Is it time for daily 4* in DDQ?



  • Ronburgundy
    Ronburgundy Posts: 21 Just Dropped In
    Agreed on all of this. I am in no-man's land right now. Lots of great 3 stars championed almost entirely supported by DDQ and finishing top 50 in PvP. 4* covers are so hard to get so I barely have any 4*s close to max other than XFW at 12 covers. Even when boosted, under-covered 4*s are not usable and actually make you a target in PvP events. I can routinely get to 800 if I grind and shield hop, but at that point I am matched up against max 4* boosted teams and I have no shot. One win is met with 3 losses in that span of time and I'm toast.

    So, basically the only way to get a 4* cover is:
    - Hope that you pull one from the ridiculously low odds in cover packs
    - Grind like crazy to get 20 CP -- seriously a huge flaw in the game is how incredibly hard it is for 3* to 4* transition players to get CP
    - Hope like hell you get a usable 4* from the Legendary token pull

    Making it worse, as pointed out above, I have 2 5*s on my roster that I'm guessing are contributing to getting matched with in PvP with teams I have no shot of beating. I haven't leveled them up at all, but also don't want to sell them because the game is moving to a 5* game.

    D3 fixed the 2* to 3* issue with DDQ. We need a fix for 3* to 4* or people like me will just give up. Sucks because I do enjoy playing the game, I'm a daily player that puts in more time than I should.
  • Felessa
    Felessa Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    Well, as someone with all 2*s (9) and 3*s (34) champed, many 4*s rostered (but without a single one max covered, many floating between 1-7 covers, only thanks to the Shield Resupply, champed 3* rewards and some veeeery luck token pulls...) and with more than 1.2KK ISO stored... that would be awesome: a real 4* DDQ icon_e_biggrin.gif !
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Another possibility: on Clash of Titans days, give people an either/or choice: do the 1-v-1 for a LT, or do DDQ-style 1-cover-required nodes that give a fixed cover reward for that hero. That way people who are early in their 4* transition (or who just don't have many covers for that character) can still progress, but without simply increasing the flow of 4* covers for the haves.

    I'd love that. I would cheerfully sacrifice a shot at the LT to have a shot to actually progress in my 4* roster on the 90% of the 4* DDQ days I've had to skip up to now. And eventually, when my 4* are usable (which isn't the same thing as cover-maxed), I'd have the option/ability to go after the LTs again for the 5*/finishing touches on my 4*.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 723 Critical Contributor
    SnowcaTT said:


    103 with 4 limited (Spider-Ham, Taskmaster, Dino and Howard) to be exact. Next 4* will hit 100 4* in  tokens mark.

    And as 4* transitioner I say, one "free" cover per day is HUGE. And not that much without the ISO.
  • Michael1957
    Michael1957 Posts: 630 Critical Contributor
    I think in the past year the game has become much more rewarding .
    A. Shards for selective covers , been an enormous new advantage. A year ago at 6th anniversary I had one 9/13 5* and about 25 champed 4*. No other 5* above 4/13.  Now I have 1 champed 5* and 9 more between 7-8/13. All new release 4* are easily champed by the time they rotate 3 times , and leave new rotation between the 280-290 level . 
    B. SCL 10 opening , way better rewards , I’ve only been in it 6 weeks but I average a 5* cover every 2 days using all the options the game has now to earn them . Previously I was averaging 1 every 2 weeks . 
    C. By still playing for enjoyment and simple progression instead of competition I have 13M leftover ISO which I’ll never use faster than I earn .
    The same is true for HP relatively.
    D. Recent castration of certain characters that I saw in over 60% of PvAI defenses makes placement and advancement much easier, hence more rewards . I never used them anyway I didn’t believe in bringing a gun to a knife fight . 
  • grenadier
    grenadier Posts: 137 Tile Toppler
    It's long overdue that there be some kind of daily mechanism that increases the availability of both covers and ISO.  Extending DDQ seems like the easiest route to go.  Add a daily 4*, and a guaranteed 5* on the every 5-day node.  With the huge dilution problem this game continues to have, that won't even put a dent in the overall covers required, but people will at least feel like they are making SOME progress.  And add a healthy ISO allowance on the 4 and 5 star nodes.
  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 712 Critical Contributor
    Holy zombie thread revival, Batman
  • grenadier
    grenadier Posts: 137 Tile Toppler
    abmoraz said:
    Holy zombie thread revival, Batman
    Is it still a zombie if the original poster is the one who revived it?
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    I reread the original post and was like, wow...  It was like reading comments in your senior yearbook 20 years after you graduated.

    Quaint, but with a hint of optimism.

    And the retrospective knowledge of how harsh life really is how some things never change...  even if they should.
  • supergarv
    supergarv Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker
    ****, I read the initial post here in the boards. I would have sworn it to be like 1-2 years ago.

    Damn am I spending time on this 😅