PVE Scaling Feedback & New Test : Prodigal Sun



  • Varg138
    Varg138 Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    For all the players who stated that they like the new system, I think the most common reason is simply being able to play when they want. You know what other format allows players to play when they want? NON-COMPETITIVE PVE. Simply have an individual and alliance progression goal for rewards. I don't know what's so hard about this...

    Clearly there is a divide between the players who PVE competitively (I'm guilty of it for new characters), those who play just to get progression, and those who play just to farm ISO or possible boredom. The competitive player base does not favor the new system, nor do the people shooting for progression as the new system requires more playing time to reach the same goal. I don't see the farmers caring much either way.

    You can keep most of your player happy most of the time in PVE by taking out the competitive aspect. The new format requires more playing time, which burns people out and forces them to scale back or quit. Non-competitive PVE lets people play when they want to earn rewards, and not have to make decisions between doing something in real life (spending time with family or friends) versus making sure they're home in time for their PVE grind.

    How about testing non-competitive PVE? Oh wait...you already have those events. Galactus and Ultron, arguably most players' favorite PVE event, and the cause of multiple server overloads. Take the progression aspect from those events and apply them to the regular PVEs. I would however, not make it so that once you started the event you were locked in with that alliance. Mercs gotta make a living, after all.
  • Xzasxz
    Xzasxz Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    It's pointless to write what I think, because it's against the very most of other players. This test was real ****. Far too easy, zero challenge, zero fun. Just who plays more hours, wins progression. No reward for so called skill. Pls do not go this way.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Xzasxz wrote:
    It's pointless to write what I think, because it's against the very most of other players. This test was real ****. Far too easy, zero challenge, zero fun. Just who plays more hours, wins progression. No reward for so called skill. Pls do not go this way.
    this is the disparity of challenge between the top rosters and the low-mid rosters. I thought the whole thing was tedious, time consuming and boring, but I wouldn't call it zero challenge. the nodes at the top were plenty difficult and were it not for my boosted rulk, would have been much more difficult. the problem is they took the same scaling formula and just turned down the levels for everyone, which still doesn't even the playing field like they wanted to. the only scaling issues before were for 5*s going to 2* and early 3* transition players. the current formula either really punishes the higher players or makes everything trivial for lower-mid players.

    please don't implement something that obviously still has lots of flaws. thanks.
  • ramoramo86 wrote:
    please implement the new pve system. 7 clears at full points, i hate being tied down to a certain time. Give the casual pve'er the freedom while the hardcore pve'ers can still grind it more if they want. win-win
    I would agree with this if the progression points weren't 30% higher. Being able to play whenever you want doesn't help a ton if you need to clear each node more times to earn the same rewards. Especially if the scaling is higher making it take even longer.

    Honestly for me I'm never going to be a top10 PvE player. I work and have family and just can't get away to play frequently enough for each sub-event to be competitive in the top tiers of PvE play. I've come to grips with that and so my goals are to hit final progression, and T100 in release events. If the new systems requires me to spend more time to do those things (so far it has in each test) then it's a bad thing for me.
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    I realize I'm a little late to the discussion here but I'd still like to add my 2c.

    I had a great time during the last scaling test. I think it was marvelous how the difficulty from one end of each sub to the other gently ramped up. The increase of difficulty in each node as it was beaten was also a decent, challenging-but-not-overwhelming amount. I had no problem making progression rewards but just didn't have the time to dedicate to scoring very high on the leaderboards. That's on me, though, not on the system.

    Frankly, I've missed it during the current and previous PVEs. I hope these changes will be implemented full time soon.

    Thank you, D3.