Civil War Complaints



  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moon Roach wrote:
    The ridiculous start time for this event. Having a single start time is incredibly unfair for people in different parts of the world. My nodes unlock at 1am, how is that fair?

    This is the one event style where it doesn't matter. You had 8 hours to clear all nodes / win boss fights before it refreshed at 9. You could have left it until 8:30 and still been able to start another clear at 9.

    Here it started at 4 am. As long as I do a clear between getting up and noon, another between noon and 8 pm, and then between 8 pm and going to bed, I'll get the maximum score I can.

    For you, and assuming a "normal" lifestyle, it's between getting up and 9 am, between 9 am and 5 pm, and between 5 pm and going to bed.

    The only ones who are going to miss a complete cycle are those who sleep or work its entire 8 hours.

    :edit: Couldn't add 8 hours to 9 am properly.

    Still requires me to get up very early on a weekend, after a long week at work, to have to get all clears in. Thats not really fair.
  • Cad_Bane
    Cad_Bane Posts: 21
    Lilith wrote:
    My experience is that the drones only throw themselves in front of Targeted Powers. Match damage and AoE damage do their job just fine.

    I've been having much luck with Modern Hawkeye and his Blast Arrow.

    Thanx 4 the advice, doh i dont have good AoE dmg dealers icon_neutral.gif
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Biggest complaint, is that this is the lamest complaint thread ever..

    Which is a great thing.

    Vaults are random, my IM vault is awesome, need everything, except the 2*s, havent pulled any yet, but here's hoping.

    On top of the free 5*, the multiple 4*s in progression, you also get leg tokens, which may have a 5* but guarantee another 4* at min.

    Best boss event ever.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    smkspy wrote:
    And why are there only four rewards when you play the node 6 times

    I have this same concern! We always appreciate the new events, but this feels very stingy of the devs.
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    I can't really find stuff to complain, so let's see what I can come up with...
    I can't trade my extra Mister Fantastic covers with my alliance mates, so three of them got 13k odd points on the other side,
    Yesterday and today I have work, so I miss chances to play,
    I pulled Cap from the IM vault,
    Don't have a PVP sniper to play for me an hour and get me a Quake before she's needed for a node.
  • Trilateralus
    Trilateralus Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    Esheris wrote:
    As one of the commanders of my Alliance, it feels very strange...I wanted to go Iron Man for the rewards, but almost every single person in my Alliance wanted to go Cap because....well they like Cap.
    So we are going Cap and I'm sadly glancing over at those Hulkbuster covers that would be a few lovely champion levels.

    But looking forward to having fun and hopefully earning some nice rewards and maybe the servers won't crash this time? (Ha!)

    This is my problem exactly. Right now my alliance is split with most on team Cap. I've been trying desperately to make people understand how much more valuable HB covers are but no luck so far.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not really a complaint, but following on from comments on alliance members going "the other way". Our guys do that, if they're lacking the essential for Team IM and couldn't score points anyway. We've cleared 2 rounds of Cap that way, as a bonus.

    From the second Cap token, Wolveroach pulled the legendary, so that was a massive bonus. Then got a Spider-Gwen yellow from it, dropping it back to just a normal bonus.
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    D3 is kinda like an evil genie. They like to grant you wishes but then misinterprets or slips extra things in it. So rememeber, next time you make a suggestion, make sure you are very precise with what you want and don't want.

    However, with most evil genie movies, the genie always win, it's probably better not to wish for anything so it doesn't come around and bite us later.

    I am ok with how it is now, it is still manageable. Let's not change anymore because we know it could only get worst.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,189 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cad_Bane wrote:
    Lilith wrote:
    My experience is that the drones only throw themselves in front of Targeted Powers. Match damage and AoE damage do their job just fine.

    I've been having much luck with Modern Hawkeye and his Blast Arrow.

    Thanx 4 the advice, doh i dont have good AoE dmg dealers icon_neutral.gif

    Actually they get in front of any damage over 'X' and that includes match damage.

    I was using Falcon/Daken/Cage and ended up with a few really boosted strike tiles and thought the battle was going to be easy till House Party happened. Then I couldn't even do any match damage because it exceeded the X threshold. I ended up having to match away my boosted strike tiles so I could get the match damage under the threshold.

  • fnedude
    fnedude Posts: 383 Mover and Shaker
    Moon Roach said:
    This is the one event style where it doesn't matter. You had 8 hours to clear all nodes / win boss fights before it refreshed at 9. You could have left it until 8:30 and still been able to start another clear at 9.

    Here it started at 4 am. As long as I do a clear between getting up and noon, another between noon and 8 pm, and then between 8 pm and going to bed, I'll get the maximum score I can.

    For you, and assuming a "normal" lifestyle, it's between getting up and 9 am, between 9 am and 5 pm, and between 5 pm and going to bed.

    The only ones who are going to miss a complete cycle are those who sleep or work its entire 8 hours.

    :edit: Couldn't add 8 hours to 9 am properly.

    My problem, as a player, is that I play on a PC, and not a phone, so I can't drop anything, play 10 battles, and then resume my day. What would be great if they changed events like this so that players like me could play the same amount of times (3x per day), just whenever we want.

    It frustrates me, that I try to be a competitive player, but I can't because I have a job and familiy. So my 18 other alliancemates carry me in an event like this, because I'm a PC player.

    If the timing was changed a little bit, say every 7hrs it adds an allowable round to nodes. So I play from 5-9pm every night. If I don't play at 4am (9pm+7hr), then a counter gets "+1", if I don't play again at 11am, the counter gets another "+1", then again at 6pm, it gets another "+1". I can then get 3 rounds in. That would allow me to get in 3 rounds from the 5pm-9pm timeframe.
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    I actually posted this in the praise thread before I saw this one:
    mega ghost wrote:
    While I also saw a serious increase in difficulty level, I'm still enjoying it. I've liked this event, overall!

    My only real complaint is that they've cut back on the token rewards, outside of the progression rewards! One of the best parts of the Galactus / Ultron events was that a couple of the nodes and Galactus / Ultron themselves offered cover tokens as rewards. That's been completely removed here. The highest boss fight rewards being offered (at least so far up to Round 5) are 1 command point, followed by 500 ISO... this is pretty lame, and takes some of the excitement out. I want my hard work and extra time investment to be balanced by at least a chance of payoff, given that my alliance never reaches the highest rounds.
  • Cad_Bane
    Cad_Bane Posts: 21
    This event would be much better if the bossfights are scaled to the strength of the ally and the other fights are scaled to the strength of the player.

    But the main goal was that just a few high end allys reach Round 8 which frustrates all other players especially the low to mid strenth players! As there are more low to mid strength players than high-end ones i assume the event frustrating for the most players.
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    Cad_Bane wrote:
    This event would be much better if the bossfights are scaled to the strength of the ally and the other fights are scaled to the strength of the player.

    But the main goal was that just a few high end allys reach Round 8 which frustrates all other players especially the low to mid strenth players! As there are more low to mid strength players than high-end ones i assume the event frustrating for the most players.

    Couldn't disagree more - there has to be an incentive to spend the time, energy and money people have building their rosters - that you don't get to complete now is fair - this is a special boss event - a lot of people who couldn't complete Ultron or Galacticus when they launched are now doing very well in CW.

    As a noob expecting to get a clear run through 8 rounds of a boss event and an automatic 5* cover is way off base and if that's your expectation of MPQ you'll hate it soon - progress is earned (far to slowly given ISO shortage) or bought, not given
  • Cad_Bane
    Cad_Bane Posts: 21
    alphabeta wrote:
    Couldn't disagree more

    And I could not care less!

    First of all you are wrong in a game you have to make reasonable reachable targets for all levels of player but you also have to scale the reward of course!
    In their other event they do this pretty good, you match with others of your level and it works, keeps you playing probably spending money and does not get you frustrated.

    The decision not to scale the events difficult level with the players and not to scale the rewards as well is a mistake which probably does not frustrat you Mrs. High end gamer, but me as a noob as you call me it does and I guess there are other "noobs" as well who think yeah this sux!

    BTW I dont want to just complain, I think their decision to give you points based on the damage you did to the boss and not just if you win a great one!
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    My complaint is that the ISO available from this event seems far, FAR smaller than the potential ISO from the usual PVE event. If we are unable to replay missions for the "chance of" rewards, then the rewards (especially progress) should be increased.
  • Willis
    Willis Posts: 49
    My biggest complaint is the absurd match damage. I don't enjoy taking 1000+ from a simple match 3.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Willis wrote:
    My biggest complaint is the absurd match damage. I don't enjoy taking 1000+ from a simple match 3.
    Welcome to the totally not broken 5* tier.
  • Thevipper
    Thevipper Posts: 90
    Omg now i can't even continue scailling is absurd 150 wth stop increasing the scailing now i cant even get the 3 star scarlet which d3 is like south park they keep killing kenny except its all about killing kenny now no tidbits to keep you entertained.
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    Boss nodes should be harder than side nodes. We should not fight three opponents in a node, each with health higher than the boss at once. It belittles the boss. This doesn't mean raise the boss's levels btw - it means fix the ridiculous scaling. Stop the Spinal Tap mentality (crank it to 11) and gradually increase. Oh, and there's no reason the scaling couldn't revert once one side was completed. It's just lazy to keep it increasing nonstop.

    Also, fighting level 370 wave nodes sucks. Playing them with a level 70 Winter Soldier really sucks. It sucks even harder winning this wave and getting a critical boost.

    Was very disappointed with the lack of tokens available - especially at higher levels.
  • theo199
    theo199 Posts: 79
