance we don't have friendly pacts, we don't shield check and we don't obey etiquette rules. Not because we are horrible people out to ruin others experience (mostly because we're lazy really) but because the politics that come with those things are exhausting and suck the fun out of the game from our perspective. However if you do follow those things we are happy you enjoy doing so and hope you have a good experince, we don't criticise anybody for it.
  • Darknes21
    Darknes21 Posts: 321 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2016
    jobob wrote:
    Or a police department, depending on how you view it.

    ...Or maybe a combination of the two... Like UNCANNY X-FORCE! Sweet.

    X-Force? More like Hydra if you ask me icon_razz.gif lol

    Although I don't think what I am about to write is controversial I do tend to hold vastly different views from most of the forum so I will just preface this by saying this is my own opinion and experience and they do not reflect the views of D3Go/Demiurge.

    I guess I will start with TxMooses's comment by acknowledging that I am one of those 6-8 people that has no problem hitting people multiple times in an event.

    I don't know if you can morally qualify a player as being "bad" for having such a playstyle but I can certainly understand the argument that it can be "mean spirited". However, I don't think I have any particular malice towards anyone in the game, not even the dude at the top of my "naughty list". I would never wish them harm or something like that. It's just I find hunting fun and I like a good challenge. icon_e_smile.gif

    Additionally, I consider Versus events to be competitive in nature so denying my opponents the most points possible while boosting my own score is my priority. So there are times when I engage in the practice of "dumping" when I have the time. I always find the aversion to getting hit by both top end alliances and forumers to be amusing and wonder at what point in the game did they get hit so bad that they see it as an action of "harm" or Versus as "non-competitive". Do you get angry at your friends when they use a red shell on you in Mario Kart or sympathize with the opponent team when your team wins in a basketball game?

    My record for hitting one player in an event is 31. There was a slice war about half a year ago or so and this unfortunate individual was tagged as an "enemy" so I simply did what I could all in the name of s4. Mind you he wasn't the only one I hit, I think I had about 120 hits against the enemy squad that event, most of whom were rocking stronger rosters against mine which made them hard to Q because of MMR. This dude happened to be around the same level as me so it wasn't difficult to find him. Anyway, it was definitely one of my most memorable battles. Even to this day, we still trade hits and I am sure he will never "forgive" me which is fine. I can understand.

    But that's just it. I have memorable battles. How many of you have that? Off the top of my head I can recall about 9 memorable battles in Versus events although if I try I could probably remember more. Anyone that has followed my posts knows that I enjoy adding a narrative to my play experience because it helps make them more fun, especially now more than ever with Versus events when the vast majority of the teams I face are PHX/OML.

    I have a "naughty list" in my brain (not actually written down lol) of people who have made it known to me that they don't mind me hitting them. How do I know this? They tap me multiple times in an event. Usually it goes something like this: I get a hit from let's say a player called "Homestar", and if he/she is not on the naughty list I just brush it off. The first one is on the house so to speak. But if I get a second hit I go all Stinkoman and think "Are you asking for a challenge!?!"


    And then if we are relatively close in points I will wait to accept the challenge, if not next time! I do think it is important to note that the players who "ask for the challenge" are all pretty much 5* players capable of reaching max progression so I don't feel that I am denying them that opportunity.

    Anyway currently I am at "war" with one of the top alliances in s4. I was supposed to merc for them one event but one of the commanders was angry at me for sniping his mates so he kicked me which is against the "Merc Code". Apparently that commander was unaware of the "Merc Code" so I am going to assume some forum members don't know it either so I will explain it: Once an alliance and merc have come to an agreement and the merc is accepted into that alliance, the alliance is not allowed to kick the merc and the merc is not allowed to leave the alliance until the event is over. Only in cicumstances when one party cannot fulfill it's end of the agreement may the other party exercise the right to terminate the agreement.

    Instead of owning up to the mistake of that commander and apologizing, one of the leaders of that alliance, someone who I used to consider a close ally, straight up lied to me and told me he had no idea what happened and that he would "investigate" the matter all while throwing empty words of praise and sympathy my way. Furthermore, another commander publicly accused me of lying and went out of his way to slander me. Unfortunately for them I was told the truth that both were involved in the decision to lie to me by the same commander that kicked me (a good dude btw) and another commander in their alliance. And it was through this unfortunate experience that I learned what kind of people are in charge of s4. And so now we are at "war".

    I bring up this experience for two reasons:

    1. People often talk about the benefits of using LINE, you can make friends, join our group, we can help you score better, etc but they don't talk about the other side of the coin: the lies, manipulation, the verbal abuse, threats. I have had alliances that could use my score turn me down because they feared the political repercussions should that top alliance find out. Which is fine. They have to look out for their best interests and they don't owe me anything. But which brings me to point number 2.
    2. The "police state" is not as friendly as they want you to believe. What they want is control. They want to control who gets hit and who doesn't. Who gets top rank in an event and who doesn't. And while I openly admit that cupcakes benefited the whole slice in terms of point generation, I am willing to bet that alliance would have been more than happy to control who could get their cupcakes and who couldn't if they could.

    But they can't control me.

    They can send all the enforcers, the snipers in their pocket and their allies against me but fight4thedream does not bow to liars and petty men (or women for that matter).

    Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of good people in those top alliances. People who really do want to help each other and others out. Despite my "war", there are still quite a few members of that alliance I don't hit even though it comes at the detriment of my "cause". But that's ok. Because this is just a game and my "Vengeance of the Dream" story is a silly narrative that I use to entertain myself while I play. Yes, it's unfortunate that I end up hitting good people in that alliance but I don't know them and I feel that if you are willing to reap the rewards of being in that alliance then you should be willing to take the "punishment" as well. And as far as I am concerned, if they really want to blame someone or something for their plight, they can go blame the poor decision making of those couple of commanders on that fateful night.

    As for me, I'm having fun even though I have probably bitten off more than I can chew lol One dude versus an empire. It will certainly make for a memorable fight icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah......I fell asleep halfway through this loooooong winded rant....I guess I am on the naughty list now! icon_lol.gif
  • Wobby
    Wobby Posts: 286 Mover and Shaker
    I'm the "-131 to xxxx and Judy" post mentioned here. So yes, I was not displeased to hear that Judy got hit 13 times, though it obviously is pretty excessive.

    The point is that there are, in fact, those who really enjoy being jerks in this game and will snipe other people to prevent points from being generated for all to climb on.

    With a roster like JJ's it is hard to imagine an outside communication source like Line ISN'T being used. And if it is, then JJ looks exactly like one of these people who are on Line, but take a perverse delight in trying to ruin people's day vs. giving a few moments for them to shield on a hop.

    Many in my alliance stayed out of Line for maybe the first 20-25 seasons, but even we knew the easiest way to show courtesy- queue a target, give them a few minutes to shield, then hit them. Yes, it is a competitive game, but the nature of it prevents placement awards from being something you can realistically pursue. In that environment collaboratively reaching for progression is the best outcome.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    I guess my feeling is that it's a massively multiplayer online game, and you are playing the PVP part of it... And if you have 2+ champed 5* you are playing at a very high level. So I am baffled that so many people find it shocking that at the highest levels there is a strong social element to the game, there are people who coordinate and work together, there are inter- and intra-alliance politics, there is cooperation and there is "war". I guess I just came into the game expecting that, even when I was totally new to the game. But maybe that's because I'm used to playing online games.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    Given the way the game is, and especially now the removal of cupcakes, there are only so many points to go around, especially when you get higher and higher in the ranks.

    If I am cycling through and find a high point target when all of my other targets are in the 20s/low 30s, I'm hitting that target. If I come out of that battle and can pull that target again and it is still worth more points than my other targets, I'm hitting that target again, just like I assume (and know for a fact) others are doing to me when I show up for 40+ points in their queue amongst a sea of 20s/30s.

    It's a game. The object is to be the highest or as high as possible to get sweet, sweet prizes. People are going to get stepped on to get there. This is exactly why we have shields (and D3 loves the money for all of your HP you are buying for shields so KEEP SHIELDING PEOPLE!).
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    madsalad wrote:
    Given the way the game is, and especially now the removal of cupcakes, there are only so many points to go around, especially when you get higher and higher in the ranks.

    If I am cycling through and find a high point target when all of my other targets are in the 20s/low 30s, I'm hitting that target. If I come out of that battle and can pull that target again and it is still worth more points than my other targets, I'm hitting that target again, just like I assume (and know for a fact) others are doing to me when I show up for 40+ points in their queue amongst a sea of 20s/30s.

    It's a game. The object is to be the highest or as high as possible to get sweet, sweet prizes. People are going to get stepped on to get there. This is exactly why we have shields (and D3 loves the money for all of your HP you are buying for shields so KEEP SHIELDING PEOPLE!).

    Points are Not finite. So the idea that "there's only so many points to go around" is false. You COULD continue as high as you want by winning low point matches.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have no idea what's going on in this thread but I saw Homestar Runner and that makes me happy.

    ...look, can I just call you tinykittys?
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    madsalad wrote:
    Given the way the game is, and especially now the removal of cupcakes, there are only so many points to go around, especially when you get higher and higher in the ranks.

    If I am cycling through and find a high point target when all of my other targets are in the 20s/low 30s, I'm hitting that target. If I come out of that battle and can pull that target again and it is still worth more points than my other targets, I'm hitting that target again, just like I assume (and know for a fact) others are doing to me when I show up for 40+ points in their queue amongst a sea of 20s/30s.

    It's a game. The object is to be the highest or as high as possible to get sweet, sweet prizes. People are going to get stepped on to get there. This is exactly why we have shields (and D3 loves the money for all of your HP you are buying for shields so KEEP SHIELDING PEOPLE!).

    Points are Not finite. So the idea that "there's only so many points to go around" is false. You COULD continue as high as you want by winning low point matches.

    The practicality of which is non existent. "So many points to go around" was not meant literally but rather a figure of speech to convey that, once you get high enough, the higher point battles dry up and you have to take what you can get, and if that means double tapping someone, then so be it.

    I'd be happy to show you the screen shot of the 7 minutes I was unshielded at the top of the leaderboard in my Vortex slice and the 265 points I lost, with a few of the people double tapping me. It happens. It's the price of doing business unfortunately.
  • Rhycar
    Rhycar Posts: 107 Tile Toppler
    Speaking as someone who has been on the receiving end and giving end of these hits, it's all part of the game. It adds to the challenge and fun of it all. I enforce for s4 now, and my goal is to get snipers and moochers to leave the shard next event or play friendly and contribute (and there are hundreds who play friendly and shield check). Like Jamie said, play however you find it fun. Just understand that your fun might not be seen the same way, and you might find your climb more challenging. Especially in the last few hours of an event.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    Jarvind wrote:
    I have no idea what's going on in this thread but I saw Homestar Runner and that makes me happy.

    ...look, can I just call you tinykittys?

    From a quick browsing I believe this thread is about Mean Girls-esque cliques that dominate high level PvP.
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Rhycar wrote:
    Speaking as someone who has been on the receiving end and giving end of these hits, it's all part of the game. It adds to the challenge and fun of it all. I enforce for s4 now, and my goal is to get snipers and moochers to leave the shard next event or play friendly and contribute (and there are hundreds who play friendly and shield check). Like Jamie said, play however you find it fun. Just understand that your fun might not be seen the same way, and you might find your climb more challenging. Especially in the last few hours of an event.
    Can confirm. Been enforced by Rhycar and actually had fun doing it. Matching 3 can get boring, and every once in a while it's fun to get into a little war with others to see who can dump and climb faster. That was when cupcakes were still a thing though, I imagine the same type of war now would be decidedly less fun without all the high value 3/4* teams to climb off of quickly.
  • Ding
    Ding Posts: 179
    Rhycar wrote:
    Speaking as someone who has been on the receiving end and giving end of these hits, it's all part of the game. It adds to the challenge and fun of it all. I enforce for s4 now, and my goal is to get snipers and moochers to leave the shard next event or play friendly and contribute (and there are hundreds who play friendly and shield check). Like Jamie said, play however you find it fun. Just understand that your fun might not be seen the same way, and you might find your climb more challenging. Especially in the last few hours of an event.

    I think you're fighting a losing battle on that one. It's far more fun to play without a Cattle Chat and with the removal of cupcakes the rewards have greatly diminished. I'm surprised that #check rooms still exist.

    But I totally agree with play how you find fun. If getting hit is an issue for you, then PvP isn't for you
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