PVE Scaling Testing - Enemy Of The State (03/17/16)



  • Jwhitmire36
    Jwhitmire36 Posts: 52 Match Maker
    "David wrote:
    - In the old system, some players saw a big jump in difficulty between the easier missions in a chapter and the harder ones. That's been smoothed out.

    I'm gonna try not to just rant and be angry, but I think saying you "smoothed it out" is pretty deceptive when all that was really done was to eliminate the easier missions. For me and my half-way transitioned 3* roster this has turned into a Heroic event with a very limited useable roster.

    I know all of this has most likely been said, but the increasing levels for no extra reward does not make me want to play more, but less. Fighting 3 200 levelers for 160 pts and 70 iso is just not worth it. Maybe increase levels AND rewards every other replay?

    As stated this was a test meant to learn from, so I hope the feedback we provide is taken seriously.
  • elusive
    elusive Posts: 261 Mover and Shaker
    My fully covered, championed 3 star team just got wiped on the very first non-team up node. What the hell? You'll have to pardon my anger, because between you turning Deadpool's Daily Quest into Ultron's Daily Stress and now making PvE a steep uphill climb from the get-go, it's like you're begging me to finally quit.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    - In the old system, some players saw a big jump in difficulty between the easier missions in a chapter and the harder ones. That's been smoothed out.

    I'm gonna try not to just rant and be angry, but I think saying you "smoothed it out" is pretty deceptive when all that was really done was to eliminate the easier missions. For me and my half-way transitioned 3* roster this has turned into a Heroic event with a very limited useable roster.

    I know all of this has most likely been said, but the increasing levels for no extra reward does not make me want to play more, but less. Fighting 3 200 levelers for 160 pts and 70 iso is just not worth it. Maybe increase levels AND rewards every other replay?

    As stated this was a test meant to learn from, so I hope the feedback we provide is taken seriously.

    I agree. Assume a set of data points are distributed 2, 4, 6, 100, 110, 120. If I tell you i am going to smooth out those data points, what do you expect:

    10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110


    100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120?
  • tizian2015
    tizian2015 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    elusive wrote:
    My fully covered, championed 3 star team just got wiped on the very first non-team up node. What the hell? You'll have to pardon my anger, because between you turning Deadpool's Daily Quest into Ultron's Daily Stress and now making PvE a steep uphill climb from the get-go, it's like you're begging me to finally quit.

    But i bet you spent already money, so quitting now is no loss for them. My theory about these changes is: They saw too many players reach full progression rewards without spending buyed healthpacks, so they added a "challenge". If data of this test shows, that more healthpacks are buyed in this time, its a success for them and will be implemented permanently. The whole "play if you want" is a "little" lie, because with this scaling and more ai-levels after winning a node for many players the regeneration of healthpacks will be the timeframe.
  • xellessanova
    xellessanova Posts: 183 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2016
    Wow this is so painful. The loss of truly Trivial/Easy nodes past the yellow loaners is really unpleasant.

    6 cover OML, 5 cover SS, 4 cover PHX. 3 champed 4*s, 10 more cover maxed but not enough ISO to level.

    CMarv essential and first goon node started at 208 +20 after the first one, final Wolverine node started at 288/289 and went to 310 after the first.

    I can do this but I really don't want to, especially not the soul-killing bore of replaying wave nodes. I joined around #150 a day and a half ago, climbed to #106 after 1 clear + 3 nodes, and now I'm #260 so I don't think anyone else wants to either.

    Or maybe they can't?
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    Malcrof wrote:
    Well, i have now finished my first 6 clears of all nodes, and 2 clears of the loaner nodes. It wasn't too hard, baddies were up @ lvl 370 or so on the final sub. I don't mind the new format, and i 100% understand why they chose EoTS to test it on, all types of nodes, 7 day event, more data, etc...

    All in all, not too horrible.

    Here is the caveat to my praise:

    I only used 3 teams the entire time.
    1. Winfinite.. on all wave nodes, all the time.. got boring and tedious.
    2. Energizer Bunnies (4Thor, Im40, KK) . Fun actually, once it gets going.
    3. Jeanwitch.. another that gets boring and tedious.

    So all in all, i used, not counting essentials, 7 characters from my 90 character roster....

    May as well have been a heroic for all the roster diversity i got to play with. I did toss deadpool in one run of beast essential for his points, but not counting him.

    You did nothing but use winfinite A, psuedo winfinite B, and lol psuedo broken goon killer team C, and your assessment is not too bad?
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    So all in all, i used, not counting essentials, 7 characters from my 90 character roster....
    This is where being still mostly in 3* land works; I used 25 characters while clearing out all the nodes to the timers. Partly to prove I could, partly to save on health packs. I only wiped a few times and tried a variety of combos, some new, some regular, some from the 2* vaults.

    Not once did I break out Charlie's Angels.

    I wish you all had this experience.

    But more than that,I wish there was better prizes icon_e_wink.gif
  • elusive wrote:
    My fully covered, championed 3 star team just got wiped on the very first non-team up node. What the hell?

    Don't feel too bad, that was actually the most difficult node in the first sub.

    It definitely needs to be tuned a little, later clears will have you eating 3k+ damage from attack tiles per turn.
  • Phaentom
    Phaentom Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    Someone posted a pic on FB of the first place person's roster in his slice and the top hero was level 70.
    In the slice I'm in when I check the top hero was level 130. One of the guys in the alliance, his slice has a 166 hood as top and another has a level 79 storm as the top hero. Did they take scaling too far? I have a decent roster and the node, Nowhere to Run is all level 367s and those strike tiles hurt like hell.
  • Orti
    Orti Posts: 20
    So much hate, so little love. Today I managed to get all rewards from eots sub 1. The increasing difficulty added a little variety to the grind. I used up more healthpacks than the rewards would suggest. Does that really bother me? No. I only have so much time and if I'm running out of healthpacks I do rl stuff.

    I guess as long as all the playerbase faces similar challenges it can be considered fair.

    Thanks devs for trying out new things and communicating!
  • Phaentom wrote:
    Someone posted a pic on FB of the first place person's roster in his slice and the top hero was level 70.
    In the slice I'm in when I check the top hero was level 130. One of the guys in the alliance, his slice has a 166 hood as top and another has a level 79 storm as the top hero. Did they take scaling too far?

    I see a lot of people saying this, but it's still way too early to judge. Remember that their nodes are now max level, so they may get scaled out of the final grind completely. I expect this will be a non-issue once the final grinds and more difficult subs start.

    My leaderboard still looks the same as always. 4* rosters and high level OML's.
  • fnedude
    fnedude Posts: 393 Mover and Shaker
    Well since we can't use OML/XF/Patch these first subevents, having OML doesn't really help....

    But this new way makes 1-2 cover 5*'s useless.... My lvls started at 172ish, a 1-2 cover 5* just takes space if I use them, thus they've become waste space.

    At least on a lvl 50 Trivial, a 5* can make it go quick.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pleasant surprise, coming off my 24 hour recharge I expexted to be hitting 6x again, nope, 1 hit, recharge, done for the night
  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    I can't believe I am going to say this, but I am going to sound like a cranky old fart who missed the old days. icon_e_surprised.gif
    Old man voice "I remember when I had a chance to make top 10 in a PVE with simple math and simple grinding and it was fun." icon_eek.gif

    Ok now the usual complaints about the changes. icon_razz.gif

    Causes more grinding than less. Check.
    No longer fun. Check
    Looks like a money grab for health packs. Check
    Can't use all my characters any more. Check
    Took away something was easy (Like the easy modes) Check.
    Punishes the players for leveling characters and getting covers. Check.
    Still gives an unfair advantage to people who don't level their characters or somebody who has a paid a lot to get maxed 5 stars. Check.
  • The difficulty to reward ratio seems really off. I enjoy the occasional difficult level, but having to use health packs after every match is actually making me more reluctant to use them at all. I'm not a big spender, but I'm good for the occasional $5 purchase if I'm having fun. I'm not having fun.
  • Merrick
    Merrick Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    Are you seriously going to use Venom Bomb as the control event?

    It has to be the most hated PVE ever.
  • Cypr3ss
    Cypr3ss Posts: 155 Tile Toppler
    So its been a while since i've played MPQ, but when i logged in I was greeted with a link to here: https://d3publisher.helpshift.com/a/mar ... ar-16-2016

    And the line that really stood out for me was:
    "Previously, missions increased in difficulty based on your performance within the event. Mission difficulty is now set at the start of the event and does not change for the duration of the event."

    Which I thought sounded great, imagine my surprise when I actually played the EoTS event and after beating the first few nodes saw the level of the enemies increase, obviously increasing the difficulty of the event... <sigh>.

    Go back to the link to check I hadn't read it wrong, nope, that's what it says, and then noticed "After completing a mission, a screen is shown showing how many levels the enemy has gained." (sure i skimmed it the first time) but left me wondering why they would say "Does not change for the duration of the event" when it does?

    That's when I remembered why I stopped playing. Best of luck to all who decide to carry on.

  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    daily lurker, irregular poster

    just figured I'd chime in with the majority.

    schedule changes -> LIKE
    progressive scaling -> DISLIKE (at its current level)

    if scaling began lower, and didn't get so absurdly difficult so quickly, i wouldn't mind it. as it stands, the effort is simply not rewarded with the current rewards. even if they kept this difficulty and upped rewards, i still wouldn't be thrilled, as i enjoyed having a few menial nodes to hit. it made the hard ones tolerable.

    i was on pace to champ a 3* by today or tomorrow (as i have 3 covers in my queue), but I've hit an ISO income wall with this new event. I MIGHT be able to champion by the end of the day tomorrow when the covers expire, but I'm having my doubts.
  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    Cypr3ss wrote:
    So its been a while since i've played MPQ, but when i logged in I was greeted with a link to here: https://d3publisher.helpshift.com/a/mar ... ar-16-2016

    And the line that really stood out for me was:
    "Previously, missions increased in difficulty based on your performance within the event. Mission difficulty is now set at the start of the event and does not change for the duration of the event."

    Which I thought sounded great, imagine my surprise when I actually played the EoTS event and after beating the first few nodes saw the level of the enemies increase, obviously increasing the difficulty of the event... <sigh>.

    Go back to the link to check I hadn't read it wrong, nope, that's what it says, and then noticed "After completing a mission, a screen is shown showing how many levels the enemy has gained." (sure i skimmed it the first time) but left me wondering why they would say "Does not change for the duration of the event" when it does?

    That's when I remembered why I stopped playing. Best of luck to all who decide to carry on.


    Not sure how people are not understanding this, unless they haven't played for very long. Normal PvE, the enemies in every node would increase if you were doing really well, and if you kept losing, they'd go down a bit. Obviously it doesn't have anything to do with a core principle of this PvE test model.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    I like it, although I wouldn't ever dare play this mode for optimal points (which I usually don't anyway).

    I like that I get to play when I want to play and whichever node I want to earn points.

    I like that scaling is transparent.

    Overall, I'm happy with the general format. Timed refreshes were definitely a worse system IMO.

    Another note: The FAQ said that points don't decrease until replaying a node a 7th time, but I think it was actually changing after the 5th replay for me. I don't care either way, but it confused me.