CW scaling goes boom



  • rossmon
    rossmon Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    This is the way they are designed, and other galactus's worked like this too. The first 3 'refreshes' equate to the first 3 trivial nodes in a normal PVP. Now you have moved passed the trivial nodes to the roster-based scaling nodes.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I blame myself, and you should too.
    I was going to make a post after I finished work thanking the devs for keeping the minion nodes as trivial, super easy nodes we could just blast through to get back to the increasingly tricky boss. I was going to remark on what a good move it was to make this fun and relatively easy to burn through without god awful hugely levelled minions blocking our path that we had to smash our heads against to continue.

    Then I get back from work to discover everything's gone from 40 to 240, sapping my desire to make a run of it.

    Need some dev feedback, please! Need someone to tell us this was a weird mistake that was completely unintended and that you're working to fix it ASAP! DO NOT need to hear "Sorry, the scaling was borked, but we've fixed it to the level it should be now. Working as intended!"
  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    Let's hold on a little bit, okay? Firstly, for all the people who are complaining about this, what round are you on? I see a lot of people saying round 7, which is the same round my Alliance is on, and I also notice the change.

    Now then, assuming that everyone with this issue is on round 7: are we really going to go hardcore on D3 for allowing us 2 easy 4* covers and an easy legendary token in 1 1/2 days before ramping up the difficulty for the final guaranteed 4* and 5* cover? Is that how we're going to behave?

    The event is still fun, we just have to work harder for the final 2 very pricey rewards. "Not everyone is going to get everything" is different from "you're supposed to lose".
  • Quick Fire
    Quick Fire Posts: 67 Match Maker
    Let's hold on a little bit, okay? Firstly, for all the people who are complaining about this, what round are you on? I see a lot of people saying round 7, which is the same round my Alliance is on, and I also notice the change.

    Now then, assuming that everyone with this issue is on round 7: are we really going to go hardcore on D3 for allowing us 2 easy 4* covers and an easy legendary token in 1 1/2 days before ramping up the difficulty for the final guaranteed 4* and 5* cover? Is that how we're going to behave?

    The event is still fun, we just have to work harder for the final 2 very pricey rewards. "Not everyone is going to get everything" is different from "you're supposed to lose".

    My alliance was only on round four when it happened
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quick Fire wrote:
    My alliance was only on round four when it happened
    that's what I don't get. I could completely understand a jump in scaling between rounds from round 5 on, but for it to just be on a timer seems **** to me. the lower level alliances are struggling with cap/im46 to begin with and barely made it to rd 4 while the big boys are in rd 7 and both get the scaling hit the same way. my scaling went up 7-10X in a moment. I can still do everything and I'm not really complaining about mine. just looking out for the lower guys.
  • Ralph-Wiggum
    Ralph-Wiggum Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    We're only on round 5 and the scaling just jumped. And if you look over to the other team, you'll see the scaling for those nodes have been bumped up to the same levels even though the boss still has his round 1 health. So it looks like it was a scaling increase based on timing rather than one based on progression...
  • rossmon
    rossmon Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    Scaling on the bosses is based on what round you are on. Scaling on the side nodes is based on which refresh (8 hour time block) it is.

    If you finish 1 side, and then start on the other, then the round 1 side nodes are still as difficult as the side nodes for round 8 on the first side.
    You can glance at the nodes on the side your alliance is not doing and see they are the same.
  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    Okay, so it did jump up for everyone, regardless of round. Then, yeah, that sucks.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    After checking Team Iron Man, which is on level 2 with our alliance, the scaling is insane on that too. This seems to be all the way through all levels.
  • Devinsdsm
    Devinsdsm Posts: 7
    We are at mostly 3* alliance, and were getting excited. It looked like we were going to complete round 6 and have an honest shot at round 7, although it was going to take every hour of the two days left and all hands on deck.

    Now we're wondering if we can complete round 6, with both Cap and the minion nodes killing off entire teams. Thanks for the IM40 covers, but why bother making it a 3 day event if 90% of the alliances are getting shut down after day 1?
  • Thunder Chief
    Thunder Chief Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    Man, didn't expect D3Grinch icon_twisted.gif to make an appearance in May, yet here he is.

    Friggin nodes jumped from 37 to 201 for me. Our alliance got to mid Round 5 with 16 players (13 until this morning). Now we've stalled.

    Thanks D3/demiurge for bringing to the BORKhammer to an event once again!!! icon_mad.gif
  • Bryan Lambert
    Bryan Lambert Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    I would absolutely love for someone, anyone, at Demiurge or D3 to explain the basic game design philosophy that drives their decisions in this game. Because I can't actually work backwards from the gameplay and event setup to figure out what it is.

    I mean, the original scaling didn't make any sense. By Round 5 before the changeover I was still only seeing essential nodes with levels in the 40's. Most enemies had less than 2K hit points, and a chance at figuring out how a bunch of new characters got played by the AI was wrecked because everyone died so fast.

    But the new scaling doesn't make any sense either. On Round 5, with a "one good 4* team" roster, the essentials are about 4x more difficult and damaging than the boss node.

    Why can't the essential nodes have scaling based on both your roster and your round? Define a lower level of true trivial (30's-40's). Have a top level either scaled to your roster or an absolute based on the kinds of teams you want winning that round. Space the levels out in the middle. Not rocket science. Basic game design. The early levels are easy, the later levels are hard, and the essentials required to unlock the boss are a consistent percentage as hard as the boss node they unlock.

    And the arbitrary switch from supertrivial to insane based on time - if it's intentional, then why is it like that, and if it's unintentional, how can they consistently botch their scaling settings on every big event?

    It must be like this for a reason, but what is the reason? Driving health pack purchases isn't even a reason, because with the timers, there's plenty of time for one clear's health packs to recharge before the next round starts.
  • Thunder Chief
    Thunder Chief Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    Why can't the essential nodes have scaling based on both your roster and your round? Define a lower level of true trivial (30's-40's). Have a top level either scaled to your roster or an absolute based on the kinds of teams you want winning that round. Space the levels out in the middle. Not rocket science. Basic game design. The early levels are easy, the later levels are hard, and the essentials required to unlock the boss are a consistent percentage as hard as the boss node they unlock.

    ^^ This.

    Why they haven't figured this out yet and gotten it right (after how many big boss events now? 3?? 4???), is beyond me.

    This bump being at a rollover was completely arbitrary, esp since it was unannounced, and it favors all those alliances who got an early jump on the event. The rest just get ****.

    Having the scaling change in Round 7 for one alliance and Round 5 for another is called an EPIC FAIL!

    And any alliance that had planned beforehand that if they realized pushing for Round 7 or 8 for one side was just not going to happen for them (due to difficulty/time/roster limitations), that they would collectively switch to the other side to get the first few round rewards before the event ended just got the rug pulled out from under them. WTG!!! icon_rolleyes.gif
  • jdoe893
    jdoe893 Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    or maybe

    just maybe

    its just an excuse for the devs to give us some free covers and a free CW token

    trying to be positive here icon_e_smile.gif
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    Maybe it has to do with community scaling?

    Maybe it is good news because everyone is doing very well and so the system jacks up the difficulty.
    In fact maybe there are more people participlating and people are doing better in this even than all the other pves and thus community scaling finally kicked in after the refresh?

    Man I am good at spinning stuff around and making up believable excuses.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    What gets me more than anything is the high levels in Galactus Round 1 was one aspect that made it not-fun. They slashed the levels to make them more of a neusance than an actual challenge so you focussed your main force on Galactus himself. They realised lowering the difficulty of the henchmen made the game more enjoyable and as a result people played more and had a better time of it.

    And then we get Civil War which starts out that way before they remember "Oh yeah, we're not supposed to learn from our previous mistakes" and they whack the difficulty up.

    Again, I'm really hoping one of the devs comes on and says "****!? I'm SO sorry, guys! We don't know how this happened, but we're working to fix it. We're so so, sorry!"
    And I'm really hoping they don't say "Yeah, the scaling was broken to begin with, but now it's working just fine. have fun! 8D"
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    This was incredibly deflating.

    I thought, I suppose more like I was hoping, that the devs were keeping the nodes trivial, because how strong a 5* boss is. I saw the jump and had hoped it was because of the round we were on and that maybe we could try the other team for fun, but no. I'm in a super casual alliance and it was cool seeing all the lower/newer players trying to make it work. Most couldn't, but they at least had a shot. Now, a bunch of them all completely out. 3.5 day event and the wind was taken out of their sails after 1 day. Not to mention it's punishing on anyone who wasn't there day 1. Work? Family? Real world fun? Too bad.

    It's a real bummer.
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    Am waiting for the, "Oh, my gosh, this was a mistake. Sorry! The scaling should have been impossible the whole time!"
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    Hi all,

    I checked with the dev team regarding 'Civil War' event scaling and the official word is:

    "The difficulty scaling is intended. We will look at how everyone does and adjust accordingly."
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]Hi all,

    I checked with the dev team regarding 'Civil War' event scaling and the official word is:

    "The difficulty scaling is intended. We will look at how everyone does and adjust accordingly."

    Again David thank for your response. Question, was the increased scaling set on a timer or a global health countdown for the combined bosses? To clarify when damage to bot Iron Man and Captain reaches x million scaling increases?

    It seems a tad unsporting that some alliances made it to later rounds and thus getting a slightier easier early ride than alliances of less developed players who will have to struggle through more rounds with increased difficulty.